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We present the discovery of a red supergiant star that exploded as supernova 2003gd in the nearby spiral galaxy M74. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the Gemini Telescope imaged this galaxy 6 to 9 months before the supernova explosion, and subsequent HST images confirm the positional coincidence of the supernova with a single resolved star that is a red supergiant of 8+4-2 solar masses. This confirms both stellar evolution models and supernova theories predicting that cool red supergiants are the immediate progenitor stars of type II-plateau supernovae.


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No abstract.


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Contribution of co-operatives has been demonstrated since the 1970s as the main development line in agricultural production in Cuba. In contrast, there has been a late recognition of urban co-operatives, even if the need of transformations based on the realization of property in different territorial scenarios had been identified. The article analyses the reform processes launched since the first decade of the 21st century focusing on the nature of the initiatives fostering formation and promotion of nonagricultural co-operatives including follow up of their performance. The potential and limitations of the recent experiences are examined in order to reflect on the organizational processes and transformations from the point of view of their members. To conclude, some questions are posed about whether these co-operatives are capable of avoiding the impact of earlier employment circumstances and of developing strategies aimed at reinforcing voluntary membership and autonomy on which they are founded.


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The introduction of new degrees in the Faculty of Education and the relevance of educational guidance comes to them, as a compulsory subject in all four grades started from 2009-2010, gives the opportunity to return and boost the University Guidance Service (UGS) as a means of consistency with the profile of their education and professional development of its students. The aim of the paper focuses on the evaluation of the results after the first year of implementing a peer mentoring project, SOU-estuTUtor Project, developed from UGS with all degree students of the Faculty of Education for Students new entrants. Program has been evaluated through the perception and satisfaction of the mentors on the organization, training, skills developed and adapted to the needs of students. After one academic year of implementation, the results show, on the one hand, the satisfaction and commitment of those involved and the partial response to the needs of the students served, as well as the optimization of the personal resources of the university but also some limitations that make it necessary to review the mentoring program in terms of control and duration of the process.


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Access to higher education has increased among students with disabilities, and universities are adopting different alternatives which must be assessed. The purpose of this study was to identify the situation of a sample of students with disabilities (n=91) who attend a university in Spain, through the design and validation of the “CUNIDIS-d” scale, with satisfactory psychometric properties. The results show the importance of making reasoned curriculum adaptations, adapting teacher training, improving accessibility and involving all the university community. Different proposals were provided which support the social dimension of the EHEA.


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The purpose of this article is to analyse the assessment procedures and instruments used by teachers of Geography and History of Compulsory Secondary School (ESO) in the Region of Murcia (Spain). The data have been extracted implementing a survey technique proceeded by a descriptive analysis. The results show that teachers generally have a traditional conception of assessment, reflected in the fact that they think that assessment should not change when teaching strategies are changed or when they innovate. On the other hand, although they consider that is necessary to employ a variety of instruments to assess well and to prevent school failure, they still use exams as the most objective and essential instrument in the assessment, while they don’t apply continuous assessment, only tests in a continuous way. The implementation of similar research in other areas or in other subjects shows the existence of contrasts in teacher assessment practices.


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Implementation of EHEA, among others, motivates a transforming process in universities and promotes changes in the professor’s tasks. This events, promote changes to which the university professor has to adapt, meaning this to acquire and to develop new competencies to respond correctly to new professional tasks that are demanded. To design training plans in accordance to the new training needs, and to establish referents in accreditation, selection and promotion protocols appear to be necessary to define the new competences profile professors have to face in order to develop their teaching, research and management tasks suitably, and according to their professional settings and professional development stage. A qualitative research was developed to define the emerging competence profile. Quantitative and qualitative methods were mixed as well as different tools (questionnaires, interviews and focus groups) and sources (faculty, experts and students). This article only shows the results obtained from professors (expert and novice) in the 4 research competencies analyzed (design, development and assessment of projects; organization and management of scientific events; development of scientific material; communication and dissemination of scientific knowledges) and the most significant dates of the 30 competency units that compose them. Results show significant differences of self-perception of current competency domain level between novice faculty and expert faculty. These results help us to establish the priority training areas to the faculty according to their professional development stage.


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Se aborda un análisis del desarrollo del Prácticum de Maestro derivado del plan 2010, particularmente dirigido a valorar los cambios acaecidos en relación con el plan 2000, desde el punto de vista de sus tutores profesionales. La metodología es de tipo cualitativo, con entrevistas a 6 tutores profesionales innovadores de la red de centros de una universidad pública y a los 3 responsables de la materia analizada en ambos planes. Entre los resultados se observa que la percepción sobre las transformaciones operadas en el desarrollo en los centros de esta materia son poco apreciables, así como que la tutela del Prácticum se construye mediante una fuerte relación interpersonal de tutelado y tutor y que está vinculada al tipo de enseñanza que practica. Ello tiene consecuencias en la redefinición futura del Prácticum.


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El presente trabajo analiza los conocimientos, opiniones y actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios sobre sus compañeros con discapacidad. La integración educativa y social de estos estudiantes es objeto de preocupación y estudio en todo el sistema educativo español, incluida la enseñanza superior en la que 21.942 universitarios con discapacidad se encontraban matriculados en el curso 2013-2014. El estudio se realiza en el marco de dos Proyectos de Innovación Educativa[1] de la Universidad de Málaga en los que se examinaron las actitudes del personal docente e investigador, el alumnado en general y el alumnado con discapacidad de esta institución. En este artículo se recogen las perspectivas de los estudiantes sin discapacidad, necesarias para medir el grado de aceptación dentro de las aulas universitarias. Se empleó una encuesta suministrada mediante correo electrónico a la totalidad de la población de estudiantes de la Universidad de Málaga (N= 32.464). El tamaño de la muestra fue de 620 estudiantes, por lo que trabajamos con un margen de error del 3,9% para la estimación de los porcentajes con un nivel de confianza del 95%. Los datos, analizados mediante análisis estadístico, visibilizan la importancia de un elevado grado de información y conocimiento así como de una experiencia directa con la discapacidad. Ambas circunstancias se traducen en actitudes más positivas y favorables. Tan solo el 20% de los alumnos manifestó haber recibido en alguna ocasión cualquier tipo de información sobre este asunto por parte de la Universidad; no obstante, la mayoría valora positivamente la presencia de alumnos con discapacidad en la Universidad, la posibilidad de contar ellos como compañeros de clase y el enriquecimiento que supone esta convivencia dentro del aula. Se discuten posibles acciones para mejorar las actitudes hacia los estudiantes con discapacidad. Además, se plantea incluir una perspectiva que promueva el empoderamiento de estos estudiantes. [1] PIE 10-135 y PIE 13-103.