974 resultados para HRs roll


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I en organisation belägen på Dalarnas landsbygd framkommer det i en medarbetarundersökning att ett ökande missnöje finns hos de anställda, där flera av problemen kan kopplas till den kraftiga expansion som organisationen just nu genomgår. Även en positiv organisationsförändring som tillväxt kan alltså bidra till problem hos de anställda. Denna studie har avsett att undersöka vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som upplevs hos de anställda i organisationen kopplat till den tillväxtfas de genomgår. Detta genom åtta djupintervjuer där urvalet var såväl chefer, medarbetare som HR-ansvariga. Utifrån respondenternas upplevelse av situationen fann vi fyra stora problemområden; avsaknad av gemensamma rutiner, otydliga roller, bristfällig information och kommunikation samt brist på proaktivt arbete för att säkerställa medarbetarnas kompetens. Vårt empiriska material tyder på att organisationen har ett gap när det kommer till utvecklingen av såväl de mänskliga resurserna, arbetssystem som ledarskapet. Antalet anställda ökar i en högre takt än organisationens infrastrukturella processer, något som kan ses som en organisatorisk växtvärk. Med utgångspunkt från resultatet ger vi förslag på vilka aktiviteter HR-funktionen bör fokusera på. För att bemöta utvecklingsgapet samt förhindra att fler växtvärkssymptom uppstår anser vi att HR bör fokusera på ett proaktivt arbete. En nyckelfaktor som vi genom vår utvecklade modell visar är att ledaren är av stor vikt för hur organisationen och dess medarbetare hanterar en växtvärkssituation. HR bör därför ha en klar bild över vilket stöd verksamhetens ledare behöver för att kunna skapa värde för organisationen, ledarna och medarbetarna. Några generella förslag på HR-aktiviteter går däremot inte att ge eftersom, precis som tidigare forskning visar, verksamheters individuella situation och kontext avgör vilka aktiviteter som är aktuella.


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Denna studie grundar sig i ett uppdrag från Trafikverket med avsikten att undersöka hur enmångfaldsstrategi kan få ökad effekt i organisationen. Utgångspunkten för denna studie är attdet tycks krävas mer forskning kring hur HR strategiskt kan arbeta med mångfaldsfrågor ochintegrera dem i organisationens alla delar. Syftet med denna studie är således att identifiera hurHR strategiskt kan arbeta med mångfaldsfrågor. Vidare är syftet att visa hur ett strategiskamångfaldsarbete kan bli mer effektivt.Teorier som belyser begreppet mångfald, effekterna av mångfald, strategi, Human ResourceManagement och Strategic Human Resource management kan ses ligga till grund för ettframgångsrikt HRM-arbete med mångfald. Ledarskap, kommunikation, kunskap och att se tillorganisationskulturen belyser teorin som viktiga komponenter för att ett strategiskt arbete skabli mer effektivt och ge effekt i organisationen.Studien bygger på en deduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ metod har genomförts utifrån treindividuella intervjuer och två fokusgrupper. De individuella intervjuernas syfte var att belysaorganisationens nutida arbete med mångfald, framtida perspektiv för hur ett strategisktmångfaldsarbete kan utformas och en målbild för vad arbetet ska resultera i. Den enafokusgruppen bestod av medarbetare från HR från olika regionkontor i landet och hade somsyfte att klargöra hur HR strategiskt kan arbeta med mångfald. Den andra fokusgruppen bestodav chefer från olika regionkontor i landet och hade som syfte att belysa chefers roll och vad deeftersöker i ett strategiskt mångfaldsarbete.Resultatet från intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen och i dennastudie har vi kommit fram till och identifierat flera betydelsefulla faktorer som för HR är viktigai utformandet av en mångfaldsstrategi. Det är viktigt att definiera begreppet mångfald, klargöraansvarsfrågan, visa på varför organisationen bör arbeta med månglad och kommuniceraeffekterna. Vidare är det viktigt att koppla mångfaldsstrategin till övriga HRM-aktiviteter ochorganisationens övriga strategier och mål för att det strategiska arbetet ska ge effekt. Kunskapom mångfald och att se arbetet som ett förändringsarbete där ledningen utgör en viktig roll harvisat sig vara väsentliga faktorer för att arbetet ska få värde i organisationen.


