968 resultados para business organization


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Innovation is the word of this decade. According to innovation definitions, without positive sales impact and meaningful market share the company’s product or service has not been an innovation. Research problem of this master thesis is to find out what is the innovation process of complex new consumer products and services in new innovation paradigm. The objective is to get answers to two research questions: 1) What are the critical success factors what company should do when it is implementing the paradigm change in mass markets consumer business with complex products and services? 2) What is the process or framework one firm could follow? The research problem is looked from one company’s innovation creation process, networking and organization change management challenges point of views. Special focus is to look the research problem from an existing company perspective which is entering new business area. Innovation process management framework of complex new consumer products and services in new innovation paradigm has been created with support of several existing innovation theories. The new process framework includes the critical innovation process elements companies should take into consideration in their daily activities when they are in their new business innovation implementing process. Case company location based business implementation activities are studied via the new innovation process framework. This case study showed how important it is to manage the process, look how the target market and the competition in it is developing during company’s own innovation process, make decisions at right time and from beginning plan and implement the organization change management as one activity in the innovation process. In the end this master thesis showed that all companies need to create their own innovation process master plan with milestones and activities. One plan does not fit all, but all companies can start their planning from the new innovation process what was introduced in this master thesis.


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The objective of the thesis was to explore the nature and characteristics of customer-related internal communication in a global industrial matrix organization during a specific customer relationship, and how it could be improved. The theoretical part of the study views the field of the concepts of intra-organizational information and knowledge sharing. The theoretical part also views the internal communications influences to customer relationships, its problematic, and the suggestions to improve internal communication in literature. The empirical part of the study was conducted with the Content Analysis and the Social Network Analysis as research methods. The data was collected by interviews and a questionnaire. Internal communication was observed first generally within the organization from the point of view of a certain business, and secondly, during a specific customer relationship at personal level and at departmental level. The results of the study describe the nature and characteristics of internal communication in the organization. The results give 13 suggestions for improving internal communication in the organization. Although the study has been done in one specific organization, it also offers insights for other organizations as well as managers to improve their internal communication.


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Workflow management systems aim at the controlled execution of complex application processes in distributed and heterogeneous environments. These systems will shape the structure of information systems in business and non-business environments. E business and system integration is a fertile soil for WF and groupware tools. This thesis aims to study WF and groupware tools in order to gather in house knowledge of WF to better utilize WF solutions in future, and to focus on SAP Business Workflow in order to find a global solution for Application Link Enabling support for system integration. Piloting this solution in Nokia collects the experience of SAP R/3 WF tool for other development projects in future. The literary part of this study will guide to the world of business process automation providing a general description of the history, use and potentials of WF & groupware software. The empirical part of this study begins with the background of the case study describing the IT environment initiating the case by introducing SAP R/3 in Nokia, the communication technique in use and WF tool. Case study is focused in one solution with SAP Business Workflow. This study provides a concept to monitor communication between ERP systems and to increase the quality of system integration. Case study describes a way create support model for ALE/EDI interfaces. Support model includes monitoring organization and the workflow processes to solve the most common IDoc related errors.


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In a more transparent and dynamic world, in which consumers trust other consumers more for advice and recommendations on products and services, the continuity of organizations appears to be associated with socialization, the sharing of interests and the interaction with the audience. This is associated with the incorporation of digital technologies to business, specifically the use of social media. Consequently, it is timely and interesting to explore the phenomenon of virtual socialization, although it is a littlestudied field and what is needed is an innovative and theoretical approach based upon theories of marketing and communication. Expertise in these areas is present in all organizations and their performance is important for appropriate development of them. This work is a qualitative analysis about the behavior, reactions and attitudes of individuals to organizations, in order to understand the social factors that contribute to sustainable competitive advantages of organizations which can support strategic and future actions. We conclude that relevant factors associated with the tacit knowledge of the organization, specifically to learning and social interaction of the organization and their knowledge of virtual communities. The higher the coexistence of factors, the more difficult is the replication and greater will be the hypothesis of sustainable competitive advantage.


