207 resultados para mindfulness


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Empirische studies hebben aangetoond dat bij ouderen een veilige hechting positief samenhangt met het niveau van welbevinden. Hechting is een relatief stabiel en moeilijk te beïnvloeden persoonlijk kenmerk en daarom is het belangrijk om mediatoren van het verband tussen hechting en psychologische uitkomstmaten te vinden die met interventies te beïnvloeden zijn. De vraagstelling van de studie luidde: ‘Welk verband bestaat er tussen hechting en welbevinden bij ouderen en wordt dit verband gemedieerd door mindfulness en zingeving?’. De huidige studie was een survey met één meetmoment. De 210 respondenten waren 65 jaar of ouder (M = 71.25, SD = 5.42) en thuiswonend. Daarnaast mochten ze geen ernstige geheugenproblemen of een psychiatrische stoornis hebben. Via de sneeuwbalmethode werden de respondenten mondeling of schriftelijk door de onderzoeker benaderd. De vragenlijst kon anoniem online of op papier worden ingevuld. Hechting werd gemeten met de Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R), mindfulness met de Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), zingeving met de Meaning in Life Questionnaire, subschaal ‘Presence of meaning in life’ (MLQ-P) en welbevinden met de Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) en de Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Zowel hechtingsgerelateerde angst (‘angst’) als hechtingsgerelateerde vermijding (‘vermijding’) bleek in correlatieanalyses negatief samen te hangen met mindfulness, zingeving en welbevinden. Tussen mindfulness, zingeving en welbevinden werden positieve verbanden gevonden. De (seriële) mediatieanalyse werd uitgevoerd met behulp van de macro PROCESS 2.13. Zowel het verband tussen ‘angst’ en welbevinden als tussen ‘vermijding’ en welbevinden werd volledig (serieel) gemedieerd door mindfulness en zingeving.


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Angst- en stemmingsklachten worden geassocieerd met verminderde self-disclosure. Met self-disclosure wordt zelfonthulling van ervaren emoties bedoeld. Dit speelt een rol bij zelfacceptatie en zelfinzicht, en is belangrijk bij gesprekstherapie. Deze studie onderzocht of emotie-inhibitie de negatieve relatie tussen angst- en stemmingsklachten en self-diclosure verklaart, en of de relatie gunstig te beïnvloeden is door mindfulness. Het effect van mindfulness op deze relatie was nog niet eerder onderzocht. Deelnemers waren 99 vrouwen van 24 t/m 74 jaar (M = 44.60, SD = 10.55) en 26 mannen van 26 t/m 77 jaar (M = 48.27, SD = 12.68), afkomstig uit de normale Nederlands populatie. Het onderzoeksontwerp betrof een cross-sectioneel online vragenlijstonderzoek, waarbij gebruik gemaakt werd van de Symptom Checklist (Arrindel & Ettema, 1986), Emotional Self-Disclosure Scale (Snell, Miller, & Belk, 1988), Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Gross & John, 2003) en Five Factor Mindfulness Questionnaire – Short Form (Bohlmeijer, Ten Klooster, Fledderus, Veehof, & Baer, 2011). Resultaten tonen, conform bestaande literatuur, dat angst- en stemmingsklachten negatief samenhangen met self-disclosure. Emotie-inhibitie heeft echter géén mediatie-effect en mindfulness heeft géén moderatie-effect op de negatieve relatie tussen angst- en stemmingsklachten en self-disclosure. Mindfulness heeft wel mediatie-effect op deze relatie. Mindfulness hangt hierbij positief samen met self-disclosure. De relevantie van de bevindingen is vooral praktisch: om mensen met angst- en stemmingsklachten te stimuleren over hun emoties te praten zou mindfulness aangewend kunnen worden.


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Despite the apparent benefits of being mindful, people are often not very mindful. There seem to be forces that drive people toward as well as away from mindfulness. These forces are conceptualised in terms of a competition for scarce attentional capacity. To explore these forces and to test this framework, an experience sampling study among people with an explicit intention to be mindful and an ongoing practice to that end (29 participants, 1012 measurements) was done to examine the antecedents of mindfulness in their daily lives. The results generally support the framework. People tend to be more mindful if the intention to be mindful is salient, and if they feel good. They tend to be less mindful when they are in a hurry, experiencing threat, tired, or very busy. A conscious intention to be mindful seems to be very important, and its development may be a key ingredient in the development of mindfulness.


