987 resultados para Vitamina B 12


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Por niveles de rendimiento se entiende la descripci??n de los conocimientos, destrezas y actitudes que ha demostrado el alumnado en las pruebas de la Evaluaci??n de diagn??stico. Esta publicaci??n tiene como finalidad proporcionar a los colegios de Educaci??n Primaria de Asturias un referente para el an??lisis del grado de desarrollo alcanzado por su alumnado en las dos competencias b??sicas evaluadas en 2010: Competencia en el conocimiento y la interacci??n con el mundo f??sico y Competencia Matem??tica. Proporciona una descripci??n cualitativa del grado de adquisici??n de dichas competencias por parte del alumnado asturiano de 4?? de Educaci??n Primaria


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Ressenya del llibre de Josep Romeu i Figueras, 'Corpus d'antiga poesia popular', editat per Barcino, l'any 2000. Josep Romeu edita amb tota cura i comenta una per una 437 composicions poètiques 'de base popular', procedents de tots els Països Catalans, que van des de l’últim terç del segle XII fins al final del segle XVI


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Aquest treball gira entorn a la controvèrsia que, des de finals del segle XIX, va generar el passatge de les Confessions (VIII, 6-12) on Agustí relata la seva crisi decisiva, viscuda a Milà l'estiu de l'any 386, que l'acabaria portant a l'aparent definitiva conversió al cristianisme. Els motius de fons de la controvèrsia són dos de clars. En primer lloc, i a la llum del que nosaltres entenem per gènere autobiogràfic, s'imposa aclarir si un relat com el de les Confessions s'hi pot adscriure, i per tant si ens relata una sèrie d'esdeveniments viscuts per Agustí històricament, o bé si cal interpretar els elements que l'autor desplega al llarg de la narració com a símbols d'un missatge que supera la narració que es troba a la superfície. La segona qüestió, directament vinculada a la primera, és el sentit que cal donar a aquesta conversió en relació a la noció de forma de vida filosòfica, i la influència que tindrà aquesta noció en la biografia i el pensament d'Agustí.


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This paper discusses the creation of a European Banking Union. First, we discuss questions of design. We highlight seven fundamental choices that decision makers will need to make: Which EU countries should participate in the banking union? To which categories of banks should it apply? Which institution should be tasked with supervision? Which one should deal with resolution? How centralised should the deposit insurance system be? What kind of fiscal backing would be required? What governance framework and political institutions would be needed? In terms of geographical scope, we see the coverage of the banking union of the euro area as necessary and of additional countries as desirable, even though this would entail important additional economic difficulties. The system should ideally cover all banks within the countries included, in order to prevent major competitive and distributional distortions. Supervisory authority should be granted either to both the ECB and a new agency, or to a new agency alone. National supervisors, acting under the authority of the European supervisor, would be tasked with the supervision of smaller banks in accordance with the subsidiarity principle. A European resolution authority should be established, with the possibility of drawing on ESM resources. A fully centralized deposit insurance system would eventually be desirable, but a system of partial reinsurance may also be envisaged at least in a first phase. A banking union would require at least implicit European fiscal backing, with significant political authority and legitimacy. Thus, banking union cannot be considered entirely separately from fiscal union and political union. The most difficult challenge of creating a European banking union lies with the short-term steps towards its eventual implementation. Many banks in the euro area, and especially in the crisis countries, are currently under stress and the move towards banking union almost certainly has significant distributional implications. Yet it is precisely because banks are under such stress that early and concrete action is needed. An overarching principle for such action is to minimize the cost to the tax payers. The first step should be to create a European supervisor that will anchor the development of the future banking union. In parallel, a capability to quickly assess the true capital position of the system’s most important banks should be created, for which we suggest establishing a temporary European Banking Sector Task Force working together with the European supervisor and other authorities. Ideally, problems identified by this process should be resolved by national authorities; in case fiscal capacities would prove insufficient, the European level would take over in the country concerned with some national financial participation, or in an even less likely adverse scenario, in all participating countries at once. This approach would require the passing of emergency legislation in the concerned countries that would give the Task Force the required access to information and, if necessary, further intervention rights. Thus, the principle of fiscal responsibility of respective member states for legacy costs would be preserved to the maximum extent possible, and at the same time, market participants and the public would be reassured that adequate tools are in place to address any eventuality.


