227 resultados para Ágora


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Samoborska Gora Mts. is situated within the westernmost part of the Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian zone of the Internal Dinarides. The Samoborska Gora Mts. predominantly consists of Permian unmetamorphosed siliciclastic sediments and evaporites, overlain by Lower Triassic sediments. Rude mineralisation is hosted by Permian siliciclastic sediments, below gypsum and anhydrite strata. The central part of the deposit consists of a 1.5 km long stratabound mineralisation, grading laterally into ferruginous sandstone and protruding vertically into a gypsum-anhydrite layer. Siderite-polysulphide-barite-quartz veins are located below the stratabound mineralisation. The stratiform part of the deposit is situated above the stratabound and consists of haematite layer with barite concretions and veinlets. Late stage galena-barite veins overprint earlier types of mineralisation. The Rude ore deposit was generated by predominantly NaCl +/- CaCl(2)-H(2)O solutions. Detrital quartz from stratiform mineralisation contains fluid inclusions with salinities between 7 and 11 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 150 degrees C to 230 degrees C. Stratabound/siderite-polysulphide-barite-quartz vein type mineralisation was derived from solutions with salinities between 5 and 19 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 60 degrees C and 160 degrees C, while late stage galenabarite veins were precipitated from solutions with salinities between 11 and 16 wt. % NaCl equ., homogenizing between 100 degrees C to 140 degrees C. Fluid inclusion bulk leachate chemistry recorded Na(+)> Mg(2+)>K(+)>Ca(2+)>Li(+) and Cl-> SO(4)(2-) ions. Sulphur isotope composition of barites and overlying gypsum stems from Permian seawater sulphate, supported by increased Br(-) content, which follows successively the seawater evaporation line. The sulphur isotopic composition of sulphides varies between -0.2 and + 12.5 parts per thousand , as a result of thermal reduction of Permian marine sulphate. Ore-forming fluids were produced by hydrothermal convective cells (reflux brine model), and were derived primarily from Permian seawater, modified by evaporation and interaction with Permian sedimentary rocks. Rude deposits in Samoborska Gora Mts. may be declared as a prototype of the Permian siderite-polysulphide-barite deposits (products of rifting along the passive Gondwana margin), in the Inner Dinarides, and their equivalents extending northeastward into the Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian Zone and the Gemerides, and southeastward to the Hellenide-Albanides.


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La idea general d¿aquest projecte consisteix en implementar una xarxa (social) entre tots els membres que participen en el procés educatiu, obrint la participació, a més dels membres clàssics (professors) a altres rols (terapeutes, logopedes, professors de reforç, etc.) i implicar de manera més activa a les famílies en les tasques diàries de l¿escola, proporcionant-los informació al moment.


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The Petrova and Trgovska Gora Mts. (Gora=Mountain) are Variscan basement units incorporated into the northwestern Dinarides during the Alpine orogeny. They host numerous siderite-quartz-polysulphide, siderite-chalcopyrite, siderite-galena and barite veins, as well as stratabound hydrothermal-replacement ankerite bodies within carbonates in non-metamorphosed, flysch-like Permo-Carboniferous sequences. The deposits have been mined for Cu, Pb, Ag and Fe ores since Medieval times. Fluid inclusion studies of quartz from siderite-polysulphide-quartz and barite veins of both regions have shown the presence of primary aqueous NaCl-CaCl(2)+/- MgCl(2)-H(2)O +/- CO(2) inclusions. The quartz-sulphide stage of both regions show variable salinities; 2.7-26.2 wt% NaCl eq. for the Trgovska Gora region and 3.4-23.4 wt% NaCl eq. for the Petrova gora region, and similar homogenisation temperatures (100-230A degrees C). Finally, barite is precipitated from low salinity-low temperature solutions (3.7-15.8 wt % NaCl equ. and 115-145A degrees C). P-t conditions estimated via isochore construction yield formation temperatures between 180-250A degrees C for the quartz-sulphide stage and 160-180A degrees C for the barite stage, using a maximum lithostatic pressure of 1 kbar (cc. 3 km of overburden). The sulphur isotope composition of barite from both deposits indicates the involvement of Permian seawater in ore fluids. This is supported by the elevated bromium content of the fluid inclusion leachates (120-660 ppm in quartz, 420-960 ppm in barite) with respect to the seawater, indicating evaporated seawater as the major portion of the ore-forming fluids. Variable sulphur isotope compositions of galena, pyrite and chalcopyrite, between -3.2 and +2.7aEuro degrees, are interpreted as a product of incomplete thermal reduction of the Permian marine sulphate mixed with organically- and pyrite-bound sulphur from the host sedimentary rocks. Ore-forming fluids are interpreted as deep-circulating fluids derived primarily from evaporated Permian seawater and later modified by interaction with the Variscan basement rocks. (40)Ar/(39)Ar data of the detrital mica from the host rocks yielded the Variscan age overprinted by an Early Permian tectonothermal event dated at 266-274 Ma. These ages are interpreted as those reflecting hydrothermal activity correlated with an incipient intracontinental rifting in the Tethyan domain. Nevertheless, 75 Ma recorded at a fine-grained sericite sample from the alteration zone is interpreted as a result of later resetting of white mica during Campanian opening/closure of the Sava back arc in the neighbouring Sava suture zone (Ustaszewski et al. 2008).


