973 resultados para Symbologie. Chat. Poésie
El carácter innovador y feminista del mediometraje Margarita y el lobo (1969) supuso la censura total de la película y el ostracismo hacia su directora, la entonces estudiante de la EOC, Cecilia Bartolomé. En este artículo repasamos sus anteriores cortometrajes para desgranar los primeros matices de protesta así como la utilización de la expresión musical como vehículo del discurso feminista en Margarita y el lobo. A través de los planteamientos de la musicóloga Susan McClary que abordan sexualidad, género y feminismo concluimos con una visión del análisis de género en las obras musicales, al vincular sus estudios al film de Bartolomé. Del mismo modo, analizamos la función que cumple la música en el mediometraje. Para ello, examinamos el repertorio de canciones presente en Margarita y el lobo para terminar reconociendo la función discursiva y referencial como piezas claves en la película de la directora.
Migration is as old as humanity, but since the 1990s migration flows in Western Europe have led to societies that are not just multicultural but so-called «super-diverse». As a result, Western towns now have very complex social structures, with amongst others large amounts of small immigrant communities that are in constant change. In this paper we argue that for social workers to be able to offer adequate professional help to non-native residents in town, they will need balanced view of ‘culture’ and of the role culture plays in social aid. Culture is never static, but is continually changing. By teaching social workers about how to look at cultural backgrounds of immigrant groups and about the limitations of then role that culture plays in communication, they will be better equipped to provide adequate aid and will contribute to making various groups grow towards each other and to avoid people thinking in terms of ‘out-group-homogeneity’. Nowadays, inclusion is a priority in social work that almost every social worker supports. Social workers should have an open attitude to allow them to approach every individual as a unique person. They will see the other person as the person they are, and not as a part of a specific cultural group. Knowledge about the others makes them see the cultural heterogeneity in every group. The social sector, though, must be aware not to fall into the trap of the ‘inclusion mania’! This will cause the social deprivation of a particular group to be forgotten. An inclusive policy requires an inclusive society. Otherwise, this could result in even more deprivation of other groups, already discriminated against. Emancipation of deprived people demands a certain target-group policymaking. Categorized aid will raise efficiency of working with immigrants and of acknowledging the cultural identity of the non-natives group. It will also create the possibility to work on fighting social deprivation, in which most immigrants can be found.
This paper deals with the relationship between different sets of archaeological legislation, material culture and communities. First it presents a historical sketch of the heritage legislation in the West and its contemporary uses. Secondly, it shows how alternative archaeological agencies, such as community archaeology, deal with these problems. The discussion is especially relevant in Brazil, where contract archaeology is presently overwhelming, and the issue is raised in the last part of the paper.
Nowadays, archaeology is trying to redefine its relation with objects. This change is taking place at the same time as the West is breaking once and for all with the generation who did the rural exodus in the mid of the twentieth century. The present paper proposes a revision of the conditions that allow us to both define this rupture and at the same time determine our affinity with materiality. This is done through a reconsideration of the relation between the past and the present and the dynamics marking this difference. We are situated in a moment when the experience of time is shifting and thus so is the integrity of archaeological objects. Under the name of Negative Archaeology, the border between past and present is explored. This border determines the creation of the past in a present which intends to homogenise changes. Archaeology is a unique discipline which could prevent this process, or at least bear witness to the dynamics to which objects seem to be subjected. Obscolescence is introduced as a concept in an attempt to name the aforementioned problem.
La poesía de José Ángel Valente posee una inusual densidad simbólica favorecida por la doble aspiración de abarcar tanto el extremo más grávido y material de la creación del autor, como aquel otro más etéreo y espiritual. Como componentes esenciales de esta búsqueda, podemos observar diversas imágenes (árbol, mandorla, hombre, cruz, etc.) que actuarán a modo de ejes simbólicos de su obra, ejes en torno a los cuales gira su universo poético. El estudio de los diferentes símbolos axiales, así como de otra serie de imágenes entendidas como proyecciones de aquéllos (laberinto, sierpe o nube), constituye el propósito del presente trabajo, tarea en la que relacionaremos cuanto vayamos descifrando con el sentido último de la poesía de José Ángel Valente.
El presente ensayo versa sobre la conversación escrita que mantienen los jóvenes hoy en sus chats. Se tratan las diferentes variedades lingüísticas. La escritura de los chats equivale a una conversación: los textos escritos se convierten en textos orales, las conversaciones se transcriben y las normas lingüísticas se rompen. Esto no significa que los jóvenes no sepan cuáles son, pero en los chats, no les interesan.
