997 resultados para Zuloaga, Ignacio, 1870-1945.


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The smoke and fumes of the city: Air protection in Helsinki from 1945 to 1982 This dissertation examines air pollution and air protection in post-war Helsinki. The period studied ends in 1982 when the Air Protection Act entered into force, thus institutionalising air protection in Finland as a socially governed environmental matter. The dissertation is based on the research traditions of environmental politics and urban environmental history. The development of air protection is approached from the perspectives of politicisation and institutionalisation. The dissertation also investigates how air pollution grew into a social issue and presents various discursive ways of analysing air pollution and protection. The primary research material consists of municipal documents and newspapers, while supplementary material includes journal articles and interviews. The event history of air protection is described through an analysis of the material, including source criticism. The social ways of dealing with air pollution and the emergence of air protection are analysed in the light of case-specific air quality disputes from both factual and discursive perspectives. This approach enables the contextualisation of the development of air protection as part of the local history of post-war Helsinki. The dissertation presents the major sources of air pollution in Helsinki and describes the deterioration of air quality in a society which emphasised the primacy of economic prosperity. The air issue emerged during the 1950s in neighbourhood disputes and was exacerbated into a larger problem in the late 1960s. Concurrent to the formation of the field of environmental protection in Finland, an air protection organisation was established in the 1970s in Helsinki. As a result, air protection became a regular part of municipal government. Air protection in Helsinki developed from small-scale policies focused on individual cases into a large, institutionalised air protection system managed by experts. The dissertation research material gave rise to the following major research themes: the economic dimension of the air issue, the role of science in the formation of the environmental problem, and the establishment of norms for acceptable air quality and reasonable limits to air pollution in the urban environment. The paper also discusses the inequitable distribution of the negative effects of air pollution between the residents of different districts. The dissertation concludes that air protection in Helsinki became a local success story although it was long marred by inefficiency and partial failure.


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Pohjois-Suomen savottakämpillä vuosien 1945 1975 välillä työskennelleitä kämppäemäntiä. Kämppäemännät toimivat metsätyöntekijöiden yhteisasunnoissa ruuanlaittajina ja siivoojina. Savottakämpille alettiin palkata kokkeja 1900-luvun alussa ja 1930-luvulta eteenpäin puutavarayhtiöt alkoivat huolehtia heidän palkkaamisestaan. Yhtiöiden palkkaamien ruuanlaittajien ammattinimikkeesi vakiintui kämppäemäntä. Kämppämajoitus väheni 1970-luvun myötä kun metsätyössä siirryttiin työntekijöiden kotikuljetuksiin. Pohjois-Suomessa kämppätyömaita ja kämppäemäntiä oli kuitenkin 1980-luvun lopulle asti. Kämppäemännät työskentelivät maskuliinisella metsäalalla kämppäyhteisöjen ainoina naisina. Tutkielmassa kysytäänkin, minkälaisia käsityksiä ja määritelmiä kämppäemännyyteen yhdistettiin ja miten kämppäemännän sukupuoli näkyy näissä määritelmissä. Lisäksi kysytään, minkälaisina kämpän sisäiset sukupuolten väliset suhteet näyttäytyivät. Tarkastelussa hyödynnetään Yvonne Hirdmanin sukupuolijärjestelmän käsitettä. Tutkimuskysymyksiä lähestytään kolmesta näkökulmasta: Ensin tarkastellaan, miten kämppäemännyyttä määritellään aikalaiskirjallisuudessa. Tässä tarkastelussa tärkeimpänä lähdeaineistona toimivat kämppäemännille suunnatut oppaat. Toiseksi tarkastellaan, miten kämppäemäntinä toimineet naiset vastasivat näihin määritelmiin ja minkälaiseksi he kokivat kämpillä vallinneet sukupuolten väliset suhteet. Kolmanneksi kuvataan, mitä savottakämpillä majoittuneet metsäalalla toimineet miehet näkivät hyvän kämppäemännän ominaisuuksiksi ja minkälaisiksi he kokivat emännän aseman kämppäyhteisössä. Kahden viimeisen näkökulman lähdeaineistona toimii muistitietoaineisto. Kämppäemännät toimivat savottakämpillä erilaisten odotusten ristipaineessa. Kämppäemännän oppaat määrittelevät heidän roolinsa feminiiniseksi ja äidilliseksi. Ne luovat kämppäemännän työstä naisten yhteiskunnallisen roolin mukaista määrittelemällä kämpän kodiksi ja emännän sen hengettäreksi, joka huolehtii miesten hyvinvoinnista. Kämpillä majoittuneet miehet sen sijaan arvostavat kämppäemäntää, joka on rempseä ja huumorintajuinen. Kämppäemännän kuului sopeutua kämpän maskuliiniseen kulttuuriin, mikä onnistui parhaiten osallistumalla sen huumoriin. Kämpän sukupuolijärjestelmä perustui sukupuolitettuun työnjakoon ja kämppätilan sukupuolenmukaiseen jakamiseen. Kämpän keittiö ja emännän huone olivat naisille kuuluvaa yksityisaluetta, josta oltiin yhteydessä miesten puolelle vain tarjoiluluukun välityksellä. Sukupuolten erillään pitämistä perusteltiin kämppäemännän suojelemisella, mutta sen tavoitteena oli myös estää sukupuolisuhteiden syntyminen kämpän miesten ja kämppäemännän välille. Kämppäemäntä olikin virallisesti rauhoitettu ja emännän koskemattomuudesta huolehtiminen oli kämppäyhteisön vastuulla. Kämppäelämässä syntyi kuitenkin seurustelusuhteita ja mahdollisesti myös sukupuolisuhteita. Näistä ei kuitenkaan mielellään kerrota haastatteluissa. Myös seksuaalista häirintää esiintyi. Kämppäemännät kuitenkin korostavat miesten kunnioittavaa suhtautumista heihin. He korostavat, etteivät sukupuolten väliset suhteet olleet ongelmallisia ja painottavat omaa sukupuolimoraaliaan. Kämppäemännät näkevät itsensä kämppäyhteisön jäsenenä, eivätkä halua puhua pahaa muusta yhteisöstä. Vaikeita tilanteita kuvatessaan he korostavat omaa aktiivisuuttaan ja selviytymistään. Kämppäemännät luovat itsestään kuvaa selviytyjinä ja vahvoina naisina.


