882 resultados para learning analytics framework


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In the past decades, online learning has transformed the educational landscape with the emergence of new ways to learn. This fact, together with recent changes in educational policy in Europe aiming to facilitate the incorporation of graduate students to the labor market, has provoked a shift on the delivery of instruction and on the role played by teachers and students, stressing the need for development of both basic and cross-curricular competencies. In parallel, the last years have witnessed the emergence of new educational disciplines that can take advantage of the information retrieved by technology-based online education in order to improve instruction, such as learning analytics. This study explores the applicability of learning analytics for prediction of development of two cross-curricular competencies – teamwork and commitment – based on the analysis of Moodle interaction data logs in a Master’s Degree program at Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA) where the students were education professionals. The results from the study question the suitability of a general interaction-based approach and show no relation between online activity indicators and teamwork and commitment acquisition. The discussion of results includes multiple recommendations for further research on this topic.


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Esta tese teve por objetivo saber como o corpo docente da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS) percebe, entende e reage ante a incorporação e utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) nos cursos de graduação dessa Instituição, considerando os novos processos comunicacionais dialógicos que elas podem proporcionar na sociedade atual. Metodologicamente, a tese é composta por pesquisa bibliográfica, buscando fundamentar as áreas da Educação e Comunicação, assim como a Educomunicação; pesquisa documental para contextualização do lócus da pesquisa e de uma pesquisa exploratória a partir da aplicação de um questionário online a 165 docentes da UEMS, que responderam voluntariamente. Verificou-se que os professores utilizam as TICs cotidianamente nas atividades pessoais e, em menor escala, nos ambientes profissionais. Os desafios estão em se formar melhor esse docente e oferecer capacitação continuada para que utilizem de forma mais eficaz as TICs nas salas de aula. Destaca-se ainda que os avanços em tecnologia e os novos ecossistemas comunicacionais construíram novas e outras realidades, tornando a aprendizagem um fator não linear, exigindo-se revisão nos projetos pedagógicos na educação superior para que estes viabilizem diálogos propositivos entre a comunicação e a educação. A infraestrutura institucional para as TICs é outro entrave apontado, tanto na aquisição como na manutenção desses aparatos tecnológicos pela Universidade. Ao final, propõe-se realizar estudos e pesquisas que possam discutir alterações nos regimes contratuais de trabalho dos docentes, uma vez que, para atuar com as TICs de maneira apropriada, exige-se mais tempo e dedicação do docente.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015


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This thesis is a conceptual examination of the positions from which we teach in public education. As it is philosophical in nature, it takes no qualitative or quantitative data. It offers a review of selected relevant literature and an analysis of personal and professional experience, with the intent to pose critical questions about teaching and learning. The framework of this thesis represents the following contentions: First, from its inception, public schooling served capital by preparing skilled labour for emerging industrial markets. This history is the hegemonic shadow that hangs over public education today. Second, movements toward the standardization of funding, curriculum, and evaluation support the further commodification of public schooling. The “accountability” that standardization offers, the “back to basics” that it aims for, is counter to the potential that public education might critically inform citizens and seek social justice. Third, movements toward the privatization of public schooling under the guise of “choice” and “mobility”, brought on by manufactured crisis, serve only to widen socio-economic inequities as capitalist neoliberal interests seek profit in both the product of public schools and in schooling itself. If we recognize and understand the power of public education to inform vast numbers of citizens who will, in turn, either maintain or reform society, we must ask: What do we want public education to be? What are the effects of continuing down historically conventional and increasingly standardized paths? What do progressive pedagogies offer? How might teachers destandardize their pedagogy and pursue equitable opportunities for marginalized students? How might students name themselves and their world, that they might play a part in its reimagining? For whom do we teach, and under what conditions? From where do we teach, and why? For educators to ask these questions, and to employ what they discover, will necessitate taking substantial risks. It will necessitate taking a stand and cannot be done alone. Teachers must seek out the collaboration of their students. They must offer students the time and the space to find their own voices, to create their own selves, and to envision previously uncharted paths on which we might walk together.


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The speed at which new scientific papers are published has increased dramatically, while the process of tracking the most recent publications having a high impact has become more and more cumbersome. In order to support learners and researchers in retrieving relevant articles and identifying the most central researchers within a domain, we propose a novel 2-mode multilayered graph derived from Cohesion Network Analysis (CNA). The resulting extended CNA graph integrates both authors and papers, as well as three principal link types: coauthorship, co-citation, and semantic similarity among the contents of the papers. Our rankings do not rely on the number of published documents, but on their global impact based on links between authors, citations, and semantic relatedness to similar articles. As a preliminary validation, we have built a network based on the 2013 LAK dataset in order to reveal the most central authors within the emerging Learning Analytics domain.


