966 resultados para everyday lives


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Aging in a country village This dissertation examines what kind of environment of aging a small country village is, who elderly villagers are and what kind of everyday life they have. The qualitative material gathered through ethnographic field work at a village situated in Southern Finland consists of a field work diary and 34 interviews of elderly villagers. The dissertation is based on social gerontology and village research. The key concepts are: the environment of aging; locality and local identity; and way of life. The village is examined as a social and physical environment of aging. Difficulties regarding mobility are the biggest challenges for elderly villagers in their everyday life. The social environment of aging is constructed by historical, cultural and local factors. The village community is formed by many small sub-communities. An elderly villager s status in a village community and her/his social competence affect the formation of her/his social network and the quality of her/his environment of aging. The dissertation examines the local identities of older villagers and their relationships to the village. The local identities can be based on the village, memories or on many places, or a place and places may not be of great importance for a person s identity. The local identity of an older villager affects her/his experiences of living in the village and her/his future plans to move away from the village. The everyday life of an older villager is constructed by rhythms, routines and repetitions. However, there are differences between how everyday lives are arranged among elderly villagers, which are explained by the concept of a way of life. Four ways of life were found. Nature and its importance are a background to all four ways of life. A traditional way of life is based on continuity and hard work, a family-oriented way of life on family members and relatives. A mobile way of life is characterized by symbolic and concrete mobility. An original way of life is marked by independent loneliness . In practice, a person s way of life is always constructed by two or many ways of life.


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Memory Meanders is an ethnographic analysis of a postcolonial migrant community, white former Rhodesians, who have emigrated from Zimbabwe to South Africa after Zimbabwe s independence in 1980. An estimated 100 000 whites left the country during the first years of independence. Majority of these emigrants settled in South Africa. In recent years President Mugabe s land redistribution program has inflicted forced expulsions and violence against white farmers and black farm workers, and instigated a new wave of emigration. Concerning the study of Southern Africa, my research is therefore very topical. In recent years there has been a growing concern to study postcolonialism as it unfolds in the lived realities of actual postcolonies. A rising interest has also been cast on colonial cultures and white colonials within complex power relationships. My research offers insight to these discussions by investigating the ways in which the colonial past affects and effects in the present activities and ideas of former colonials. The study also takes part in discussing fundamental questions concerning how diaspora communities socially construct their place in the world in relation to the place left behind, to their current places of dwelling and to the community in dispersal. In spite of Rhodesia s incontestable ending, it is held close by social practices; by thoughts and talks, by material displays, and by webs of meaningful relationships. Such social memory practices, I suggest, are fundamental to how the community understands itself. The vantage points from which I examine how the ex-Rhodesians reminisce about Rhodesia concern ideas and practices related to place, home and commemoration. I first focus on the processes of symbolic investment that go into understanding place and landscape in Rhodesia and ask how the once dwelled-in places, iconic landscapes and experiences within places are reminisced about in diaspora. Secondly, I examine how home both as a mundanely organized sphere of everyday lives and as an idea of belonging is culturally configured, and analyze how and if homes travel in diaspora. In the final ethnographic section I focus on commemorative practices. I first analyze how food and culturally specific festive occasions of commensality are connected to social and sensual memory, considering the unique ways in which food acts as a mnemonic trigger in a diaspora community. The second example concerns the celebration of a centenary of Rhodesia in 1990. Through this case I describe how the mnemonic power of commemoration rests on the fact that culturally meaningful experiences are bodily re-enacted. I show how habitual memory connected to performance is one example of how memory gets passed-on in non-textual ways.


