1000 resultados para Marketing experiência
This article describes a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) experience that taught organophosphorus pesticides chemistry, its human health effects and acetylcholinesterase assay to secondary students. The teaching process was based on a real intoxication case and ended with students' activities report presentation. The apparent lack of teacher reference and inexistence of a curriculum based on a strict textbook in which PBL is based on leads inexperienced students to insecurity and the idea that teachers are not doing there jobs. One way to minimize this situation is to use real cases in other to interest students as stakeholders of central problem solution.
In this paper, a simple and rapid method of evaluating galvanized steel sheet corrosion in a CuSO4 solution, as an experimentation proposal for corrosion teaching. Galvanized steel corrosion is present in tanks and tubing by leading of natural or industrial waters which contain soluble copper compounds. This was the rationale for choosing the Cu2+ ions solution as an oxidizing agent. The method principle is based on visual colorimetry because the used oxidant has an intense blue color. Thus, a change in its concentration as a result of the corrosive process can be followed by a color intensity change in the solution thereby allowing evaluation of the corrosion rate.
The aim of this paper is to describe a chemometrics experiment for undergraduate chemistry students using basic concepts of experimental design to determine setting-time of commercial gelatins.
The Method of Case Studies has often been employed in higher education, but few initiatives have focused on basic education. This work addressed the production of cases by students from a chemistry teacher training course. The proposal was applied in the discipline of Basic Inorganic Chemistry and aimed to familiarize students with the Method from the preparation of cases focused on basic education. We believe the proposal was efficient in showing future teachers the need to develop teaching strategies that, beyond learning concepts, stimulate students in training skills such as teamwork, critical thinking and decision making.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of price and advertising on brand equity. The dimensionality of brand equity is thoroughly examined, and the effect price, price deals, perceived advertising spending and advertising appeal have on the dimensions of brand equity are analyzed using multiple regression analysis as well as other supporting analyses. Price and advertising are found to be of great importance to brand equity. Arguably the most influential finding is the strong positive effect low prices – an integral brand element – have on the case company brand equity, even though a negative effect was hypothesized based on prior research. The results also support separating advertising appeal from perceived advertising spending, as well as linking service quality as part of the overall perceived quality in the context of service-intensive firms.
Mix marketing and relationships marketing are two major approaches that often form a basis for organizational marketing planning. The superiority of these approaches has been debated for long without any rational conclusion. Lately there have been studies indicating that both of the major approaches are many times used side by side in marketing planning. There have been also studies suggesting that even combining the mix marketing and relationship marketing approaches might be possible. The aim of this thesis is to provide knowledge about the usage of mix marketing and relationship marketing approaches in organizations and possibilities in combining the approaches. Also a settlement of strengths, weaknesses and risks of combining is intended to provide. The objectives were met through the literature and a case study research. In the case study, interviews were conducted in order to gain a deeper knowledge about marketing planning in various organizations. Based on this study, the combining of the major marketing approaches will be possible and even recommended when keeping in mind few aspects which might cause some troubles in the combining process.
The first objective of this master's thesis is to find out how the concepts solution and solution marketing are defined in the literature. In order to do so, solution marketing literature is reviewed widely. Another target is to identify the characteristics of solution marketing and to explain how solution marketing can be carried out. The final objective is to determine how well the described solution marketing practices are executed in the target company, and this will be studied with a survey. A solution can be described as a co-created and customized combination of products and services. Solution marketing aims at developing and anticipating customer's business needs and it involves close collaboration between customer and supplier. Solution marketing communication is targeted to a specific audience. It entails deep customer intimacy and is focused on understanding customer's business problem. Solution marketing also requires close collaboration between sales and marketing as well as customer focused mindset. Solution marketing can be executed by promoting thought leadership, presenting solution offering, creating close customer relationships and treating customers as individuals. Solution provider's whole organization must engage customer focus.
This work describes the waste management system developed at the Laboratory of Limnology of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The initial challenge was to identify and treat a great variety of wastes generated in the analytical procedures performed in the laboratory. Since many of the students and researchers are not chemists, an intensive training was performed during the establishment of the management system. After three years, there was a deep change of attitude of the professionals involved. The present experience may be useful for other laboratories with a profile similar to the one under study.
O artigo examina a abordagem feita por Walter Benjamin da concepção de modernidade apresentada pelo poeta e crítico de arte Charles Baudelaire. Após o exame da ideia de beleza moderna nos textos de crítica de Baudelaire, são abordados os motivos da preferência de Benjamin pela apresentação da modernidade na poesia de Baudelaire, particularmente no poema alegórico "Le cygne". Por fim, o texto enfoca a relação entre a poesia moderna de Baudelaire e a concepção de experiência de Benjamin.