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The large upfront investments required for game development pose a severe barrier for the wider uptake of serious games in education and training. Also, there is a lack of well-established methods and tools that support game developers at preserving and enhancing the games’ pedagogical effectiveness. The RAGE project, which is a Horizon 2020 funded research project on serious games, addresses these issues by making available reusable software components that aim to support the pedagogical qualities of serious games. In order to easily deploy and integrate these game components in a multitude of game engines, platforms and programming languages, RAGE has developed and validated a hybrid component-based software architecture that preserves component portability and interoperability. While a first set of software components is being developed, this paper presents selected examples to explain the overall system’s concept and its practical benefits. First, the Emotion Detection component uses the learners’ webcams for capturing their emotional states from facial expressions. Second, the Performance Statistics component is an add-on for learning analytics data processing, which allows instructors to track and inspect learners’ progress without bothering about the required statistics computations. Third, a set of language processing components accommodate the analysis of textual inputs of learners, facilitating comprehension assessment and prediction. Fourth, the Shared Data Storage component provides a technical solution for data storage - e.g. for player data or game world data - across multiple software components. The presented components are exemplary for the anticipated RAGE library, which will include up to forty reusable software components for serious gaming, addressing diverse pedagogical dimensions.


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Graph analytics is an important and computationally demanding class of data analytics. It is essential to balance scalability, ease-of-use and high performance in large scale graph analytics. As such, it is necessary to hide the complexity of parallelism, data distribution and memory locality behind an abstract interface. The aim of this work is to build a scalable graph analytics framework that does not demand significant parallel programming experience based on NUMA-awareness.
The realization of such a system faces two key problems:
(i)~how to develop a scale-free parallel programming framework that scales efficiently across NUMA domains; (ii)~how to efficiently apply graph partitioning in order to create separate and largely independent work items that can be distributed among threads.


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The paper addresses the development of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in transition settings. Caught in the balance of knowledge exchange and translation of ideas from abroad, organisations in turbulent setting legitimise their existence by learning through professional networks. By association, organisational actors gain acknowledgement by their sector by traversing the corridors of influence provided by international partnerships. What they learn is how to conduct themselves as agents of change in society, and how to deliver on stated missions and goals, therefore, legitimising their presence in a budding civil society at home. The paper presents a knowledge production and learning practices framework which indicates a presence of dual identity of NGOs - their “embeddedness” locally and internationally. Selected framework dimensions and qualitative case study themes are discussed with respect to the level of independence of organisational actors in the East from their partners in the West in a post-socialist context. A professional global civil society as organisations are increasingly managed in similar, professional ways (Anheier & Themudo 2002). Here knowledge “handling” and knowledge “translation” take place through partnership exchanges fostering capable and/or competitive change-inducing institutions (Czarniawska & Sevon 2005; Hwang & Suarez 2005). How professional identity presents itself in the third sector, as well as the sector’s claim to expertise, need further attention, adding to ongoing discussions on professions in institutional theory (Hwang & Powell 2005; Scott 2008; Noordegraaf 2011). A conceptual framework on the dynamic involved for the construction professional fields follows: • Multiple case analysis provides a taxonomy for understanding what is happening in knowledge transition, adaptation, and organisational learning capacity for NGOs with respect to their role in a networked civil society. With the model we can observe the types of knowledge produced and learning employed by organisations. • There are elements of professionalisation in third sector work organisational activity with respect to its accreditation, sources and routines of learning, knowledge claims, interaction with the statutory sector, recognition in cross-sector partnerships etc. • It signals that there is a dual embeddedness in the development of the sector at the core to the shaping the sector’s professional status. This is instrumental in the NGOs’ goal to gain influence as institutions, as they are only one part of a cross-sector mission to address complex societal problems The case study material highlights nuances of knowledge production and learning practices in partnerships, with dual embeddedness a main feature of the findings. This provides some clues to how professionalisation as expert-making takes shape in organisations: • Depending on the type of organisations’ purpose, over its course of development there is an increase in participation in multiple networks, as opposed to reliance on a single strategic partner for knowledge artefacts and practices; • Some types of organisations are better connected within international and national networks than others and there seem to be preferences for each depending on the area of work; • The level of interpretation or adaptation of the knowledge artefacts is related to an organisation’s embeddedness locally, in turn giving it more influence within the network of key institutions; An overreaching theme across taxonomy categories (Table 1)is “professionalisation” or developing organisational “expertise”, embodied at the individual, organisational, and sector levels. Questions relevant to the exercise of power arise: Is competence in managing a dual embeddedness signals the development of a dual identity in professionalisation? Is professionalisation in this sense a sign of organisations maturing into more capable partners to the arguably more experienced (Western) institutions, shifting the power balance? Or is becoming more professional a sign of domestication to the agenda of certain powerful stakeholders, who define the boundaries of the profession? Which dominant dynamics can be observed in a broadly-defined transition country civil society, where individual participation in the form of activism may be overtaking the traditional forms of organised development work, especially with the spread of social media?


