996 resultados para legitimation strategies


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Fluid administration to critically ill patients remains the subject of considerable controversy. While intravenous fluid given for resuscitation may be life-saving, a positive fluid balance over time is associated with worse outcomes in critical illness. The aim of this systematic review is to summarise the existing evidence regarding the relationship between fluid administration or balance and clinically important patient outcomes in critical illness.

We will search Medline, EMBASE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from 1980 to the present and key conference proceedings from 2009 to the present. We will include studies of critically ill adults and children with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). We will include randomised controlled trials comparing two or more fluid regimens of different volumes of fluid and observational studies reporting the relationship between volume of fluid administered or fluid balance and outcomes including mortality, lengths of intensive care unit and hospital stay and organ dysfunction. Two independent reviewers will assess articles for eligibility, data extraction and quality appraisal. We will conduct a narrative and/or meta-analysis as appropriate.

While fluid management has been extensively studied and discussed in the critical care literature, no systematic review has attempted to summarise the evidence for post-resuscitation fluid strategies in critical illness. Results of the proposed systematic review will inform practice and the design of future clinical trials.

Systematic review registration
PROSPERO CRD42013005608. (http://​www.​crd.​york.​ac.​uk/​PROSPERO/​)


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The cyclical properties of the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) and their implications for forecasting performance are investigated. We find that changes in the BDI can lead to permanent shocks to trade of major exporting economies. In our forecasting exercise, we show that commodities and trigonometric regression can lead to improved predictions and then use our forecasting results to perform an investment exercise and to show how they can be used for improved risk management in the freight sector.


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Choice of an appropriate branding strategy is a critical determinant of new product success. Prior work on fast-moving-consumer-goods (FMCG) prescribes that new products carry new (vs. existing) brand names to appeal to earlier adopters - a critical target for new products. However, such a prescription may not be prudent for high-technology (HT) products, as they often involve considerably more consumer perceived risk than FMCG. By drawing on Dowling and Staelin's (1994) framework of perceived-risk handling, we propose that both earlier and later adopters will favor existing brands to cope with the elevated risk associated with an innovative HT product. Two studies - one conducted in an experimental setting and the other in a field setting - support the proposition that both earlier and later adopters respond more favorably to existing (vs. new) brands on innovative HT products.


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Partially ordered preferences generally lead to choices that do not abide by standard expected utility guidelines; often such preferences are revealed by imprecision in probability values. We investigate five criteria for strategy selection in decision trees with imprecision in probabilities: “extensive” Γ-maximin and Γ-maximax, interval dominance, maximality and E-admissibility. We present algorithms that generate strategies for all these criteria; our main contribution is an algorithm for Eadmissibility that runs over admissible strategies rather than over sets of probability distributions.


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Antimicrobial resistance is one of the leading threats to society. The increasing burden of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infection is particularly concerning as such bacteria are demonstrating resistance to nearly all currently licensed therapies. Various strategies have been hypothesized to treat multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infections including: targeting the Gram-negative outer membrane; neutralization of lipopolysaccharide; inhibition of bacterial efflux pumps and prevention of protein folding. Silver and silver nanoparticles, fusogenic liposomes and nanotubes are potential strategies for extending the activity of licensed, Gram-positive selective, antibiotics to Gram-negatives. This may serve as a strategy to fill the current void in pharmaceutical development in the short term. This review outlines the most promising strategies that could be implemented to solve the threat of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infections