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Societal reactions to norm breaking behavior of children reveal, how we understand childhood, the relations between generations and communitie's ratio of tolerance. In Finland the children that repeatedly commit crimes receive social service measures that are based on Child Welfare Act. In the city of Helsinki (Stadi in the slang of Helsinki) existed an agency specifically established for ill-behaving children until the 1980's, agter which an unified agency for the maltreated and maladjusted children was founded. Through five boys' welfare cases, this research aims at defining what kind of positions, social relations and structures are constructed in the social dynamics of these children's everyday lives. The cases cover different decades from the 1940s to the present. At the same time the cases reflect the child welfare and societal practices, and reveal how the communities have participated in constructing deviance in different eras. The research is meta-theoretically based on critical realism and specifically on Roy Bhaskar's transformative model of social activity. The cases are analyzed in the framework of Edwin M. Lemert's societal reaction theory. Thus the focus of the study is on the wide structural context of the institutional and societal definitions of deviance. The research is methodologically based on a qualitative multiple case study research. The primary data consist of classified child welfare case files collected from the archives of the city of Helsinki. The data of the institutional level consist of the annual reports from 1943 to 2004 and the ordinances from 1907 onwards, and of various committee documents produced in the law-making process of child welfare, youth and criminal legislation of the 20th century. Empirical finding are interpreted in a dialogue with previous historical and child welfare research, contemporary literature and studies on the urban development. The analysis is based on Derek Layder's model of adaptive theory. The research forms a viewpoint to the historical study of child welfare, in which the historical era, its agents and the dynamics of their mutual relations are studied through an individual level reconstruction based on the societal reaction theory. The case analyses reveal how the positions of the children form differently in the different eras of child welfare practices. In the 1940s the child is positioned as a psychopath and a criminal type. The measures are aimed at protecting the community from the disturbed child, and at adjusting the individual by isolation. From 1960s to 1980s the child is positioned as a child in need of help and support. The child becomes a victim, a subject that occupies rights, and a target of protection. In the turn of the millennium a norm breaking child is positioned as a dangerous individual that, in the name of the community safety, has to be confined. The case analyses also reveal the prevailing academic and practical paradigms of the time. Keywords: childhood, youth, child protection, child welfare, delinquency, crime, deviance, history, critical realism, case study research


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This research analyses opinions on the system of social welfare services from the point of view of clients and the public in general in Finland. The approach is quantitative, drawing on theories of the welfare-state tradition. The data used comes from the comprehensive Welfare and Services in Finland survey compiled by STAKES. While previous research on the welfare state has predominantly focused on surveying public opinion on social protection, this research focuses on social welfare services. The main focus of this research is on publicly funded care provided by municipal social welfare services. In this research, social welfare services include child day care, services for people with disabilities, home-help services, counselling by social workers and social assistance. The research considered in particular whether the clients or the population has different opinions towards social welfare services or social benefits. In addition, the research partly covers areas of informal care provided by family and friends. The research material consisted of the STAKES Welfare and Services in Finland survey. The data was compiled in 2004 and 2006 by Statistics Finland. The research comprises five articles. Additional data have been extracted from social welfare statistics and registers. Multiple approaches were applied in the survey on welfare and services the methods in this research included interviews by phone and mail, and register data. The sample size was 5 810 people in 2004 and 5 798 in 2006. The response rates were 82.7% and 83.7%, respectively. The results indicate that a large majority (90%) of the Finnish population is of the opinion that the public sector should bear the main responsibility for organising social and health services. The system of social welfare services and its personnel have strong public support 73% and 80% respectively. However, new and even negative tones have emerged in the Finnish debate on social welfare services. Women are increasingly critical of the performance of social welfare services and the level of social protection. Furthermore, this study shows that women more often than men wish to see an increase in the amount of privately organised social welfare services. Another group critical of the performance of social welfare services are pensioners. People who had used social welfare services were more critical than those who had not used them. Thus, the severest criticism was received from the groups who use and gain most from public services and benefits. However, the education and income variables identified in earlier studies no longer formed a significant dividing line, although people with higher education tend to foster a more positive view of the performance of social welfare services as well as the level of social protection. Income differences did not bear any significance, that is, belonging to a high or low income group was not a determining factor in the attitude towards social welfare services or social benefits. According to the research, family and friends still form an informal yet significant support network in people's everyday lives, and its importance has not been diminished by services provided by the welfare state. The Finnish public considers child day care the most reliable form of social welfare services. Indeed, child day care has become the most universal sector of our system of social welfare services. Other services that instil confidence included counselling by social workers and services for people with disabilities. On the other hand, social assistance and home-help services received negative feedback. The negative views were based on a number of arguments. One argument contends that the home-help service system, which was originally intended for universal use, is crumbling. The preventive role of home-help services has been reduced. These results mirror the increasingly popular opinion that social welfare services are not produced for all those who need them, but to an increasing extent for a select few of them. Municipalities are struggling with their finances and this, combined with negative publicity, has damaged the public's trust in some municipal social welfare services. A welfare state never achieves a stable condition, but must develop over time, as the world around it changes. Following the 1990's recession, we are now in a position where we can start to develop a system that responds to the needs of the next generation. Study results indicating new areas of dissatisfaction reflect the need to develop and improve the services provided. It is also increasingly essential that social welfare services pay attention to the opinions of clients and the public. Should the gap between opinions and actual activities increase, the legitimacy of the whole system would be questioned. Currently, the vast majority of Finns consider the system of social welfare services adequate, which provides us with the continuity required to maintain and improve client-oriented and reasonably priced social welfare services. Paying attention to the signals given by clients and the general public, and reacting to them accordingly, will also secure the development and legitimacy of the system in the future.


