1000 resultados para Argumentos saccherianos


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Bipolar disorder has been growing in several countries. It is a disease with high mortality and has been responsible by the social isolation of the patients. Bipolar patients have alterations in circadian timing system, showing a phase shift in various physiological variables. There are several arguments demonstrating alterations in circadian rhythms may be part of the bipolar disorder pathophysiology. Given the necessity for further elucidation, the goal of this study was to validate the forced desynchronization protocol as an animal model for bipolar disorder. To do this, Wistar rats were submitted to a forced desynchronization protocol which consists in a symmetrical light dark cycle with 22h. Under this protocol, rats dissociate the locomotor activity rhythm into two components: one synchronized to the light / dark cycle with 22h, and another component with period longer than 24 hours following the animal endogenous period. These rhythms with different periods sometimes there is coincidence, which we named CAP (Coincidence Active Phase) and the opposite phase, non-coincidence, called NCAP (Non-Concidence Active Phase). The hypothesis is that in CAP animals present a mania-like behavior and animals in NCAP depressive-like behavior. We found some evidence described in detail throughout this thesis. In sum, the animals under forced desynchronization protocol were more stressed, showed an increase in stereotypic behaviors such as grooming and reduction in other behaviors such as risk assessment and vertical exploration when compared to the control group. The CAP animals showed increased locomotor activity, especially during the dark phase when compared to controls (rats under T24) and less depressive behavior in the forced swim test. The animals in NCAP showed a higher anxiety in elevated plus maze, but they don t have ahnedonia. The animals under dissociation have more labeled 5HT1A cells at the amygdala area, which appoint that they have more amygdala inhibition. Taking these data together, we could partially validated the forced desynchronization protocol as an animal model for mood oscillations


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This study analysed the relationship between the production of argumentative discourses and the development and (re)signification of ethical/moral concepts, conceptions and reasoning. It focused on ethical-argumentative reasoning concerning other people and their different points of view. The specific aims of this research were: (1) to investigate the considering alternative positions on adolescents previous views on a specific topic; (2) to verify whether the ability to generate counterarguments was associated with higher levels of moral reasoning, according to Kohlberg theory, and (3) to have a better comprehension of a possible relationship between adolescents abilities to use cognitive and verbal-argumentative strategies and the (re) signification of concepts/beliefs of an ethical/moral nature, and also the solution of conflicts of the same nature. The participants in this study were seventh grade students of private and public schools. Four empirical tasks were used in order to evaluate argumentative and moral reasoning. These tasks focused on: the evaluation of moral dilemmas (DIT); the evaluation of moral dilemmas with the presentation of a written justification for subjects responses; the production of arguments and the reaction to counterarguments. There was also a group-debate situation in which both argumentation and the discussion ethical/moral issues were observed. The moral dilemmas tasks aimed to evaluate the level of moral reasoning of the participants. The argumentation tasks investigated whether the adolescents generated and justified a point of view and how they dealt with counterarguments or alternative information which could lead the participants to modify their initial positions on the topic under discussion in a monological situation as well as in a group-debate setting. The results showed that, in a monological situation, most of the adolescents produced only a partial developed argumentative discourse, whereas in a more social-verbal interaction situation their discourse appeared to be more elaborated. As a general result, it was observed that the confrontation with the other s views, or dealing with counterarguments allow the adolescents to re-evaluate and re-elaborate their own views on a debatable topic. Regarding the relationship between counterargumentation and moral reasoning, it was verified that there was a subtle tendency associating the two processes. However, other factors, such as, social, emotional and cultural aspects might also influence the development of moral reasoning