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Business intelligencellä tarkoitetaan liiketoimintatiedon hallintaan liittyviä prosesseja ja tekniikoita. Se pitää sisällään tiedon keräämiseen, tallentamiseen, analysointiin ja jakamiseen käytettyt tuotteet, tekniikat ja prosessit, joiden tavoitteena on auttaa yrityksen työntekijöitä liiketoimintaan liittyvässä päätöksenteossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia uuden yritysryhmän laajuisen BI-tietojärjestelmän suunnitteluun ja käyttöönotoon liittyviä seikkoja ja luoda valmiudet BI-tietojärjestelmän kehitys- ja käyttöönottoprojektin kohdeyrityksessä, jonka toimiala on kansainvälinen terveydenhoitoalan tukkuliiketoiminta. Uuden BI-järjestelmän halutaan tukeva yritysryhmän yritysten välistä integraatiota ja tehostavan tiedonhakuun ja analysointiin liittyviä prosesseja. Tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivisena tutkimuksena, joka kattaa kohdeyrityksen IT-arkkitehtuurin, tietosisällön, prosessit ja organisaation raportoinnin kannalta. Lisäksi työssä suoritettiin ohjelmistovertailu kahden markkinoilla toimivan merkittävän ohjelmistotalon BI-tuotteiden välillä. Työssä havaittiin, että BI-projekti on laaja-alainen ja suuri hanke, joka ulottuu läpi koko organisaation. BI-ohjelmiston tehokas hyödyntäminen asettaa vaatimuksia erityisesti taustajärjestelmien tiedon huolelliseen mallintamiseen liittyen. Työssä saatiin pilotoinnin kautta käytännön kokemuksia uudesta järjestelmästä ja sen tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista kohdeyrityksessä.


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The main outcome of the master thesis is innovative solution, which can support a choice of business process modeling methodology. Potential users of this tool are people with background in business process modeling and possibilities to collect required information about organization’s business processes. Master thesis states the importance of business process modeling in implementation of strategic goals of organization. It is made by revealing the place of the concept in Business Process Management (BPM) and its particular case Business Process Reengineering (BPR). In order to support the theoretical outcomes of the thesis a case study of Northern Dimension Research Centre (NORDI) in Lappeenranta University of Technology was conducted. On its example several solutions are shown: how to apply business process modeling methodologies in practice; in which way business process models can be useful for BPM and BPR initiatives; how to apply proposed innovative solution for a choice of business process modeling methodology.


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The paper presents a study which is aimed at building a knowledge model for a case company – business incubator “Ingria” (St. Petersburg, Russia). The business incubator is one of its kind organization in St. Petersburg, and one of the few in Russia, providing services for innovative entrepreneurial companies at an international level. Business incubation impact is deeply researched from the point of view of knowledge engineering. The paper also provides a broad analysis of various knowledge engineering tools used for visualization of knowledge, as well as knowledge modeling techniques.


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten Business Intelligencea voidaan hyödyntää autoalan liiketoiminnassa Suomessa. Työssä tutkitaan erityisesti autoalan tietotarpeita, tietolähteitä, tiedon analysointia sekä tiedon hyödynnettävyyttä liiketoiminnan ohjaamisessa ja päätöksenteossa. Työn tutkimusstrategiana käytettiin tapaustutkimusta, jonka kohderyhmänä oli viisi suomalaista autoalan suuryritystä. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto hankittiin haastattelemalla yritysten Business Intelligence -toiminnoista vastaavia henkilöitä. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella Business Intelligence merkitsi yrityksille ensisijaisesti toiminnanohjausta ja sen seurantaa, sekä korkealaatuisen tiedon tuottamista päätöksentekoa varten. Keskeisiksi tietotarpeiksi luokiteltiin asiakkaisiin, ajoneuvoihin, sisäisiin prosesseihin, liiketoimintatapahtumiin, kilpailijoihin, toimialaan ja asiakastyytyväisyyteen liittyvät tiedot. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella tiedon hankinnassa tulee huomioida sekä sisäisen liiketoimintatiedon analyyttinen hyödyntäminen että systemaattinen tiedon hankinta myös ulkoisista lähteistä. Yritykset kokivat Business Intelligence -toimintojen parantaneen tiedon laatua, tehostaneen toiminnanohjausta sekä mahdollistaneen yhteneväisen liiketoiminnan johtamisen organisaation eri tasoilla.