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Abstract (A journey through Danish literature translated into Finnish after 1945): Nearly 80 per cent of all literary translations from Danish into Finnish are done after the Second World War. These translations are obviously only a small selection of the Danish national literature, but nevertheless capture important trends and currents in it. Based on a selection of translated works, the article allows a broad introduction to Danish literature available in Finnish. It focuses on children's and youth literature, feminist literature and realistic, magic and civilization critical novels.


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This dissertation deals with the notions of sacrifice and violence in connection with the Fin¬nish flag struggles between 1917 and 1945. The study begins with the basic idea that sacrificial thinking is a key element in nationalism and the social cohesion of large groups. The method used in the study combines anthropological notions of totemism with psychoanalytical object relation theory. The aim is to explore the social and psychological elements of the Finnish national flag and the workers flags during the times of crisis and nation building. The phenomena and concepts addressed include self-sacrifice, scapegoating, remembrance of war, inclusion, and exclusion. The research is located at the intersection of nationalism studies and the cultural history of war. The analysis is based primarily on the press debates, public speeches and archival sources of the civic organizations that promoted the Finnish flag. The study is empirically divided into three sections: 1) the years of the Revolution and the Civil War (1917 1918), 2) the interwar period (1919 1938), and 3) the Second World War (1939 1945). The research demonstrates that the modern national flags and workers flags in Finland maintain certain characteristics of primitive totems. When referred to as a totem the flag means an emotionally charged symbol, a reservoir of the collective ideals of a large group. Thus the flag issue offers a path to explore the perceptions and memory of sacrifice and violence in the making of the First Republic . Any given large group, for example a nation, must conceptually pursue a consensus on its past sacrifices. Without productive interpretation sacrifice represents only meaningless violence. By looking at the passions associated with the flag the study also illuminates various group identities, boundaries and crossings of borders within the Finnish society at the same time. The study shows further that the divisive violence of the Civil War was first overcome in the late 1930s when the social democrats adopted a new perception of the Red victims of 1918 they were seen as part of the birth pains of the nation, and not only the martyrs of class struggle. At the same time the radical Right became marginalized. The study also illuminates how this development made the Spirit of the Winter War possible, a genuine albeit brief experience of horizontal brother and sisterhood, and how this spirit was reflected in the popular adoption of the Finnish flag. The experience was not based only on the external and unifying threat posed by the Soviet Union: it was grounded in a sense of unifying sacrifice which reflected a novel way of understanding the nation and its past sacrifices. Paradoxically, the newly forged consensus over the necessity and the rewards of the common sacrifices of the Winter War (1939 1940) made new sacrifices possible during the Continuation War (1941 1944). In spite of political discord and war weariness, the concept of a unified nation under the national flag survived even the absurdity of the stationary war phase. It can be said that the conflict between the idea of a national community and parliamentary party politics dissolved as a result of the collective experience of the Second World War.


