990 resultados para Ion implantation


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Defect engineering for SiO2] precipitation is investigated using He-ion implantation as the first stage of separation by implanted oxygen (STMOX). Cavities are created in Si by implantation with helium ions. After thermal annealing at different temperatures, the sample is implanted with 120keV 8.0 x 10(16) cm(-2) O ions. The O ion energy is chosen such that the peak of the concentration distribution is centred at the cavity band. For comparison, another sample is implanted with O ions alone. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM), Fourier transform infrared absorbance spectrometry (FTIR) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements are used to investigate the samples. The results show that a narrow nano-cavity layer is found to be excellent nucleation sites that effectively assisted SiO2 formation and released crystal lattice strain associated with silicon oxidation.


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Amorphous SiO2 thin films with about 400-500 nm in thickness were thermally grown on single crystalline silicon. These SiO2/Si samples were firstly implanted at room temperature (RT) with 100 keV carbon ions to 2.0 x 10(17),5.0 X 10(17) or 1.2 x 10(18) ions/cm(2), then irradiated at RT by 853 MeV Pb ions to 5.0 x 10(11), 1.0 X.10(12) 2.0 x 10(12) or 5.0 x 10(12) ions/cm(2), respectively. The variation of photoluminescence (PL) properties of these samples was analyzed at RT using a fluorescent spectroscopy. The obtained results showed that Pb-ion irradiations led to significant changes of the PL properties of the carbon ion implanted SiO2 films. For examples, 5.0 x 10(12) Pb-ions/cm(2) irradiation produced huge blue and green light-emitters in 2.0 x 10(17) C-ions/cm(2) implanted samples, which resulted in the appearance of two intense PL peaks at about 2.64 and 2.19 eV. For 5.0 x 10(17) carbon-ions/cm(2) implanted samples, 2.0 x 10(12) Pb-ions/cm(2) irradiation could induce the formation of a strong and wide violet band at about 2.90 eV, whereas 5.0 x 10(12) Pb-ionS/cm(2) irradiation could,create double peaks of light emissions at about 2.23 and 2.83 eV. There is no observable PL peak in the 1.2 x 10(18) carbon-ions/cm(2) implanted samples whether it was irradiated with Pb ions or not. All these results implied that special light emitters could be achieved by using proper ion implantation and irradiation conditions, and it will be very useful for the synthesis of new type Of SiO2-based light-emission materials.


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In the present work the photoluminescence (PL) character of sapphire implanted with 110-keV He, Ar or Ne ions and subsequently irradiated with 230-MeV Pb was studied. The implantation was performed at 320 and 600 K using fluences from 5.0 x 10(16) to 2.0 x 10(17) ions/cm(2). The Pb ion irradiation was carried out at 320 K. The obtained PL spectra showed peaks at 375, 413 and 450 nm with maximum intensity at an implantation fluence of 5.0 x 10(16) ions/cm(2) and a new peak at 390 nm appeared in the He-implanted and subsequently Pb-irradiated samples. Infrared spectra showed a broadening of the absorption band between 460 and 510 nm indicating strongly damaged regions formed in the Al2O3 samples. A possible PL mechanism is discussed.


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Topographic and optical contrasts formed by Ga+ ion irradiation of thin films of amorphous silicon carbide have been investigated with scanning near-field optical microscopy. The influence of ion-irradiation dose has been studied in a pattern of sub-micrometre stripes. While the film thickness decreases monotonically with ion dose, the optical contrast rapidly increases to a maximum value and then decreases gradually. The results are discussed in terms of the competition between the effects of ion implantation and surface milling by the ion beam. The observed effects are important for uses of amorphous silicon carbide thin films as permanent archives in optical data storage applications.


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Le but de ce projet est d’étudier l’effet des défauts cristallins sur les propriétés optoélectroniques de photodétecteurs fabriqué à partir de « silicium noir », c’est-à-dire du silicium dopé et microstructuré par impulsions laser femtoseconde, ce qui lui donne une apparence noire mate caractéristique. Des échantillons de silicium noir ont été recuits puis implantés avec des ions ayant une énergie de 300 keV (Si+), 1500 keV (Si+) ou 2000 keV (H+). Trois fluences pour chaque énergie d’implantation ont été utilisées (1E11, 1E12, ou 1E13 ions/cm2) ce qui modifie le matériau en ajoutant des défauts cristallins à des profondeurs et concentrations variées. Neuf photodétecteurs ont été réalisés à partir de ces échantillons implantés, en plus d’un détecteur-contrôle (non-implanté). La courbe de courant-tension, la sensibilité spectrale et la réponse en fréquence ont été mesurées pour chaque détecteur afin de les comparer. Les détecteurs ont une relation de courant-tension presque ohmique, mais ceux implantés à plus haute fluence montrent une meilleure rectification. Les implantations ont eu pour effet, en général, d’augmenter la sensibilité des détecteurs. Par exemple, l’efficacité quantique externe passe de (0,069±0,001) % à 900 nm pour le détecteur-contrôle à (26,0±0,5) % pour le détecteur ayant reçu une fluence de 1E12 cm-2 d’ions de silicium de 1500 keV. Avec une tension appliquée de -0,50 V, la sensibilité est améliorée et certains détecteurs montrent un facteur de gain de photocourant supérieur à l’unité, ce qui implique un mécanisme de multiplication (avalanche ou photoconductivité). De même, la fréquence de coupure a été augmentée par l’implantation. Une technique purement optique a été mise à l’essai pour mesurer sans contacts la durée de vie effective des porteurs, dans le but d’observer une réduction de la durée de vie causée par les défauts. Utilisant le principe de la réflexion photo-induite résolue en fréquence, le montage n’a pas réuni toutes les conditions expérimentales nécessaires à la détection du signal.


