985 resultados para confined


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O objectivo deste trabalho é a produção de novos eléctrodos modificados com polioxotungstatos (POMs) do tipo Keggin, incluindo POMs lacunares e substituídos por metais de transição. A preparação e caracterização dos polioxotungstatos encontram-se descritas no Capítulo 2. No Capítulo 3 descreve-se a produção de eléctrodos de carbono vítreo funcionalizados com sais híbridos de tetra-n-butilamónio de vários silicotungstatos pelo método de evaporação da gota. As propriedades electroquímicas dos polioxotungstatos imobilizados foram comparadas com as das espécies solúveis correspondentes. A morfologia dos depósitos foi avaliada por microscopia óptica e por microscopia electrónica de varrimento. No capítulo 4 descreve-se a preparação de novos eléctrodos compósitos de carbono e poli(hexilmetacrilato) com fosfotungstatos. Os estudos electroquímicos revelaram que as principais características dos POMs são mantidas e que os processos de redução são controlados por difusão, dependendo da difusão dos protões da solução. O Capítulo 5 descreve a construção de filmes em multicamadas ultrafinos contendo POMs e polietilenimina, preparados pelo método de auto-montagem camada-sobre-camada em eléctrodos de carbono vítreo. Os filmes em multicamada foram caracterizados por voltametria cíclica e por microscopia electrónica de varrimento e foi usada a espectroscopia de absorção de UV-Vis em placas de quartzo para monitorar o crescimento de filme. Os resultados voltamétricos revelaram que os processos de redução dos POM são confinados à superfície. Alguns destes eléctrodos modificados revelaram propriedades electrocatalíticas relativamente à redução dos aniões nitrito, bromato e/ou iodato. A espectroscopia de impedância electroquímica também foi usada na caracterização destes filmes e os resultados revelaram que a resistência à transferência de carga aumenta com o aumento do número de bicamadas para ambas as espécies redox, indicando que a espessura do filme tem um efeito importante sobre a cinética de reacções de transferência de carga. No capítulo 6 descreve-se a síntese de filmes híbridos orgânicos/inorgânicos compostos por poli(3,4-etilenodioxitiofeno) (PEDOT) e por silicotungstatos do tipo Keggin através da polimerização electroquímica, em condições aquosas, na superfície de electrodos de carbono vítreo. A voltametria cíclica revelou que as características principais dos POMs são mantidas nos filmes. Verificou-se que estes filmes são muito estáveis, possivelmente devido a fortes interacções electrostáticas entre os POMs aniónicos e o polímero positivamente carregado. A espectroscopia de impedância electroquímica foi também utilizada e os resultados mostraram que a resistência de transferência de carga aumenta com o aumento do pH e para valores de potenciais mais elevados. O capítulo 7 apresenta as conclusões finais e possíveis trabalhos futuros.


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A ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde é uma ilha de origem vulcânica, constituída basicamente por lavas e piroclastos, localizada no Oceano Atlântico ao lado da costa ocidental de África. A ilha é caracterizada por três unidades hidrogeológicas, sendo estas a Formação de Base (semi-confinada), a Formação Intermédia (freática) e a Formação Recente (freática), que apresentam características geológicas e comportamentos hidráulicos que as diferenciam, recebendo recarga directa e/ ou diferida por infiltração das águas de chuva e descarregam ao mar, na rede hidrográfica ou, ainda, em outros níveis aquíferos subjacentes, desde que induzidos por gradientes hidráulicos favoráveis. O clima de Santiago é árido a semi-árido, com precipitações muito escassas e irregulares, condicionadas na sua distribuição pela altitude, ventos e orientação das vertentes, dando por vezes origem a períodos de seca prolongados. Em anos de ‘boa’ chuva, as precipitações propiciam a existência temporária de recursos hídricos superficiais e a recarga dos recursos de água subterrânea. Foi realizado um estudo hidrogeoquímico detalhado da ilha que incluiu a recolha de amostras em 133 pontos de água, entre furos, poços e nascentes. A composição química das águas analisadas na ilha de Santiago apresenta significativas variações em função da geologia e do tempo de residência. Na ausência de episódios de contaminação, as águas subterrâneas têm uma composição do tipo bicarbonatada-sódica (HCO3-Na) nas zonas mais altas da ilha, onde afloram as formações da Unidade Aquífera Intermédia. Nas zonas mais próximas da costa ocorrem águas de composição cloretada-magnesiana (Cl-Mg) ou cloretada-sódica (Cl-Na). Estas últimas predominam nas partes terminais das ribeiras, onde afloram materiais de elevada permeabilidade, e o excesso de bombagem para irrigação tem conduzido a um avanço da cunha de intrusão marinha. A ocorrência da fácies Cl-Na é neste caso o resultado de processos de intercâmbio catiónico que ocorrem durante o processo de intrusão e é concordante com os elevados teores de cloretos e de condutividade eléctrica observados. Os resultados das análises de isótopos estáveis de oxigénio-18 e deutério, realizadas em amostras recolhidas a distintas altitudes, revelam um gradiente negativo com a altitude, que já tinha sido verificado em outras ilhas com declives acentuados, permitindo assim determinar altitudes de recarga de água subterrânea. Os estudos hidrogeoquímicos até agora realizados permitiram caracterizar os principais níveis aquíferos da ilha de Santiago, colocando em evidência a limitada recarga do aquífero e o risco de gradual degradação dos recursos de água subterrânea por fenómenos de intrusão salina e contaminação agrícola. Estes resultados revelam a importância da gestão integrada da qualidade e quantidade dos parcos recursos de água subterrânea na ilha de Santiago.