El artículo analiza cómo Paul Celan, utilizando recursos arreferenciales y antimiméticos propios de la poésie pure y la poesía absoluta, desarrolla un modelo poético en el que la temporalidad y la memoria son determinantes. En el nuevo modelo, el lenguaje no constituye una realidad autónoma e inmanente; antes bien, se concreta en una acción dialógica y remite a una realidad extralingüística. El mismo texto poético configura un espacio del recuerdo, se erige en un lugar de memoria que, a través de las sedimentaciones históricas que arrastra el lenguaje, da testimonio de lo ocurrido.
A travers l’étude de la Correspondance Jules Supervielle-Etiemble et sa confrontation avec les manifestes du poète que sont « Eléments d’une poétique » et « En songeant à un art poétique », notre article tente de définir la spécificité de la conception supervilienne de la poésie tout en évoquant les difficultés du poète à extérioriser, dans les premières années de sa jeunesse, les images inhérentes à son univers intérieur, et en faisant l’inventaire de quelques principes qui régissent son activité poétique : le refus de toutes les esthétiques et de toutes les techniques qui régissent préalablement la création poétique, l’adoption d’une technique a posteriori ou d’une « technique mouvante qui ne se fixe qu’à chaque poème », le travail de corrections, de retouches et de ratures, et le culte de l’oubli considéré moins comme une défaillance de la mémoire que comme le catalyseur des associations et images inattendues.
In French contemporary poetry, some poets have wished to return to —and so to increase the value of— the enunciation of the poetic subject. In such poetic scenario, the poet James Sacré exemplifies a new approach that tries to re-establish contact with the expression of the poetic subject, albeit always avoiding the pitfalls of excessive ornamentation and poetic effusiveness. Based on the use of simple language, this approach attaches value to legibility and does not hesitate to tap into the most banal or dullest aspects of reality. This article studies one of the procedures used by the poet to reestablish the expression of the poetic subject. This procedure seeks to rewrite life gestures—a technique that evinces an unavoidable relationship between life and poetic words in the work of James Sacré.
En 1946, Muni de son Rolleiflex, Dib, tout jeune photographie sa ville natale Tlemcen. En 1994, il publie son livre Tlemcen ou les lieux d’écriture, un texte empreint de nostalgie et d’amour pour sa ville et pour son pays. Ses photos y côtoient ses textes anciens dans un biblio personnel. Le lecteur se trouve entre un présent et un passé appelé sémiologiquement de deux procédés différents, mais complémentaires ; l’image et le texte. Dans cet article, nous nous proposons d’étudier comment la photographie s’est installée dans l’œuvre de Dib et comment elle se trouve au centre de son intérêt littéraire et nostalgique à la fois. Puis, nous verrons comment l’intertexte, devenu autotexte, est un moyen de vivre la nostalgie.
En este trabajo se abordan los problemas que presenta la traducción de textos poéticos, en concreto las dificultades que conlleva el trasvase del ritmo en poemas escritos en verso libre. Para ello, presentamos la traducción que hemos realizado del poema “Sonate à S.”, incluido en Avec un peu plus de ciel (2012), obra reciente del reconocido escritor contemporáneo francés André Velter. Tras una breve introducción sobre el verso libre, el ritmo y las posibles estrategias traductológicas, se analizan las características del poema original y se comentan las dificultades que plantea su trasvase. A continuación, el artículo se cierra con las principales conclusiones obtenidas. Asimismo, se incluye un anexo con el texto origen y el texto meta.
In this paper we introduce the online version of our ReaderBench framework, which includes multi-lingual comprehension-centered web services designed to address a wide range of individual and collaborative learning scenarios, as follows. First, students can be engaged in reading a course material, then eliciting their understanding of it; the reading strategies component provides an in-depth perspective of comprehension processes. Second, students can write an essay or a summary; the automated essay grading component provides them access to more than 200 textual complexity indices covering lexical, syntax, semantics and discourse structure measurements. Third, students can start discussing in a chat or a forum; the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) component provides indepth conversation analysis in terms of evaluating each member’s involvement in the CSCL environments. Eventually, the sentiment analysis, as well as the semantic models and topic mining components enable a clearer perspective in terms of learner’s points of view and of underlying interests.
By the means of a questionnaire the present work examines the attitudes among pupils between the 5th and 9th grade towards choosing French, Spanish or German as their third language. The main question to be answered is "What needs to be improved to raise the interest in choosing specifically German as their preferred third language?". The other questions posed are for example "Do they want to study a language at all?", "Which language do they want to study and why?" or "What motivates them to keep studying generally?". The results show a high motivation and that the most pupils have already decided for a specific language at the middle of the 5th grade. Family and friends play a crucial role in choosing their language in combination with other factors such as the experiences of visiting countries or settings where the target language is used. To raise the popularity of German as the chosen language is not a short time project. More variation in teaching and real contact with German people, for instance language trips, needs to be done or improved. Nearly all of the pupils want to use modern techniques like chat or video conversations instead of just reading a text book.