940 resultados para Swedish listed companies


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- Purpose Communication of risk management practices are a critical component of good corporate governance. Research to date has been of little benefit in informing regulators internationally. This paper seeks to contribute to the literature by investigating how listed Australian companies in a setting where disclosures are explicitly required by the ASX corporate governance framework, disclose risk management (RM) information in the corporate governance statements within annual reports. - Design/methodology/approach To address our study’s research questions and related hypotheses, we examine the top 300 ASX-listed companies by market capitalisation at 30 June 2010. For these firms, we identify, code and categorise RM disclosures made in the annual reports according to the disclosure categories specified in Australian Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (ASX CGPR). The derived data is then examined using a comprehensive approach comprising thematic content analysis and regression analysis. - Findings The results indicate widespread divergence in disclosure practices and low conformance with the Principle 7 of the ASX CGPR. This result suggests that companies are not disclosing all ‘material business risks’ possibly due to ignorance at the board level, or due to the intentional withholding of sensitive information from financial statement users. The findings also show mixed results across the factors expected to influence disclosure behaviour. Notably, the presence of a risk committee (RC) (in particular, a standalone RC) and technology committee (TC) are found to be associated with improved levels of disclosure. we do not find evidence that company risk measures (as proxied by equity beta and the market-to-book ratio) are significantly associated with greater levels of RM disclosure. Also, contrary to common findings in the disclosure literature, factors such as board independence and expertise, audit committee independence, and the usage of a Big-4 auditor do not seem to impact the level of RM disclosure in the Australian context. - Research limitation/implications The study is limited by the sample and study period selection as the RM disclosures of only the largest (top 300) ASX firms are examined for the fiscal year 2010. Thus, the finding may not be generalisable to smaller firms, or earlier/later years. Also, the findings may have limited applicability in other jurisdictions with different regulatory environments. - Practical implications The study’s findings suggest that insufficient attention has been applied to RM disclosures by listed companies in Australia. These results suggest that the RM disclosures practices observed in the Australian setting may not be meeting the objectives of regulators and the needs of stakeholders. - Originality/value Despite the importance of risk management communication, it is unclear whether disclosures in annual financial reports achieve this communication. The Australian setting provides an ideal environment to examine the nature and extent of risk management communication as the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) has recommended risk management disclosures follow Principle 7 of its principle-based governance rules since 2007.


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This paper investigates the association between board characteristics and the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) assurance decision in China. By examining 2054 firm-years of Chinese listed companies with CSR reports from 2008 to 2012, we find that firms with a large board size, more female directors, and separation of CEO and chairman positions are more likely to engage in CSR assurance. Gender diversity also influences the CSR assurance provider choice. However, board independence and overseas background of the CEO do not affect the CSR assurance decision. Inconsistent with our prediction, firms with foreign directors are less likely to engage in voluntary CSR assurance. In summary, this research provides in-depth insights into the determinants of Chinese firms’ voluntary CSR assurance.


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Though many studies have examined post-acquisition integration challenges, they have mainly focused on rationalistic explanations for the difficulties encountered in post-acquisition integration. There remains little knowledge of how the ‘irrational’ features of post-acquisition decision-making may impede organizational integration. This study attempts to bridge that gap by examining post-acquisition decision-making from a sensemaking perspective. The paper presents an in-depth analysis of a merger between a large Finnish furniture manufacturer and three smaller Swedish furniture companies. By focusing on the sensemaking processes surrounding integration issues, we uncover four interrelated tendencies that illuminate why the frequent problem of slow progress during post-acquisition integration occurs: inherent ambiguity concerning integration issues; cultural confusion in social interaction and communication; organizational hypocrisy in integration decision-making; and the politicization of integration issues.


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Español: Ante el creciente impacto que tiene la actividad de los mercados y entidades cotizadas en el entorno económico y financiero, ha surgido la necesidad de que las empresas comuniquen a sus inversores y otras partes interesadas una amplia gama de información. Para atender a esta necesidad ha sido necesaria una evolución de la legislación, de manera que se han producido numerosos cambios legislativos durante los últimos años. Además, la evolución de la legislación no sólo ha tenido como objetivo atender a la necesidad de información sino que también ha supuesto un mecanismo de transparencia de la actividad empresarial. En este trabajo se analizará la normativa específica existente para este tipo de sociedades, con respecto a las obligaciones de suministro de información públicamente. En este sentido, se ha dejado de lado la información correspondiente a las cuentas anuales, centrando la investigación en la información específica que las sociedades anónimas cotizadas deben publicar. Posteriormente, se analizará la información contenida en los informes de gestión de dos empresas cuyos valores están admitidos a cotización, para poder así comprobar en qué medida las empresas cumplen con las recomendaciones de elaboración vigentes.