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This thesis focuses on integration in project business, i.e. how projectbased companies organize their product and process structures when they deliver industrial solutions to their customers. The customers that invest in these solutions run their businesses in different geographical, political and economical environments, which should be acknowledged by the supplier when providing solutions comprising of larger and more complex scopes than previously supplied to these customers. This means that the suppliers are increasing their supply range by taking over some of the activities in the value chain that have traditionally been handled by the customer. In order to be able to provide the functioning solutions, including more engineering hours, technical equipment and a wider project network, a change is needed in the mindset in order to be able to carry out and take the required responsibility that these new approaches bring. For the supplier it is important to be able to integrate technical products, systems and services, but the supplier also needs to have the capabilities to integrate the cross-functional organizations and departments in the project network, the knowledge and information between and within these organizations and departments, along with inputs from the customer into the product and process structures during the lifecycle of the project under development. Hence, the main objective of this thesis is to explore the challenges of integration that industrial projects meet, and based on that, to suggest a concept of how to manage integration in project business by making use of integration mechanisms. Integration is considered the essential process for accomplishing an industrial project, whereas the accomplishment of the industrial project is considered to be the result of the integration. The thesis consists of an extended summary and four papers, that are based on three studies in which integration mechanisms for value creation in industrial project networks and the management of integration in project business have been explored. The research is based on an inductive approach where in particular the design, commissioning and operations functions of industrial projects have been studied, addressing entire project life-cycles. The studies have been conducted in the shipbuilding and power generation industries where the scopes of supply consist of stand-alone equipment, equipment and engineering, and turnkey solutions. These industrial solutions include demanding efforts in engineering and organization. Addressing the calls for more studies on the evolving value chains of integrated solutions, mechanisms for inter- and intra-organizational integration and subsequent value creation in project networks have been explored. The research results in thirteen integration mechanisms and a typology for integration is proposed. Managing integration consists of integrating the project network (the supplier and the sub-suppliers) and the customer (the customer’s business purpose, operations environment and the end-user) into the project by making use of integration mechanisms. The findings bring new insight into research on industrial project business by proposing integration of technology and engineering related elements with elements related to customer oriented business performance in contemporary project environments. Thirteen mechanisms for combining products and the processes needed to deliver projects are described and categorized according to the impact that they have on the management of knowledge and information. These mechanisms directly relate to the performance of the supplier, and consequently to the functioning of the solution that the project provides. This thesis offers ways to promote integration of knowledge and information during the lifecycle of industrial projects, enhancing the development towards innovative solutions in project business.


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The objective of this study was research the shared knowledge and the means of sharing with the help of social network analysis. The purpose of this study was to give descriptive information to case-organization about its situational network status in different units. The premise of the study is the success of organizational competences and networks, especially when it comes to the sharing of knowledge. The research was accomplished in a TEKES –projects, Developing Network-Based Services – The Role of Competences and Networks COMNET –projects case-organization. Lappeenranta School of Business and the case-organization started the project in co-operation. The baseline for the study was organizational competencies and organizational networks as success factors, especially from the knowledge sharing’s point of view. The research was based on triangulation, which included pre-interviews, network analyses accomplished by Webropol –e-mail survey and qualitative interviews. The results indicated that regular unit meetings were experienced to be the most important method of knowledge sharing along with e-mailing, intranet and weekly bulletins. The co-operation between units was also experienced to be important when evaluating knowledge sharing and communication. The intrafirm network was experienced tight. Dispersed units and partly unclear means of information sharing were the biggest obstacles for information communication. Knowledge sharing, communication with others and trainings were seen important in the case-organization.


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Supply chain finance, a financial product provided by the bank, has gained increasing attention and popularity over the last few years. Supply chain finance helps the corporate clients to optimize their financial flows along the supply chain. One characteristic of supply chain finance is that it aims to provide automated solutions. Therefore, the business process automation of supply chain finance is a very interesting and important topic for study. In this study, the business process automation of supply chain finance within the case organization, ING, is analysed. The purpose is to: (1) Identify the benefits to understand the importance to automate supply chain finance business process; (2) Find out the existing automation degree in the supply chain finance business process within the case bank to see what’s the situation now and how to improve in the future; (3) Discover the challenges in the further automation of supply chain finance business process. Firstly, the study finds out that supply chain finance business process automation can bring many benefits to the bank. Automation can improve productivity by using less time and human labour in the business process, and by providing scalable solutions. Automation can also improve quality of the service by reducing the human errors. Last but not least, automation can improve internal governance by providing enhanced visibility of the business process. Because of these potential benefits, many banks are actively seeking solutions to automate their supply chain finance business process. Then, the current automation situation with the case bank is analysed with the help of business process modelling. The supply chain finance business process within the case bank can be further divided into several sub processes: daily transaction, buyer sales and setup, supplier onboarding, contract management, customer services and supports, and contract termination. The study finds out that the daily transaction process is already a highly automated, which is carried out through the web-based trading platform. However, for other business the automation degree is relatively low. Among these business processes, supplier onboarding is most needed for further automation. Then, some solutions are also suggested to automate the supplier onboarding business process. In the end, the study also foresees some challenges during the further automation of supply chain finance business process in the case bank. Some suggestions are also given to deal with these challenges.


