950 resultados para 70-1


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本文在对环境因子 (包括年均温、年降水量、海拔高度、坡度和坡向 )进行空间表达的基础上 ,建立了长白山自然保护区当前森林景观垂直带 (包括阔叶红松林、云冷杉林、岳桦林和苔原 )与这些环境因子间的逻辑斯蒂回归模型 ,然后利用 1 997年各环境因子的空间数字面来反推 1 975年森林景观带的空间分布 ,并根据 1 975年MSS遥感影像计算机监督分类的结果 ,用Kappa指数对模型预测结果进行验证。结果表明 ,苔原、岳桦林、云冷杉林和阔叶红松林 1 975年的预测分布面积分别为 72 4 3.83hm2 、65 1 7.0 8hm2 、1 2 5 5 70 .1 6hm2 和 342 64.80hm2 ,与遥感分类结果相比 ,苔原和云冷杉林的面积分别减少了 2 9.0 4 %和 3.0 5 %;岳桦林和阔叶红松林的面积分别增加了 2 4 6.45 %和 8.6%。用逻辑斯蒂回归模型可以较好地预测苔原在保护区内的分布范围 ,同时在一定程度上也能预测阔叶红松林的分布范围 ,但是对岳桦林和云冷杉林分布范围的预测结果较差。尽管如此 ,作为一种方法性的探讨 ,本文可以为森林景观空间分布和环境因子变化的关系以及森林景观对气候变化的反应研究提供一种新思路。


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分析了科尔沁沙地西部乌兰敖都地区 2 1年的降水特点和降水趋势。年平均降水量为 31 1 .4mm ,降水集中在 5 - 9月份。夏季占全年降水量的 70 .1 % ,年平均降水日数约 76天。≥ 5 .0mm、≥ 1 0 .0mm的降雨日数全部集中于 3— 1 0月份。历年最长连续降水日数多发生于夏季 ,占 85 %。相对于年平均降水量 31 0mm而言 ,本地正常降水年份占 43%。异常降水年份占 5 7%。最长干旱持续期出现在冬春两季 ,约占 80 %。 2 1年平均降水量波动较大 ,并存在总体下降的趋势 ,可能与 1 999- 2 0 0 2年的年降雨量低于多年平均降雨量有关。


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长期以来人们忽视了森林产品的非市场价值,从经济角度上来看, 这将导致保护森林资源的难度加大。本文在以前研究的基础之上,综合了恩格尔系数和逻辑斯谛曲线构造了补偿系数,计算了长白山地区森林生态效益的经济补偿值。结果表明,1999 年应支付的总补偿值为637.93 元/公顷,其中70%将直接支付给当地居民和其它相关利益者。这一数值远远高于现有的补偿值。从当前的形势看,中央政府不可能承担所有的森林保护费用和支付所有的保护森林的开支。本文提出可以利用当地政府的财政投资以及将补偿费用纳入到现行财政体系中解决方法。图1 表2参17。


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Biodeyradation has the characteristics of simple operation,low cost,and easy application.In this research,two fungus were chosen to degrade the oil in polluted soil in laboratory and fields.In the laboratory culture test with temperature controlled,the rate of oil degradation by native fungi (F) and foreign fungi (P) are 61.8% and 66.1% respectively after 50 days.In the field test the rate of oil degradation by native fungi (F) and foreign fungi (P) are 59.8% and 70.1% respectively after 150 days.


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在野外调查研究基础上 ,结合 2 0世纪 70年代未受干扰的红松天然林地面红松种子贮藏情况 ,分析了长白山自然保护区松果采摘后 ,红松林地面红松种源贮藏和分布变化 ,根据红松更新过程与动物的关系 ,探讨了松果采摘对红松更新条件的影响 .结果表明 ,松果采摘后 ,地面红松种子主要分布在地被物下层且大多呈单粒状分布 ,其贮藏量 1 5 82~ 2 6 4 0粒·hm-2 ,仅为 2 0世纪 70年代的 0 3%~ 0 5 % ,废种子比率 6 7 8%~ 86 2 % ,单粒状占总簇数的 4 6 8%~ 77 1 % ,对红松天然更新起重要作用的动物已减少或消失 ,表明松果采摘是长白山自然保护区红松天然更新的最大障碍之一 .


