950 resultados para Thermodynamics, Evolution, Self-organization, Complexity, Knowledge, Economic Development
[eng] We analyze the equilibrium of a multi-sector exogenous growth model where the introduction of minimum consumption requirements drives structural change. We show that equilibrium dynamics simultaneously exhibt structural change and balanced growth of aggregate variables as is observed in US when the initial intensity of minimum consumption requirements is sufficiently small. This intensity is measured by the ratio between the aggregate value of the minimum consumption requirements and GDP and, therefore, it is inversely related with the level of economic development. Initially rich economies benefit from an initially low intensity of the minimum consumption requirements and, as a consequence, these economies end up exhibiting balanced growth of aggregate variables, while there is structural change. In contrast, initially poor economies suffer from an initially large intensity of the minimum consumption requirements, which makes the growth of the aggregate variables unbalanced during a very large period. These economies may never exhibit simultaneously balanced growth of aggregate variables and structural change.
[spa] El estudio de la presencia de ideas económicas en los debates parlamentarios se ha convertido recientemente en un objeto importante dentro de la investigación sobre el proceso de institucionalización de la economía política en Europa Occidental en la llamada era liberal. En este marco general, este artículo se centra en el análisis de un caso de particular interés: La relevancia del pensamiento económico y el papel jugado por los economistas en los debates parlamentarios que siguieron a la creación de un nuevo impuesto que trataba de captar la renta personal, que fue lanzado por el ministro de Hacienda Laureano Figuerola en 1868. El artículo intenta demostrar, en primer lugar, que las ideas económicas jugaron efectivamente un papel relevante en las discusiones sobre el impuesto sobre la renta y que la presencia e influencia de los economistas en el Legislativo en este tiempo fue notable. En segundo lugar, que este fue un intento serio de modernizar la estructura fiscal española llevado a cabo por el Gobierno Provisional, el cual trató de diseñar un sistema impositivo capaz de fomentar el crecimiento económico del país.
[spa] El estudio de la presencia de ideas económicas en los debates parlamentarios se ha convertido recientemente en un objeto importante dentro de la investigación sobre el proceso de institucionalización de la economía política en Europa Occidental en la llamada era liberal. En este marco general, este artículo se centra en el análisis de un caso de particular interés: La relevancia del pensamiento económico y el papel jugado por los economistas en los debates parlamentarios que siguieron a la creación de un nuevo impuesto que trataba de captar la renta personal, que fue lanzado por el ministro de Hacienda Laureano Figuerola en 1868. El artículo intenta demostrar, en primer lugar, que las ideas económicas jugaron efectivamente un papel relevante en las discusiones sobre el impuesto sobre la renta y que la presencia e influencia de los economistas en el Legislativo en este tiempo fue notable. En segundo lugar, que este fue un intento serio de modernizar la estructura fiscal española llevado a cabo por el Gobierno Provisional, el cual trató de diseñar un sistema impositivo capaz de fomentar el crecimiento económico del país.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida alueellista kehitystä tietämysperustaisesta aluenäkemyksestä käsin Kanta-Hämeen maakunnassa. Tarkoituksena oli myös selvittää millaisia resursseja alueella on tai tulisi olla tulevaisuuden kestävää kilpailukykyä ajatellen. Tietämysperustaisen aluenäkemyksen mukaan kaikista alueella käytettävissä olevista resursseista alueen kestävän kilpailukyvyn lähteenä on tieto, erityisesti hiljainen tieto. Kirjallisuus korostaa myös innovaatioiden merkitystä kilpailukyvyn lähteenä. Työssä käytetystä näkökulmasta katsoen innovaatiot ovat epälineaarisia ja vuorovaikutteisia oppimisprosesseja, joissa sosiaaliset tekijät, kuten yhteistyö ja oppiminen ovat tärkeitä. Työn empiirinen osuus koostuu ryhmähaastatteluista ja yrityskyselystä. Ryhmähaastatteluja käytettiin alueen nykyisen teknotaloudellisen tilanteen ymmärtämiseksi. Ryhmä koostui viidestätoista alueen kehittäjäorganisaatioihin kuuluneesta toimijasta. Ryhmähaastattelujen perusteella yhteistyö, vuorovaikutus ja sosiaalinen pääoma olivat niiden tekijöiden joukossa, jotka vaikuttavat alueen pitkän aikavälin kehittämiseen. Ryhmähaastattelujen avulla oli myös mahdollista muodostaa joitakin ehdotuksia alueen kilpailukykyä koskevista kehittämisen edellytyksistä. Nämä ehdotukset täytyy testata tulevaisuudessa. Tarvitaan myös tarkempaa tutkimusta esimerkiksi sen ymmärtämiseksi, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat sosiaalisen pääoman muotoutumiseen alueen eri toimijoiden välillä. Yrityskysely koostui 86 yrityksen tiedoista. Kysely toteutettiin kesällä 2004. Tuote- ja palveluinnovaatioilla ja innovaatiotoimintaan tehdyillä tutkimus- ja kehittämispanostuksilla mitaten alueen yrityksissä on innovaatiotoimintaa. Kyselyn perusteella oli myös mahdollista saada selville joitain yritysten innovaatioympäristön kannalta tärkeitä tekijöitä. Toisaalta eräät tulokset olivat osittain ristiriitaisia. Tämän vuoksi esimerkiksi alueen yritysten innovaatiokyvykkyyteen on lähitulevaisuudessa kiinnitettävä enemmän huomiota.
Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö yhdessä työministeriön ja maa- ja metsätalousministeriön kanssa ohjaavat työvoima- ja elinkeinokeskuksia (TE –keskuksia). Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata ohjausprosessi, jonka avulla ministeriöt ohjaavat TE –keskuksia sekä analysoida TE –keskusten ohjauksen työkalua, Balanced Scorecardia, ja antaa sitä koskevia kehitysehdotuksia. Tutkimusmetodologia on toiminta-analyyttinen. Teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu tulosohjauksen teoriasta ja Balanced Scorecardin teoriasta. Empiirinen aineisto kerätään tekemällä haastatteluja. Tärkeimmät TE –keskusten Balanced Scorecardia koskevat kehitysehdotukset koskevat mittaristoa ja raportointia. Mittaristossa suurin kehittämistarve on TE -keskusten yhteisillä mittareilla sekä mittariston näkökulmien syy-seuraussuhteiden selventämisellä. Jotta Balanced Scorecard toimisi parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla, on henkilöstön koulutus erityisen tärkeää.
Pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli kehittää osaamisen johtamisen esimiestyötä kohdeyrityksessä. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälaisia tehtäviä esimiehillä on osaamisen johtamisessa sekä minkälaisia työvälineitä osaamisen johtamisessa voidaan hyödyntää. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kvalitatiivisten teemahaastatteluiden avulla. Haastattelujen osia liitettiin tutkielman empiiriseen osaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella saatiin selkeä kuva osaamisen johtamisen esimiestyöstä kohdeyrityksessä. Osaamisen johtaminen oli yrityksessä melko uusi asia, jonka vuoksi yhtenäistä ja systemaattista käytäntöä ei ollut muodostunut. Kohdeyrityksessä osaamisen johtaminen edusti osaamisen johtamisen ensimmäistä sukupolvea, joka perustuu yksilöiden osaamisten hallintaan. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että osaamisen johtamisen kehittämiseksi esimiesten tuli lisätä vuorovaikutusta alaisen kanssa ja parantaa omia vuorovaikutustaitojaan, lisätä tietämystä omista esimiestyöhön liittyvistä rooleistaan, seurata alaisen osaamista, tukea alaisen osaamisen kehittämistä sekä rakentaa yrityksen ilmapiiriä oppimista tukevaksi.
BACKGROUND: Variations in physical activity (PA) across nations may be driven by socioeconomic position. As national incomes increase, car ownership becomes within reach of more individuals. This report characterizes associations between car ownership and PA in African-origin populations across 5 sites at different levels of economic development and with different transportation infrastructures: US, Seychelles, Jamaica, South Africa, and Ghana. METHODS: Twenty-five hundred adults, ages 25-45, were enrolled in the study. A total of 2,101 subjects had valid accelerometer-based PA measures (reported as average daily duration of moderate to vigorous PA, MVPA) and complete socioeconomic information. Our primary exposure of interest was whether the household owned a car. We adjusted for socioeconomic position using household income and ownership of common goods. RESULTS: Overall, PA levels did not vary largely between sites, with highest levels in South Africa, lowest in the US. Across all sites, greater PA was consistently associated with male gender, fewer years of education, manual occupations, lower income, and owning fewer material goods. We found heterogeneity across sites in car ownership: after adjustment for confounders, car owners in the US had 24.3 fewer minutes of MVPA compared to non-car owners in the US (20.7 vs. 45.1 minutes/day of MVPA); in the non-US sites, car-owners had an average of 9.7 fewer minutes of MVPA than non-car owners (24.9 vs. 34.6 minutes/day of MVPA). CONCLUSIONS: PA levels are similar across all study sites except Jamaica, despite very different levels of socioeconomic development. Not owning a car in the US is associated with especially high levels of MVPA. As car ownership becomes prevalent in the developing world, strategies to promote alternative forms of active transit may become important.