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In the modern society, communications and digital transactions are becoming the norm rather than the exception. As we allow networked computing devices into our every-day actions, we build a digital lifestyle where networks and devices enrich our interactions. However, as we move our information towards a connected digital environment, privacy becomes extremely important as most of our personal information can be found in the network. This is especially relevant as we design and adopt next generation networks that provide ubiquitous access to services and content, increasing the impact and pervasiveness of existing networks. The environments that provide widespread connectivity and services usually rely on network protocols that have few privacy considerations, compromising user privacy. The presented work focuses on the network aspects of privacy, considering how network protocols threaten user privacy, especially on next generation networks scenarios. We target the identifiers that are present in each network protocol and support its designed function. By studying how the network identifiers can compromise user privacy, we explore how these threats can stem from the identifier itself and from relationships established between several protocol identifiers. Following the study focused on identifiers, we show that privacy in the network can be explored along two dimensions: a vertical dimension that establishes privacy relationships across several layers and protocols, reaching the user, and a horizontal dimension that highlights the threats exposed by individual protocols, usually confined to a single layer. With these concepts, we outline an integrated perspective on privacy in the network, embracing both vertical and horizontal interactions of privacy. This approach enables the discussion of several mechanisms to address privacy threats on individual layers, leading to architectural instantiations focused on user privacy. We also show how the different dimensions of privacy can provide insight into the relationships that exist in a layered network stack, providing a potential path towards designing and implementing future privacy-aware network architectures.


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As alterações no panorama social português que ocorreram no virar do milénio, marcadas pela chegada massiva de imigrantes provenientes de países que não tinham laços históricos e linguísticos com Portugal – com destaque para as comunidades do Leste europeu –, vieram colocar novos desafios à sociedade e à escola portuguesas. Com o propósito de caracterizar o perfil de apropriação da Língua Portuguesa (LP) de aprendentes adultos eslavófonos residentes em Portugal, foram recolhidos 87 questionários e testes linguísticos junto de adultos falantes de línguas eslavas que frequentavam cursos de LP em contexto formal/ não formal. Complementarmente, foram realizadas 17 entrevistas a aprendentes e professores. A análise de dados, de carácter quantitativo e qualitativo, centrou-se em três eixos fundamentais: a) o perfil de apropriação da LP; b) a gestão dos repertórios linguísticos; e c) as dificuldades manifestadas na apropriação, compreensão e uso do sistema temporal-aspetual em LP. Para cada um destes eixos, salientamos as seguintes conclusões: a) o contexto formal/ não formal é aquele que é considerado o mais eficaz; a apropriação da LP decorre ainda em contexto de autoaprendizagem e em contexto informal. A expressão oral afigura-se como uma competência de intervenção prioritária para este público. b) os repertórios linguísticos dos informantes deste estudo são limitados em número e diversidade de línguas, estando quase circunscritos às línguas eslavas, com amplo destaque para o Russo. A influência das Línguas Maternas na apropriação da LP é percecionada, de uma forma geral, como negativa, e é reduzida a adoção de estratégias de rentabilização interlinguística. c) as principais dificuldades no que se refere ao Tempo e Aspeto prendem- -se com o modo conjuntivo, os tempos compostos, os valores secundários de alguns tempos verbais, o pretérito perfeito composto do indicativo, a distinção entre o pretérito perfeito simples e o pretérito imperfeito do indicativo e a distinção entre os verbos ‘ser’ e ‘estar’. De uma forma global, apontam-se como pistas de intervenção a criação de cursos de LP de nível mais avançado, uma maior rentabilização do capital linguístico presente em sala de aula e a frequência, por parte dos docentes, de formação em línguas eslavas. A nível de recursos didáticos, sugere-se a elaboração de materiais bilingues para autoaprendizagem e de materiais de apoio ao professor. Seria igualmente útil a promoção de mais oportunidades de interação entre imigrantes e nativos.