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Abstract Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) generate enormous amounts of data. The University of Southampton has run and is running dozens of MOOC instances. The vast amount of data resulting from our MOOCs can provide highly valuable information to all parties involved in the creation and delivery of these courses. However, analysing and visualising such data is a task that not all educators have the time or skills to undertake. The recently developed MOOC Dashboard is a tool aimed at bridging such a gap: it provides reports and visualisations based on the data generated by learners in MOOCs. Speakers Manuel Leon is currently a Lecturer in Online Teaching and Learning in the Institute for Learning Innovation and Development (ILIaD). Adriana Wilde is a Teaching Fellow in Electronics and Computer Science, with research interests in MOOCs and Learning Analytics. Darron Tang (4th Year BEng Computer Science) and Jasmine Cheng (BSc Mathematics & Actuarial Science and starting MSc Data Science shortly) have been working as interns over this Summer (2016) as have been developing the MOOC Dashboard.


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This paper is the final report from the NGL project implementing the flipped classroom approach into the undergraduate course "Organization Theory". The report describes the implementation and evaluates the outcomes of flipped classroom teaching/learning using the students' survey and statistics from YouTube analytics and the learning management platform Fronter.


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An interdisciplinary field trip to a remote marine lab joined graduate students from fine arts and natural resource science departments to think creatively about the topic of climate change and science communication. We followed a learning cycle framework to allow the students to explore marine ecosystems and participate in scientific lectures, group discussions, and an artist-led project making abstract collages representing climate change processes. Students subsequently worked in small groups to develop environmental communication material for public visitors. We assessed the learning activity and the communication product using pre- and post-field trip participant surveys, focus group discussions, and critiques by art and communication experts of the products. Significant changes in knowledge about climate change occurred in program participants. Incorporating artists and the arts into this activity helped engage multiple senses and emphasized social interaction, as well as providing support to participants to think creatively. The production of art helped to encourage peer learning and normalize the different views among participants in communicating about climate change impacts. Students created effective communication products based on external reviews. Disciplinary differences in cultures, language, and standards challenged participating faculty, yet unanticipated outcomes such as potentially transformative learning and improved teacher evaluations resulted.


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Process models are used by information professionals to convey semantics about the business operations in a real world domain intended to be supported by an information system. The understandability of these models is vital to them actually being used. After all, what is not understood cannot be acted upon. Yet until now, understandability has primarily been defined as an intrinsic quality of the models themselves. Moreover, those studies that looked at understandability from a user perspective have mainly conceptualized users through rather arbitrary sets of variables. In this paper we advance an integrative framework to understand the role of the user in the process of understanding process models. Building on cognitive psychology, goal-setting theory and multimedia learning theory, we identify three stages of learning required to realize model understanding, these being Presage, Process, and Product. We define eight relevant user characteristics in the Presage stage of learning, three knowledge construction variables in the Process stage and three potential learning outcomes in the Product stage. To illustrate the benefits of the framework, we review existing process modeling work to identify where our framework can complement and extend existing studies.


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To promote and support informed discussion, we look here at the experiences of some services in the national trial of the draft Early Years Learning Framework, and the more recent trial of the supporting draft Educator's Guide. Reflecting on these experiences, the paper offers some examples of how a service can 'get started' with the EYLF.


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In 2009, the Commonwealth Government of Australia published the first national learning framework for use with children aged birth to five years. The framework marks a departure from tradition in that it emphasizes intentional teaching, learning as well as child development, a particular type of play-based learning, outcomes, and equity. This article analyzes aspects of the document that depart from well established approaches to early childhood education in Australia and identifies challenges for educators who are required to use the document. It concludes that ongoing and supportive professional learning opportunities must accompany the introduction and enactment of the document.