961 resultados para Hidrocarbonetos de petróleo


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In this study, was used a very promising technique called of pyrolysis, which can be used for obtaining products with higher added value. From oils and residues, since the contribution of heavier oils and residues has intensified to the world refining industry, due to the growing demand for fuel, for example, liquid hydrocarbons in the range of gasoline and diesel. The catalytic pyrolysis of vacuum residues was performed with the use of a mesoporous material belonging the M41S family, which was discovered in the early 90s by researchers Mobil Oil Corporation, allowing new perspectives in the field of catalysis. One of the most important members of this family is the MCM-41, which has a hexagonal arrangement of mesopores with pore diameters between 2 and 10 nm and a high specific surface area, making it very promising for use as a catalyst in petroleum refining for catalytic cracking, and their mesopores facilitate the access of large hydrocarbon molecules. The addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 increases the acidity of the material, making it more positive for application in the petrochemical industry. The mesoporous material of the type Al-MCM41 (ratio Si / Al = 50) was synthesized by hydrothermal method starting from the silica gel, NaOH and distilled water added to the gel pseudobohemita synthesis. Driver was used as structural CTMABr. Removal of organic driver (CTMABr) was observed by TG / DTG and FTIR, but this material was characterized by XRD, which was observed the formation of the main peaks characteristic of mesoporous materials. The analysis of adsorption / desorption of nitrogen this material textural parameters were determined. The vacuum residues (VR's) that are products of the bottom of the vacuum distillation tower used in this study are different from oil fields (regions of Ceará and Rio de Janeiro). Previously characterized by various techniques such as FTIR, viscosity, density, SARA, elemental analysis and thermogravimetry, which was performed by thermal and catalytic degradation of vacuum residues. The effect of AlMCM-41 was satisfactory, since promoted a decrease in certain ranges of temperature required in the process of conversion of hydrocarbons, but also promoted a decrease in energy required in the process. Thus enabling lower costs related to energy expenditure from degradation during processing of the waste


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The Potengi river estuary is located in the region of Natal (RN, Brazil), comprising a population of approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants. Besides the dominant urban presence, the estuary has fragments of mangrove forest. The objective of this study is to determine the aliphatic hydrocarbons found in the bottom sediments of this estuary, identifying their levels, distribution and their possible origins through the diagnostic rates, indexes and results comparisons with the local anthropic and natural characteristics. The samples were obtained according to a plan that allowed sampling of the estuary up to 12 km upstream from it as mounth. 36 stations were selected, grouped into 12 cross sections through the course of the river and spaced on average by 1 km. Each section consisted of three stations: the right margin, the deepest point and the left margin. The hydrocarbon n-alkanes from C10 to C36, the isoprenoids pristane and phytane, the unresolved complex mixture (UCM) and the total resolved hydrocarbons were analyzed by gas chromatography. N-alkanes, pristane, phytane and UCM were detected only at some stations. In the other, the concentration was below the detection limit defined by the analytical method (0.1 mg / kg), preventing them from being analyzed to determine the origin of the material found. By using different parameters, the results show that the estuary receives both the input of petrogenic hydrocarbons, but also of biogenic hydrocarbons, featuring a mixture of sources and relatively impacted portions. Based on the characteristics and activities found in the region, it is possible to affirm that petrogenic sources related to oil products enter the estuary via urban runoff or boats traffic, boat washing and fueling. Turning to the biogenic source, the predominant origin was terrestrial, characterized by vascular plants, indicating contribution of mangrove vegetation. It was evident the presence of, at specific points in the estuary, hydrocarbon pollution, and, therefore is recommended the adoption of actions aimed at interrupting or, at least, mitigating the sources potentially capable of damp petrogenic hydrocarbons in the estuary studied.


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Increase hydrocarbons production is the main goal of the oilwell industry worldwide. Hydraulic fracturing is often applied to achieve this goal due to a combination of attractive aspects including easiness and low operational costs associated with fast and highly economical response. Conventional fracturing usually involves high-flowing high-pressure pumping of a viscous fluid responsible for opening the fracture in the hydrocarbon producing rock. The thickness of the fracture should be enough to assure the penetration of the particles of a solid proppant into the rock. The proppant is driven into the target formation by a carrier fluid. After pumping, all fluids are filtered through the faces of the fracture and penetrate the rock. The proppant remains in the fracture holding it open and assuring high hydraulic conductivity. The present study proposes a different approach for hydraulic fracturing. Fractures with infinity conductivity are formed and used to further improve the production of highly permeable formations as well as to produce long fractures in naturally fractured formations. Naturally open fractures with infinite conductivity are usually encountered. They can be observed in rock outcrops and core plugs, or noticed by the total loss of circulation during drilling (even with low density fluids), image profiles, pumping tests (Mini-Frac and Mini Fall Off), and injection tests below fracturing pressure, whose flow is higher than expected for radial Darcian ones. Naturally occurring fractures are kept open by randomly shaped and placed supporting points, able to hold the faces of the fracture separate even under typical closing pressures. The approach presented herein generates infinite conductivity canal held open by artificially created parallel supporting areas positioned both horizontally and vertically. The size of these areas is designed to hold the permeable zones open supported by the impermeable areas. The England & Green equation was used to theoretically prove that the fracture can be held open by such artificially created set of horizontal parallel supporting areas. To assess the benefits of fractures characterized by infinite conductivity, an overall comparison with finite conductivity fractures was carried out using a series of parameters including fracture pressure loss and dimensionless conductivity as a function of flow production, FOI folds of increase, flow production and cumulative production as a function of time, and finally plots of net present value and productivity index