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The Minho River, situated 30 km south of the Rias Baixas is the most important freshwater source flowing into the Western Galician Coast (NW of the Iberian Peninsula). This discharge is important to determine the hydrological patterns adjacent to its mouth, particularly close to the Galician coastal region. The buoyancy generated by the Minho plume can flood the Rias Baixas for long periods, reversing the normal estuarine density gradients. Thus, it becomes important to analyse its dynamics as well as the thermohaline patterns of the areas affected by the freshwater spreading. Thus, the main aim of this work was to study the propagation of the Minho estuarine plume to the Rias Baixas, establishing the conditions in which this plume affects the circulation and hydrographic features of these coastal systems, through the development and application of the numerical model MOHID. For this purpose, the hydrographic features of the Rias Baixas mouths were studied. It was observed that at the northern mouths, due to their shallowness, the heat fluxes between the atmosphere and ocean are the major forcing, influencing the water temperature, while at the southern mouths the influence of the upwelling events and the Minho River discharge were more frequent. The salinity increases from south to north, revealing that the observed low values may be caused by the Minho River freshwater discharge. An assessment of wind data along the Galician coast was carried out, in order to evaluate the applicability of the study to the dispersal of the Minho estuarine plume. Firstly, a comparative analysis between winds obtained from land meteorological stations and offshore QuikSCAT satellite were performed. This comparison revealed that satellite data constitute a good approach to study wind induced coastal phenomena. However, since the numerical model MOHID requires wind data with high spatial and temporal resolution close to the coast, results of the forecasted model WRF were added to the previous study. The analyses revealed that the WRF model data is a consistent tool to obtain representative wind data near the coast, showing good results when comparing with in situ wind observations from oceanographic buoys. To study the influence of the Minho buoyant discharge influence on the Rias Baixas, a set of three one-way nested models was developed and implemented, using the numerical model MOHID. The first model domain is a barotropic model and includes the whole Iberian Peninsula coast. The second and third domains are baroclinic models, where the second domain is a coarse representation of the Rias Baixas and adjacent coastal area, while the third includes the same area with a higher resolution. A bi-dimensional model was also implemented in the Minho estuary, in order to quantify the flow (and its properties) that the estuary injects into the ocean. The chosen period for the Minho estuarine plume propagation validation was the spring of 1998, since a high Minho River discharge was reported, as well as favourable wind patterns to advect the estuarine plume towards the Rias Baixas, and there was field data available to compare with the model predictions. The obtained results show that the adopted nesting methodology was successful implemented. Model predictions reproduce accurately the hydrodynamics and thermohaline patterns on the Minho estuary and Rias Baixas. The importance of the Minho river discharge and the wind forcing in the event of May 1998 was also studied. The model results showed that a continuous moderate Minho River discharge combined with southerly winds is enough to reverse the Rias Baixas circulation pattern, reducing the importance of the occurrence of specific events of high runoff values. The conditions in which the estuarine plume Minho affects circulation and hydrography of the Rias Baixas were evaluated. The numerical results revealed that the Minho estuarine plume responds rapidly to wind variations and is also influenced by the bathymetry and morphology of the coastline. Without wind forcing, the plume expands offshore, creating a bulge in front of the river mouth. When the wind blows southwards, the main feature is the offshore extension of the plume. Otherwise, northward wind spreads the river plume towards the Rias Baixas. The plume is confined close to the coast, reaching the Rias Baixas after 1.5 days. However, for Minho River discharges higher than 800 m3 s-1, the Minho estuarine plume reverses the circulation patterns in the Rias Baixas. It was also observed that the wind stress and Minho River discharge are the most important factors influencing the size and shape of the Minho estuarine plume. Under the same conditions, the water exchange between Rias Baixas was analysed following the trajectories particles released close to the Minho River mouth. Over 5 days, under Minho River discharges higher than 2100 m3 s-1 combined with southerly winds of 6 m s-1, an intense water exchange between Rias was observed. However, only 20% of the particles found in Ria de Pontevedra come directly from the Minho River. In summary, the model application developed in this study contributed to the characterization and understanding of the influence of the Minho River on the Rias Baixas circulation and hydrography, highlighting that this methodology can be replicated to other coastal systems.


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This paper presents an experimental investigation carried out on concrete cylinders confined with fibre reinforced polymers (FRP), subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading. Carbon fibres (CFRP) were used as confining material for the concrete specimens. The failure mode, reinforcement ratio based on jacket thickness and type of loading are examined. The study shows that external confinement of concrete can enhance its strength and ductility as well as result in large energy absorption capacity. This has important safety implications, especially in regions with seismic activity.