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AEA Technology has provided an assessment of the probability of α-mode containment failure for the Sizewell B PWR. After a preliminary review of the methodologies available it was decided to use the probabilistic approach described in the paper, based on an extension of the methodology developed by Theofanous et al. (Nucl. Sci. Eng. 97 (1987) 259–325). The input to the assessment is 12 probability distributions; the bases for the quantification of these distributions are discussed. The α-mode assessment performed for the Sizewell B PWR has demonstrated the practicality of the event-tree method with input data represented by probability distributions. The assessment itself has drawn attention to a number of topics, which may be plant and sequence dependent, and has indicated the importance of melt relocation scenarios. The α-mode failure probability following an accident that leads to core melt relocation to the lower head for the Sizewell B PWR has been assessed as a few parts in 10 000, on the basis of current information. This assessment has been the first to consider elevated pressures (6 MPa and 15 MPa) besides atmospheric pressure, but the results suggest only a modest sensitivity to system pressure.


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The interaction of wild-type puroindoline-b (Pin-b+) and two mutant forms having single residue substitutions (G46S or W44R) with L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-dl-glycerol (DPPG) as a Langmuir monolayer at the air/water interface was investigated by neutron reflectivity (NR) and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM). NR profiles were fitted using a three-layer model to enable differences in penetration of protein between the lipid headgroup and acyl regions to be determined. The data showed similar surface excesses for each of the three proteins at the interface; however, it was revealed that the depth of penetration of protein into the lipid region differed for each protein with Pin-b+ penetrating further into the acyl region of the lipid compared to the mutant forms of the protein that interacted with the headgroup region only. BAM images revealed that the domain structure of the DPPG monolayers was disrupted when Pin-b+ adsorption had reached equilibrium, suggesting protein penetration had led to compression of the lipid region. In contrast, the domain structure was unaffected by the W44R mutant, suggesting no change in compression of the lipid region and hence little or no penetration of protein into the lipid layer.


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In recent years, a large number of papers have reported the response of the cusp to solar wind variations under conditions of northward or southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) Z-component (BZ). These studies have shown the importance of both temporal and spatial factors in determining the extent and morphology of the cusp and the changes in its location, connected to variations in the reconnection geometry. Here we present a comparative study of the cusp, focusing on an interval characterised by a series of rapid reversals in the BZ-dominated IMF, based on observations from space-borne and ground-based instrumentation. During this interval, from 08:00 to 12:00 UT on 12 February 2003, the IMF BZ component underwent four reversals, remaining for around 30 min in each orientation. The Cluster spacecraft were, at the time, on an outbound trajectory through the Northern Hemisphere magnetosphere, whilst the mainland VHF and Svalbard (ESR) radars of the EISCAT facility were operating in support of the Cluster mission. Both Cluster and the EISCAT were, on occasion during the interval, observing the cusp region. The series of IMF reversal resulted in a sequence of poleward and equatorward motions of the cusp; consequently Cluster crossed the high altitude cusp twice before finally exiting the dayside magnetopause, both times under conditions of northward IMF BZ. The first magnetospheric cusp encounter, by all four Cluster spacecraft, showed reverse ion dispersion typical of lobe reconnection; subsequently, Cluster spacecraft 1 and 3 (only) crossed the cusp for a second time. We suggest that, during this second cusp crossing, these two spacecraft were likely to have been on newly closed field lines, which were first reconnected (opened) at low latitudes and later reconnected again (re-closed) poleward of the northern cusp.