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Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar las estrategias de las organizaciones socialdemócratas frente a los nuevos desafíos que surgieron con la crisis del petróleo y la aparición de los llamados “valores posmateriales”. Se profundizará en una de las principales: el aumento de la actividad política trasnacional y la creación de comisiones que trabajaron aspectos relacionados con el desarrollo, la seguridad, el armamentismo nuclear y el medio ambiente. Estas comisiones no solo constituyeron un importante cambio frente a las tradiciones precedentes, también influyeron significativamente los desarrollos posteriores en dichas materias


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Coletânea sobre os antecedentes da Política Nacional do Petróleo e das atribuições do Conselho Nacional do Petróleo; incluindo legislação, discursos parlamentares, estudos especializados, memoriais, investigações oficiosas e particulares que permitem uma visão da história econômica do petróleo brasileiro. Reúne projetos, requerimentos e outros documentos parlamentares, do período de 1824 a 1957, que precederam ao projeto da Petrobrás, da tramitação na Câmara dos Deputados e no Senado Federal até à reunião do Congresso para decidir sobre o veto. Inclui inquéritos da comissão especializada sobre a Petrobrás em atividade.


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A partir de uma pesquisa histórica sobre a regulação da atividade petrolífera nacional, constatou-se que as jazidas de petróleo e de gás natural são bens públicos cuja exploração é constitucionalmente reservada ao Estado. Ademais, a delegação da exploração desses bens, por meio de concessão ou de partilha de produção, mantém a propriedade estatal desses recursos naturais.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIII - Desenvolvimento Urbano, Trânsito e Transportes.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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A presente Nota Técnica, que atende à Solicitação de Trabalho nº 941/2013-COFF/CD, de autoria da Liderança do PDT, visa analisar, do ponto de vista das repercussões orçamentárias e financeiras, as proposições que tiveram como finalidade destinar recursos para as áreas de educação e saúde, decorrentes da exploração de petróleo e gás natural. São apresentadas projeções de arrecadação de receitas para os próximos dez anos e o impacto das destinações pretendidas nas áreas de educação e saúde, notadamente em vista de seus pisos constitucionais e do cumprimento das metas definidas no plano nacional de educação.


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Analisa o efeito da legislação aplicável à destinação de recursos para educação pela exploração de petróleo, quando da elaboração da lei orçamentária e da sua execução.


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Analisa o arranjo institucional da indústria do petróleo e derivados no Brasil, descreve a situação da área de refino no País e propõe alterações no modelo atual, de modo a permitir a expansão da oferta interna de derivados.


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O anúncio dos gigantescos campos do pré-sal brasileiro recolocou o petróleo no alvo dos holofotes. A propriedade desta imensa riqueza e as inevitáveis mudanças na legislação do setor são as principais questões que derivam deste fato. Com efeito, temos assistido a uma proliferação de discursos acerca do tema. Esta dissertação se insere num conjunto de reflexões que tomam o petróleo como objeto de interesse. Privilegiamos um espaço específico de produção discursiva, a saber, o instituído pela Campanha Nacional O Petróleo Tem que Ser Nosso. Um primeiro procedimento metodológico de coleta de dados possibilitou identificar que, entre os seus materiais de mobilização, ganha destaque a cartilha de massas do movimento, que desde julho de 2009 circula pelo território nacional. Inscritos numa perspectiva da Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, cuidamos de construir uma reflexão sobre alguns dos modos de inscrição do(s) sujeito(s) no discurso. Nossas considerações acerca dos gêneros do discurso revelaram o hibridismo da cartilha; tal peculiaridade nos obrigou a construir dispositivos distintos de análise. Num primeiro memento, decidimos observar as marcas de pessoa, os marcadores temporais e espaciais, com vistas a identificar uma dada cenografia discursiva (Maingueneau, 1997) que nos remetesse às imagens dos coenunciadores; consideramos, num segundo momento, os discursos relatados (Bakhtin, 2006; Authier-Revuz, 1998 e outros) para compreender a polifonia inerente à cartilha. Nossa análise verificou de que maneira um regime de verdade e uma memória se instituem pela cenografia discursiva; a análise dos discursos relatados, com ênfase nos discursos direto, indireto e narrativizado, nos permitiu identificar, no agenciamento das vozes, um espaço de confronto entre formações discursivas divergentes