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为了解杉木连栽土壤中有毒化感物质对杉木幼苗毒害作用 ,采用水培杉木幼苗方法 ,通过投加不同浓度香草醛 ,发现 1mg·kg- 1 香草醛显著抑制杉木种子胚根的伸长 (P<0 .0 5) ,只为对照的 70 % ;香草醛浓度达 1 0mg·kg- 1 时 ,叶绿素总量明显下降到对照的80 % ;超过 2 0mg·kg- 1 对杉木幼苗地径与高度生长产生明显抑制作用 ;50mg·kg- 1 以上将明显影响地上部分枝叶的正常生长发育 ,及至植株冠层的生长 ;超过 1 0 0mg·kg- 1 ,整个植株的生长受到显著抑制 .香草醛是连栽土壤中毒性较大的一种有毒化感物质 ,是杉木存活率低的重要原因之一 .


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Nitrogen addition to soil can play a vital role in influencing the losses of soil carbon by respiration in N-deficient terrestrial ecosystems. The aim of this study was to clarify the effects of different levels of nitrogen fertilization (HN, 200 kg N ha(-1) year(-1); MN, 100 kg N ha(-1) year(-1); LN, 50 kg N ha(-1) year(-1)) on soil respiration compared with non-fertilization (CK, 0 kg N ha(-1) year(-1)), from July 2007 to September 2008, in temperate grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. Results showed that N fertilization did not change the seasonal patterns of soil respiration, which were mainly controlled by soil heat-water conditions. However, N fertilization could change the relationships between soil respiration and soil temperature, and water regimes. Soil respiration dependence on soil moisture was increased by N fertilization, and the soil temperature sensitivity was similar in the treatments of HN, LN, and CK treatments (Q (10) varied within 1.70-1.74) but was slightly reduced in MN treatment (Q (10) = 1.63). N fertilization increased soil CO2 emission in the order MN > HN > LN compared with the CK treatment. The positive effects reached a significant level for HN and MN (P < 0.05) and reached a marginally significant level for LN (P = 0.059 < 0.1) based on the cumulative soil respiration during the 2007 growing season after fertilization (July-September 2007). Furthermore, the differences between the three fertilization treatments and CK reached the very significant level of 0.01 on the basis of the data during the first entire year after fertilization (July 2007-June 2008). The annual total soil respiration was 53, 57, and 24% higher than in the CK plots (465 g m(-2) year(-1)). However, the positive effects did not reach the significant level for any treatment in the 2008 growing season after the second year fertilization (July-September 2008, P > 0.05). The pairwise differences between the three N-level treatments were not significant in either year (P > 0.05).


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The release behavior of a water-soluble small molecule drug from the drug-loaded nanofibers prepared by emulsion-electrospinning was investigated. Doxorubicin hydrochloride (Dox), a water-soluble anticancer agent, was used as the model drug. The laser scanning confocal microscopic images indicated that the drug was well incorporated into amphiphilic poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(L-lactic acid) (PEG-PLA) diblock copolymer nanofibers, forming "core-sheath" structured drug-loaded nanofibers.


