775 resultados para Interorganizational Relations
This paper applies the concept of procedural justice to one of the most important focal points of interorganizational relations: the purchaser–supplier relationship. The few extant studies of the concept in the purchaser–supplier domain have overlooked an important aspect of this key relationship: that is, inclusiveness in procurement. This is despite the fact that interest in the specific empirical context of supply chain links between large purchasing organizations (LPOs) and ethnic minority suppliers (EMSs) from disadvantaged communities proceeds apace on both sides of the Atlantic. Institutional theory is used to examine the form that procedural justice takes in eight case studies of LPOs from the private and public sectors, which actively engage with inclusive procurement management initiatives in England. The guiding question is twofold: ‘What may LPO approaches to installing procedural justice in procurement management entail?’ and ‘How are these approaches shaped?’ This paper identifies specific approaches to installing procedural justice for inclusive procurement and submits theoretical propositions about how these are shaped. The study contributes to a macro-level assessment of procedural justice, i.e. interorganizational procedural justice, as a significant aspect of inclusive interorganizational relationships, which is a domain in need of theoretical development.
This paper applies the concept of procedural justice to one of the most important focal points of interorganizational relations: the purchaser-supplier relationship. The few extant studies of the concept in the purchaser-supplier domain have overlooked an important aspect of this key relationship: that is, inclusiveness in procurement. This is despite the fact that interest in the specific empirical context of supply chain links between large purchasing organizations (LPOs) and ethnic minority suppliers (EMSs) from disadvantaged communities proceeds apace on both sides of the Atlantic. Institutional theory is used to examine the form that procedural justice takes in eight case studies of LPOs from the private and public sectors, which actively engage with inclusive procurement management initiatives in England. The guiding question is twofold: 'What may LPO approaches to installing procedural justice in procurement management entail?' and 'How are these approaches shaped?' This paper identifies specific approaches to installing procedural justice for inclusive procurement and submits theoretical propositions about how these are shaped. The study contributes to a macro-level assessment of procedural justice, i.e. interorganizational procedural justice, as a significant aspect of inclusive interorganizational relationships, which is a domain in need of theoretical development.
This dissertation examines the consequences of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) use on interorganizational relations (IR) in the retail industry. EDI is a type of interorganizational information system that facilitates the exchange of business documents in structured, machine processable form. The research model links EDI use and three IR dimensions--structural, behavioral, and outcome. Based on relevant literature from organizational theory and marketing channels, fourteen hypotheses were proposed for the relationships among EDI use and the three IR dimensions.^ Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires from key informants in 97 retail companies (19% response rate). The hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis. The analysis supports the following hypothesis: (a) EDI use is positively related to information intensity and formalization, (b) formalization is positively related to cooperation, (c) information intensity is positively related to cooperation, (d) conflict is negatively related to performance and satisfaction, (e) cooperation is positively related to performance, and (f) performance is positively related to satisfaction. The results support the general premise of the model that the relationship between EDI use and satisfaction among channel members has to be viewed within an interorganizational context.^ Research on EDI is still in a nascent stage. By identifying and testing relevant interorganizational variables, this study offers insights for practitioners managing boundary-spanning activities in organizations using or planning to use EDI. Further, the thesis provides avenues for future research aimed at understanding the consequences of this interorganizational information technology. ^
En aquesta investigació avaluem principalment la relació que hi ha entre les diferents empreses turístiques de la comarca del Pla d’Urgell. D’aquest estudi extraurem diferents connotacions sociològiques per tal d’establir quin paper té cadascun dels agents (empreses) dins d’una xarxa relacional, i quin grau d’implicació i rellevància assoleixen
En el mundo actual el enfoque del proceso estratégico es una variable que cada vez va tomando un mayor peso e incidencia en las decisiones de los directores de empresa, sin embargo, poco se ha estudiado sobre esta variable al ser adoptado por los nuevos modelos de cooperación empresarial en las organizaciones. Es por esta razón que esta investigación busca esclarecer la aplicabilidad de las metodologías y herramientas utilizadas en la planeación estratégica de una empresa en una red, además de servir como un primer acercamiento a los aspectos más importantes en la planeación estratégica de una red.
No es requerido en este caso
Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar cuáles son las variables que repercuten en la efectividad de las redes empresariales. Esto, con base en la búsqueda de literatura existente de la efectividad en equipos, en organizaciones y en las redes interorganizacionales, así como el análisis de modelos y estudios empíricos que permitieron el análisis. De acuerdo con la búsqueda, se encontró que variables como la estructura de la red, la estabilidad del sistema, el compromiso de los empleados en cada una de las organizaciones que hacen parte de la red, la confianza dentro de la red, la transferencia de conocimiento y la apertura del sistema son las variables que en conclusión, mostraron ser buenas predictoras de efectividad dentro de las redes empresariales.