RESUMO Hans-Georg Gadamer retomou e elevou a atividade hermenêutica ao status de filosofia. Uma das suas idiossincrasias consiste em entrelaçar, no seu discurso, experiências de ordem ética, política, metafísica e estética. A hermenêutica filosófica pauta-se pela prática do diálogo sobre questões relativas ao pensar e à conduta humana. O presente artigo tem por meta realizar um exercício dialógico entre o projeto filosófico de Gadamer e o pensamento oriental - mais especificamente, o budismo zen da tradição da escola de Kyoto, representada pelo pensamento de Nishida Kitarō. Nossa reflexão será articulada sobre quatro momentos distintos, mas que devem ser tomados dialeticamente: inicialmente, apresentaremos um quadro geral, indicando o estado da questão da hermenêutica gadameriana relativo ao pensamento oriental; a seguir, sustentaremos as semelhanças sobre o modo de proceder de ambas, sua metodologia dialética; posteriormente, aprofundaremos a noção fundamental de experiência e as proximidades que permeiam as perspectivas de ambas as tradições; enfim, como implicação das reflexões precedentes, sustentaremos a hipótese de um saber intuitivo enquanto experiência e ação intuitivas. Ao final, apontaremos algumas conclusões instauradas a partir desse exercício dialógico para a prática filosófica.
The aim of the present dissertation is to investigate the marketing culture of research libraries in Finland and to understand the awareness of the knowledge base of library management concerning modern marketing theories and practices. The study was based onthe notion that a leader in an organisation can have large impact on its culture. Therefore, it was considered important to learn about the market orientation that initiates at the top management and flows throughout the whole organisationthus resulting in a particular kind of library culture. The study attempts to examine the marketing culture of libraries by analysing the marketing attitudes, knowledge (underlying beliefs, values and assumptions), behaviour (market orientation), operational policies and activities, and their service performance (customer satisfaction). The research was based on the assumption that if the top management of libraries has market oriented behaviour, then their marketing attitudes, knowledge, operational policies and activities and service performance should also be in accordance. The dissertation attempts to connect all these theoretical threads of marketing culture. It investigates thirty three academic and special libraries in the south of Finland. The library director and three to ten customers from each library participated as respondents in this study. An integrated methodological approach of qualitative as well as quantitative methods was used to gain knowledge on the pertinent issues lying behind the marketing culture of research libraries. The analysis of the whole dissertation reveals that the concept of marketing has very varied status in the Finnish research libraries. Based on the entire findings, three kinds of marketing cultures were emerged: the strong- the high fliers; the medium- the brisk runners; and the weak- the slow walkers. The high fliers appeared to be modern marketing believers as their marketing approach was customer oriented and found to be closer to the emerging notions of contemporary relational marketing. The brisk runners were found to be traditional marketing advocates as their marketing approach is more `library centred¿than customer defined and thus is in line of `product orientation¿ i.e. traditional marketing. `Let the interested customers come to the library¿ was appeared to be the hallmark of the slow walkers. Application of conscious market orientation is not reflected in the library activities of the slow walkers. Instead their values, ideology and approach to serving the library customers is more in tuneof `usual service oriented Finnish way¿. The implication of the research is that it pays to be market oriented which results in higher customer satisfaction oflibraries. Moreover, it is emphasised that the traditional user based service philosophy of Finnish research libraries should not be abandoned but it needs to be further developed by building a relational based marketing system which will help the libraries to become more efficient and effective from the customers¿ viewpoint. The contribution of the dissertation lies in the framework showing the linkages between the critical components of the marketing culture of a library: antecedents, market orientation, facilitators and consequences. The dissertationdelineates the significant underlying dimensions of market-oriented behaviour of libraries which are namely customer philosophy, inter-functional coordination,strategic orientation, responsiveness, pricing orientation and competition orientation. The dissertation also showed the extent to which marketing attitudes, behaviour, knowledge were related and impact of market orientation on the serviceperformance of libraries. A strong positive association was found to exist between market orientation and marketing attitudes and knowledge. Moreover, it also shows that a higher market orientation is positively connected with the service performance of libraries, the ultimate result being higher customer satisfaction. The analysis shows that a genuine marketing culture represents a synthesis of certain marketing attitudes, knowledge and of selective practices. This finding is particularly significant in the sense that it manifests that marketing culture consists of a certain sets of beliefs and knowledge (which form a specific attitude towards marketing) and implementation of a certain set of activities that actually materialize the attitude of marketing into practice (market orientation) leading to superior service performance of libraries.