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This study investigated the incorporation of cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (c9,t11 CLA) and trans-10,cis-12-CLA (t10,c12 CLA) into plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) lipids when consumed as supplements highly enriched in these isomers. Healthy men (n = 49, age 31 +/- 8 years) consumed one, two, and four capsules containing similar to600 mg of either c9,t11 CIA or t10,c12 CLA per capsule for sequential 8 week periods followed by a 6 week washout before consuming the alternative isomer. Both isomers were incorporated in a dosedependent manner into plasma phosphatidylcholine (PC) (c9,t11 CLA r = 0.779, t10,c12 CLA r = 0.738; P < 0.0001) and cholesteryl ester (CE) (c9,t11 CLA r = 0.706, t10,c12 CLA r = 0.788; P < 0.0001). Only t10,c12 CLA was enriched in plasma nonesterified fatty acids. Both c9,t11 CIA and t10,c12 CLA were incorporated linearly into PBMC total lipids (r = 0.285 and r = 0.273, respectively; P < 0.0005). The highest concentrations of c9,t11 CLA and t10,c12 CLA in PBMC lipids were 3- to 4-fold lower than those in plasma PC and CE. These data suggest that the level of intake is a major determinant of plasma and PBMC CLA content, although PBMCs appear to incorporate both CLA isomers less readily.


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An experiment on restricted suckling of crossbred dairy cows was conducted at the Livestock Research Centre, Tanga in northeast Tanzania. Thirty-six Bos taurus (Holstein Friesian and Jersey) x Bos indicus (East African Zebu) cows were allocated alternately as they calved to suckling their calves for either 12 or 24 weeks after calving. Cows grazed improved pastures and were offered 4 kg concentrate daily. Milking occurred twice daily by hand; calves were allowed to suck residual milk for 30 min following each milking. Calves were also allowed access to grazing and were offered a maximum of I kg concentrate daily to 24 weeks of age. Weaning age had no significant effect on lactation milk yield for human consumption, the mean (SE) yield being 1806 (102.0) L and 1705 (129. 1) L for 12- and 24-week weaning, respectively. Cows from the two treatments suffered similar losses of live weight and body condition score during lactation and neither group had returned to the original body condition score 40 weeks following calving. Post-partum anoestrous intervals were prolonged. Although not significant, cows suckling calves to 24 weeks had a mean interval to first oestrus extended by 38 days compared with cows suckling calves to 12 weeks. The mean (SE) daily live weight gains of the calves to 52 weeks were 263 (14.1) g/day and 230 (18.1) g/day for calves weaned at 12 and 24 weeks, respectively, such that 12-month weights were 119 (5.6) kg and 110 (7.3) kg, respectively. Twelve-week-weaned calves consumed more concentrate (p < 0.05) from 13 to 24 weeks than did 24-week weaned calves. Calculation of residual milk consumption removed by calves from birth to 12 weeks indicated that it accounted for 28% of total yield. No benefits in cow and calf performance and welfare were found to justify prolonging the suckling period to 24 weeks.


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Lipoxygenases (LOX) contribute to vascular disease and inflammation through generation of bioactive lipids, including 12-hydro(pero xyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-H(P)ETE). The physiological mechanisms that acutely control LOX product generation in mammalian cells are uncharacterized. Human platelets that contain a 12-LOX isoform (p12-LOX) were used to define pathways that activate H(P)ETE synthesis in the vasculature. Collagen and collagen-related peptide (CRP) (1 to 10 g/mL) acutely induced platelet 12-H(P)ETE synthesis. This implicated the collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI), which signals via the immunoreceptor-based activatory motif (ITAM)- containing FcR chain. Conversely, thrombin only activated at high concentrations ( 0.2 U/mL), whereas U46619 and ADP alone were ineffective. Collagen or CRP-stimulated 12-H(P)ETE generation was inhibited by staurosporine, PP2, wortmannin, BAPTA/AM, EGTA, and L-655238, implicating src-tyrosine kinases, PI3-kinase, Ca2 mobilization, and p12-LOX translocation. In contrast, protein kinase C (PKC) inhibition potentiated 12-H(P)ETE generation. Finally, activation of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM)– containing platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM-1) inhibited p12-LOX product generation. This study characterizes a receptor-dependent pathway for 12-H(P)ETE synthesis via the collagen receptor GPVI, which is negatively regulated by PECAM-1 and PKC, and demonstrates a novel link between immune receptor signaling and lipid mediator generation in the vasculature. (Circ Res. 2004;94:1598-1605.)