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito el estudio de la cultura, y el impacto que tiene esta en una red inter-organizacional. Para esto se realizó un estudio documental en el cual se hizo una revisión bibliográfica de los principales conceptos relacionados con la cultura y el enfoque de trabajo en red. Asimismo para dar cumplimiento al objetivo de la investigación, se realizó el análisis de varios estudios empíricos que muestran las relaciones entre cultura y redes y que a su vez reflejan las diferentes formas que existen de comprobar la efectividad de una red. Los resultados mostraron que variables de la cultura como la confianza, la comunicación y la similitud de las prácticas culturales influyen en el desempeño y la duración de la red inter-organizacional, de igual forma, se demostró que al momento de escoger un enfoque de trabajo en red, es importante tener en cuenta las diferencias entre las culturas organizacionales de los miembros de la red ya que es necesario hacer un ajuste cultural para garantizar el éxito de la misma.
This work has as its main purpose to investigate the contribution of supply chain management in order to obtain competitive advantage by companies from the textile industry and from Ceará footwear industry, focusing its analysis mainly in the interorganizational relations (dyadic). For this, the theoretical referential contemplates different explanatory streams of the competitive advantage, detaching the relational perception of the resources theory, as well as, the main presuppositions of the supply chain management which culminates with the development of an analysis sample that runs the empirical study; the one which considers an expanded purpose of the supply chain which includes the government and the abetment institutions as institutional environment representatives. Besides supply chain management consideration as a competitive advantage source, the work also tried to identify other possible competitive advantage sources for the companies of the investigated sectors. It represents a study of multiple interpretive cases, having four cases as a total; meaning two cases in each one of the sectors, which used as a primary data collecting instrument a semi-structured interview schedule. Different methods were used for the data analysis, the content analysis and the constant comparison methods, the analytical procedure originated from the grounded theory research strategy, which were applied the Atlas/ti software recourse. Considering the theoretical referential and the used analysis sample, four basic categories of the work were defined, including its respective proprieties and dimensions: (1) characteristics concerning to the relationship with the supplier; (2) the company relations with the government; (3) the company relations with the abetment institutions and; (4) obtaining sources of competitive advantage. In general, the applied research in the footwear sector revealed that in the relationships of the researched companies related to its suppliers, there is a predominance of the partnership system and the main presuppositions of the supply chain management are applied which contributes for the acquisition of the relational competitive advantage; while in the textile sector, only some of these presuppositions are applied, with little contribution for the relational competitive advantage. The main resource which was accessed by the companies in both sectors through its relationships with the government and the abetment institutions are the tax incentives which, for the footwear companies, contribute for the acquisition of the temporary competitive advantage in relation to the contestants who do not own productive installations in the Northeast region, it also conducts to a competitive parity situation in relation to the contestants who own productive installations in the Northeast region and to the external market contestants; while for the companies of the textile sector, the tax incentives run the companies to a competitive parity situation in relation to its contestants. Furthermore, the investigated companies from the two sectors possess acquisition sources of the competitive advantage which collimate with different explanatory streams (industrial analysis, resources theory, Austrian school and the dynamic capabilities theory), although there is a predominance of the product innovation as a competitive advantage source in both sectors, due to the bond of these with the fashion tendencies
Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um modelo específico para analisar a competitividade de clusters de alta tecnologia. Foi realizado um estudo de casos múltiplos em que foram analisados os clusters de ciências da saúde de Ribeirão Preto, no Brasil, e de Oxfordshire, na Inglaterra. Coletaram-se dados primários e secundários. Os dados primários foram coletados por meio de entrevistas em ambos os clusters e os dados secundários por meio de relatórios, papers, websites, além de coleta realizada nos bancos de dados Fame e Orbis. O modelo Zaccarelli et al. (2008), utilizado como ponto de partida para o desenvolvimento do modelo, foi aprimorado de três maneiras: i. Por meio do ajustamento das métricas utilizadas para avaliar cada fundamento, o que incluiu, dentre outras coisas, uma adaptação do modelo para mapeamento de clusters desenvolvido por Todeva (2008); ii. Pela verificação da aderência de seus fundamentos aos clusters de alta tecnologia analisados; e iii. Pela identificação de fatores emergentes, importantes para competitividade de clusters de alta tecnologia. Os resultados mostram evidências de que entre os onze fundamentos do modelo original, nove se mostraram relevantes aos clusters de alta tecnologia, ratificando sua importância para a análise da competitividade de clusters. Além dos fundamentos originais, os resultados sugerem a inclusão de dois fundamentos emergentes: \"Inserção em cadeias globais\" e \"Disponibilidade de investimentos financeiros\", até então ignorados pelo modelo Zaccarelli et al. (2008). A pesquisa traz como contribuição teórica o desenvolvimento de um modelo específico para clusters de alta tecnologia; como contribuição metodológica as novas métricas, incluindo a incorporação da adaptação da metodologia de Todeva (2008); como contribuição empírica traz a comparação entre clusters de ciências da saúde reconhecidamente competitivos, mas pertencentes a países de realidades culturais e econômicas distintas; e como contribuição gerencial um modelo que pode ser utilizado por empresários e instituições pertencentes a clusters e que desejam analisar fatores que influenciam a sua competitividade.