Peatlands play a crucial role in Indonesia's economic development, and in its stated goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Improved peatland management - including a national moratorium on the granting of any new conversion licenses - forms a cornerstone of Indonesia's climate change mitigation commitment. At the same time, rapid expansion of the plantation sector is driving wide-scale drainage and conversion of peat swamp ecosystems. The province of Riau, in central Sumatra, finds itself at the crossroads of these conflicting agendas. This essay presents a case study of three islands on Riau's east coast affected by industrial timber plantation concessions. It examines the divergent experiences, perceptions and responses of communities on the islands. A mix of dramatic protests, localised everyday actions and constructive dialogue has succeeded in delaying or perhaps halting one of the concessions, while negotiations and contestation with the other two continue. With the support of regional and national non-governmental organisations and local government, communities are pursuing alternative development strategies, including the cultivation of sago, which requires no peat drainage. While a powerful political economy of state and corporate actors shapes the contours of socio-environmental change, local social movements can alter trajectories of change, promoting incremental improvements and alternative pathways.
Regional disparities in unemployment rates are large and persistent. The literature provides evidence of their magnitude and evolution, as well as evidence of the role of certain economic, demographic and environmental factors in explaining the gap between regions of low and high unemployment. Most of these studies, however, adopt an aggregate approach and so do not account for the individual characteristics of the unemployed and employed in each region. This paper, by drawing on micro-data from the Spanish wave of the Labour Force Survey, seeks to remedy this shortcoming by analysing regional differentials in unemployment rates. An appropriate decomposition of the regional gap in the average probability of being unemployed enables us to distinguish between the contribution of differences in the regional distribution of individual characteristics from that attributable to a different impact of these characteristics on the probability of unemployment. Our results suggest that the well-documented disparities in regional unemployment are not just the result of regional heterogeneity in the distribution of individual characteristics. Non-negligible differences in the probability of unemployment remain after controlling for this type of heterogeneity, as a result of differences across regions in the impact of the observed characteristics. Among the factors considered in our analysis, regional differences in the endowment and impact of an individual’s education are shown to play a major role.
Self-organization is a growing interdisciplinary field of research about a phenomenon that can be observed in the Universe, in Nature and in social contexts. Research on self-organization tries to describe and explain forms, complex patterns and behaviours that arise from a collection of entities without an external organizer. As researchers in artificial systems, our aim is not to mimic self-organizing phenomena arising in Nature, but to understand and to control underlying mechanisms allowing desired emergence of forms, complex patterns and behaviours. Rather than attempting to eliminate such self-organization in artificial systems, we think that this might be deliberately harnessed in order to reach desirable global properties. In this paper we analyze three forms of self-organization: stigmergy, reinforcement mechanisms and cooperation. The amplification phenomena founded in stigmergic process or in reinforcement process are different forms of positive feedbacks that play a major role in building group activity or social organization. Cooperation is a functional form for self-organization because of its ability to guide local behaviours in order to obtain a relevant collective one. For each forms of self-organisation, we present a case study to show how we transposed it to some artificial systems and then analyse the strengths and weaknesses of such an approach
TE-keskusten toimenkuvaan ei ole kuulunut systemaattisesti selvittää hankkeen päätyttyä tuen vaikutuksia. Vaikuttavuusarviointi on ollut lähinnä hankkeen aloitusajankohdan tietojen keräämistä yrityksiltä. Ensimmäisen ohjelmakauden 1995 - 1999 yritystukien vaikuttavuutta ei ole tutkittu Etelä-Karjalassa jälkikäteisarvioinnilla. Tutkimus selvitti, mitä yhteiskunnallisia ja yrityskohtaisia vaikutuksia TE-keskuksen yritystuilla on ollut 3-5 vuoden jälkeen viimeisestä tukirahan maksatuksesta. Vaikuttavuutta mitattiin laaditulla kyselylomakkeella. Lisäksi tutkimustuloksia verrattiin TE-keskuksen etukäteisarviointituloksiin tukien vaikutuksista. Tutkimustulokset painottuvat eri vaikuttavuustekijöihin kuin TE-keskuksen tuloksissa. Kysely osoitti suurimmiksi tukien vaikutuksiksi yrityksen kilpailukyvyn muutoksen, muun rahoituksen helpomman saannin ja hankkeen nopeamman toteuttamisen. Muut merkittävimmät vaikutukset olivat yritysten tuotteiden ja palveluiden laadun sekä teknologiatason parantaminen ja tuotantomenetelmien kehittäminen. Yritystuilla on myös muita vaikutuksia, mutta ne jäävät alueella pieniksi. Vuoden 2003 lopussa yritystukea saaneista 366 yrityksestä vain 49 % oli toiminnassa olevaa ja 51 % todennäköisesti toimintansa lopettanutta. Tuilla luotiin vain 184 uutta työpaikkaa Etelä-Karjalaan. Keskimäärin syntyi yksi uusi työpaikka yritystä kohden, joka maksoi 38 200 euroa. Tehty arviointi osoittaa tukien vaikuttavuuden jäävän pienemmäksi kuin TE-keskuksen etukäteisarvioinnissa.