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ABSTRACT The diocese as the agent and advocate of diaconial work. The development of diaconial work in the Mikkeli diocese 1945–1991. The roots of Finnish diacony are in the individual devotional life of Pietism. An acting faith had to be evident in acts of love. Following German institutional diacony, diaconial institutions were established in Finland until congregational diacony emerged alongside these institutions in the 1890s. Pastor Otto Aarnisalo acted as a pathfinder in this. He aimed to unite diacony with the Church and the life of the congregation. Diacony had been based on the idea of volunteering to separate it from statutory social work. In 1944 the church law was amended, which made diacony the concern of every member of the congregation. In the years immediately following the Second World War, discussion took place in the Church of Finland about the direction that diacony should take. In the consequential debate, caritative services overcame social diacony. The diocese administration moved to Mikkeli in 1945, when the majority of the Vyborg diocese became part of the USSR in the armistice negotiations. The Mikkeli diocese acted in its diaconial work with the same objectives as the diaconial solutions of the whole church. The acting principle of the diocese diacony became a form of helping which emphasised assistance of the individual. Especially from the 1960s onwards, the country's industrialisation and the reduction of agricultural trade had an effect on the Mikkeli diocese. The diocese administration, specifically Bishop Martti Simojoki and his successor Osmo Alaja, aimed to open up connections to the political left and people working in industry. At least indirectly this helped the diaconial work in industrial localities. In the Mikkeli diocese, a diaconial committee was established in 1971, and its work was overseen by the diocesan chapter of the bishop's office. This enabled the work of the diocese to be organised for the different areas of diacony. Previously, the diaconial work of the Finnish church had primarily been in nursing. The Health Insurance Law of 1972 brought a change to this when the responsibility for health services was transferred to the municipalities. Diacony began to move towards a psychological and spiritual emphasis. Beginning in the 1970s, the diocese started holding diaconial themed days at prescribed intervals. Although these did not result in great realignments, they did help clarify the direction that diacony would take. Large international collections were also carried out, especially in the 1980s. At the same time, socio-ethical activity vitalised and diversified Christian services. The idea that every member of the congregation should practice diacony was a strong factor in the Mikkeli diocese as well. The diocese's vision for diacony was holistic; Christian service was the responsibility of every member of the congregation. During the period of study (1945–1991), the theology of diacony was rather tenuous. Bishop Kalevi Toiviainen, however, brought forth the viewpoint of church doctrine and officially sanctioned theology. Diacony was part of the complete faith of the Church.


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Sepsophis punctatus Beddome 1870, the only species of a monotypic genus, was described based on a single specimen from the Eastern Ghats of India. We rediscovered the species based on specimens from Odisha and Andhra Pradesh state, India, after a gap of 137 years, including four specimens from close to the type locality. The holotype was studied in detail, and we present additional morphological characters of the species with details on natural history, habitat and diet. The morphological characters of the holotype along with two additional specimens collected by Beddome are compared with the specimens collected by us. We also briefly discuss the distribution of other members of the subfamily Scincinae and their evolutionary affinities.


