906 resultados para ESP (English for Specific Purposes)


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English for specific purposes is a critical, but often under-researched, area in the fields of TESOL and Applied Linguistics, so the publication of a collection on this topic is a very positive development for those who work and/or research in the area.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas


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Da a los profesores consejos prácticos para la enseñanza del inglés profesional a cualquier profesión. Ayuda a enseñar a identificar las áreas del lenguaje que son comunes a la mayoría de las diferentes vocaciones. Ofrece más de ochenta actividades para los alumnos de todos los niveles. Está organizado en capítulos genéricos en áreas tales como las estructuras organizativas (capítulo 2), atención al cliente y garantía de calidad (capítulo 6), la salud y la seguridad (capítulo 7). Todas las actividades pueden ser adaptadas para satisfacer las necesidades de los profesionales empleados en otros sectores, y hay sugerencias de cómo lograrlo. Adecuado para maestros, formadores de docentes, y profesores principiantes.


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This paper deals with some of the problems and implications of Legal English being used as a lingua franca, especially when teaching legal English in courses for judges in various European contexts.


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This present work has as objective to analyze the interpretation of the syntactic and semantic meaning performed by third graders in the nominal groups (NGs) with attributive adjectives in the English language in a text of the final exam in the ESP (English for Specific Purposes) discipline. The corpus is made up of 30 exams of two classes from a third grade institution of the biomedical area, corresponding to the basic and advanced levels of the second term in 2006. The text has 24 NGs of different lexical content, a total of 27 NGs in the whole text summing up to 810 analyzed occurrences. The analysis is carried out at the morphologic, syntactic and semantic levels using as theoretical background the traditional and functional grammars (QUIRK et al, 1985; CELSE-MURCIA et al, 1998; TUCKER, 1998), in their semantic aspects, the Semantics (FRAWLEY, 1992) and the Cognitive Linguistics (TAYLOR, 2002). We concluded that the main difficulties were due to the lack of vocabulary and to the use of mother tongue strategies instead of using the top-down strategies for reading a text in English to compensate this gap. We also observed that even when the vocabulary was known, there were difficulties in establishing the semantic and syntactic relations between modifier and noun head. We suggested improvements for the teaching of reading English texts at the third grade grounded in the obtained results such as a more comprehensive study of the several different morphologic and syntactic structures of the NGs with premodifiers and their semantic consequences, an approach of the morphologic, syntactic and semantic aspects of the NGs and the use of both top-down and bottom-up strategies when reading a NG in the English language


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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This paper intends to present a selection of the most useful reading strategies for the typical ESP students in Brazilian universities, showing whether the readers use them in their native language or not, the way the teacher should develop these strategies in the classroom, the problems involved in their use and the reasons for using them.


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Languages for Specific Languages (LSP) represent a dynamic approach both in research and practice and, as such, it is in constant evolution. It was earlier related to the use of English as an international language of communication in business and technology and thus designated as ESP (English for Specific Purposes). In Genre Analysis, Swales (1990) brought in new horizons with the notions of genre and discourse community. Thereafter, research on LSP learning and discourse have thrived over a large range of thematic contents and methods. Current Trends in LSP Research: Aims and Methods can be inserted in this latest streak


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Esta investigaci?n-acci?n se enmarca dentro del ?rea de ESP (English for Specific Purposes). La investigaci?n se realiz? en un curso de Textos Acad?micos I para estudiantes del programa del programa de Medicina y Cirug?a de la Universidad del Valle. El objetivo principal de la investigaci?n es dise?ar una secuencia did?ctica siguiendo la metodolog?a Task-Based Learning con el prop?sito de mejorar la compresi?n de lectura de textos especializados en los estudiantes del programa de medicina y cirug?a. La investigaci?n retoma varios aspectos importantes dentro del aula de clase como la metodolog?a de ense?anza, la motivaci?n por parte de los estudiantes y los procesos de compresi?n de lectura. Durante el proceso de investigaci?n y el dise?o de la secuencia did?ctica se identificaron diferentes aspectos que favorecen y desfavorecen la relaci?n ense?anza-aprendizaje en un curso de ESP. En el dise?o de la secuencia did?ctica se tuvo en cuenta el aprendizaje basado en tareas, los contenidos del curso de Lectura de Textos Acad?micos en ingl?s I y el ?rea espec?fica de conocimientos de los estudiantes. Despu?s de analizar los resultados de las cuatro actividades aplicadas se evidenci? una mejor?a notable en la comprensi?n de lectura de diferentes textos especializados, en relaci?n a la exploraci?n inicial realizada a trav?s del test diagn?stico.


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This paper aims to describe the development of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) as specialised language study and research at tertiary level in Spain over the past twenty years. The year 1992 is chosen as a starting point because AELFE, the Association of Languages for Specific Purposes, was founded in Madrid at the time. As more members from other countries have joined in, this Association has served as an academic landmark for the development of ESP within the umbrella of applied linguistics. ESP has reflected the social changes, educational shifts, linguistic trends, and technological innovations involved in academic and professional contexts. The evolution of the specialised language practitioner’s scenarios and communicative situations has turned ESP into a lively and stimulating action, though not lacking in controversy, e.g., a general increase in the ESP teacher’s workload. Different lines of work and research have been followed from the inception of AELFE until the implementation of the Bologna agreement in our universities. The examination of such variables is conducted in the light of some quantitative and qualitative findings.


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This paper examines two kinds of questions relating to the lexical needs of professional ESP students: (1) what range of terms and words do they need help with? (2) what types of dictionary, bilingual and/or monolingual, can they make use of in solving lexical problems?