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O estudo do mindfulness tem sido alvo de um crescente interesse no domínio da Psicologia, pela sua importância no aumento de bem-estar e redução de sintomatologia psicopatológica. Os estudos realizados acerca da forma como o mindfulness assume um papel preponderante no bem-estar psicológico dos indivíduos, tendo por base um conjunto de competências ou aptidões que podem ser aprendidas e praticadas, favorece uma melhoria da saúde e do bem-estar dos indivíduos. Deste modo, com o objectivo de contribuir para o conhecimento da relação entre mindfulness, auto-compaixão, vergonha e psicopatologia em praticantes e não praticantes de meditação/yoga, realizou-se um conjunto de estudos numa amostra constituída por 121 sujeitos, em que 53 integram uma população praticante de meditação/yoga e 68 pertencem à população geral não praticante de meditação/yoga. Os resultados revelam que indivíduos praticantes de meditação/yoga registam valores significativamente mais elevados nas facetas observar e não reagir da escala de mindfulness. Por sua vez, sujeitos com maiores índices de traço de mindfulness apresentam níveis mais baixos de vergonha externa e interna. Para além disto, indivíduos com elevado traço de mindfulness distinguem-se significativamente dos indivíduos com baixo traço de mindfulness ao apresentarem níveis mais elevados de auto-compaixão e níveis mais baixos de depressão, ansiedade e stress. / The study of mindfulness has been the target of a growing interest in the field of psychology because of its importance in increasing welfare and lessening of psychopathological symptoms. Studies on how mindfulness plays a central role in psychological well-being of individuals, based on a set of competencies or skills that can be learned and practiced, promotes improved health and well-being of individuals. Thus, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the relationship between mindfulness, self-pity, shame and psychopathology in non-practitioners and practitioners of meditation / yoga, it was held a series of studies on a sample of 121 subjects, in which 53 were part of a population practicing meditation / yoga and 68 belong to the general population not practicing meditation / yoga. The results show that individuals who practice meditation / yoga recorded significantly higher values in the watch and not react aspects of mindfulness scale. In turn, subjects with higher trait mindfulness have lower levels of external and internal shame. In addition, individuals with higher trait mindfulness differ significantly from individuals with low trait mindfulness of the present higher levels of self-pity and lower levels of depression, anxiety and stress.


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O mindfulness tem sido alvo de um crescente interesse no domínio da Psicologia e a sua importância ao nível do funcionamento psicológico tem vindo a ser empiricamente verificada. Os estudos sobre mindfulness têm demonstrado que este constructo está positivamente relacionado com a saúde psicológica e negativamente com a psicopatologia. Deste modo, a presente investigação teve como objectivo compreender a relação entre mindfulness, satisfação com a vida e optimismo, bem como explicar a influência de um curso de meditação nestas variáveis. Neste sentido, os participantes completaram uma bateria de questionários de auto-resposta avaliando o mindfulness, satisfação com a vida e optimismo num primeiro momento de avaliação, antes do curso de meditação (N = 104), num segundo momento, depois do curso de meditação (N = 30). Os resultados revelam um aumento significativo nos níveis de mindfulness, satisfação com a vida e optimismo após a frequência do curso de meditação e indicam que a prática do curso de meditação fortalece a relação entre estes constructos. Apesar de algumas limitações metodológicas que futura investigação deverá tentar colmatar, este estudo reforça a importância da prática de meditação para um funcionamento psicológico positivo e adaptativo. / Mindfulness has been target of a growing interest to Psychology in terms of the verified importance to psychological function. Studies show that mindfulness has demonstrated an important correlation with psychological health and negatively to psychopathology. The objective of the present research is to understand the relation between mindfulness, satisfaction with life and optimism as well as to explain the influence of a course of meditation in the study of these variables. The participants of this research completed several different types of auto-response questionnaires regarding mindfulness, satisfaction with life, and optimism; prior to the meditation course (N = 104), and then, after the meditation course (N = 30). Therefore, the results of the research demonstrated that the level of mindfulness, satisfaction with life and optimism significantly increased as the participants undergone in the meditation course as well as indicated that the practice such course strengthens the relation between the variables. Despite some methodological limitations that a future research should relieve, this study reinforces the practice of meditation for a positive and adaptive psychological function.


