992 resultados para Obrería-Parroquia de sant Martí Bisbe i sant Antoni Abad (València)-Distribució


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Se trata de una obra colectiva que pretende ser una herramienta de trabajo docente; el objetivo es introducir buenos hábitos alimentarios desde los primeros años de vida y para ello presenta una variedad de capítulos que tratan sobre diversos temas: generalidades acerca de la alimentación y la nutrición, las características y funciones de las sustancias nutritivas y de los propios alimentos.


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Resumen tomado del de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: La enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua (L2) en contextos educativos multilingües


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Se realiza un estudio sobre las evaluaciones llevadas a cabo por lo centros de secundaria y las calificaciones de las PAAU, donde se aprecian diferencias en lo que respecta al comportamiento evaluador de los centros de titularidad pública o privada. A través de un análisis discriminante se identifican como variables muy diferenciadoras las referentes a porcentajes de aprobados. Un análisis de conglomerados identifica seis categorías de centros de secundaria. Finalmente, por medio de un análisis de correspondencias, se observa la asociación de ciertas categorías a las dos tipologías básicas detectadas. Y, tras efectuar un meta-análisis correlacional y comprobar diferencias importantes entre las convocatorias, se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de reconsiderar algunos estudios de esta naturaleza.


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Analizar la función de los educadores extraescolares (monitores, instructores, dirigentes, etc.). Realidad personal, tipo de trabajo desempeñado, fomación pedagógica y preparación técnica, nivel de dedicación, estabilidad. Elaborar unas líneas de formación a partir de las necesidades, aspiraciones y exigencias de los animadores y del tipo de trabajo que ejercen. A) 55 monitores que cursan estudios en la Escuela de Tiempo Libre de Valencia. B) 181 sujetos (108 varones y 73 mujeres). La investigacaión está dividida en tres partes. A) Parte teórica en la que se analiza la educación extraescolar y la animación socio-cultural. B) Parte experimental: en la que se analiza la animación sociocultural en Valencia, para ella se elaboró un cuestionario piloto compuesto por 51 ítems, cuestiones de tipo abierto, con la tabulación de los datos de este cuestionario. Se elaboró el definitivo formado por 67 ítems: abiertos, cerrados de elección múltiple, semicerrados, semicerrados con valoración cualitativa. C) Proyecto de un plan de formación del animador sociocultural. La mayor parte de los monitores son jóvenes entre 15 y 23 años. 60 son varones, 40 mujeres. El 82,4 por ciento de los varones y el 86,3 de mujeres son solteros. La mayoría son estudiantes con otras profesiones: docentes, jornaleros, oficinistas. El nivel socio-económico de los monitores es medio y medio-bajo. El 48 por ciento efectúa su labor de educación extraescolar en Valencia capital, la otra mitad en pueblos. Un 68 por ciento ha pertenecido a alguna asociación u organismo, en su mayoria socioconfesionales, antes de ser monitores. La media del tiempo dedicado a la tarea de animador está aproximadamente en 7 horas. A un 18,2 por ciento no se les ha exigido requisito alguno para ser monitor. La estabilidad y permanencia de los monitores en su trabajo es variable. Los 2/3 están satisfechos de su labor. Una gran parte de los monitores sugiere que su función de animación socio-cultural debiera profesionalizarse, otros, por el contrario, no comparten esta idea por considerar que debe ser cuestión de vocación y entrega desinteresada.


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El artículo forma parte de un monográfico dedicado al Foro Social de la Educación celebrado en Barcelona del 25 al 27 de febrero de 2005


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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T??tulo, resumen y palabras clave tambi??n en ingl??s


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Image registration is an important component of image analysis used to align two or more images. In this paper, we present a new framework for image registration based on compression. The basic idea underlying our approach is the conjecture that two images are correctly registered when we can maximally compress one image given the information in the other. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we show that the image registration process can be dealt with from the perspective of a compression problem. Second, we demonstrate that the similarity metric, introduced by Li et al., performs well in image registration. Two different versions of the similarity metric have been used: the Kolmogorov version, computed using standard real-world compressors, and the Shannon version, calculated from an estimation of the entropy rate of the images


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One of the key aspects in 3D-image registration is the computation of the joint intensity histogram. We propose a new approach to compute this histogram using uniformly distributed random lines to sample stochastically the overlapping volume between two 3D-images. The intensity values are captured from the lines at evenly spaced positions, taking an initial random offset different for each line. This method provides us with an accurate, robust and fast mutual information-based registration. The interpolation effects are drastically reduced, due to the stochastic nature of the line generation, and the alignment process is also accelerated. The results obtained show a better performance of the introduced method than the classic computation of the joint histogram