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‘Disaster education’ is a fledgling area of study in lifelong education. Many countries educate their populations for disasters, to mitigate potential damage and loss of life, as well as contribute to national security. In this paper, which draws on interview data from the German Federal Office for Civil Defence and Disaster Assistance and the Federal Agency for Technical Relief, archival research, analysis of websites and promotional materials as well as relevant academic literature, I examine disaster education and preparedness for national emergencies in Germany. I argue that it is not generally extended to the general public, rather confined to trained experts, decentralised, localised and exclusive. Theorising disaster education as a ‘civil defence pedagogy’ (Preston, 2008), a type of public pedagogy, which contributes to shaping narratives of national identity, I argue that it is unlikely that Germany will develop a more inclusive, universal, formalised, nor high-profile campaign in disaster education in the foreseeable future. This, I suggest, is due to narratives of the German democratic nation state as secure, federal, peaceful and unified, which originated at the founding of West Germany in 1949, and continue to shape contemporary political narratives.


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The human occupation of the Tavira ridge is characterised by a network of small agglomerations of buildings (known as ‘montes’) belonging to the proprietors of lands around them. This way of organising places is, by and large, extensive to an important area of the schist mountains that stretch from Alentejo to Algarve, from the Guadiana river to the Atlantic Ocean. However, within the scope of that larger entity, the Tavira ridge appears as a sub-unit with traits of its own, which may be attributed not only to biophysical conditions, but also to the historical circumstances associated to the settlement of the territory. This particular ridge, which was confined to the perimeter of the Tavira municipality during the days of the Old Regime, has been more densely populated, due to its lack of interior hierarchisation, unlike what happens in neighbouring sub-units, both in terms of agglomeration sizes and of the property system itself. The traditional architecture of these areas was usually reduced to the bare essentials, reflecting the adverse conditions that generally surrounded the local economies. As can easily be gleaned from the plans shown here, the groupings of edifices that define the ridge’s settlement are largely characterised by the aggregation of buildings belonging to various owners, often intent on achieving a prominent position in the landscape.


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Tese dout., University of Edinburg, 2008


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First described more that 150 years ago, the systematics of the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia (Arionidae, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) is still challenging. The taxonomic classification of arionid species is based on extremely labile characters such as body size or color that depends both on diet and environment, as well as age. Moreover, there is little information on the genetic diversity and population structure of the Iberian slugs that could provide extra clues to disentangle their problematic classification. The present work uses different analytical tools such as habitat suitability (Ecological Niche Modeling - ENM), cytogenetic analysis and phylogeography to establish the geographical distribution and evolutionary history of these pulmonate slugs. The potential distribution of the four Geomalacus species was modeled using ENM, which allowed the identification of new locations for G. malagensis, including a first report in Portugal. Also, it was predicted a much wider distribution for G. malagensis and G. oliveirae than previously known. Classical cytogenetic analyses were assayed with reproductive and a novel use of somatic tissues (mouth and tentacles) returning the number of chromosomes for the four Geomalacus species and L. numidica (n = 31, 2n = 62) and the respective karyotypes. G. malagensis and L. numidica present similar chromosome morphologies and karyotypic formulae, being more similar to each other than the Geomalacus among themselves. We further reconstructed the phylogeny of the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia using partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear ribosomal small subunit (18S rRNA), and applied an independent evolutionary rate method, the indicator vectors correlation, to evaluate the existence of cryptic diversity within species. The five nominal species of Geomalacus and Letourneuxia comprise 14 well-supported cryptic lineages. Letourneuxia numidica was retrieved as a sister group of G. malagensis. G. oliveirae is paraphyletic with respect to G. anguiformis. According to our dating estimates, the most recent common ancestor of Geomalacus dates back to the Middle Miocene (end of the Serravallian stage). The major lineage splitting events within Geomalacus occurred during the dry periods of the Zanclean stage (5.3-3.6 million years) and some lineages were confined to more humid mountain areas of the Iberian Peninsula, which lead to a highly geographically structured mitochondrial genetic diversity. The major findings of this are the following: (1) provides updated species distribution maps for the Iberian Geomalacus expanding the known geographic distribution of the concerned species, (2) unravels the cryptic diversity within the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia, (3) Geomalacus oliveirae is paraphyletic with G. anguiformis and (4) Letourneuxia numidica is sister group of G. malagensis.


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Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Educação (Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e Educação à Distância), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013


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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1998


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Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Pintura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Avaliação em Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445