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This work deals with the problematic of the determinations that contribute to become the adolescents involved with law. Thus, in this research, the social exclusion is apprehended as one of the most important determining to understand this problematic, once we defend that it is part of the trajectory of this adolescent's life since its birth as a punishment that starts before they becoming envolved in act's that break the law. It is still questioned the discussion of the reduction of the penal age, viewed aa a proposal that will contribute to perpetuate the repression. The objectives of the research were: analyze the problematic of adolescents in conflict with law, where social exclusion is seen here as a main category. The research also aims to understand the situation towards social exclusion and that this public is undertaken in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, more specifically in Natal. This is dane through analysis of the profile of adolescents that are submitted to the treatment at Centro Integrate de Atendimento ao Adolescente Acusado de Ato Infracional - CIAD in 2005. This is dane on arder to identify of the State's and society's actions towards this issue, how it has prevailed in analyzing if there is punishing or social protection. The research also contributed with discussion towards the non penal reduction of for underage minors. The approach realized if of qualiquantitative nature. The research was realized with 190 male adolescent subjects, age ranging from 12 to 21 that were interns at CIAD in the year of 2005. The research shows that their fundamental rights (education, health, amongst others) are disrespected on a daily basis by the State. The State prioritizes economic issues, making social inequality more profound. The main argument is that this problematic has its main oring in the social exclusion and it is imposed to the adolescents as a punishment before thes have been involved with the law going on top of the social protection. When the adolescent goes from being the victim to executioner, the Statute of Children and Adolescents is questioned by many sectors that defend the reduction of penal minority as a solution to reduce the country's violence. Thus, it was aimed here to discuss arguments that point to non exclusion, discrimination and repression. It is proposed that the State should assume children and adolescents as a priority, implementing what the statute establishes as well as assures related to the fruition of denied rights as a way to prevent their future involvement with violence


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O artigo aborda problemas filosóficos relativos à natureza da intencionalidade e da representação mental. A primeira parte apresenta um breve histórico dos problemas, percorrendo rapidamente alguns episódios da filosofia clássica e da filosofia contemporânea. A segunda parte examina o Chinese Room Argument (Argumento do Quarto do Chinês) formulado por J. Searle. A terceira parte desenvolve alguns argumentos visando mostrar a inadequação do modelo funcionalista de mente na construção de robots. A conclusão (quarta parte) aponta algumas alternativas ao modelo funcionalista tradicional, como, por exemplo, o conexionismo.


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The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established in 1994 as a result of the Uruguay Round, and has as its principal aim advocate for the maintenance of free trade between nations. The preamble of its Constitutive Agreement specifically cites as an institution the goal of achieving sustainable development and the pursuit of protecting and preserving the environment, bringing into the sphere of world trade the idea that concern for the environmental cause is not restricted only the group of environmentalists, but rather has entered the economic landscape in a way not only ideological, but also pragmatic. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1947, part of the GATT 1994, contains a device that allows the adoption of trade restrictive measures, provided that such measures aimed at protecting the environment - Article XX. The Settlement Body (DSB) is part of the WTO and acts in dissolving disputes between the countries motivated by trade. It examines two cases where countries have imposed restrictive trade measures with environmental justification. The first case was closed in 1996, with award of damages given to Brazil, on the breakdown of U.S. environmental legislation imposed on imported gasoline from Brazil - and the second, begun in 2005 and closed in 2007, coming out victorious again Brazil is on the import ban on retreaded tires to Brazil. The objective is to answer the question: how the environment is treated in the midst of trade discussions - which is aimed at its protection or its use with economic objectives in disguise? For the preparation of this work, extensive documentary research was undertaken with the virtual site of the WTO to review the entire production of legal cases and subsequent analysis of the key issue for the work, and literature of authors who have studied the tense relationship between trade international environment. The first case, it could be seen that the political movement performed by the U.S. with the aim of achieving acceptable standards of air quality was an institutional effort to ensure the quality of air, and thus would be inappropriate to say that the regulation of gasoline was merely a disguised trade barrier.However, a careful analysis of the implementation and operation of gasoline regulation may reveal intentions disguised trade and U.S. environmental argument did not hold. The weight of this environment was relegated, since there were clearly outside interests to the environmental cause. The second case, it was realized that, despite clear attempts by the EC to promote ecological dumping, send when brought to Brazil, supposedly a country with weaker environmental structure on surveillance, a residue that, pursuant to internal policies, as could not be sent to their own landfills, the Brazilian discourse remained focused on the environmental cause, and this sort there was the existence of disguised trade barriers, but of importance, at least a priori, the discussion of foreign forces on the environment environment because there is no way to legally justify the reversal of the total understanding of the first judging body, the sight of all the arguments presented by Brazil and the nonsubmission of new facts upon appeal. Still, quite heartening to reflect on the role of trade liberalization on the environment in general, because, while they do not reach a definitive conclusion will reveal positions in both directions, both for and against, the that only adds to the discussions and makes this a very fertile topic for future research