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As propriedades funcionais dos materiais ferroeléctricos tais como a polarização reversível, piroelectricidade, piezoelectricidade, elevada actividade óptica não linear e comportamento dieléctrico não linear são fundamentais para a sua aplicação em sensores, microactuadores, detectores de infravermelhos, filtros de fase de microondas e memórias não-voláteis. Nos últimos anos, motivado pelas necessidades industriais de redução do tamanho dos dispositivos microelectrónicos, aumentando a eficiência volumétrica, tem sido feito um grande esforço ao nível da investigação para desenvolver estruturas ferroeléctricas à escala micro- e nano- métrica. É sabido que a redução de tamanho em materiais ferroeléctricos afecta significamente as suas propriedades. Neste sentido e considerando que foi previsto teoreticamente por cálculos ab initio que estruturas do tipo nanocilindros e nanodiscos apresentariam um novo tipo de ordem ferroeléctrica e, na expectativa de alcançar conhecimento para o desenvolvimento de uma nova geração de dispositivos microelectróncos, existe um grande interesse em desenvolver métodos de fabrico de nanoestruturas ferroeléctricas unidimensionais (1D) tais como nanocilindros e nanotubos. As estratégias de fabrico de nanoestruturas 1D até agora descritas na literatura indicam claramente as dificuldades inerentes à sua preparação. Existem duas grandes vias de síntese destas nanoestruturas: i) o método “topdown” que consiste na redução de tamanho de um dado material até à obtenção duma estrutura 1D; e ii) o método “bottom-up” em que átomos, iões e moléculas são agrupados para formar um material 1D. O método “top down” envolve em geral técnicas de desgaste, como o uso do feixe de electrões, que apesar de permitirem elevada precisão no posicionamento e no controlo do tamanho, falham em termos de resolução, exigem muito tempo e causam facilmente defeitos que deterioram as propriedades físicas destes materiais. Na metodologia “bottom up” a utilização de moléculas ou estruturas “molde” tem sido a mais explorada. As estructuras 1D podem também ser preparadas sem recorrer a “moldes”. Neste caso a agregação orientada é promovida pelo recurso a aditivos que controlam o crescimento dos cristais em direcções preferenciais. Neste contexto, neste trabalho utilizaram-se duas estratégias “bottom up” de baixo custo para a preparação de nanopartículas de titanato de bário (BaTiO3) com morfologia controlada: 1) síntese química (em solução e em fase vapor) com utilização de nanotubos de titanato TiNTs) como “moldes” e precursores de titânio 2) síntese química em solução com presença de aditivos. Os nanotubos de titanato de sódio foram preparados por síntese hidrotermal. Como existiam muitas dúvidas acerca da natureza estrutural e do mecanismo de formação dos NTs, a parte inicial do trabalho foi dedicada à realização de um estudo sistemático dos parâmetros intervenientes na síntese e à caracterização da sua estrutura e microestrutura. Foi demonstrado que os NTs têm a fórmula geral A2Ti2O5 (A = H+ or Na+), e não TiO2 (anátase) com defendido por vários autores na literatura, e podem ser preparados por método hidrotermal em meio fortemente alcalino usando como fonte de titânio TiO2 comercial na forma de anátase ou rútilo. A menor reactividade do rútilo exige temperaturas de síntese superiores ou tempos de reacção mais longos. A forma tubular resulta do tratamento hidrotermal e não de processos de lavagem e neutralização subsequentes. Se os NTs forem tratados após a síntese hidrotérmica em água a 200 ºC, transformam-se em nanocilindros. Uma das partes principais desta tese consistiu na investigação do papel dos NTs de titanato no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3. O potencial funcionamento dos NTs como “moldes” para além de precursores foi testado em reacção com hidróxido de bário em síntese em solução e por reacção com um precursor orgânico de bário em fase vapor. Tendo por base os estudos cinéticos realizados, bem como as alterações estruturais e morfológicas das amostras, é possível concluir que a formação do BaTiO3 a partir de NTs de titanato de sódio, ocorre por dois mecanismos dependendo da temperatura e tempo de reacção. Assim, a baixa temperatura e curto tempo de reacção verifica-se que se formam partículas dendríticas de BaTiO3 cuja superfície é bastante irregular (“wild”) e que apresentam estrutura pseudo-cúbica. Estas partículas formam-se por reacção topotáctica na fronteira dos nanotubos de titanato de sódio. A temperaturas mais altas e/ou reacções mais longas, a reacção é controlada por um mecanismo de dissolução e precipitação com formação de dendrites de BaTiO3 tetragonais com superfície mais regular (“seaweed”). A microscopia de força piezoeléctrica mostrou que as dendrites “seaweeds“ possuem actividade piezoeléctrica superior à das dendrites “wild”, o que confirma o papel desempenhado pela estrutura e pela concentração de defeitos na rede na coerência e ordem ferroeléctrica de nanoestruturas. Os nossos resultados confirmam que os NTs de titanato não actuam facilmente como “moldes” na síntese em solução de BaTiO3 já que a velocidade de dissolução dos NTs em condições alcalinas é superior à velocidade de formação do BaTiO3. Assumindo que a velocidade de reacção dos NTs com o precursor de bário é superior em fase vapor, efectuou-se a deposição de um precursor orgânico de bário por deposição química de vapor sobre um filme de NTs de titnato de sódio depositados por deposição electroforética. Estudou-se a estabilidade dos NTs nas diferentes condições do reactor. Quando os NTs são tratados a temperaturas superiores a 700 ºC, ocorre a transformação dos NTs em nanocilindros de anatase por um mecanismo de agregação orientada. Quando se faz a deposição do precursor de bário, seguida de calcinação a 700 ºC em atmosfera oxidante de O2, verifica-se que a superficie dos NTs fica coberta com nanocristais de BaTiO3 independentemente da concentração de bário. O papel dos NTs de titanato no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3 em fase vapor é assim descrito pela primeira vez. Em relação à metodologias de crescimento de partículas na ausência de “moldes” mas com aditivos fez-se um estudo sistemático utilizando 5 aditivos de natureza differente. As diferenças entre aditivos foram sistematizadas tendo em conta as diferenças estruturais e morfológicas verificadas. Está provado que os aditivos podem funcionar como modificadores de crescimento cristalino por alteração do seu padrão de crescimento ou por alteração da cinética de crescimento das faces cristalográficas do cristal. Entre os aditivos testados verificou-se que o ácido poliacrilíco adsorve em faces específicas do BaTiO3 alterando a cinética de crescimento e induzindo a agregação orientada das partículas. O polivinilpirrolidona, o docecilsulfato de sódio e hidroxipropilmetilcelulose actuam mais como inibidores de crescimento do que como modificadores do tipo de crescimento. A D-frutose aumenta a energia de activação da etapa de nucleação não ocorrendo formação de BaTiO3 para as mesmas condições dos outros aditivos. Esta tese clarifica o papel dos NTs de titanato de sódio enquanto precursores e “moldes” no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3 em solução e em fase vapor. É feita também a abordagem do controlo morfológico do BaTiO3 através do uso de aditivos. As estratégias de preparação de BaTiO3 propostas são de baixo custo, reprodutíveis e fáceis de efectuar. Os resultados contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da relação tamanho – morfologia – propriedade em materiais ferroeléctricos nanométricos com vista à sua potencial aplicação.