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No presente trabalho, estudamos a Ansiedade aos Testes, entre a população estudantil adolescente. Queremos estudá-la enquanto traço comum da Perturbação de Ansiedade Social; simultaneamente, desejamos captar o papel desempenhado por outras variáveis psicológicas, como o auto-criticismo, e as competências de aceitação e consciência de si (minfulness). A amostra do estudo consiste em 449 estudantes de uma escola secundária de Coimbra, que responderam a um conjunto de 5 questionários. Adoptámos como medidas da ansiedade aos testes a versão portuguesa do Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) (Ponciano, 1980) e a Escala de Cognições e Comportamentos na Ansiedade aos Exames (ECCAE) (Pinto-Gouveia, Melo e Pereira, 2005); da Ansiedade Social a EAESSA (Escala de Ansiedade e Evitamento de Situações Sociais para Adolescentes – Cunha, Pinto-Gouveia e Salvador, 2002); como medida da auto-complacência e consciência de si a versão portuguesa ad hoc da CAMM (Child Acceptance and Mindfulness Measure - Greco, Smith & Baer, 2008); do auto-criticismo a adaptação portuguesa do FRSC (Forms of Self-Criticizing/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale, Gilbert et al., 2004, Castilho e Pinto-Gouveia, 2005). De maneira geral, os resultados desta investigação coadunam-se com a literatura, no que diz respeito ao efeito de género e da preponderância do componente cognitivo na ansiedade face aos exames (frequência de cognições ansiosas); por outro lado, indicam que determinados construtos psicológicos, como o auto-criticismo (selfcriticism) e as competências de aceitação e consciência de si (acceptance e mindfulness), se encontram associadas à ansiedade aos exames. Os estudos futuros devem esclarecer a arquitectura funcional desta relação.


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A Terapia Cognitiva pode ser dividida em três gerações: terapias comportamentais, terapia cognitivo-comportamental e, a mais recente, “a terceira geração” onde se incluem uma variedade de terapias que, não obstante as diferenças entre si, têm o Mindfulness como componente central da terapia (Hayes, 2004). Estas últimas estão a tornar-se cada vez mais populares, pois a sua eficácia clínica tem sido demonstrada através de numerosos estudos. O Mindfulness envolve o foco da atenção de forma consciente para as experiências internas e externas que ocorrem no momento presente, através de uma variedade de exercícios de meditação. Uma das intervenções baseadas no Mindfulness é o programa clínico de Redução de Stresse (MBSR), desenvolvido por Jon Kabat-Zinn de forma a facilitar a adaptação e aliviar o sofrimento associado a perturbações psiquiátricas, físicas e psicossomáticas. A outra intervenção, a Terapia Cognitiva baseada no Mindfulness (MBCT) é largamente baseada no programa anterior, tendo como objectivo prevenir a reincidência de episódios depressivos, através da observação dos pensamentos e sentimentos sem os julgar, vendo-os apenas como eventos mentais e não como aspectos pessoais ou reflexo directo da realidade. O nosso objectivo neste estudo foi realizar uma revisão compreensiva de 14 estudos onde foram administradas uma das intervenções baseadas no Mindfulness (MBSR ou MBCT), de forma a avaliar os benefícios na saúde física e/ou mental. Como técnica metaanalítica foi utilizada o cálculo do tamanho do efeito de d de Cohan’s, de forma a facilitar a quantificação dos resultados e a comparação entre os estudos. Esta análise demonstrou um tamanho do efeito médio/alto (d=0,74), manifestando que os programas baseados no Mindfulness têm resultados terapêuticos significativos num largo leque de perturbações mentais e doenças físicas.


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Programa de doctorado: Formación del Profesorado. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura


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In recent years there has been a rapid growth in mindfulness practices being applied to improve the health and wellbeing of those who participate. As a result mindfulness-based interventions (MBI’s) have been applied in medical and educational settings. The purpose of this piece of research is to explore children’s understanding of mindfulness following their involvement in a 12 week mindfulness based intervention. The research provides an in-depth explorative interpretation of both the pupils and the mindfulness practitioner’s experience of mindfulness. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was employed as a method of analysis which resulted in 3 master themes being identified. The themes include ‘physiological activities promote mindfulness’, ‘cognitive elements’ and ‘states of being’. Interpretation of the findings considered participants experiences in relation to the 7 attitudinal foundations as proposed by Kabat–Zinn (1990). A number of similarities between the participants were evident, as represented in the 3 master themes. However the degree to which each individual participant expressed their awareness and understating of mindfulness varied. Therefore the findings indicated that the participants were in the process of developing their understanding of mindfulness which differed between them on a conceptual level. This study is considered of relevance for those in the profession of Educational Psychology and those interested in the application of mindfulness-based interventions to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people. The research has made a distinctive contribution within the field of mindfulness in light of the findings. Recommendations are made to inform the practices of Educational Psychology Services with reference to the work of Educational Psychologists. Suggestions for further research have also been made to aid the direction of future research.