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo do comportamento assintótico da estatística de Pearson (1900), que é o aparato teórico do conhecido teste qui-quadrado ou teste x2 como também é usualmente denotado. Inicialmente estudamos o comportamento da distribuição da estatística qui-quadrado de Pearson (1900) numa amostra {X1, X2,...,Xn} quando n → ∞ e pi = pi0 , 8n. Em seguida detalhamos os argumentos usados em Billingley (1960), os quais demonstram a convergência em distribuição de uma estatística, semelhante a de Pearson, baseada em uma amostra de uma cadeia de Markov, estacionária, ergódica e com espaço de estados finitos S


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The problem treated in this dissertation is to establish boundedness for the iterates of an iterative algorithm in 2, under some technical conditions. However, this paper uses non-trivial intuitive arguments and its proofs lack suficient rigor. In this dissertation we discuss and strengthen the results of this paper, in order to complete and simplify its proofs


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A morpho-structural analysis was performed in the uplifted siliciclastic deposits of the Serra do Martins Formation along the Portalegre, Martins and Santana plateaux, in the southeastern and central regions of Rio Grande do Norte State. Due to the lack of biostratigraphic records, this formation has a disputable age.The adopted approach was based on the analysis of the drainage patterns and in the recognition of topographic surfaces and regional structures, subjected to neotectonic deformation and rejuvenation the present stress field. These events are recorded in the lineament arrays and as anomalous features of the landscape, such as the uplifted plateaux.The morpho-sculptural evolution of the studied blocks is expressed as erosive and accumulative processes. The former ones include erosional scarpments, cuestas and amphitheaters as the most characteristic features, while debris slopes represent acumulative examples. Such elements attest to the recent disequilibrium of the plateaux, and the absence of well developed alluvium terraces suggest an accelerated uplift process. The directions of the linear features observed in remote sensing products evidence the control of the basement structural trends, inherited from the pre-Cenozoic evolution. The NNE-SSW direction controls the main erosional features of the plateaux, while the N-S direction is a major drainage control, being also recognized in the Potiguar Basin. An E-W trend occurs as a less developed direction, reflecting either a system of mesozoic basic dykes or precambrian brittle structures. As regards to the drainage arrays, an arborescent, varying to a roughly N-S rectangular pattern, was identified in the Portalegre-Martins block. The Santana plateau displays rectilinear (northern border) and dendritic arborescent (southern border) patterns. In the sedimentary cover, the drainage pattern varies from rectangular to angular, reflecting inheritance from the crystaline basement. The most significative directions, N, NE and NW, mark the erosional fronts of the plateaux. Drainage anomalies, characterized by elbows or paralell confluencies, reinforce the arguments mentioned above. The data sets evidence the relationships between endogenous (lithology, structures) and exogenous features as the main controls of terrain dissecation, associated to vertical (epirogenesis) movements and horizontal tectonics. A final discussion addresses the relationships of the Serra do Martins Formation with the sedimentary record of Potiguar Basin, trying to establish chronostratigraphic links with the main evolutionary steps of this part of the Borborema Province, and possible mechanisms involved in the uplift of the plateaux and other stratigraphic units in the region


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Partindo do trabalho pioneiro de J. Piaget, O julgamento moral da criança, revisamos as contribuições para este estudo sobre a concepção de roubo em crianças. Usando uma história que envolve um pequeno roubo examinamos como pré-escolares respondem a questões sobre o roubo ser certo ou errado, o porquê dessa resposta, assim como avaliamos a percepção da criança à presença, à contingência e à relatividade de regras. Tendo como sujeitos 80 crianças de duas pré-escolas, uma pública e outra particular, cada escola dividida em duas turmas, encontramos que todas as crianças têm noção da regra de o roubo ser errado e ao justificarem essa resposta apresentam cinco tipos de argumentos, assim como já apresentam julgamentos em função da intenção. Resultados são discutidos em termos da teoria de desenvolvimento moral de Piaget.