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Materials and equipment which fail to achieve the design requirements or projected life due to undetected defects may require expensive repair or early replacement. Such defects may also be the cause of unsafe conditions or catastrophic unexpected failure, and will lead to loss of revenue due to plant shutdown. Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) / Non Destructive Testing (NDT) is used for the examination of materials and components without changing or destroying their usefulness. NDT can be applied to each stage of a system’s construction, to monitor the integrity of the system or structure throughout its life.


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The thesis provides an overall review and introduction to amorphous semiconductors, followed by a brief discussion on the important structural models proposed for chalcogenide glasses and their electrical, optional and thermal properties. It also gives a brief description of the Physics of thin films, ion implantation and Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy. A brief description of the experimental setup of a photothermal deflection spectrometer and the details of the preparation and optical characterization of the thin film samples. It deals with the employment of the subgap optional absorption measurement by PDS to characterize the defects, amorphization and annealing behavior in silicon implanted with B+ ions and the profiles of ion range and vacancy distribution obtained by the TRIM simulation. It reports the results of all absorption measurements by PDS in nitrogen implanted thin film samples of Ge-Se and As-Se systems


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Polymer films, deposited from acetylene and argon plasma mixtures, were bombarded with 150 keV He+ ions, varying the fluence, Phi, from 10(18) to 10(21) ions/m(2). Molecular structure and optical gap of the samples were investigated by infrared and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopies, respectively. Two-point probe was employed to determine the electrical resistivity while hardness was measured by nanoindentation technique. It was verified modification of the molecular structure and composition of the films. There was loss of H and increment in the concentration of unsaturated carbon bonds with Phi. Optical gap and electrical resistivity decreased while hardness increased with Phi. Interpretation of these results is proposed in terms of chain crosslinking and unsaturation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work describes the influence of the ion bombardment on the electrical, optical and mechanical properties of polymer films deposited from radio-frequency plasmas of benzene. Irradiations were conducted using N+ at 5 x 10(19) ions/m(2), varying the ion energy, E-0, from 0 to 150 keV. Film elemental composition was determined by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. Electrical resistivity and hardness were obtained by the two-point probe and nanoindentation technique, respectively. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy was employed to investigate the optical constants of the samples. Etching rate was determined by exposure of the films to reactive oxygen plasmas. Ion bombardment induced gradual loss of H and increase in C and O concentrations with Eo. As a consequence the electrical, optical and mechanical properties were drastically affected. Interpretation of these results is proposed in terms of chain cross-linking and unsaturation. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of ion irradiation on fluorinated plasma polymer films are investigated using profilometry, surface contact-angle measurements, infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Remarkably, helium plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) of several amorphous hydrogenated fluorinated plasma polymers deposited from C(2)H(2)-SF(6), C(6)H(6)-SF(6) or C(6)F(6) produces film compactions of up to 40%, and modifies the surface energy in the 35 to 65 dyn cm(-1) range. As revealed by IRRAS and XPS, the films contain C-H, C-C, C=C, C=O, O-H and C-F groups. XPS spectra confirm the presence of N (typically similar to 5%). The films produced from SF(6)-containing plasmas also contain S. For irradiation times of 80 min, the film carbon content is increased, and the fluorine content is greatly reduced, by factors of about 3 to 15, depending on the initial film composition. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An a-C:H thin film deposited by plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition on alloy steel (16MnCr5) was analyzed using a self-consistent ion beam analysis technique.In the self-consistent analysis, the results of each individual technique are combined in a unique model, increasing confidence and reducing simulation errors.Self-consistent analysis, then, is able to improve the regular ion beam analysis since several analyses commonly used to process ion beam data still rely on handling each spectrum independently.The sample was analyzed by particle-induced x-ray emission (for trace elements), elastic backscattering spectrometry (for carbon), forward recoil spectrometry (for hydrogen) and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (for film morphology).The self-consistent analysis provided reliable chemical information about the film, despite its heavy substrate.As a result, we could determine precisely the H/C ratio, contaminant concentration and some morphological characteristics of the film, such as roughness and discontinuities.© 2013 Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.