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Operating in business-to-business markets requires an in-depth understanding on business networks. Actions and reactions made to compete in markets are fundamentally based on managers‘ subjective perceptions of the network. However, an amalgamation of these individual perceptions, termed a network picture, to a common company level shared understanding on that network, known as network insight, is found to be a substantial challenge for companies. A company‘s capability to enhance common network insight is even argued to lead competitive advantage. Especially companies with value creating logics that require wide comprehension of and collaborating in networks, such as solution business, are necessitated to develop advanced network insight. According to the extant literature, dispersed pieces of atomized network pictures can be unified to a common network insight through a process of amalgamation that comprises barriers/drivers of multilateral exchange, manifold rationality, and recursive time. However, the extant body of literature appears to lack an understanding on the role of internal communication in the development of network insight. Nonetheless, the extant understanding on the amalgamation process indicates that internal communication plays a substantial role in the development of company level network insight. The purpose of the present thesis is to enhance understanding on internal communication in the amalgamation of network pictures to develop network insight in the solution business setting, which was chosen to represent business-to-business value creating logic that emphasizes the capability to understand and utilize networks. Thus, in solution business the role of succeeding in the amalgamation process is expected to emphasize. The study combines qualitative and quantitative research by means of various analytical methods including multiple case analysis, simulation, and social network analysis. Approaching the nascent research topic with differing perspectives and means provides a broader insight on the phenomenon. The study provides empirical evidence from Finnish business-to-business companies which operate globally. The empirical data comprise interviews (n=28) with managers of three case companies. In addition the data includes a questionnaire (n=23) collected mainly for the purpose of social network analysis. In addition, the thesis includes a simulation study more specifically achieved by means of agent based modeling. The findings of the thesis shed light on the role of internal communication in the amalgamation process, contributing to the emergent discussion of network insights and thus to the industrial marketing research. In addition, the thesis increases understanding on internal communication in the change process to solution business, a supplier‘s internal communication in its matrix organization structure during a project sales process, key barriers and drivers that influence internal communication in project sales networks, perceived power within industrial project sales, and the revisioning of network pictures. According to the findings, internal communication is found to play a substantial role in the amalgamation process. First, it is suggested that internal communication is a base of multilateral exchange. Second, it is suggested that internal communication intensifies and maintains manifold rationality. Third, internal communication is needed to explicate the usually differing time perspectives of others and thus it is suggested that internal communication has role as the explicator of recursive time. Furthermore, the role of an efficient amalgamation process is found to be emphasized in solutions business as it requires a more advanced network insight for cross-functional collaboration. Finally, the thesis offers several managerial implications for industrial suppliers to enhance the amalgamation process when operating in solution business.


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Tämä tutkimus käsittelee seuraajasuunnitteluprosessia ja sen toimivuutta. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus, jossa tutkittava ilmiö eli seuraajasuunnittelu ja kohteena oleva tapaus eli organisaatio KONE Oyj:n yksi liiketoimintayksikkö New Equipment Business, NEB voidaan erottaa toisistaan. Tutkimuksen kohteena on seuraajasuunnitteluprosessin toimivuus tapausorganisaatiossa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on hankkia tietoa ja ymmärtää prosessin toteutumista sekä löytää jo käytössä olevat parhaimmat käytännöt sekä merkittävimmät kehitysalueet. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on kvalitatiivinen. Seuraajasuunnitteluprosessin toimivuutta tutkittiin tekemällä teemahaastatteluja tutkimuksen kohteena olevan organisaation eri funktioiden henkilöstöpäälliköiden ja yksiköiden johtajien kanssa. Haastattelujen lisäksi tutkimuksessa käytettiin tausta-aineistona yrityksen sisäisiä arkistointitietoja ja materiaalia. Työn tuloksena saatiin selville, miten seuraajasuunnitteluprosessi toteutuu kohdeorganisaatiossa. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että panostamalla talenttien kehitystoimenpiteisiin sekä lisäämällä henkilöiden liikkuvuutta yli organisaatiorajojen voidaan kehittää seuraajasuunnitteluprosessia vastaamaan tulevaisuuden haasteisiin.