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以弱碱性苯乙烯系阴离子交换树脂 [D3 92 ,— NH2 ,D3 82 ,— NHCH3,D3 0 1 R,— NH(CH3) 2 ],强碱性苯乙烯系阴离子交换树脂 [2 0 1× 7DVB,— NH+ (CH3) 3]和弱碱性环氧系阴离子交换树脂 (70 1 ,— NH2 )为载体制备了 3种钯 -高分子载体催化剂 .考察了反应条件、高分子载体的种类、钯含量和催化剂用量对糠醛催化加氢生成四氢糠醇反应及催化性能的影响 .在体积分数为 5 0 %的乙醇 -水溶液和水中对糠醛常压液相加氢反应 ,钯 -高分子载体 (阴离子交换树脂 D3 92 ,— NH2 ,D3 82 ,— NHCH3)催化剂均可使糠醛的加氢反应转化率达 1 0 0 % ,生成四氢糠醇的选择性达 98%以上 ,而用金属钯为催化剂的转化率达 70 %以上 ,选择性达97%以上 .同时用 XPS分析了高分子载体催化剂的结构与催化加氢反应性能的关系.


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通过单克隆抗体制备技术得到三株特异结合半抗原 4 ( GSH-S-DNP二苄酯 )的单克隆抗体 HB4 ,HB5和 HB7.抗体经两步化学诱变得到具有细胞谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 ( c GPX)活性的含硒抗体酶 m HB4 ,m HB5和 m HB7,活力分别为 1 70 ,1 867,32 U/μmol.其中 m HB5的活力是天然兔肝 c GPX的 0 .32倍 ,m 4 A4的1 .51倍 .等离子体 -质谱 ( ICP/MS)测得每分子含硒抗体酶分子中大约存在 2个硒原子 .m HB5的最适 p H为8.6~ 8.8.在 p H值范围为 7.0和 37℃条件下 ,m HB5催化 GSH和 H2 O2 或 t-ROOH反应的二级速率常数为 :k+ 1 ( H2 O2 ) 9.71× 1 0 6 L /( mol· min) ,k+ 1 ( t-ROOH) 5.99× 1 0 5 L/( mol· min) . m HB5使非酶催化反应速率提高了 9.8× 1 0 6和 3.7× 1 0 5倍.


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以苯乙烯 -马来酸酐无规共聚物 ( SMA)为有机组分 ,以正硅酸乙酯 ( TEOS)为无机组分 ,利用 sol-gel方法制得纳米杂化材料 .以此为载体合成了载体化钛系催化剂 ,进行了苯乙烯聚合的研究 .聚合结果表明在50℃左右聚苯乙烯的间规度达到最大 ;随着反应温度的提高 ,分子量出现了下降现象 ,但反应活性提高 ,在70℃时 ,可达最高 1 .4 9× 1 0 6 g/( mol·h) ;并且分子量分布与文献结果相比也较宽 .


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The compound [FeCp(Tol)](2)[Ni(mnt)(2)] has been prepared from [FeCp(Tol)]AlCl4 and Na-2[Ni(mnt)(2)]. This new organometallic radical ionic salt has been characterized by elemental analysis, IR, H-1 NMR and mass spectroscopy. The X-ray structure of the compound shows there are segregated cation and anion stacks in the perpendicular directions, The molecular anions form a zig-zag stacking along the b axis, and between every two neighbouring anion planes a methyl group of the cation is inserted. This gives rise to a long spacing of 6.87 Angstrom, between the anion planes. The cations stack along the c axis, with the closest spacing of 3.457 Angstrom between the cyclopentadienyl plane and the neighbouring toluene plane, which is shorter than the sum of Van der Wall's radii. Conductivity measurements showed the compound as a semiconductor with a room temperature conductivity of 1.6 X 10(-4) Scm(-1).


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EuBa2(Cu1-xFex)3O7-y has been investigated by the Fe-57 and Eu-151 Mossbauer effect. The Fe-57 Mossbauer spectra of the EuBa2(Cu1xFex)3O7-y without or with DC electric current (the current strength I = 0.5A) around the superconducting transition temperature have been measured. The results indicate that the isomer shift (IS) and the quadrupole splitting (QS) of the Fe replacing the Cu(2) vary neither with increasing the Fe content nor with the small DC eletric current passing the superconductor and that the IS and the QS of the Fe replacing the Cu(1) vary with the Fe content. Especially, the IS and the QS of the Fe (D3) replacing the Cu(1) are changed when the small electric current passes the superconductor at 80K.