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Contenido: Naturaleza humana y gracia : el problema del humanismo cristiano / Octavio Nicolás Derisi – La moral de Tomás de Aquino en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica / Héctor Aguer – Santo Tomás de Aquino en la encíclica Veritatis Splendor de Juan Pablo II / Gustavo Eloy Ponferrada – La ética cartesiana entre teleología y deontología / Antonio Malo Pé – Por qué la filosofía de la naturaleza de Hegel es la parte más débil de sus sistema / Juan Alfredo Casaubon – Igualdad (ligelighed) y diferencia (forskjel) : en torno a la comunidad fraternal de S. Kierkegaard / Francisco Torralba Roselló – Metafísica de la libertad en Carlos Cardona / Eudaldo Forment – La normatividad de la naturaleza y los absolutos morales / Carlos Ignacio Massini Correas – El pecado colectivo : existencia y naturaleza / Victorino Rodríguez – The sacramental visión of lonergan’s grace and freedom / John M. McDermott – La afirmación de la trascendencia de Dios en la doctrina cristiana y en las conclusiones de la filosofía primera / Mario Enrique Sacchi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Editorial – Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal: Presentación – Jornadas de Derecho Procesal Penal: Los distintos proyectos de reforma al Código Procesal Penal de la Nación / Ricardo Gil Lavedra – Diferentes perfiles del ejercicio de la acción penal / Francisco D’Albora – El Ministerio Público Fiscal / José Cafferata Nores – El Ministerio Público Fiscal en Italia / Giorgio Cherubini – El Ministerio Público Fiscal en la provincia de Buenos Aires / Eduardo D’Empaire – El recurso extraordinario / Jorge Reynaldo Vanossi – La situación del imputado / Hernán Munilla Lacasa – Incorporación de prueba al debate / Roberto Raúl Daray – El recurso de casación en el nuevo Código Procesal Penal de la provincia de Buenos Aires / Carlos A. Mahiques – El procesado en estado de cautividad / Jorge Kent – Jornadas Internacionales de Derecho Penal: El derecho penal y el orden social / Alfredo Battaglia – Del Comité Especial a la Conferencia de Roma / Juan Manuel Gramajo – La protección de la vida inocente en vísperas del siglo veintiuno / Alberto Rodríguez Varela – Derecho Laboral : nuevas normas y doctrinas: Reformas laborales. Leyes 25.013, 25.165 y 25.250 / Jorge Rodríguez Mancini ; Juan A. Confalonieri (h), comentario de Héctor César Guisado – Recargos en indemnizaciones por despido : Ley 25.323 / Hugo Roberto Mansueti – In Memoriam – Recensiones


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Contenido: La encíclica Fides et ratio de Juan Pablo II / La Dirección – Die Gegenwart del Themis bei Parmenides un der entzug der bestimmung im Heideggers Lichtung / Stefan Winter – El tiempo como medida de la primera esfera en la Física de Aristóteles / Marcelo L. Imperiale – St. Albert the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas on the presence of elements in compounds / Steven Baldner – Santo Tomás de Aquino, psicólogo / Ignacio Andereggen – Aquinas on creation and the metaphysical foundation of science / William E. Carroll – Las fuentes jurídicas romanas en Santo Tomás de Aquino / Alfredo Gustavo Di Pietro – La causalidad humana en la filosofía de la historia de Giambattista Vico / Juan Francisco Franck – Questions disputées de la politique chrétienne de Jacques Maritain / Yves Floucat – Die tektonik des submodernen Denkens im Schein ihrer Kunst / Heribert Boeder – El concepto de tolerancia / Alejandro G. Vigo – Modern science and time: an evaluation / Leo J. Elders – Tecnociencia y crisis ambiental / Héctor J. Padrón – The importante of order in theological discusión / Timothy L. Smith – La metafísica a pesar de Heidegger / Mario Enrique Sacchi – Notas y comentarios – Bibliografía


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Contenido: Del acto de ser a la acción moral / Gustavo Eloy Ponferrada – La dignidad humana desde una perspectiva metafísica / Abelardo Lobato – Ser y no ser en el sofista de Platón / Raúl Echauri – Feminismo y tercer milenio / María Fernanda Balmaseda Cinquina -- ¿La filosofía como amor del saber o saber efectivo? / Bernard Schumacher – Karl Popper y su crítica al verificacionismo de Freud / Horacio M. Sánchez Parodi – Moral virtue and contemplation : a note on the unity of the moral life / David M. Gallagher – El titular de la autoridad política en Santo Tomás y Rousseau / Avelino Manuel Quintas – La dignidad del hombre y la dignidad de la persona / Eudaldo Forment – Ensayo de síntesis acerca de la distinción especulativo-práctico y su estructuración metodológica / Carlos Ignacio Massini Correas – Conocimiento del alma después de la muerte : presentación de la doctrina de Santo Tomás de Aquino expuesta en las Quaestiones disputatae de veritate Q. 19 A. 1 / Luis Rodrigo Ewart -- Sufrimiento y humildad ontológica : Kant y Schopenhauer / Francisco Torralba Roselló – Significación contemporánea de las nociones de experiencia y derecho natural según Santo Tomás de Aquino / Jorge Martínez Barrera – Contemplación filosófica y contemplación mística en San Buenaventura / Ignacio E. M. Andereggen – Sul duplice fine del matrimonio secondo la doctrina tomista / Horst Seidl – La concepción del espacio en la física de Santo Tomás de Aquino / Mario Enrique Sacchi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Resumen: Entre fines de agosto de 1943 y septiembre de 1945, numerosos opositores al régimen militar vigente en la Argentina se exiliaron en Montevideo. Ellos pertenecían a diversos partidos políticos unidos por un fuerte rechazo y condena al régimen político autoritario. Desarrollaron una prolífica actividad política e intelectual a través de dos organizaciones, Patria Libre y Asociación de Mayo, desde las cuales publicaban respectivamente Pueblo Argentino y Voz Argentina. Si bien los principales opositores al régimen militar que se exiliaron desarrollaron diversas actividades políticas y periodísticas, aún no se han producido estudios detallados sobre las mismas. Teniendo en cuenta la ausencia de conocimiento al respecto, en este artículo presentamos un análisis preliminar sobre el exilio de estos políticos en el Uruguay en el período 1943-1955. En particular, nuestro objetivo específico consiste en analizar todos los artículos que Luciano Molinas, Nicolás Repetto, Santiago Nudelman y José Aguirre Cámara publicaron en Voz Argentina para reflexionar sobre cómo estos actores se percibían a sí mismos frente al gobierno militar argentino y cómo conceptualizaban los fenómenos políticos que ocurrían en su país


