957 resultados para Conflict Management


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En este artículo se propone un código ético a modo de principios inspiradores de la intervención en procesos de gestión de conflictos y, en especial, en mediación. Esta propuesta combina la trayectoria del movimiento internacional en el desarrollo de procesos de calidad en la resolución de conflictos, con cuestionamientos prácticos que genera la intervención directa en la realidad española. Se ofrecen pautas de actuación para desarrollar el buen hacer de la persona mediadora, identificando una serie de situaciones excepcionales en las que, según el contexto y el rol profesional, se cuestionan tales principios y se anima a la adaptación a las necesidades de cada conflicto y a la evolución social.


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This article analyses the way in which the subject English Language V of the degree English Studies (English Language and Literature) combines the development of the five skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing and interacting) with the use of multimodal activities and resources in the teaching-learning process so that students increase their motivation and acquire different social competences that will be useful for the labour market such as communication, cooperation, leadership or conflict management. This study highlights the use of multimodal materials (texts, videos, etc.) on social topics to introduce cultural aspects in a language subject and to deepen into the different social competences university students can acquire when they work with them. The study was guided by the following research questions: how can multimodal texts and resources contribute to the development of the five skills in a foreign language classroom? What are the main social competences that students acquire when the teaching-learning process is multimodal? The results of a survey prepared at the end of the academic year 2015-2016 point out the main competences that university students develop thanks to multimodal teaching. For its framework of analysis, the study draws on the main principles of visual grammar (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006) where students learn how to analyse the main aspects in multimodal texts. The analysis of the different multimodal activities described in the article and the survey reveal that multimodality is useful for developing critical thinking, for bringing cultural aspects into the classroom and for working on social competences. This article will explain the successes and challenges of using multimodal texts with social content so that students can acquire social competences while learning content. Moreover, the implications of using multimodal resources in a language classroom to develop multiliteracies will be observed.


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Relatório de Prática Clínica apresentado à Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Cuidados Paliativos, realizada sob a orientação científica da Diretora da ESALD Doutora Ana Paula Gonçalves Antunes Sapeta, do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, e orientação científica do Assistente Convidado pela Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias, Mestre Eduardo Manuel Neves Oliveira Carqueja.


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The August war in 2008 between Russia and Georgia caught the world by surprise but nevertheless brought the European Union (EU) to the forefront of the international efforts to end the hostilities, and the EU became the leading international actor involved with the conflict resolution process. However, in the years following the armed conflict, the conflict resolution process lost pace, and the impact of the EU beyond the immediate aftermath of the August 2008 war has been put into question. By undertaking a qualitative case study, this paper aims to explore to what extent the EU has impacted on the conflict resolution process of Georgia’s secessionist conflicts in 2008-2015. It will argue that the EU’s policies have only to a limited extent impacted on this conflict resolution process, which can be related to the objectives, priorities and time perspectives of the EU’s conflict resolution policies. The EU’s efforts have significantly contributed to the objective of conflict prevention, but the profile of the EU in the field of international conflict management weakened its position in the area of conflict transformation, where the lack of progress in turn limited the EU’s impact in the areas of international conflict management and conflict settlement. The main conclusion put forward is that in order to have a true impact, the EU needs to undertake a differentiated, balanced and patient approach to conflict resolution.


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As escolas têm como objetivo primário preparar os jovens para a integração na sociedade. Como tal, estimulam o desenvolvimento de competências para tornar os alunos aptos para as adversidades do futuro. Tradicionalmente, admite-se que as capacidades cognitivas têm um grande peso no sucesso escolar. Contudo, as competências socio afetivas têm sido sugeridas como variáveis potencialmente explicativas do desempenho escolar. O presente estudo pretendeu verificar a associação entre a Inteligência Emocional (IE) na Gestão de Conflitos e no sucesso escolar de alunos (n=52; média ± desvio-padrão: 17,7±0,7 anos) do ensino secundário dos Estabelecimentos Militares de Ensino - não superior (EME’s). A metodologia de investigação apresentou duas fases: 1) pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a IE, gestão de conflitos e o sucesso escolar; 2) aplicação e análise dos questionários, o MSCEIT e o autodiagnóstico dos estilos de gestão de conflitos. Observou-se que os alunos dos EME’s contêm valores de IE superiores aos valores reportados na sua faixa etária, e que utilizam maioritariamente três estilos de gestão de conflitos, nomeadamente: a competição (preferencial), inação, e (o menos utilizado) a cedência. Verificou-se que a IE não prediz a gestão de conflitos, contudo observou-se uma correlação positiva, entre o estilo cedência e a IE. Verificou-se também que a IE prediz 33% da disciplina de matemática, e é diferenciadora quanto ao género.