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As interações humanas no ciberespaço revelam-no como ambiente constitutivo de uma ágora contemporânea, em que os grandes debates públicos, ou as trocas simbólicas, processam-se, na era da informação, de forma significativamente transformada. As múltiplas realizações no ambiente virtual dão-se sob a égide de valores (e afinidades) culturais, com outras interfaces, compondo redes de mobilização e troca que se sustentam pela sua diversidade intrínseca e por seu dinamismo. Resultam, assim, as realizações humanas em movimentos sociais tão antigos, na sua essência, quanto a própria humanidade, mas inovadores na forma e na dinâmica que assumem, na instauração da cibercultura como marca da contemporaneidade.


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La Comunidad de Aprendizaje Escuela de personas adultas La Verneda-Sant Martí, lleva más de 10 años trabajando las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación desde una perspectiva transversal y global. A través del trabajo que venimos realizando día a día, hemos visto como las TIC han pasado de ser una necesidad formativa a convertirse en un contexto de aprendizaje cotidiano entre las personas que participan de nuestro proyecto. Desde que en 1999 decidimos transformar nuestras actividades para integrarnos plenamente en la sociedad de la información hemos cambiado metodologías, prioridades y formas de trabajar. Mostrar cuáles han sido esas transformaciones y qué resultados son los que se han alcanzado es el principal reto del artículo.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Establecer comprensivamente la naturaleza, características y redes relacionales de las prácticas de socialización política, en relación con la cultura ciudadana, que dan cuenta del potencial surgimiento de un ágora virtual en Colombia. Muestreo intencional en bola de nieve. Fuentes primarias y secundarias, orales y escritas. Establecimiento y selección de las fuentes orales y documentales. Lectura de la experiencia de cultura ciudadana. Comprensión y establecimiento de redes relacionales entre cultura ciudadana, socialización política y educación, en perspectiva rizomática. Fuentes orales: entrevistas y sondeos informales, fuentes documentales. Metodología epistemológica y hermenéutica. Programa ethnograph. En el mundo en general, y en Colombia en particular, la educación cobra cada vez más protagonismo. La educación supera los límites de la escuela. El ágora virtual no esta surgiendo en Colombia por vía de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación sino por configuraciones renovadas de lo publico y de lo político.


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Monográfico: Acción social en la sociedad de la información y el conocimiento: prácticas que generan cambio. Resumen en inglés y catalán


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Este colegio privado ofrece una experiencia escolar basada en intentar hacer una escuela que sea para que todos los niños un espacio de libertad y creatividad. Se intenta educar para la vida. En esta escuela integradora conviven niños con diversas posibilidades de desarrollo, no sólo de rendimiento escolar sino con deficiencias estructurales de tipo sensorial, físico y psíquico. Para ello es necesario un nuevo planteamiento pedagógico: replanteamiento de la actividad escolar, existencia de un departamento de orientación, organización de un centro de recursos para el profesorado. Suprime libros de texto y la enseñanza se realiza por centros de interés, aprendizaje por descubrimiento, con el fin de reorientar la actividad escolar hacia el desarrollo de los procesos creativos del niño. La auténtica integración se produce si hay participación en las actividades con sus propios compañeros. El Departamento de Orientación abarca las etapas de evolución madurativas de todos alumnos del colegio. Hay una gran vinculación de los padres con el colegio a todos los niveles.


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Between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries AD, the Lower Vistula valley represented a permeable and shifting frontier between Pomerelia (eastern Pomerania), which had been incorporated into the Polish Christian state by the end of the tenth century, and the territories of western Prussian tribes, who had resisted attempts at Christianization. Pomeranian colonization eventually began to falter in the latter decades of the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, most likely as a result of Prussian incursions, which saw the abandonment of sites across the borderland. Subsequently, the Teutonic Order and its allies led a protracted holy war against the Prussian tribes, which resulted in the conquest of the region and its incorporation into a theocratic state by the end of the thirteenth century. This was accompanied by a second wave of colonization, which resulted in the settlement pattern that is still visible in the landscape of north-central Poland today. However, not all colonies were destroyed or abandoned in between the two phases of colonization. The recently excavated site of Biała Góra, situated on the western side of the Forest of Sztum overlooking the River Nogat, represents a unique example of a transitional settlement that included both Pomeranian and Teutonic Order phases. The aim of this paper is to situate the site within its broader landscape context which can be characterized as a militarized frontier, where, from the later twelfth century and throughout much of the thirteenth century, political and economic expansion was combined with the ideology of Christian holy war and missionary activity. This paper considers how the colonists provisioned and sustained themselves in comparison to other sites within the region, and how Biała Góra may be tentatively linked to a documented but otherwise lost outpost in this volatile borderland.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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