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The purpose of the present study was to test the efficacy of an 8-week online intervention-based Positive Mindfulness Program (PMP) that integrated mindfulness with a series of positive psychology variables, with a view to improving wellbeing scores measured in these variables. The positive mindfulness cycle, based on positive intentions and savouring, provides the theoretical foundation for the PMP. The study was based on a randomised wait-list controlled trial; and 168 participants (128 females, mean age = 40.82) completed the intervention which included daily videos, meditations, and activities. The variables tested included wellbeing measures, such as gratitude, self-compassion, self-efficacy, meaning, and autonomy. Pre- and post- intervention data, including one month after the end of the intervention, were collected from both experimental and control groups. The post-test measurements of the experimental participants showed a significant improvement in all the dependent variables compared with the pre-test ones and were also significantly higher than those of the control group. One month after the intervention, the experimental group participants retained their improvement in 10 out of the 11 measurements. These positive results indicate that PMP may be effective in enhancing wellbeing and other positive variables in adult, non-clinical populations.


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Given the potentially demanding nature of teaching, efforts are underway to develop practices that can improve the wellbeing of educators, including interventions based on mindfulness meditation. We performed systematic review of empirical studies featuring analyses of mindfulness in teaching contexts. Databases were reviewed from the start of records to January 2016. Eligibility criteria included empirical analyses of mindfulness and wellbeing outcomes acquired in relation to practice. A total of 19 papers met the eligibility criteria and were included in the systematic review, consisting of a total 1,981 participants. Studies were principally examined for outcomes such as burnout, anxiety, depression and stress, as well as more positive wellbeing measures (e.g., life satisfaction). The systematic review revealed that mindfulness was generally associated with positive outcomes in relation to most measures. However, the quality of the studies was inconsistent, and so further research is needed, particularly involving high-quality randomised control trials.


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Rationale: In line with complex intervention development, this research takes a systematic approach to examining the feasibility and acceptability of delivering Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) to older people who experience symptoms of depression. Methods: A mixed methods approach was adopted in line with recommendations made by the MRC Complex Intervention Development framework. Quantitative and qualitative methods were combined by administering questionnaires as well as conducting post intervention interviews. A number of trial feasibility factors were examined such as recruitment and attrition rates. Qualitative data was analysed using Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis framework. Results: Nine participants started the MBCT intervention and six completed the 8-week programme. The results suggest that MBCT for older people is feasible and acceptable. Participants reported improved mindfulness skills. Participants responded positively to being asked to take part in research and appeared to particularly value the group delivery format of the intervention. Conclusions: MBCT is both feasible and acceptable for older people experiencing symptoms of depression. Further research is required with larger sample sizes to allow for more robust statistical exploration of outcome measures, including mechanisms of change.


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Los síntomas depresivos y ansiosos tienen un claro impacto en el funcionamiento de las personas. Su aparición parece tener relación con la presencia de déficits en las capacidades metacognitivas. El entrenamiento en atención plena aumenta el insight metacognitivo a través de la capacidad de descentramiento. Por ello el objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar la relación entre la atención plena y el descentramiento con la sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva respectivamente. La muestra de este estudio está compuesta por 465 participantes y el contacto con ella se estableció a través de universidades y redes sociales. Los resultados revelaron que tanto la atención plena como la capacidad de descentramiento explican la presencia de sintomatología depresiva mientras que sólo la atención plena explica la presencia de sintomatología ansiosa. Estos resultados son alentadores para la intervención en atención plena con sintomatología ansiosa y/o depresiva y señalan la importancia de procesos metacognitivos, como el descentramiento, en su desarrollo.


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Recently, mindfulness-based social-emotional learning (SEL) approaches have been taught to children in some schools. Due to deficient methodological consistency observed in most studies, their results should be interpreted with caution. Moreover, research on how mindfulness-based SEL approaches benefit teachers is scarce, and the majority of these studies have been conducted in English-speaking countries; therefore, it is uncertain whether these approaches are suited to other cultural backgrounds. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of the MindUp curriculum, an SEL program through mindfulness practice for Portuguese students and teachers. Participants included 454 3rd and 4th grade students and 20 teachers from state schools. A quasiexperimental (pre- and post-test) study compared outcomes for an experimental group with a waitlist control group. Data were collected from teachers and children through self-report measures. Results showed that over 50 % of the children who participated in the MindUp program scored above the control group mean in their ability to regulate emotions, to experience more positive affect, and to be more self-compassionate, and over 50 % scored lower in negative affect. In the group of teachers, over 80 % scored above the control group mean in observing, in personal accomplishment, and in self-kindness. Our results contribute to the recent research on the potential added value of mindfulness practices to a SEL program and strengthen the importance for teachers and students of adding to the academic curriculum a SEL program through mindfulness practices.