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The freshman year is the most critical year of matriculation for students in higher education. One in four freshman students drops out of higher education after the first year. In fact, the first two to six weeks of college represent a very critical transition period when students make the decision to persist or depart from the institution. Many students leave because they are unable to make a connection with the institution. Retention is often profoundly affected by student involvement in the academic environment, satisfaction with the campus climate and the institution's response to diversity. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine and evaluate an effective institutional response that promotes freshman retention and academic success. The tenets (diversity training, conflict management, and community building) of a mentoring model were applied to the freshman experience seminar class (experimental group) as a pedagogical method of instruction to determine its efficacy as a retention initiative when compared with the traditional freshman experience seminar class (comparison group). ^ The quantitative study employed a quasi-experimental research design based on Astin's (1993) I-E-O model. The model examined the relationships between the characteristics students bring with them to college, called inputs, their experiences in the environment during college, and the outcomes students achieved during matriculation. Fifty-two students enrolled in the freshman seminar class participated in the study. ^ Demographic data and input variables between groups were analyzed using chi-square, t-tests and multivariate analyses. Overall, students in the experimental group had significantly higher satisfaction (campus climate) scores than the comparison group. An analysis of the students' willingness to interact with others from diverse groups indicated a significant difference between groups, with the experimental group scoring higher than the comparison group. Students in the experimental group were significantly more involved in campus activities than students in the comparison group. No significant differences were found between groups relative to the mean grade point average and re-enrollment for fall semester 2001. ^ While the mentoring model did not directly affect re-enrollment of students, the model did promote student satisfaction with the institution, an appreciation for diversity of contact and it encouraged involvement in the campus community. These are all essential outcomes of a quality retention program. ^


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This research aims at examining, within the scope of Legal Anthropology, the constitution processes of Criminal Small-Claims Courts-JECRIMs in Brazil seeks to discuss, from the making of ethnographic work, the relationship between forms and dynamics of Justice distribution both at national and local level. To do so, one performed an ethnography at a JECRIM in the city of Natal, analyzing resulting peculiarities arising from the works the Judge-Coordinator and all of the other Judicial Actors in order to bring to reality the proposals of Law 9.099/95. Such ethnography has also enabled the analysis of the interactions between both Judicial Actors and Claimants, with or without private attorneys. The theoretical framework included several topics, including processes of conflict legalization, performance and representation analysis, and relationships between law, morality, feeling and ritual. One sought to a critical reading of the current state of conciliation and mediation, taking into account both legal and theoretical parameters on the subject. At the end, a general guideline of State action in conflict management is drawn, revealing some aporias and contradictions when voluntary processes are made mandatory by the State-Punisher.


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Après avoir présenté brièvement deux courants conceptuels à propos de l’intelligence émotionnelle (IÉ), nous abordons l’impact de celle-ci sur sept aspects du monde du travail : le leadership, la formation du personnel, la sélection du personnel, le rendement à la tâche, la gestion des conflits, les attitudes au travail et le bien-être au travail. Alors que l’intelligence émotionnelle promettait au départ de bouleverser le monde du travail, un grand nombre d’études montre que celle-ci ne fait pas le poids, particulièrement au plan de sa validité. Comparée à la valeur prédictive du quotient intellectuel (QI), l’intelligence émotionnelle montre un faible pouvoir prédicteur, en dépit des instruments judicieux que ses promoteurs ont mis au point pour mesurer ses effets.


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Après avoir présenté brièvement deux courants conceptuels à propos de l’intelligence émotionnelle (IÉ), nous abordons l’impact de celle-ci sur sept aspects du monde du travail : le leadership, la formation du personnel, la sélection du personnel, le rendement à la tâche, la gestion des conflits, les attitudes au travail et le bien-être au travail. Alors que l’intelligence émotionnelle promettait au départ de bouleverser le monde du travail, un grand nombre d’études montre que celle-ci ne fait pas le poids, particulièrement au plan de sa validité. Comparée à la valeur prédictive du quotient intellectuel (QI), l’intelligence émotionnelle montre un faible pouvoir prédicteur, en dépit des instruments judicieux que ses promoteurs ont mis au point pour mesurer ses effets.


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Det gemensamma intresset för konflikter grundade idén att studera väl ansedda ledares perspektiv på arbetsplatskonflikter och hur dessa ledare löser konflikter konstruktivt. I grunden finns en undran om väl ansedda ledare har förmågor som gör att de löser konflikter mer konstruktivt. Konflikter utgör en stor del av en ledares arbetstid. Konflikter kan förmodligen inte undvikas men hur konflikter hanteras är avgörande för att en organisation och dess anställda skall mogna och utvecklas. Det har utövats forskning inom konflikthantering utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv men de studierna har haft en kvantitativ ansats. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur väl ansedda chefer ser på arbetsplatskonflikter och hur dessa chefer hanterar konflikter. Ett delsyfte är att erhålla kunskap om vilka metoder ansedda ledare använder i konflikthantering. För att besvara syftet har följande frågeställningar använts: Vilka typer av arbetsplatskonflikter uppstår i en organisation? Vad är avgörande om konflikter blir konstruktiva eller destruktiva? Vad har ledarskapet för inverkan på konflikthantering och hur ska ledaren ta sig an konflikter? Vilka förmågor och egenskaper har ledare som hanterar konflikter effektivt? Studien grundar sig på en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer som insamlingsmetod. Det införskaffade materialet kodades och tematiserades. Resultaten analyserades med hjälp av teoriramen. Slutligen användes Rahims (2002) teori om conflict management i diskussion då det i resultatet framkom stöd för modellen, dock med en utveckling vilket presenteras i slutsatsen. I studiens analys framkom att ledare som hanterar konflikter konstruktivt behärskar tre huvudområden. Dessa förmågor är människoorienterad, uppgiftsorienterad och lärande- och kulturorienterad. Väl ansedda ledare manövrerar emellan dessa förmågor beroende på situation. I studiens resultat framkom också att undvikande och dominant ledarskapsbeteende skapar barriärer i konflikthantering.


