985 resultados para Autonomous industrial vehicles


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Geopolymer gelatinous material was prepared by ferroalloy slag (signed with NKT in laboratory) and circulating fluidization bed slag (CFB slag, signed with NM in laboratory) produced from Heshan city, Guangxi zhuang autonomous region, China. The mechanical properties of the geopolymer made of high content ferroalloy slag can reach the standard of 42.5# portland blastfurnace-slag cement, and it’s processing technology is more simple and not need of mill and burn and will not produce harmful gas. By means of chemical and XRD analyses, it is concluded that NKT is a kind of acidity water-granulated slag with better activation and fit to be activated by alkali activators. Low-cost industrial gypsum (signed with NG in laboratory), analytic reagent oxide(signed with NH in laboratory) and sulfate(signed with NS in laboratory) were selected as alkali activation in the experiment. The results showed NH is a good alkali activator for NKT. Both NH and NG can activate ferroally slag’s activities, but NS can’t alone. The activation effect of superimposing activation of NH and NG excel by separateness. Based on those experiments, optimization compounds were carried out: (1) NKT: NH: NG = 80: 10: 10 and (2) NM: NKT: NS: NG: NH = 10: 70: 2: 8: 10。. The soundness of the test blocks is good by boiling examination. Through XRD, SEM, IR, NMR analyses of geopolymer, the reaction mechanism of geopolymer prepared by alkalescent activating in solid wastes was discussed in the thesis first. It is point out, there is difference in reaction mechanism between traditional geopolymer preparation and the preparation of alkalescent activating solid wastes because NG is a industry product. There is the similar process of depolymerization and reunion of Si-O bond. The latter preparation process generate new subtance but the former doesn’t. In the experiment, we found a performance of NKT that the water requirement of normal consistency of geopolymer reduces with increasing content of NKT. The result shows NKT has some ability to reduce water requirement. The performance is worthy of further research and utilization. Making use of solid wastes to prepare geopolymer, not only can settle environment problem caused by a great deal of dump of NKT, but also settle the shortage of natural resources. Moreover it could take economic, environmental and social benefits and settle thoroughly contradiction in the environment protection and regional economy development and promote circulation economy development.


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An industrial scale dehydration process based on hollow fiber membranes for lowering the dew point of natural gas is described in this paper. A pilot test with the feed flux scale of 12x10(4) Nm(3)/d was carried out. Dew points of -8 degreesC-13 degreesC at a gas transport pressure in the pipeline of 4.6M Pa and methane recovery of more than 98% were attained. The water vapor content of the product gas could be maintained around 0.01 vol% during a continuous run of about 700 hours. The effects of feed flux and operation pressure on methane recovery and water vapor content were also investigated. Additionally, some auxiliary technologies, such as a full-time engine using natural gas as fuel and the utilization of vent gas in the process, are also discussed. A small amount of the vent gas from the system was used as a fuel for an engine to drive vacuum pumps, and the heat expelled from the engine was used to warm up the natural gas feed. The whole system can be operated in a self-sustainable manner from an energy point of view, and has a relatively high efficiency in the utilization of natural gas.


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Sistema por gotejamento. Qualidade e tratamento da água. Necessidade de águas das plantas. Manejo da água de irrigação. Fertilizante para fertirrigação. Manejo da fertirrigação. Estado nutricional das plantas. Síntese das recomendações.


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O pôrometro de pós-colheita é um instrumento para medir transpiração, resistência difusiva e déficit de pressão de vapor por manometria a volume constante e por volumetria a pressão constante. É constituído de uma câmara de transpiração com fechamento hermético contendo um suporte de amostras sobre um ventilador e externamente um manômetro de coluna de água com pipeta graduada móvel. Sob temperatura constante, o déficit de pressão de vapor (.P), e o volume de vapor de água (.V) foram proporcionais aos volumes de água vaporizados. Com o uso de um excesso de água este aumento da pressão de vapor iguala-se, em módulo, ao déficit de pressão de vapor do ar na câmara de transpiração. Para amostras do ar atmosférico no laboratório, o déficit de pressão de vapor foi calculado a partir das temperaturas de bulbo seco e úmido em um psicrômetro ventilado e por manometria. A correlação entre estes dois métodos foi de 0,976. A acurácia das medidas de transpiração é tal que o produto do volume morto da câmara (V) pela declividade (.P/ .V) determinada pelo vapor de água liberado no processo iguala-se à pressão barométrica, com erro inferior a 1%. Um exemplo experimental do uso do porômetro de pós-colheita em cenoura é apresentado juntamente e os detalhes para obter a resistência difusiva e espessura da camada laminar. O porômetro de pós-colheita é um porômetro de difusão simples, robusto, que poderá ser usado em estudos de efeito de cêras, na seleção de cultivares e em variados outros estudos de fisiologia de pós-colheita.


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Earlier, we introduced a direct method called fixation for the recovery of shape and motion in the general case. The method uses neither feature correspondence nor optical flow. Instead, it directly employs the spatiotemporal gradients of image brightness. This work reports the experimental results of applying some of our fixation algorithms to a sequence of real images where the motion is a combination of translation and rotation. These results show that parameters such as the fization patch size have crucial effects on the estimation of some motion parameters. Some of the critical issues involved in the implementaion of our autonomous motion vision system are also discussed here. Among those are the criteria for automatic choice of an optimum size for the fixation patch, and an appropriate location for the fixation point which result in good estimates for important motion parameters. Finally, a calibration method is described for identifying the real location of the rotation axis in imaging systems.


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This thesis presents methods for implementing robust hexpod locomotion on an autonomous robot with many sensors and actuators. The controller is based on the Subsumption Architecture and is fully distributed over approximately 1500 simple, concurrent processes. The robot, Hannibal, weighs approximately 6 pounds and is equipped with over 100 physical sensors, 19 degrees of freedom, and 8 on board computers. We investigate the following topics in depth: distributed control of a complex robot, insect-inspired locomotion control for gait generation and rough terrain mobility, and fault tolerance. The controller was implemented, debugged, and tested on Hannibal. Through a series of experiments, we examined Hannibal's gait generation, rough terrain locomotion, and fault tolerance performance. These results demonstrate that Hannibal exhibits robust, flexible, real-time locomotion over a variety of terrain and tolerates a multitude of hardware failures.


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Base experimental e metodologia utilizada; Resultados; Rendimento de graos; Rendimento x epoca de semeadura; Peso do hectolitro(PH); Peso de mil semeadura(PMS); de doencas; Ciclo; Altura e acamamento; Doencas; Controle de doencas; Qualidade industrial.


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Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) offer the potential of ultra-low emissions combined with high efficiency. Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells being developed for vehicles require hydrogen as a fuel. Due to the various pathways of hydrogen generation, both onboard and off-board, the question about which fuel option is the most competitive for fuel cell vehicles is of great current interest. In this paper, a life-cycle assessment (LCA) model was made to conduct a comprehensive study of the energy, environmental, and economic (3E) impacts of FCVs from well to wheel (WTW). In view of the special energy structure of China and the timeframe, 10 vehicle/fuel systems are chosen as the study projects. The results show that methanol is the most suitable fuel to serve as the ideal hydrogen source for fuel cell vehicles in the timeframe and geographic regions of this study. On the other hand, gasoline and pure hydrogen can also play a role in short-term and regional applications, especially for local demonstrations of FCV fleets. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.