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[ES] Durante la última década surge un interés por el estudio de la estructura de propiedad como elemento determinante de la diversificación. Sin embargo, existe una carencia de investigaciones que analicen la influencia de la naturaleza del último propietario en el nivel y tipo de diversificación. Por ello, el objeto del presente trabajo es analizar las estrategias de diversificación empleadas por los grandes grupos empresariales españoles cuya empresa matriz cotiza en los mercados de valores, estudiando las diferencias existentes entre grupos familiares y no familiares, y considerando en estos últimos la naturaleza del último propietario. Se parte de una muestra de noventa y nueve grupos empresariales, donde se identifican las compañías que constituyen el grupo empresarial, siendo empleadas como metodologías econométricas los modelos logísticos binomiales y los modelos datos panel. Los resultados muestran como la naturaleza familiar del grupo influye positivamente en la especialización y en el empleo de estrategias de diversificación relacionada, y negativamente en el empleo de estrategias de diversificación no relacionada. Los grupos familiares difieren en mayor medida de aquellos grupos no familiares donde no existe un accionista de referencia que pueda ejercer el control efectivo del grupo y la dispersión de la propiedad es mayor, los denominados grupos sin control efectivo . La investigación permite profundizar en el análisis de las diferencias existentes entre grupos familiares y no familiares, y más concretamente en el ámbito de las estrategias de crecimiento, considerando la naturaleza del último propietario de los grupos no familiares.


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[ES]En 2013 la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) publicó una Guía para el Informe de Gestión de las empresas cotizadas españolas con el ánimo de mejorar la calidad de la información que presentan estas empresas. En este trabajo presentamos una valoración crítica sobre algunos aspectos normalizadores de dicha guía y después proponemos una batería de indicadores que ayuden a realizar el análisis, tanto de los contenidos informativos como del cumplimiento de los principios y reglas que recomienda la guía (CNMV, 2013). Esta no es de aplicación obligatoria, por lo que su implementación no está garantizada por parte de las empresas. En todo caso, los listados de indicadores que proponemos pueden ser de utilidad, tanto con fines de investigación para analizar el nivel de información divulgado, como para las propias entidades, cotizadas y no cotizadas, que quieran cumplir con los requisitos de calidad recomendados a la hora de preparar sus Informes de Gestión.


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El sector Bancario y de Caja de Ahorros está compuesto por diversas entidades, y la mayoría son entidades cotizadas, pero mucha de estas entidades forman entre si grupos financieros o también denominados conglomerados financieros. Un conglomerado financiero existe cuando un grupo de compañías controladas por la misma entidad, las actividades de las entidades que lo forman se encuentran en el área financiera, pero hay al menos dos actividades distintas dentro el entrono financiero. Una vez que hemos delimitado el tipo de grupo empresarial que tenemos, pasamos a realizar un análisis fundamental, elemento que permite determinar el valor de la empresa. Usamos ratio tales como el ratio PER (Price Earning Ratio), el BPA (Beneficio Por Accion) o el Precio/Cash-Flow que nos permite emitir un valor de cotización. En España, encontramos 3 principales grupos financieros, estos son el BBVA, el Santander y CaixaBank, los cuales tienen valores de cotización distintos, mostrándonos que el BBVA, por cotización, es el mejor grupo financiero español. Mientras que si hubiésemos hecho un análisis contable, diríamos que el mejor sería el grupo Santander. Lo cual nos lleva a hacer una apreciación general, no tiene porque basarte solo en la información contable, sino que hay que tener también en cuenta elementos externos que puedan afectarnos. Trabajo realizado en Castellano.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as práticas de divulgação do EBITDA como métrica de desempenho operacional no gerenciamento de segmentos, no período de 2010 a 2012. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa dos dados realizada por meio da Análise de Conteúdo das Notas Explicativas e do Relatório da Administração. A amostra objetiva é composta por 260 empresas com situação ativa na BM&FBOVESPA em 2013 e distribuídas entre 20 setores da economia. O ano inicial de pesquisa foi determinado pelo fato de ser o primeiro ano da obrigatoriedade de divulgação das Informações por Segmento conforme o pronunciamento técnico do CPC 22. Inicialmente, foram analisadas 780 notas explicativas. Em seguida, a partir da investigação das divulgações das Informações por Segmento pelo CPC 22 em notas explicativas a amostra de trabalho foi constituída por 185; 198 e 203 entidades, respectivamente, em 2010, 2011 e 2012. Deste modo, foram observados nesses três anos 586 relatórios da administração. Os resultados desta pesquisa demonstram que as práticas de divulgação do EBITDA com métrica de desempenho operacional no gerenciamento de Segmentos possui uma representatividade de evidenciação entre os relatórios financeiros de 18%; 16% e 17% respectivamente em 2010, 2011 e 2012. O relatório financeiro com maior participação na divulgação do EBITDA no gerenciamento de negócios foi o Relatório da Administração com 11% em 2010, 10% em 2011 e 11% em 2012. Conclui-se que, em média, 83% das companhias abertas brasileiras não utilizaram o EBITDA como métrica de desempenho operacional no gerenciamento dos segmentos no período de 2010 a 2012.