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There has been increasing international efforts to ensure that health care policies are evidence based. One area where there is a lack of ‘effectiveness’ evidence is in the use of end-of-life care pathways (EOLCP) (1). Despite the lack of evidence supporting the efficacy of the EOCLP, their use has been endorsed in the recent national palliative care strategy document in the UK (2). In addition, a publication endorsed by the Australian Government (titled: Supporting Australians to live well at the End of Life- National Palliative Care Strategy 2010) (3), recommended a national roll out of EOLCP across all sectors (primary, acute and aged care) in Australia. According to this document, it is a measure of “appropriateness” and “effectiveness” for promoting quality end-of-life care.


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It was rugby league State of Origin night 2008 and a group of adults had descended upon a house in Eagleby, Brisbane to have some drinks and to celebrate the game. At 11pm that evening, Shane Thomas Davidson entered the bedroom of the homeowner’s 10-year-old son, TC. Davidson approached the bed and began to massage the boy’s penis under his clothing, which caused TC to wake. Davidson stated, ‘Show me how big your willy is and I’ll show you how big mine is’. TC refused the request and after a small period of time, left the bedroom and told his father what had happened...


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Roller mills are typically used to crush sugarcane to express the juice from which sugar is manufactured. The mill rolls need to provide sufficient grip to ensure minimal sliding of the sugarcane along the roll surface. The rolls are subject to pressures up to 55 MPa from the sugarcane bagasse (as the sugarcane is called after first being crushed between a pair of rolls). The insoluble component of sugarcane includes typically 10% ash that largely originates from soil that is harvested with the cane. The sugarcane juice is acidic with pH typically between 5.0 and 5.5. As a result of ash and juice, the mill rolls are subjected to a range of abrasive and corrosive wear mechanisms. Solutions to provide grip and resist wear involve the selection of an appropriate roll shell material and compatible hard facing to provide the desired grip and wear characteristics. This paper reviews the various solutions that have been adopted for grip and durability for mill rolls and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each method.


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Motion control systems have a significant impact on the performance of ships and marine structures allowing them to perform tasks in severe sea states and during long periods of time. Ships are designed to operate with adequate reliability and economy, and in order to achieve this, it is essential to control the motion. For each type of ship and operation performed (transit, landing a helicopter, fishing, deploying and recovering loads, etc.), there are not only desired motion settings, but also limits on the acceptable (undesired) motion induced by the environment. The task of a ship motion control system is therefore to act on the ship so it follows the desired motion as closely as possible. This book provides an introduction to the field of ship motion control by studying the control system designs for course-keeping autopilots with rudder roll stabilisation and integrated rudder-fin roll stabilisation. These particular designs provide a good overview of the difficulties encountered by designers of ship motion control systems and, therefore, serve well as an example driven introduction to the field. The idea of combining the control design of autopilots with that of fin roll stabilisers, and the idea of using rudder induced roll motion as a sole source of roll stabilisation seems to have emerged in the late 1960s. Since that time, these control designs have been the subject of continuous and ongoing research. This ongoing interest is a consequence of the significant bearing that the control strategy has on the performance and the issues associated with control system design. The challenges of these designs lie in devising a control strategy to address the following issues: underactuation, disturbance rejection with a non minimum phase system, input and output constraints, model uncertainty, and large unmeasured stochastic disturbances. To date, the majority of the work reported in the literature has focused strongly on some of the design issues whereas the remaining issues have been addressed using ad hoc approaches. This has provided an additional motivation for revisiting these control designs and looking at the benefits of applying a contemporary design framework, which can potentially address the majority of the design issues.


