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A fully consistent relativistic continuum random phase approximation (RCRPA) is constructed in terms of the Green's function technique. In this method the contribution of the continuum spectrum to nuclear excitations is treated exactly by the single particle Green's function, which includes also the negative states in the Dirac sea in the nose aapproximation. The theoretical formalism of RCRPA and numerical details are presented. The single particle Green's function is calculated numerically by a proper product of regular and irregular solutions of the Dirac equation. The numerical details and the formalism of RCRPA in the momentum representation are presented.


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The emittance of an extracted ion beam can be estimated to first order by a series of three linear independent profile measurements. This estimation is restricted to the evaluation of an upper limit of the emittance value for a homogeneous, nonfilamented beam. The beam is assumed to be round, respectively elliptical, without any structure of the intensity distribution, no space charge has been assumed for the drifting beam, and the optics is assumed to be linear. Instead of using three different drift sections, a linear focusing element with three different focusing strengths can be used. Plotting the beam radius as function of focusing strength, three independent solutions can be used to calculate the Twiss parameters alpha, beta, and gamma and furthermore the emittance epsilon. Here we describe the measurements which have been performed with the SECRAL ion source at Institute of Modern Physics Lanzhou.


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Superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source with advanced design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) is an all-superconducting-magnet electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) for the production of intense highly charged ion beams to meet the requirements of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). To further enhance the performance of SECRAL, an aluminum chamber has been installed inside a 1.5 mm thick Ta liner used for the reduction of x-ray irradiation at the high voltage insulator. With double-frequency (18+14.5 GHz) heating and at maximum total microwave power of 2.0 kW, SECRAL has successfully produced quite a few very highly charged Xe ion beams, such as 10 e mu A of Xe37+, 1 e mu A of Xe43+, and 0.16 e mu A of Ne-like Xe44+. To further explore the capability of the SECRAL in the production of highly charged heavy metal ion beams, a first test run on bismuth has been carried out recently. The main goal is to produce an intense Bi31+ beam for HIRFL accelerator and to have a feel how well the SECRAL can do in the production of very highly charged Bi beams. During the test, though at microwave power less than 3 kW, more than 150 e mu A of Bi31+, 22 e mu A of Bi41+, and 1.5 e mu A of Bi50+ have been produced. All of these results have again demonstrated the great capability of the SECRAL source. This article will present the detailed results and brief discussions to the production of highly charged ion beams with SECRAL.


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Superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source with advance design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) is an 18-28 GHz fully superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source dedicated for highly charged heavy ion beam production. SECRAL, with an innovative superconducting magnet structure of solenoid-inside-sextupole and at lower frequency and lower rf power operation, may open a new way for developing compact and reliable high performance superconducting ECR ion source. One of the recent highlights achieved at SECRAL is that some new record beam currents for very high charge states were produced by 18 GHz or 18+14.5 GHz double frequency heating, such as 1 e mu A of Xe-129(43+), 22 e mu A of Bi-209(41+), and 1.5 e mu A of Bi-209(50+). To further enhance the performance of SECRAL, a 24 GHz/7 kW gyrotron microwave generator was installed and SECRAL was tested at 24 GHz. Some promising and exciting results at 24 GHz with new record highly charged ion beam intensities were produced, such as 455 e mu A of Xe-129(27+) and 152 e mu A of Xe-129(30+), although the commissioning time was limited within 3-4 weeks and rf power only 3-4 kW. Bremsstrahlung measurements at 24 GHz show that x-ray is much stronger with higher rf frequency, higher rf power. and higher minimum mirror magnetic field (minimum B). Preliminary emittance measurements indicate that SECRAL emittance at 24 GHz is slightly higher that at 18 GHz. SECRAL has been put into routine operation at 18 GHz for heavy ion research facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) accelerator complex since May 2007. The total operation beam time from SECRAL for HIRFL accelerator has been more than 2000 h, and Xe-129(27+), Kr-78(19+), Bi-209(31+), and Ni-58(19+) beams were delivered. All of these new developments, the latest results, and long-term operation for the accelerator have again demonstrated that SECRAL is one of the best in the performance of ECR ion source for highly charged heavy ion beam production. Finally the future development of SECRAL will be presented.


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Experiments of Al-23 and Mg-22 radioactive beams bombarding a C-12 target at an energy of 60 similar to 70 A MeV have been performed at the projectile fragment separator beamline (RIPS) in the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron Facility to study the two-proton emission from Al-23 and Mg-22 excited states, respectively. The trajectorie of the decay products, namely Na-21 + p + p from Al-23 and Ne-20 + p + p from Mg-22, are clean identified. The relative momentum and opening angle between two protons in the rest frame of three body decay channels are obtained by relativistic-kinematics reconstruction. The results demonstrate that there are some di-proton emission components from He-2 cluster for the excited Al-23 and Mg-22.