In this paper, we report data drawn from a larger project on the functioning of the Queensland community service delivery system, particularly that providing services to people with disabilities. Our reasoning for focusing at this level is that, from the service user's perspective, support is derived from the service delivery system, not just individual service providers. Defining the service delivery system as formal services and informal support networks, we undertook interviews and focus groups with service providers in six areas in Queensland: inner urban, outer urban, rural and remote. The period on which we report is one in which considerable reform activity had been undertaken by funding bodies of the Commonwealth and State governments. We report on those factors we identified which promote the integrated functioning of the service delivery system, as well as those factors that disrupt it. We conclude with a brief evaluative analysis of the current status of the system.
A méltányosság egyaránt szerepet játszik a társadalmi, szervezeti és szervezetközi kapcsolatokban. A szakirodalom szerint a mindkét fél által méltányosnak tekintett kapcsolatok növelik a részt vevő szervezetek aggregált eredményességét, hosszú távon a kölcsönös és közös versenyelőny kialakítását szolgálják. De mit jelent a méltányosság? A szerző ismerteti a méltányosság és a hozzá szorosan kötődő fogalmak általános meghatározását, majd megvizsgálja Arisztotelész nézeteit az igazságosságról és a méltányosságról. Érint néhány filozófiai koncepciót, melyek a társadalmi igazságosságot egymástól eltérő módon interpretálják, majd részletezi a közgazdaságtan, a kísérleti közgazdaságtan, valamint a szervezeti pszichológia legjelentősebb igazságossági és méltányossági koncepcióit. A tanulmány átfogó képet nyújt a méltányosság definícióiról az áttekintett szakirodalom és a további vállalatközi méltányosságkutatáshoz kötődő relevancia alapján. _______ Fairness plays a role in social,organizational and interorganizational relations. Relationships which are considered to be fair by both parties increase the aggregate effectiveness of the participating organizations and develop mutual and reciprocal competitive advantage in the long-run. But what does fairness mean? The author describes the general definition of fairness and its closely related notions, which is followed by a review of Aristotle’s understanding of justice and equity. Some of the philosophical concepts with different social justice interpretation are examined. The author details the most important concepts of justice, equity and fairness of economics, experimental economics, and organizational psychology. The study provides a comprehensive picture of fairness and equity definitions based on the literature overview and the relevance of further research related to inter-company fairness.
This work has as its main purpose to investigate the contribution of supply chain management in order to obtain competitive advantage by companies from the textile industry and from Ceará footwear industry, focusing its analysis mainly in the interorganizational relations (dyadic). For this, the theoretical referential contemplates different explanatory streams of the competitive advantage, detaching the relational perception of the resources theory, as well as, the main presuppositions of the supply chain management which culminates with the development of an analysis sample that runs the empirical study; the one which considers an expanded purpose of the supply chain which includes the government and the abetment institutions as institutional environment representatives. Besides supply chain management consideration as a competitive advantage source, the work also tried to identify other possible competitive advantage sources for the companies of the investigated sectors. It represents a study of multiple interpretive cases, having four cases as a total; meaning two cases in each one of the sectors, which used as a primary data collecting instrument a semi-structured interview schedule. Different methods were used for the data analysis, the content analysis and the constant comparison methods, the analytical procedure originated from the grounded theory research strategy, which were applied the Atlas/ti software recourse. Considering the theoretical referential and the used analysis sample, four basic categories of the work were defined, including its respective proprieties and dimensions: (1) characteristics concerning to the relationship with the supplier; (2) the company relations with the government; (3) the company relations with the abetment institutions and; (4) obtaining sources of competitive advantage. In general, the applied research in the footwear sector revealed that in the relationships of the researched companies related to its suppliers, there is a predominance of the partnership system and the main presuppositions of the supply chain management are applied which contributes for the acquisition of the relational competitive advantage; while in the textile sector, only some of these presuppositions are applied, with little contribution for the relational competitive advantage. The main resource which was accessed by the companies in both sectors through its relationships with the government and the abetment institutions are the tax incentives which, for the footwear companies, contribute for the acquisition of the temporary competitive advantage in relation to the contestants who do not own productive installations in the Northeast region, it also conducts to a competitive parity situation in relation to the contestants who own productive installations in the Northeast region and to the external market contestants; while for the companies of the textile sector, the tax incentives run the companies to a competitive parity situation in relation to its contestants. Furthermore, the investigated companies from the two sectors possess acquisition sources of the competitive advantage which collimate with different explanatory streams (industrial analysis, resources theory, Austrian school and the dynamic capabilities theory), although there is a predominance of the product innovation as a competitive advantage source in both sectors, due to the bond of these with the fashion tendencies