999 resultados para pyrylium perchlorates 1-11
Se expone una experiencia de aprendizaje compartido desarrollada con m??s de trescientos docentes de doce centros de educaci??n infantil y primaria de la Zona de Inspecci??n 723 de la isla de Tenerife, durante el curso 2009-2010. Se organiz?? en torno a seminarios de trabajo en los que se trato de facilitar una reflexi??n de todo el profesorado sobre el nuevo curr??culo de la Ley Org??nica, de 3 de mayo, de Educaci??n. Supuso un intento abierto de acercarse a un posible modelo organizativo b??sico del centro educativo que, a trav??s del trabajo en equipo, favoreciera el dise??o y desarrollo de un Proyecto Educativo ajustado a las caracter??sticas de su entorno social y cultural, y que adem??s clarificara el procedimiento de adquisici??n de las competencias b??sicas por el alumnado, integrando la corresponsabilidad de las familias en todo el proceso de aprendizaje.
Se plantea una tarea que surge de la necesidad de acercar al alumnado a la lectura y a la escritura de una forma natural, creando la necesidad de tener que aprender a leer y escribir para saber y conocer, como una herramienta ??til para su vida. Se trata de una tarea motivadora y original que utiliza una mascota que forma parte del aula de infantil y que se ve inmersa en divertidas aventuras. La actividad se incluye dentro del Plan Lector del centro y forma parte del Proyecto Educativo por su car??cter innovador y favorecedor del desarrollo de las competencias b??sicas.
Se presenta la tarea ???La galer??a de las culturas del mundo???, desarrollada con alumnado de infantil del CEIP Chayofa- La Camella (Tenerife) durante las semanas pr??ximas al Carnaval. Se profundiz?? en la investigaci??n sobre las culturas esquimal, africana, hippie e india, tem??tica escogida para la fiesta de Carnaval del colegio. Se aprovecha la motivaci??n para trabajar los contenidos propuestos y favorecer el desarrollo de las competencias b??sicas. A trav??s de distintas actividades, manualidades, juegos de psicomotricidad, canciones, bailes, videos, construcci??n de instrumentos, talleres de elaboraci??n de accesorios de carnaval, de maquillaje, de decoraci??n, etc. se tuvo la oportunidad de conocer nuevas culturas y formas de vida, permiti??ndo a su vez el conocimiento de distintos tipos de alimentos a trav??s de las recetas elaboradas.
Se pone en com??n la tarea ???Me gustan los m??viles??? que pretende conectar la vida cotidiana con las matem??ticas mediante una situaci??n real de aprendizaje. Dada la necesidad de comunicarse de los adolescentes y el dominio que tienen de cualquier dispositivo electr??nico y espec??ficamente de los m??viles, se simula la adquisici??n de uno de los que se encuentran en el mercado, decidiendo, adem??s del modelo, el coste del aparato, los gastos de mantenimiento, etc. Se trabajan la competencia matem??tica y la competencia de tratamiento de la informaci??n y competencia digital.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen en Ingl??s
The Phosphorus Indicators Tool provides a catchment-scale estimation of diffuse phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural land to surface waters using the most appropriate indicators of P loss. The Tool provides a framework that may be applied across the UK to estimate P loss, which is sensitive not only to land use and management but also to environmental factors such as climate, soil type and topography. The model complexity incorporated in the P Indicators Tool has been adapted to the level of detail in the available data and the need to reflect the impact of changes in agriculture. Currently, the Tool runs on an annual timestep and at a 1 km(2) grid scale. We demonstrate that the P Indicators Tool works in principle and that its modular structure provides a means of accounting for P loss from one layer to the next, and ultimately to receiving waters. Trial runs of the Tool suggest that modelled P delivery to water approximates measured water quality records. The transparency of the structure of the P Indicators Tool means that identification of poorly performing coefficients is possible, and further refinements of the Tool can be made to ensure it is better calibrated and subsequently validated against empirical data, as it becomes available.
The objective of the study was to determine if there were adverse effects on animal health and performance when a range of ruminant animals species were fed at least 10 times the maximum permitted European Union (EU) selenium (Se) dietary inclusion rate (0.568 mg Se/kg DM) in the form of selenium enriched yeast (SY) derived from a specific strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060. In a series of studies, dairy cows, beef cattle, calves and lambs were offered either a control diet which contained no Se supplement or a treatment diet which contained the same basal feed ingredients plus a SY supplement which increased total dietary Se from 0.15 to 6.25, 0.20 to 6.74, 0.15 to 5.86 and 0.14 to 6.63 mg Se/kg DM, respectively. The inclusion of the SY supplement (P < 0.001) increased whole blood Se concentrations, reaching maximum mean values of 716, 1,505, 1,377, and 724 ng Se/mL for dairy cattle, beef cattle, calves and lambs, respectively. Selenomethionine accounted for 10% of total whole blood Se in control animals whereas the proportion in SY animals ranged between 40 and 75%. Glutathione peroxidase (EC activity was higher (P < 0.05) in SY animals when compared with controls. A range of other biochemical and hematological parameters were assessed, but few differences of biological significance were established between treatments groups. There were no differences between treatment groups within each species with regard to animal physical performance or overall animal health. It was concluded that there were no adverse effects on animal health, performance and voluntary feed intake to the administration of at least ten times the EU maximum, or approximately twenty times the US FDA permitted concentration of dietary Se in the form of SY derived from a specific strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060.
An in silico screen of 41 of the 81 coding regions of the Nicotiana plastid genome generated a shortlist of 12 candidates as DNA barcoding loci for land plants. These loci were evaluated for amplification and sequence variation against a reference set of 98 land plant taxa. The deployment of multiple primers and a modified multiplexed tandem polymerase chain reaction yielded 85–94% amplification across taxa, and mean sequence differences between sister taxa of 6.1 from 156 bases of accD to 22 from 493 bases of matK. We conclude that loci should be combined for effective diagnosis, and recommend further investigation of the following six loci: matK, rpoB, rpoC1, ndhJ, ycf5 and accD.
The paper presents the method and findings of a Delphi expert survey to assess the impact of UK government farm animal welfare policy, form assurance schemes and major food retailer specifications on the welfare of animals on forms. Two case-study livestock production systems are considered, dairy and cage egg production. The method identifies how well the various standards perform in terms of their effects on a number of key farm animal welfare variables, and provides estimates of the impact of the three types of standard on the welfare of animals on forms, taking account of producer compliance. The study highlights that there remains considerable scope for government policy, together with form assurance schemes, to improve the welfare of form animals by introducing standards that address key factors affecting animal welfare and by increasing compliance of livestock producers. There is a need for more comprehensive, regular and random surveys of on-farm welfare to monitor compliance with welfare standards (legislation and welfare codes) and the welfare of farm animals over time, and a need to collect farm data on the costs of compliance with standards.