A brief comment about general characteristics of polysaccharide was presented. Brazilian trade of polysaccharides was obtained from the "Ministério de Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior" - Brazil. A list of these products was prepared and their price and amount analyzed in the period of 1998-2007. Some chemical properties and application of polysaccharides from our biodiversity was described. In this review they were classified by origin, in vegetal (exudate, seed, fruit, seaweed), animal and bacteria source. There is a trade deficit that can be reverted if part of the accumulated scientific knowledge was used to promote the national economic development in the field.
Russia has been one of the fastest developing economic areas in the world. Based on the GDP, the Russian economy grew evenly since the crisis in 1998 up till 2008. The growth in the gross domestic product has annually been some 5–10%. In 2007, the growth reached 8.1%, which is the highest figure after the 10% growth in 2000. Due to the growth of the economy and wage levels, purchasing power and consumption have been strongly increasing. The growing consumption has especially increased the imports of durables, such as passenger cars, domestic appliances and electronics. The Russian ports and infrastructure have not been able to satisfy the growing needs of exports and imports, which is why quite a large share of Russian foreign trade is going through third countries as transit transports. Finnish ports play a major role in transit transports to and from Russia. About 15% of the total value of Russian imports was transported through Finland in 2008. The economic recession that started in autumn 2008 and continues to date has had an impact on the economic development of Russia. The export income has decreased, mainly due to the reduced world market prices of energy products (oil and gas) and raw minerals. Investments have been postponed, getting credit is more difficult than before, and the ruble has weakened in relation to the euro and the dollar. The imports are decreasing remarkably, and are not forecast to reach the 2008 volumes even in 2012. The economic crisis is reflected in Finland's transit traffic. The volume of goods transported through Finland to and from Russia has decreased almost in the same proportion as the imports of goods to Russia. The biggest risk threatening the development of the Russian economy over long term is its dependence on export income from oil, gas, metals, minerals and forest products, as well as the trends of the world market prices of these products. Nevertheless, it is expected that the GDP of Russia will start to grow again in the forthcoming years due to the increased demand for energy products and raw minerals in the world. At the same time, it is obvious that the world market prices of these products will go up with the increasing demand. The increased income from exports will lead to a growth of imports, especially those of consumer goods, as the living standard of Russian citizens rises. The forecasts produced by the Russian Government concerning the economic development of Russia up till 2030 also indicate a shift in exported goods from raw materials to processed products, which together with energy products will become the main export goods of Russia. As a consequence, Russia may need export routes through third countries, which can be seen as an opportunity for increased transit transports through the ports of Finland. The ports competing with the ports of Finland for Russian foreign trade traffic are the Russian Baltic Sea ports and the ports of the Baltic countries. The strongest competitors are the Baltic Sea ports handling containers. On the Russian Baltic Sea, these ports include Saint Petersburg, Kaliningrad and, in the near future, the ports of Ust-Luga and possibly Vyborg. There are plans to develop Ust-Luga and Vyborg as modern container ports, which would become serious competitors to the Finnish ports. Russia is aiming to redirect as large a share as possible of foreign trade traffic to its own ports. The ports of Russia and the infrastructure associated with them are under constant development. On the other hand, the logistic capacity of Russia is not able to satisfy the continually growing needs of the Russian foreign trade. The capacity problem is emphasized by a structural incompatibility between the exports and imports in the Russian foreign trade. Russian exports can only use a small part of the containers brought in with imports. Problems are also caused by the difficult ice conditions and narrow waterways leading to the ports. It is predicted that Finland will maintain its position as a transit route for the Russian foreign trade, at least in the near future. The Russian foreign trade is increasing, and Russia will not be able to develop its ports in proportion with the increasing foreign trade. With the development of port capacity, cargo flows through the ports of Russia will grow. Structural changes in transit traffic are already visible. Firms are more and more relocating their production to Russia, for example as regards the assembly of cars and warehousing services. Simultaneously, an increasing part of transit cargoes are sent directly to Russia without unloading and reloading in Finland. New product