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An experiment of Mg-22 and Ne-20 beams bombarding on a C-12 target at an energy of 60 similar to 70 A MeV has been performed at the RIKEN projectile fragment separator (RIPS)in the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron Facility to study the two-proton correlated emission from Mg-22 and Ne-20 excited states. The two-protons momentum correlation functions have been obtained for Mg-22 and Ne-20, respectively. The trajectories of the Mg-22 decayed products (Ne-20 + p + p) were also measured to get the angular correlations between the two protons in Center of Mass of decaying system by relativistic-kinematics reconstruction. The results exhibit that Mg-22 has the features of He-2 cluster decay mechanism.


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Using a dry/wet spinning process, asymmetric cellulose hollow fiber membranes (CHFM) were prepared from a dope composed of cellulose/N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide/water. The formation mechanism for the finger-like macrovoids at the inner portion of as-spun fibers was explained. Naturally drying and three solvent exchange drying methods were tried to investigate their influence on morphology and properties of CHFM. It was found that the ethanol-hexane exchange drying was an appropriate method to minimize morphology change of the as-spun CHFM, whereas the naturally drying caused the greatest shrinkage of the fibers that made the porous membrane become dense. The result, CHFM from ethanol-hexane exchange drying performed the highest gas permeation rate but gas permeation of the naturally dried membrane could not be detectable. The resultant CHFM from the ethanol-hexane exchange drying also showed acceptable, mechanical properties, thus it was proposed to be an appropriate method for gas separation purpose. The experimental results supported the proposed drying mechanism of CHFM. The free water would evaporate or be replaced by a solvent that subsequently would evaporate but the bonded water would remain in the membrane. What dominated the changes of membrane morphology during drying should be. the molecular affinities of cellulose-water, water-solvent and solvent-solvent. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cellulose hollow fiber membranes (CHFM) were prepared using a spinning solution containing N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide as solvent and water as a nonsolvent additive. Water was also used as both the internal and external coagulant. It was demonstrated that the phase separation mechanism of this system was delayed demixing. The CHFM was revealed to be homogeneously dense structure after desiccation. The gas permeation properties of CO2, N-2, CH4, and H-2 through CHFM were investigated as a function of membrane water content and operation pressure. The water content of CHFM had crucial influence on gas permeation performance, and the permeation rates of all gases increased sharply with the increase of membrane water content. The permeation rate of CO2 increased with the increase of operation pressure, which has no significant effect on N-2, H-2, and CH4. At the end of this article a detailed comparison of gas permeation performance and mechanism between the CHFM and cellulose acetate flat membrane was given. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Experimental data are presented to show the influence of asphaltenes and resins on the stability and demulsification of emulsions. It was found that emulsion stability was related to the concentrations of the asphaltene and resin in the crude oil, and the state of dispersion of the asphaltenes and resins (molecular vs colloidal) was critical to the strength or rigidity of interfacial films and hence to the stability of the emulsions. Based on this research, a possible emulsion minimization approach in refineries, which can be implemented utilizing microwave radiation, is also suggested. Comparing with conventional heating, microwave radiation can enhance the demulsification rate by an order of magnitude. The demulsification efficiency reaches 100% in a very short time under microwave radiation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Experimental data are presented to show the influence of alkyl metal phosphates, Shengli resin fraction, and NaCl, on the shear viscosity of interfacial films and the stability of emulsions. It was found that the alkyl metal phosphates and the Shengli resin fraction could enhance the shear viscosity of interfacial films and the stability of emulsions. NaCl (0.01-0.03 mol L-1) could change the shear viscosity of interfacial films containing alkyl metal phosphates and the Shengli resin fraction. The shear viscosity of interfacial films containing ethyl iron phosphate and the Shengli resin fraction decreased with the increase of the concentration of NaCl. On the other hand, NaCl could decrease the stability of the emulsions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Experimental data are presented to show the influence of a very small amount of inorganic salt on the demulsification of water-in-oil emulsions. It was found that some inorganic salts could effectively enhance the demulsification efficiency and increase the light transmittance of the water separated from the emulsions. The demulsification efficiency may reach 100% in a very short time under microwave radiation.


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Marine sponges (Porifera) possess an extraordinary diversity of bioactive metabolites for new drug discovery and development. In vitro cultivation of sponge cells in a bioreactor system is very attractive for the sustainable production of sponge-derived bioactive metabolites; however, it is still a challenging task. The recent establishment of sponge primmorphs, multicellular aggregates from dissociated mixed-cell population (MCP), has been widely acknowledged to hold great promise for cultivation in vitro. Here we present a new method to establish an in vitro sponge primmorph culture from archaeocyte-dominant cell population (ADCP) enriched by a Ficoll gradient, rather than a mixed-cell population (MCP). Our rationale is based upon the totipotency (the ability of a cell to differentiate into other cell types) of archaeocyte cells and the different biological functions of various sponge cell types. A sponge, Hymeniacidon perleve collected from the China Yellow Sea was used as a model system for this investigation. Distinct dynamics of primmorph formation were observed while significant increases in DNA synthesis, cell proliferation (up to threefold), and cell growth (up to fourfold) were achieved. Furthermore, a time-dependent spiculogenesis was clearly demonstrated in our longterm culture, indicating high metabolic activity of primmorphs from the ADCP. This new method represents an important step forward to advance sponge cell culture in vitro that may lead to commercial exploitation of sponge-derived drugs. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.