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Pautado pelos conceitos de “conflito” e “poder”, este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a percepção dos atores relativa aos conflitos de poder e à sua gestão pelas partes da relação intersetorial, no contexto da implantação de um projeto minerador de grande porte no município de Morro do Pilar, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A proposta é apresentar estratégias de gestão construtiva de conflitos que respondam aos interesses das partes envolvidas – Estado, empresa e sociedade civil, de forma a alcançar o equilíbrio de interesses necessário ao desenvolvimento sustentável do território. Para tal, a presente pesquisa, inserida na vertente qualitativa e de perfil descritivo e exploratório, valeu-se do método de estudo de caso para avaliar os conflitos de poder envolvendo o processo de intersetorialidade objeto deste estudo, visando sua gestão construtiva. Ao seu término, verificou-se que os projetos desenvolvimentistas mostram-se prejudiciais nos planos socioeconômico, ambiental e institucional, produzindo uma miríade de conflitos de relacionamento entre os setores envolvidos, por afetar de forma negativa a vida da população, interferindo nas condições de reprodução e permanência. Consequentemente, conclui-se pela premência de se repensar os processos de sofrimento social desencadeados pelos modelos adotados, principalmente por governos e empresas, provocando desastres ambientais oriundos da má gestão dos conflitos de poder, para que se compreenda como eles afetam a vida das pessoas reais que fazem história em condições que não escolheram.


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Post-acuerdo y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: Educación para la Paz, una oportunidad para Colombia, es una propuesta de curso de verano en la Universidad EAFIT desplegada de la experiencia del Barco de la Paz -- Es una iniciativa que se realizaría en el contexto programa de verano a bordo del Barco de la Paz dirigido a estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad EAFIT -- Está enfocada en el Objetivo número 16 de Desarrollo Sustentable (ODS), que promueve sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas para el desarrollo sostenible y se enmarca en el contexto del actual proceso de paz colombiano


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The article examines a range of components for the customer service from the point of view of marketing.It start with the explanation of several features that are required for a company to crystallize teamwork that finally, after all, will be provided by the success or failure of that company.These features are named: engagement, cooperation, companionship, communication, motivation and leadership.Subsequently, this article presents a section which explores human relationships and conflict management within organizations, with emphasis on attitudes, skills and personality types that present human beings as part of its essence.Finally, this text includes a section that highlights concepts related to customer service and sales techniques that exist today.


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O conflito, quando abordado de forma construtiva, pode criar oportunidades e crescimento, mas se abordado de forma incorreta pode gerar estagnação. É por isso que uma gestão eficaz e salutar dos conflitos é fundamental para otimizar as suas consequências e transformá-las em mais valias de forma a que impulsione a mudança. A entrada das mulheres nas Forças Armadas fez ressaltar a importância da discussão da diferença do género na resolução dos conflitos interpessoais. No nosso trabalho de investigação analisamos, através de um estudo quantitativo, uma amostra de 421 militares (110 mulheres e 311 homens) no sentido de aferir quais os comportamentos mais frequentes no local de trabalho relativamente a uma situação de conflito interpessoal e se existem diferenças entre os géneros ao lidarem com o conflito. Para a recolha de dados foi utilizado o ROCI-II (Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory-II). Os resultados obtidos indicam que em todos os tipos de relações interpessoais o estilo integração é o predominante independente do sexo. Da análise efetuada, dentro de cada estilo de Gestão de Conflito não se verificaram diferenças significativas em função do género exceto no estilo evitamento em que este é mais utilizado pelas mulheres em todas as relações interpessoais. Abstract: The conflict, when approached constructively, can create opportunities and growth; but if approached incorrectly it can lead to stagnation. Therefore, an effective and constructive management is essential to optimize its consequences and turn them into capital gains that drive the change. The entry of women in the military did emphasize the importance of the discussion about gender difference in solving interpersonal conflicts. In our research work we analyze, through a quantitative study, a sample of 421 military personnel (110 women and 311 men) in order to assess which are the most frequent types of behavior in the context of an interpersonal conflict in the workplace and if there are differences between genders in dealing with conflict. For data collection ROCI-II (Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory-II) was used. The results obtained indicate that in all types of interpersonal relationships the integration style is predominant regardless of sex. From the analysis conducted, inside each style of Conflict Management there are no significant differences based on gender, except regarding the avoidance style, which is more used by women in all interpersonal relationships.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialidade em Psicologia Comunitária