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Malaysian Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) No. 136, Impairment of Assets, was issued in 2005. The standard requires public listed companies to report their non-current assets at no more than their recoverable amount. When the value of impaired assets is recovered, or partly recovered, FRS 136 requires the impairment charges to be reversed to its new recoverable amount. This study tests whether the reversal of impairment losses by Malaysian firms is more closely associated with economic reasons or reporting incentives. The sample of this study consists of 182 public companies listed on Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) that reported reversals of their impairment charges during the period 2006-2009. These firms are matched with firms which do not reverse impairment on the basis of industrial classification and size. In the year of reversal, this study finds that the reversal firms are more profitable (before reversals) than their matched firms. On average, the Malaysian stock market values the reversals of impairment losses positively. These results suggest that the reversals generally reflect increases in the value of the previously impaired assets. After partitioning firms that are likely to manage earnings and those that are not, this study finds that there are some Malaysian firms which reverse the impairment charges to manage earnings. Their reversals are not value-relevant, and are negatively associated with future firm performance. On the other hand, the reversals of firms which are deemed not to be earnings managers are positively associated with both future firm performance and current stock price performance, and this is the dominant motivation for the reversal of impairment charges in Malaysia. In further analysis, this study provides evidence that the opportunistic reversals are also associated with other earnings management manifestations, namely abnormal working capital accruals and the motivation to avoid earnings declines. In general, the findings suggest that the fair value measurement in impairment standard provides useful information to the users of financial statements.


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This study investigates a longitudinal dataset consisting of financial and operational data from 37 listed companies listed on Vietnamese stock market, covering the period 2004-13. By performing three main types of regression analysis - pooled OLS, fixed-effect and random-effect regressions - the investigation finds mixed results on the relationships between operational scales, sources of finance and firms' performance, depending on the choice of analytical model and use of independent/dependent variables. In most situation, fixed-effect models appear to be preferable, providing for reasonably consistent results. Toward the end, the paper offers some further explanation about the obtained insights, which reflect the nature of a business environment of a transition economy and an emerging market.


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Transparency in nonprofit sector and foundations, as an element to enhance the confidence of stakeholders in the organization, is a fact shown by several studies in recent decades. Transparency can be considered in various fields and through different channels. In our study we focused on the analysis of the organizational and economic transparency of foundations, shown through the voluntary information on their Website. We review the theoretical previous studies published to put to the foundations within the framework of the social economy. This theoretical framework has focused on accountability that make foundations in relation to its social function and its management, especially since the most recent focus of information transparency across the Website.In this theoretical framework was made an index to quantify the voluntary information which is shown on its website. This index has been developed ad hoc for this study and applied to a group of large corporate foundations.With the application of these data are obtained two kind of results, to a descriptive level and to a inferential level.We analyzed the statistical correlation between economic transparency and organizational transparency offered in the Website through quantified variables by a multiple linear regression. This empirical analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the level of transparency offered by these organizations in relation to their organizational and financial information, as well as explain the relation between them.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientada pelo Dr. José da Silva Fernandes


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Projeto apresentado obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientada pela Professora Doutora Alcina Augusta Sena Dias


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientador: Professor Doutor José da Silva Fernandes


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria ORIENTAÇÃO: DR. JOÃO COSTA