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Contenido: Razón y fe en Santo Tomás de Aquino / Gustavo Eloy Ponferrada – Sobre la verdad práctica en Tomás de Aquino / Joaquín García Huidobro – Supuestos cartesianos y gnoseología tomista / Augusto Furlán – Discusión de la visión del catolicismo en la obra de Hegel / Ignacio E. M. Andereggen – Ciencia, filosofía y religión : a propósito de una obra de H. Margenau / María Ángeles Vitoria – Sobre el alma y su cuerpo / Héctor Jorge Padrón – El bien común político y la filosofía política actual / Jorge Martínez Barrera – El sujeto de la psiquiatría / Mario Enrique Sacchi – Notas y comentarios – Crónicas -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: El tiempo como medida de la primera esfera en la Física de Aristóteles / Marcelo L. Imperiale – Verdad, tiempo y justicia. Un tema de la filosofía de Anselmo de Canterbury / Ubaldo Pérez Paoli – La aportación de Tomás de Aquino a la filosofía de la justicia / Carlos Ignacio Massini Correas – Libertad y naturaleza: la voluntad como naturaleza y como razón según Tomás de Aquino / Guillermo Eduardo Spiegel Sosa – La representación como desvelamiento en Tomás de Aquino / Patrica Moya C. – Las condiciones de una nueva teoría del ente natural tras la condena de 1277. La Physica de Walter Burley y sus peculiaridades / Olga L. Larre – Gewibheit und Wahrheit. Descartes’ Grundlegung der Ersten Philosophie / Wilhelm Metz – La noción aristotélico-tomista de verdad y su interpretación en “El ser y el tiempo” de Martin Heidegger / Silvana Filippi – Subjetivistas radicales y hermenéutica en la escuela austríaca de economía / Ricardo F. Crespo – Examen de los principios de la bioética contemporánea predominantes / Camilo Tale – Sguardi sulla fine dei tempi e sulle cose ultime. A proposito Della struttura escatologica del cristianísimo / Vittorio Possenti – Naturaleza teleológica: articulación entre ser, deber ser y virtud / Jorge Peña Vial -- ¿Qué es un doctor de la Iglesia? / Francisco Canals Vidal – Anotaciones sobre la recepción y la crítica de la metafísica tomista en el pensamiento contemporáneo / Mario Enrique Sacchi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Estructuras mentales y principios racionales / Lorenzo Vicente Burgoa – Autonomía moral y deliberación en Santo Tomás de Aquino / Ciro E. Schmidt Andrade – Thomas Aquinas and the reality of time / Steven C. Snyder – Fe y razón en Ramón Llull / Marc Egea I Ger – Idealismo y personalismo en Husserl / Francisco Leocata – El discurso no consensuado de Jürgen Habermas / Marisa Villalba de Tablón – Hacia el tercer milenio : el clima posmoderno y la recuperación de la naturaleza humana del hombre (observaciones tomistas) / William R. Darós – Razón, voluntad y praxis / María Celestina Donadío Maggi de Gandolfi – Meditación sobre la felicidad / Alberto Caturelli – “Y llegarán a ser virtuosos” : ley jurídica positiva penal y educación / Héctor H. Hernández – Todos los hombres desean la felicidad / Ignacio E. M. Andereggen – Justicia y derecho en Ley Natural y Derechos Naturales de John Finnis / Carlos I. Massini Correas – El itinerario antiguo y medieval de la negación nominalista de la metafísica / Mario Enrique Sacchi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía