940 resultados para Corporate Value


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The purpose of this thesis was to investigate creating and improving category purchasing visibility for corporate procurement by utilizing financial information. This thesis was a part of the global category driven spend analysis project of Konecranes Plc. While creating general understanding for building category driven corporate spend visibility, the IT architecture and needed purchasing parameters for spend analysis were described. In the case part of the study three manufacturing plants of Konecranes Standard Lifting, Heavy Lifting and Services business areas were examined. This included investigating the operative IT system architecture and needed processes for building corporate spend visibility. The key findings of this study were the identification of the needed processes for gathering purchasing data elements while creating corporate spend visibility in fragmented source system environment. As an outcome of the study, roadmap presenting further development areas was introduced for Konecranes.


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Due to concerns regarding globalisation and sustainable development, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is topical in the business context and in the field of accounting. The main objective of this study was to review previous academic literature in the field of CSR reporting and develop an insight into CSR reporting in the Web-based environment. The main purpose was to find out what Web-based CSR reporting is like and how companies are utilising the Internet to communicate on responsibility issues. I did not, however, collect empirical research data but limited my study into theoretical and descriptive examination. In order to create an insight into Web-based reporting, I examined the development, motives and current practices of CSR reporting. I concluded that the Internet is a unique, interactive communication channel that is used differently compared with annual reports. The amount of companies engaging in Web-based CSR reporting is increasing and the reporting practices in terms of e.g. content and accessibility of information vary. I also concluded that many companies have not yet discovered the true potential of the Web as an interactive communication medium.


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The objectives of this Master’s Thesis were to find out what kind of knowledge management strategy would fit best an IT organization that uses ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework for IT Service Management and to create a knowledge management process model to support chosen strategy. The empirical material for this research was collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews of a case organization Stora Enso Corporate IT. The results of the qualitative interviews indicate that codification knowledge management strategy would fit best for the case organization. The knowledge management process model was created based on earlier studies and a literature of knowledge management. The model was evaluated in the interview research and the results showed that the created process model is realistic, useful, and it responds to a real life phenomenon.


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Some bilingual societies exhibit a distribution of language skills that can- not be explained by economic theories that portray languages as pure commu- nication devices. Such distribution of skills are typically the result of public policies that promote bilingualism among members of both speech commu- nities (reciprocal bilingualism). In this paper I argue that these policies are likely to increase social welfare by diminishing economic and social segmenta- tion between the two communities. However, these gains tend to be unequally distributed over the two communities. As a result, in a large range of circum- stances these policies might not draw su¢ cient support. The model is built upon the communicative value of languages, but also emphasizes the role of linguistic preferences in the behavior of bilingual individuals.


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Tutkielmassa selvitetään monimutkaisen indeksiobligaation arvon määritystä obligaation juoksuaikana. Tutkittava indeksiobligaatio sijoittaa osakkeisiin, korkoon ja raaka aineisiin. Kyseisessä indeksi-obligaatiossa sijoitetaan korioptioihin ja ne ovat lisäksi niiltä osin kvantto optioita, kun positio on ollut tarpeen suojata valuutta kurssimuutoksia vastaan. Tämän lisäksi indeksiobligaatio sijoittaa nolla kuponkilainaan. Sijoittajalle on haastavaa ymmärtää oikein ja läpinäkyvästi monimutkaisen osakeindeksiobligaation arvonmääritystä sen juoksuaikana. Tässä tutkielmassa avataan monimutkaisen osakeindeksiobligaation arvonmäärityksen perusteet. Tutkielmassa huomataan, että sijoittajalla voi helposti olla vaara mielikuva siitä, miten arvo määrittyy. Tämä johtuu siitä, että arvonmääritys eroaa huomattavasti siitä mikä käy ilmi velkakirjan ehdoissa. Tutkielman keskeisin anti on se, että kyseinen osakeindeksiobligaatio antaa heikkoa tuottoa kesken juoksuajan, mikäli joko osakkeet, raaka-aineet tai korot kehittyvät negatiivisesti. Lisaksi raaka aineoptioiden hinnan määritys eroaa siitä, mitä sijoittaja olettaa sen olevan velkakirjan ehtoja lukiessaan. Raaka-aineiden hinnat määritellään forward hinnoista


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The traditional forest industry is a good example of the changing nature of the competitive environment in many industries. Faced with drastic challenges forestindustry companies are forced to search for new value-creating strategies in order to create competitive advantage. The emerging bioenergy business is now offering promising avenues for value creation for both the forest and energy sectors because of their complementary resources and knowledge with respect to bioenergy production from forest-based biomass. The key objective of this dissertation is to examine the sources of sustainable competitive advantage and the value-creation opportunities that are emerging at the intersection between the forest and energy industries. The research topic is considered from different perspectives in order to provide a comprehensive view of the phenomenon. The study discusses the business opportunities that are related to producing bioenergy from forest-based biomass, and sheds light on the greatest challenges and threats influencing the success of collaboration between the forest and energy sectors. In addition, it identifies existing and potential bioenergy actors, and considers the resources and capabilities needed in order to prosper in the bioenergy field. The value-creation perspective is founded on strategic management accounting, the theoretical frameworks are adopted from the field of strategic management, and the future aspect is taken into account through the application of futures studies research methodology. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part provides a synthesis of the overall dissertation, and the second part comprises four complementary research papers. There search setting is explorative in nature, and both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. As a result, the thesis lays the foundation for non-technological studies on bioenergy. It gives an example of how to study new value-creation opportunities at an industrial intersection, and discusses the main determinants affecting the value-creation process. In order to accomplish these objectives the phenomenon of value creation at the intersection between the forest and energy industries is theorized and connected with the dynamic resource-based view of the firm.


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Tutkielma rakentaa puitteet venäläisen toimintaympäristön ymmärtämiselle. Institutionaalisen ympäristön on oltava vahva tukeakseen yritysten corporate governancen mukaista toimintaa. Venäjän tapauksessa instituutiot ovat vielä osin kehittymättömiä ja vahvasti peräisin Neuvostoliiton ajoilta. Niiltä ajoilta on jäänyt myös suuri kulttuurinen perintö, joka vaikuttaa venäläisten toimintaan vielä tänäkin päivänä. Yrityksillä on monia mahdollisuuksia toimia venäläisillä markkinoilla lainmukaisesti, vaikka se onkin välillä hankalaa. Yritykset ovatkin kehittäneet keinoja, joilla regulatiiviset puitteet voidaan kiertää ja oikaista. Tässä niitä avustavat usein myös valtion kontrollit. Valtion on kehitettävä lainsäädäntöä, jotta yritysten olisi helpompi toimia sen mukaan. Lisäksi korruptiota on vähennettävä, jotta yrityksillä ei olisi mahdollisuutta toimia laittomasti ja viranomaisilla olisi mahdollisuus suorittaa työtehtäviään.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millainen Corporate Governance -järjestelmä ja sääntely-ympäristö Suomessa on voimassa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan lisäksi osakeyhtiön johdon fidusiaarisia velvollisuuksia ja johdon velvollisuuksien tehosteena olevaa vastuujärjestelmää. Corporate Governance -järjestelmää analysoidaan perinteisestä oikeustieteellisestä näkökulmasta poiketen oikeustaloustieteen metodein. Tutkimuksen teoriapohja perustuu koti- ja ulkomaiseen oikeustaloustieteelliseen kirjallisuuteen, muutoin tutkimuksessa tukeudutaan suurimmilta osin kotimaiseen oikeuskirjallisuuteen ja virallislähteisiin. Suomalainen Corporate Governance -järjestelmä minimioi tehokkaasti transaktiokustannuksia ja tarjoaa osakkeenomistajille tehokkaan, informaation epäsymmetriaa rajoittavan valvontamekanismin. Jos johto toimii velvollisuuksiensa vastaisesti, osakkeenomistajat erottavat johdon, joka ei nauti sen luottamusta tai johto joutuu vastaamaan toimistaan vahingonkorvausvastuun tai rikosoikeudellisen vastuun kautta.


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Corporate Social Responsibility is company’s interest and actions towards its environment and the society that the company takes from its free will, to give back to the community and environment. Corporate Social Responsibility is current topic as companies are challenged to take responsibility for their action, due to the constant tightening environmental legislations and raising pressure for transparency from the public. The objective of this Master’s Thesis research is to study if Corporate Social Responsibility affects suppliers’ brand image and mining companies’ buying decisions within global mining industry. The research method is qualitative and the research is conducted with secondary and primary research methods. The research aims to find out what are the implications of the research for the case company Larox. The objective is to answer to the question; how should case company Larox start to develop Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program of its own, and how the case company could benefit from CSR as a competitive advantage and what actions could be taken in the company marketing. Conclusions are drawn based on both the secondary and primary research results. Both of the researches imply that CSR is well present in the global mining industry, and that suppliers’ CSR policy has positive effect on company image, which positively affects company’s brand, and furthermore brand has a positive effect on mining companies buying decision. It can be concluded that indirectly CSR has an effect on buying decisions, and case company should consider developing a CSR program of its own.


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Collaboration between competing firms (coopetition) has emerged as an important issue forn business practice in many industries. Extant literature has examined coopetition on many levels of analysis, but lacks clarity in distinguishing it explicitly from cooperation between noncompeting organizations. Because of this, the performance implications of coopetition from the perspective of an individual firm are still ambiguous – some research suggests positive results whereas other studies suggest detrimental outcomes. The aim in this dissertation is to narrow these gaps by exploring how firms create and appropriate value through collaboration with their competitors. The dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part comprises an overview of the relevant literature, as well as the conclusions of the whole study, and the second part includes six research publications. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies are utilized. The results suggest that coopetition embodies the distinctive logic of value creation and appropriation from the perspective of an individual firm, and thus differs in terms of performance implications from cooperation between non-competitors. The distinction comes from the fact that competitors have somewhat similar understanding, capabilities and interest related to certain markets, which is potentially both challenging and beneficial in terms of the individual firm’s competitiveness. It appears from the findings that there are distinctive firm-external and firm-specific factors affecting the success of a coopetition strategy. This study makes three main contributions. First, on the conceptual level it shows the distinction between coopetition and cooperation between non-rivals as a collaborative inter-organizational relationship. Secondly, it sets out a framework and propositions that enhance understanding of how value is created and appropriated in coopetition from the perspective of an individual firm. Thirdly, it offers empirical evidence of how coopetition affects firms’ innovation and market performance, and identifies the focal internal and external factors involved. In general terms, the thesis adds to our knowledge of how a firm can successfully utilize a coopetition strategy in its pursuit of improved performance.