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O artigo examina, em dois momentos distintos, as principais abordagens sociológicas sobre a ciência no século vinte: a Sociologia do Conhecimento, a Sociologia da Ciência e a Sociologia do Conhecimento Científico. No primeiro tópico são recapitulados os argumentos sociológicos de Karl Mannheim e de Robert King Merton. Defende-se a interpretação de que a obra de Mannheim seja reconhecida enquanto pressuposto epistemológico para o desenvolvimento da Sociologia da Ciência de Merton. Adaptada por Merton, a metateoria sociológica de Mannheim surge através de uma abordagem estrutural funcionalista associada a uma teoria de médio alcance. No segundo momento, são retomados os argumentos de Thomas Kuhn para, logo após, ser analisada a Sociologia do Conhecimento Científico enquanto apreciação construtiva da tradição de pensamento mertoniana. O estudo dos princípios lógicos da Sociologia do Conhecimento Científico de David Bloor e a investigação acerca da tradição de pensamento iniciada na Universidade de Edimburgo, na Escócia, foram o foco elementar dessa etapa do artigo. Finalmente, as principais características de cada uma das tradições são ressaltadas, buscando-se por mudanças e continuidades que viabilizaram o desenvolvimento da abordagem sociológica sobre a atividade científica desde sua gênese clássica até os estudos contemporâneos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar que os nomes deverbais preservam a estrutura argumental do verbo input correspondente e que a especificação ou não dos argumentos no interior do termo nominal depende de um conjunto de fatores pragmáticos, especialmente relacionados a informação de curto termo compartilhada pelos participantes da interação. Como implicação teórica, a análise preserva a idéia de que há um processo gradual de descategorização verbal, que se reflete nos diferentes tipos de marcação gramatical. Conforme o predicado verbal ganha estatuto nominal, as marcações tipicamente oracionais dão lugar a outros mecanismos, como marcação argumental por preposição, modificação por adjetivo, uso de pronomes possessivos, que acompanham apropriadamente um núcleo nominal.


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Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir os efeitos do FUNDEF sobre as políticas educacionais dos municípios de Minas Gerais. As análises estão balizadas em entrevistas realizadas com secretários municipais de educação de uma amostra de 22 municípios, entre novembro e dezembro de 2002. A análise leva em conta um conjunto de argumentos e hipóteses levantado pela literatura, o que inclui a tendência à busca de ganhos de escala e concentração de alunos e estabelecimentos; a possível melhora de remuneração e qualificação do corpo docente; o desenvolvimento de iniciativas de capacitação dos professores; a redução do uso dos recursos vinculados à educação para outros fins; o possível subinvestimento em educação infantil, ensino médio e educação de jovens e adultos, devido à sua exclusão do FUNDEF; e a possível insuficiência do valor de referência do Fundo.


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Este artigo reavalia o modelo simplificado da Teoria Geral de Keynes elaborado por James Meade e procura complementar alguns dos argumentos teóricos que Meade deixou apenas indicados. O artigo também responde às solicitações de Frisch a Meade, quanto à explicação do significado de estabilidade e à explicitação dos pressupostos que garantem suas conclusões. Além disso, apresenta alguns dos cálculos não desenvolvidos por Meade, e, quando necessário, suas devidas correções.


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Apesar das mudanças políticas e sociais em relação às transexualidades e travestilidades, elas ainda são consideradas pela Associação de Psiquiatria Norte-Americana (APA) e pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) como transtornos mentais. Essas entidades divulgarão em 2013 as novas versões do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (DSM - APA) e do Código Internacional de Doença (CID - OMS), o que tem mobilizado ativistas trans que reivindicam a retirada da transexualidade do rol das doenças identificáveis como transtornos mentais. A campanha Stop Trans Pathologization (Pare a Patologização!) se internacionalizou e envolvia, até o início de 2012, mais de 29 países. Neste artigo, discutiremos algumas iniciativas dessa campanha, analisaremos a ideologia de gênero presente no DSM e no CID, que incorporam o gênero como uma categoria diagnóstica, e, por fim, apresentaremos argumentos pelo fim do diagnóstico de gênero.