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In this chapter, we present a case study of control system design for rudderbased stabilisers of ships using RHC. The rudder’s main function is to correct the heading of a ship; however, depending on the type of ship, the rudder may also be used to produce, or correct, roll motion. Rudder roll stabilisation consists of using rudder-induced roll motion to reduce the roll motion induced by waves. When this technique is employed, an automatic control system is necessary to provide the rudder command based on measurements of ship motion. The RHC formulation provides a unified framework to address many of the difficulties associated with this control system design problem.


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The technical feasibility of roll motion control devices has been amply demonstrated for over 100 years. Performance, however, can still fall short of expectations because of difficulties associated with control system designs, which have proven to be far from trivial due to fundamental performance limitations and large variations of the spectral characteristics of wave-induced roll motion. This tutorial paper presents an account of the development of various ship roll motion control systems together with the challenges associated with their design. It discusses the assessment of performance and the applicability of different mathematical models, and it surveys the control methods that have been implemented and validated with full scale experiments. The paper also presents an outlook on what are believed to be potential areas of research within this topic.


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This paper presents two novel nonlinear models of u-shaped anti-roll tanks for ships, and their linearizations. In addition, a third simplified nonlinear model is presented. The models are derived using Lagrangian mechanics. This formulation not only simplifies the modeling process, but also allows one to obtain models that satisfy energy-related physical properties. The proposed nonlinear models and their linearizations are validated using model-scale experimental data. Unlike other models in the literature, the nonlinear models in this paper are valid for large roll amplitudes. Even at moderate roll angles, the nonlinear models have three orders of magnitude lower mean square error relative to experimental data than the linear models.


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Parametric roll is a critical phenomenon for ships, whose onset may cause roll oscillations up to +-40 degrees, leading to very dangerous situations and possibly capsizing. Container ships have been shown to be particularly prone to parametric roll resonance when they are sailing in moderate to heavy head seas. A Matlab/Simulink parametric roll benchmark model for a large container ship has been implemented and validated against a wide set of experimental data. The model is a part of a Matlab/Simulink Toolbox (MSS, 2007). The benchmark implements a 3rd-order nonlinear model where the dynamics of roll is strongly coupled with the heave and pitch dynamics. The implemented model has shown good accuracy in predicting the container ship motions, both in the vertical plane and in the transversal one. Parametric roll has been reproduced for all the data sets in which it happened, and the model provides realistic results which are in good agreement with the model tank experiments.


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In this paper, we consider a passivity-based approach for the design of a control law of multiple ship-roll gyro-stabiliser units. We extend previous work on control of ship roll gyro-stabilisation by considering the problem within a nonlinear framework. In particular, we derive an energy-based model using the port-Hamiltonian theory and then design an active precession controller using passivity-based control interconnection and damping assignment. The design considers the possibility of having multiple gyro-stabiliser units, and the desired potential energy of the system (in closed loop) is chosen to behave like a barrier function, which allows us to enforce constraints on the precession angle of the gyros.


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The technical feasibility of roll motion control devices has been amply demonstrated for over 100 years. Performance, however, can still fall short of expectations because of deficiencies in control system designs, which have proven to be far from trivial due to fundamental performance limitations. This tutorial paper presents an account of the development of various ship roll motion control systems and the challenges associated with their design. The paper discusses how to assess performance, the applicability of different models, and control methods that have been applied in the past.


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The use of dedicated spinning wheels that generate gyroscopic forces for reducing the roll motion of ships was considered and tested over 100 years ago. These devices, known as gyrostabilisers, presented a remarkable performance, but they fell into disuse due to their relatively large size and, primarily, due to the inability of the control systems to maintain performance over an extended envelope of sea states and sailing conditions (speed and heading relative to the waves). To date, advances in materials, mechanical design, electrical drives, and computer control systems have resulted in a revitalized interest in gyro-stabilisers for ships. This paper revisits the modelling of the coupled vessel-gyrostabiliser and delves into the associated gyrostabiliser control design problem. It also describes design trade-offs and potential performance limitations. A simulation study based on a navy patrol vessel is presented.