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The artefact and techno-centricity of the research into the architecture process needs to be counterbalanced by other approaches. An increasing amount of information is collected and used in the process, resulting in challenges related to information and knowledge management, as this research evidences through interviews with practicing architects. However, emerging technologies are expected to resolve many of the traditional challenges, opening up new avenues for research. This research suggests that among them novel techniques addressing how architects interact with project information, especially that indirectly related to the artefacts, and tools which better address the social nature of work, notably communication between participants, become a higher priority. In the fields associated with the Human Computer Interaction generic solutions still frequently prevail, whereas it appears that specific alternative approaches would be particularly in demand for the dynamic and context dependent design process. This research identifies an opportunity for a process-centric and integrative approach for architectural practice and proposes an information management and communication software application, developed for the needs discovered in close collaboration with architects. Departing from the architects’ challenges, an information management software application, Mneme, was designed and developed until a working prototype. It proposes the use of visualizations as an interface to provide an overview of the process, facilitate project information retrieval and access, and visualize relationships between the pieces of information. Challenges with communication about visual content, such as images and 3D files, led to a development of a communication feature allowing discussions attached to any file format and searchable from a database. Based on the architects testing the prototype and literature recognizing the subjective side of usability, this thesis argues that visualizations, even 3D visualizations, present potential as an interface for information management in the architecture process. The architects confirmed that Mneme allowed them to have a better project overview, to easier locate heterogeneous content, and provided context for the project information. Communication feature in Mneme was seen to offer a lot of potential in design projects where diverse file formats are typically used. Through empirical understanding of the challenges in the architecture process, and through testing the resulting software proposal, this thesis suggests promising directions for future research into the architecture and design process.