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The business logic in the manufacturing industry has changed in the 21st century. In the current industrial market, manufacturers are driven to provide more comprehensive offerings that go beyond the traditional product-orientation by providing capacity and availability for their customers. From incidental merchandise, services have become the core of manufacturers’ offerings with long-lasting service agreements over the life-cycles of their products. This change is driven both by the need of providers to grow and gain competitive advantage and by increased customer demand caused by customers’ outsourcing trends. The three key drivers for manufacturers’ service strategies are outsourcing trends, saturation of the installed base, and commoditization in product markets. Thus, manufacturers focus on providing industrial solutions which are delivered through relational processes with customers by using solution-driven business models. In the management of marketing activities, this can be regarded as closer customer relationships, service-dominant business logic, and collaboration in solving customers’ problems. However, there are few studies on comprehensive conceptualizations of a solution offering that include different elements and their roles, especially in the context of capital goods industry. Also the transition process needs further studies in a real life context. This study explores the transition process of an industrial company from product to solution business and, as an aid to managing the solution business, explicates the structure and management of an industrial solution offering. There are two themes, the industrial transition process and industrial solution offering. Regarding the industrial transition process, the aim is to understand the supplier view on the process and its execution and to determine the challenges related to the transition process. The industrial solution offering is discussed by its elements and characteristics, as well as management. Furthermore, a special type of build-own-operate-transfer business model is presented and its suitability in the industrial context analyzed. The study includes findings achieved by qualitative methods and from four case companies. Based on the results, it is tentatively suggested that in the industrial solution business, the transition from product to solution business is not a linear project but an evolving process that varies according to customer needs, which suggests that companies need to possess an ability to develop new business models for different customer needs. The industrial solution offering is dynamic as it evolves in collaboration according to the prevailing and latent customer needs, which suggest restructuring of the organization from a product-centric to a customer-centric one. Furthermore, based on the findings, the concept of industrial solutions is defined as an ongoing relational process to satisfy a customer’s particular business or operational requirements, and the concept of industrial solution offering as an entity comprising the customized goods, services, collaboration, and finance needed to fulfill the industrial solution. Finally, the study offers several managerial implications for industrial managers involved in the transition and management of the solution business and its offering.


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The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities of utilizing business intelligence (BI)systems in management control (MC). The topic of this study is explored trough four researchquestions. Firstly, what kind of management control systems (MCS) use or could use the data and information enabled by the BI system? Secondly, how the BI system is or could be utilized? Thirdly, has BI system enabled new forms of control or changed old ones? The fourth and final research question is whether the BI system supports some forms of control that the literature has not thought of, or is the BI system not used for some forms of control the literature suggests it should be used? The study is conducted as an extensive case study. Three different organizations were interviewed for the study. For the theoretical basis of the study, central theories in the field of management control are introduced. The term business intelligence is discussed in detail and the mechanisms for governance of business intelligence are presented. A literature analysis of the uses of BI for management control is introduced. The theoretical part of the study ends in the construction of a framework for business intelligence in management control. In the empirical part of the study the case organizations, their BI systems, and the ways they utilize these systems for management control are presented. The main findings of the study are that BI systems can be utilized in the fields suggested in the literature, namely in planning, cybernetic, reward, boundary, and interactive control. The systems are used both as the data or information feeders and directly as the tools. Using BI systems has also enabled entirely new forms of control in the studied organizations, most significantly in the area of interactive control. They have also changed the old control systems by making the information more readily available to the whole organization. No evidence of the BI systems being used for forms of control that the literature had not suggested was found. The systems were mostly used for cybernetic control and interactive control, whereas the support for other types of control was not as prevalent. The main contribution of the study to the existing literature is the insight provided into how BI systems, both theoretically and empirically, are used for management control. The framework for business intelligence in management control presented in the study can also be utilized in further studies about the subject.