groups have nevertheless been transported through Finland (textile products and tools), replacing the lost cargos. The global recession that started in autumn 2008 has influenced the volume of Russian imports and, consequently, the transit volumes of Finland, but the recession is not expected to be of long duration, and will thus only have a short-term impact on transit volumes. The Finnish infrastructure and services offered by the logistic chain should also be ready to react to the changes in imported product groups as well as to the change in Russian export products in the future. If the development plans of the Russian economy are realized, export products will be more refined, and the share of energy and raw material products will decrease. The other notable factor to be taken into consideration is the extremely fast-changing business environment in Russia. Operators in the logistic chain should be flexible enough to adapt to all kinds of changes to capitalise on business opportunities offered by the Russian foreign trade for the companies and for the transit volumes of Finnish ports, also in the future.
ABSTRACT The main aim of this paper was to contribute to reflections in Brazil on the need to transfer knowledge held at universities and R&D institutions over to companies, i.e. to transfer scientific knowledge of chemistry to technology. It discusses how the competitiveness of countries is increasingly dependent on their technological capacity. The chemicals industry is a fundamental driver of social, environmental, economic and industrial indicators of sustainable development. In Brazil, the chemicals industry's deficit has grown over the last three decades. Patents are important sources of information because patent documents contain 75% of all technological information available. The National Institute of Industrial Property in Brazil has created a Technology Observatory with the purpose of identifying and analyzing technological information contained in patent documents within the ambit of partnerships with government entities or business associations, in order to support their technology-related decision-making processes. The paper gives examples of ethanol and biotechnology patent documents, including pharmaceuticals, of which there are very few in Brazil. However, a few of the patent applications identified are filed in Brazil, giving the country the opportunity to transform this scientific knowledge into technology by means of partnership agreements with companies. Finally, the paper presents information on the patent applications filed by the world's leading chemicals companies as measured by their revenues, and the respective numbers of patent applications in the last five years in organic chemistry and polymers, sectors in which Brazil is currently dependent on imports for over 50% of its needs. The patent assignees in these sectors in Brazil are also identified, and the paper concludes that Brazil needs to invest in the development of professionals, providing clearly-defined career paths in technology innovation teams at R&D institutions, and to foster more initiatives such as the creation of a new research and innovation entity, EMBRAPII, since investing in science and technology is a prerequisite for knowledge production, industrial property, economic development and, consequently, the competitiveness of the country.
The aim of the thesis is to analyze traffic flows and its development from North European companies` point of view to China and Russia using data from logistics questionnaire. Selected North European companies are large Finnish and Swedish companies. The questionnaire was sent via email to the target group. The study is based on the answers got from respondent companies from years 2006, 2009 and 2010. In the thesis Finnish Talouselämä newspaper and Swedish Affärsdata are used as a database to find the target companies for the survey. Respondents were most often logistics managers in companies. In the beginning of the thesis concepts of transportation logistics is presented, including container types, trade terms, axel loads in roads and in railways. Also there is information about warehousing types and terminals. After that, general information of Chinese and Russian transportation logistics is presented. Chinese and Russian issues are discussed in two sections. In both of them it is analyzed economic development, freight transport and trade balance. Some practical examples of factory inaugurations in China and Russia are presented that Finnish and Swedish companies have completed. In freight transport section different transportation modes, logistics outsourcing and problems of transportation logistics is discussed. The results of the thesis show that transportation flows between Europe and China is changing. Freight traffic from China to European countries will strengthen even more from the current base. When it comes to Russia and Europe, traffic flows seem to be changing from eastbound traffic to westbound traffic. It means that in the future it is expected more freight traffic from Russia to Europe. Some probable reasons for that are recent factory establishments in Russia and company interviews support also this observation. Effects of the economic recession are mainly seen in the lower transportation amounts in 2009.