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The promise of a truly mobile experience is to have the freedom to roam around anywhere and not be bound to a single location. However, the energy required to keep mobile devices connected to the network over extended periods of time quickly dissipates. In fact, energy is a critical resource in the design of wireless networks since wireless devices are usually powered by batteries. Furthermore, multi-standard mobile devices are allowing users to enjoy higher data rates with ubiquitous connectivity. However, the bene ts gained from multiple interfaces come at a cost in terms of energy consumption having profound e ect on the mobile battery lifetime and standby time. This concern is rea rmed by the fact that battery lifetime is one of the top reasons why consumers are deterred from using advanced multimedia services on their mobile on a frequent basis. In order to secure market penetration for next generation services energy e ciency needs to be placed at the forefront of system design. However, despite recent e orts, energy compliant features in legacy technologies are still in its infancy, and new disruptive architectures coupled with interdisciplinary design approaches are required in order to not only promote the energy gain within a single protocol layer, but to enhance the energy gain from a holistic perspective. A promising approach is cooperative smart systems, that in addition to exploiting context information, are entities that are able to form a coalition and cooperate in order to achieve a common goal. Migrating from this baseline, this thesis investigates how these technology paradigm can be applied towards reducing the energy consumption in mobile networks. In addition, we introduce an additional energy saving dimension by adopting an interlayer design so that protocol layers are designed to work in synergy with the host system, rather than independently, for harnessing energy. In this work, we exploit context information, cooperation and inter-layer design for developing new energy e cient and technology agnostic building blocks for mobile networks. These technology enablers include energy e cient node discovery and short-range cooperation for energy saving in mobile handsets, complemented by energy-aware smart scheduling for promoting energy saving on the network side. Analytical and simulations results were obtained, and veri ed in the lab on a real hardware testbed. Results have shown that up to 50% energy saving could be obtained.


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This article examines how new legal strategies need to be adopted by indigenous peoples to react to the increasing phenomenon of ‘land grabbing’ taking place across the globe. In examining the specificity of the ‘land grab’ and how it particularly affects indigenous peoples, it analyses how new legal strategies targeting the investors need to be adopted by communities to mitigate some of the negative aspects of land grabbing. It argues that since the current ‘land grab’ is driven by investors it is important that indigenous peoples, and their supportive organisations, target investors and lending institutions which are behind the massive investments in land acquisitions.


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Adaptive governance is an emerging theory in natural resource management. This paper addresses a gap in the literature by exploring the potential of adaptive governance for delivering resilience and sustainability in the urban context. We explore emerging challenges to transitioning to urban resilience and sustainability: bringing together multiple scales and institutions; facilitating a social-ecological-systems approach and; embedding social and environmental equity into visions of urban sustainability and resilience. Current approaches to adaptive governance could be helpful for addressing these first two challenges but not in addressing the third. Therefore, this paper proposes strengthening the institutional foundations of adaptive governance by engaging with institutional theory. We explore this through empirical research in the Rome Metropolitan Area, Italy. We argue that explicitly engaging with these themes could lead to a more substantive urban transition strategy and contribute to adaptive governance theory.


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Tese dout., Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010


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We compare the effect of different text segmentation strategies on speech based passage retrieval of video. Passage retrieval has mainly been studied to improve document retrieval and to enable question answering. In these domains best results were obtained using passages defined by the paragraph structure of the source documents or by using arbitrary overlapping passages. For the retrieval of relevant passages in a video, using speech transcripts, no author defined segmentation is available. We compare retrieval results from 4 different types of segments based on the speech channel of the video: fixed length segments, a sliding window, semantically coherent segments and prosodic segments. We evaluated the methods on the corpus of the MediaEval 2011 Rich Speech Retrieval task. Our main conclusion is that the retrieval results highly depend on the right choice for the segment length. However, results using the segmentation into semantically coherent parts depend much less on the segment length. Especially, the quality of fixed length and sliding window segmentation drops fast when the segment length increases, while quality of the semantically coherent segments is much more stable. Thus, if coherent segments are defined, longer segments can be used and consequently less segments have to be considered at retrieval time.