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In image processing, segmentation algorithms constitute one of the main focuses of research. In this paper, new image segmentation algorithms based on a hard version of the information bottleneck method are presented. The objective of this method is to extract a compact representation of a variable, considered the input, with minimal loss of mutual information with respect to another variable, considered the output. First, we introduce a split-and-merge algorithm based on the definition of an information channel between a set of regions (input) of the image and the intensity histogram bins (output). From this channel, the maximization of the mutual information gain is used to optimize the image partitioning. Then, the merging process of the regions obtained in the previous phase is carried out by minimizing the loss of mutual information. From the inversion of the above channel, we also present a new histogram clustering algorithm based on the minimization of the mutual information loss, where now the input variable represents the histogram bins and the output is given by the set of regions obtained from the above split-and-merge algorithm. Finally, we introduce two new clustering algorithms which show how the information bottleneck method can be applied to the registration channel obtained when two multimodal images are correctly aligned. Different experiments on 2-D and 3-D images show the behavior of the proposed algorithms


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Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging, which measures directional information of water diffusion in the brain, has emerged as a powerful tool for human brain studies. In this paper, we introduce a new Monte Carlo-based fiber tracking approach to estimate brain connectivity. One of the main characteristics of this approach is that all parameters of the algorithm are automatically determined at each point using the entropy of the eigenvalues of the diffusion tensor. Experimental results show the good performance of the proposed approach


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The effect of strongly destabilizing mutations, I106A and V108G of Ribonuclease A (RNase A), on its structure and stability has been determined by NMR. The solution structures of these variants are essentially equivalent to RNase A. The exchange rates of the most protected amide protons in RNase A (35ºC), the I106A variant (35ºC), and the V108G variant (10ºC) yield stability values of 9.9, 6.0, and 6.8 kcal/mol, respectively, when analyzed assuming an EX2 exchange mechanism. Thus, the destabilization induced by these mutations is propagated throughout the protein. Simulation of RNase A hydrogen exchange indicates that the most protected protons in RNase A and the V108G variant exchange via the EX2 regime, whereas those of I106A exchange through a mixed EX1 1 EX2 process. It is striking that a single point mutation can alter the overall exchange mechanism. Thus, destabilizing mutations joins high temperatures, high pH and the presence of denaturating agents as a factor that induces EX1 exchange in proteins. The calculations also indicate a shift from the EX2 to the EX1 mechanism for less protected groups within the same protein. This should be borne in mind when interpreting exchange data as a measure of local stability in less protected regions


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Ribonucleases are promising agents for use in anticancer therapy. Among the different ribonucleases described to be cytotoxic, a paradigmatic example is onconase which manifests cytotoxic and cytostatic effects, presents synergism with several kinds of anticancer drugs and is currently in phase II/III of its clinical trial as an anticancer drug against different types of cancer. The mechanism of cytotoxicity of PE5, a variant of human pancreatic ribonuclease carrying a nuclear localization signal, has been investigated and compared to that of onconase. Methods: Cytotoxicity was measured by the MTT method and by the tripan blue exclusion assay. Apoptosis was assessed by flow cytometry, caspase enzymatic detection and confocal microscopy. Cell cycle phase analysis was performed by flow cytometry. The expression of different proteins was analyzed by western blot.n Results: We show that the cytotoxicity of PE5 is produced through apoptosis, that it does not require the proapoptotic activity of p53 and is not prevented by the multiple drug resistance phenotype. We also show that PE5 and onconase induce cell death at the same extent although the latter is also able to arrest the cell growth. We have compared the cytotoxic effects of both ribonucleases in the NCI/ADR-RES cell line by measuring their effects on the cell cycle, on the activation of different caspases and on the expression of different apoptosis- and cell cycle-related proteins. PE5 increases the number of cells in S and G2/M cell cycle phases, which is accompanied by the increased expression of cyclin E and p21WAF1/CIP1 together with the underphosphorylation of p46 forms of JNK. Citotoxicity of onconase in this cell line does not alter the cell cycle phase distribution and it is accompanied by a decreased expression of XIAP. Conclusions: We conclude that PE5 kills the cells through apoptosis associated with the p21WAF1/CIP1 induction and the inactivation of JNK. This mechanism is significantly different from that found for onconase