São apresentados os resultados da experiência de transformação de uma disciplina tradicional do ensino médico voltada ao ensino da política e gestão de saúde com uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação - e-Learning. Baseado em correntes construtivistas da educação, o curso dedica especial atenção à motivação do corpo discente, ao trabalho colaborativo e à procura e elaboração de informações de fontes oficiais de saúde. São características do curso: motivar os alunos por meio da proposta de caracterizar o sistema de saúde de um município de livre escolha dos mesmos; promover atividades de estudo e pesquisa em saúde utilizando roteiros orientados à análise e gestão da assistência; dar a conhecer e utilizar portais oficiais de informações em saúde e criar um ambiente virtual de pesquisa-aprendizagem disponível todo o tempo. Após quatro anos de experiência e em vista da boa aceitação entre os alunos, o modelo de curso foi expandido a outros cursos da área da saúde: Fisioterapia, Terapia Ocupacional, Nutrição e Metabolismo, Fonoaudiologia e Informática Biomédica.
No momento atual, reconhece-se a necessidade de a educação médica promover mudanças de modo a formar profissionais com um perfil mais humanizado. Para alcançar tal propósito, é essencial investir em transformações no campo da avaliação. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é descrever as diversas funções do diário de campo como instrumento de avaliação educacional. Trata-se de estudo de caso qualitativo, que envolve a leitura de diários de campo de alunos matriculados nos semestres 2003.1 e 2003.2, na disciplina Clínica Propedêutica Médica I, Faculdade de Medicina - UFBA. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo como técnica principal de interpretação dos dados coletados. Com base nos relatos dos estudantes sobre suas aulas práticas, obteve-se uma visão ampla acerca de suas experiências nos primeiros contatos com pacientes, seus julgamentos acerca das atividades e do desempenho do professor, assim como da evolução de seu aprendizado. O diário de campo 1) permite acompanhar as atividades práticas e a atuação didática dos professores; 2) fornece subsídios para a avaliação dos estudantes em termos afetivos; 3) serve como recurso para a reformulação da prática pedagógica a partir do feedback dos discentes; 4) funciona para o estudante como instrumento de auto-avaliação.
Objetivou-se promover a capacitação de alunos de Medicina da disciplina de Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal do Amazonas e comunidade para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura cidadã dentro do paradigma socioecológico, identificando-se os problemas oftalmológicos nos escolares da comunidade. Foram realizadas visitas domiciliares semanais e discutidas questões relevantes para a saúde dos moradores e problemas da localidade, na CAA, bairro periférico de Manaus. Escolares de 4 a 14 anos dessa comunidade foram triados na avaliação oftalmológica (AO), com encaminhamento dos casos ao especialista. Os problemas encontrados - desemprego, saneamento básico, desconhecimento das leis e baixo grau de escolaridade - motivaram reuniões entre moradores, acadêmicos e profissionais de setores relacionados. De 133 crianças avaliadas na AO, uma precisou de tratamento. Constatou-se que o acadêmico de Medicina inserido na realidade que o cerca é capaz de se tornar um profissional mais ativo na sociedade na luta por uma localidade saudável/cidade saudável, capacitando a comunidade para suas lutas sociais em busca de melhor qualidade de vida e exercício pleno da cidadania. A prevalência de problemas oftalmológicos nos escolares da comunidade foi inferior à observada na literatura.
Este trabalho relata a estratégia de incorporação das bases da Saúde Coletiva no currículo da Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (Famema). Em 1991, a Famema passou a desenvolver o Projeto UNI, financiado pela Fundação Kellogg, iniciando um conjunto de mudanças no ensino de Medicina, resultando, em 1997, na introdução do método de ensino da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (ABP). A ABP trabalha com a perspectiva holística do processo ensino aprendizagem e, por isso, estimula a participação ativa dos estudantes, principalmente, na cooperação em pequenos grupos; no auto-estudo e na educação multidisciplinar. Algum tempo após a introdução do ABP, identificou-se a dificuldade do uso de explicações das dimensões psicológicas e sociais para os problemas. A solução construída para a incorporação da dimensão social nos problemas foi a adoção da perspectiva sociológica das categorias fundantes da Saúde Coletiva: tempo, espaço e pessoa. O resultado foi a construção de uma matriz formada por seis tópicos e orientada para estimular os alunos a alcançar as noções de totalidade e integralidade do cuidado em saúde.