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Among Girls Youth Work, Multiculturalism and Gender Equality Finland s increasingly multicultural society concerns younger generations in a very particular manner. Starting already in pre-school kindergartens, children from different cultural backgrounds share their everyday existence. The focus of this study is Finland s increasingly multicultural society that has challenged youth work professionals in particular and made them rethink questions related to content, basic values and goals of youth work. These reconsiderations include the following essential questions: which of these pedagogic principles are defined as Finnish, and under what kinds of circumstances would the youth workers be ready to negotiate about them. These questions, which are related to multiculturalism, are then linked to the girls position, status and gender equality. The research examines how gender equality is articulated in relation to multiculturalism and vice versa, in what contexts youth work-related questions are negoatiated in, and how these negotiations then relate to gender issues. The present study combines theoretical concepts and debates from both post-colonial and youth research, and has benefited greatly from previous research which has examined the everyday lives of young people with multicultural backgrounds and conceptualised the different meanings of age, ethnicity, culture and gender. Neither multiculturalism nor gender equality is, however, taken as a given concept in this study; rather the research focuses on how youth workers understand and define these concepts and how they are used. The emphasis has been on monitoring the varying consequences of different understandings and definitions in terms of everyday work and practices. The goal of this study has been to find typical ways of conceptualising multiculturalism, gender equality and the role of girls in the context of youth work. The focus of the research is not just the youth workers different views but also the notions of the girls themselves. These are then further analysed by examining the ways the girls negotiate their agency. Examples of how the girls agency is defined and the different forms of agency that are offered to the girls within the context of leisure time activities and youth work have been sought. The kind of agency the girls then assume is also examined. The data in this research is comprised of interviews with young people with multicultural backgrounds (n=39), youth workers (n=42) and of ethnographic fieldwork (2003 2005). The fieldwork concentrated on following different types of youth work activities that were targeted at girls with migrant backgrounds. These were organized both by selected municipalities and NGOs. The research shows that various questions related to multicultural issues have enhanced the visibility of gender equality in the field of youth work. The identification of gender-based inequality is especially closely linked to the position of girls from migrant backgrounds. These girls are a source of particular worry and the aim of the many activity groups for migrant girls is to educate them so that they can become equal Finnish citizens . The youth work itself is seen as gender-neutral and equality based. Equality in this context is defined as a purely quantitative concept, and the solution to any possible inequalities is thus the exact same treatment for everyone . The girls themselves seem mainly confused by the role that is offered to them. They would need a voice and the possibility to have an impact on the planning of youth work activities. They want to have their views heard. The role of the victim assigned to them is very confining and makes it difficult to act. At the same time the research shows how gender-sensitive youth work is seen to mean youth work with girls. Gender-sensitive work with boys is not really done or is done very little, even if many of the interviewees are of the opinion that the true materialization of gender equality would require boys to be taken into account too. The principle of gender equality should be shared by the entire youth work profession. Keywords Youth work, equality, multiculturalism, gender sensitivity, agency, girls, young people, sexuality


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The present study focuses on the drug market in Helsinki in the early 2000s, mainly on the dealing in and use of amphetamines, cannabis and the pharmaceutical Subutex. The drug market is usually analysed into upper, middle and lower level markets. These levels are very different in terms of their operating practices, although there may be some mingling. The present study is mainly concerned with drug dealers and users in the lower and middle level markets. Operations also differ depending on whether the dealing involves just one drug or several. Dealing in and using Subutex is a very different business from dealing and using home grown cannabis, for instance: both the customers and the dealers are mostly quite different. The study material was mostly collected through ethnographical field work, including observations and interviews. Interviews with officials and minutes of pre-trial investigations concerning aggravated drug crimes are also included. The study discusses the roles of dealers on the various levels of the drug market in Helsinki and traces activities at various levels. Ethnographical methods are employed to observe day-to-day drug dealing and use and leisure pursuits in private homes and in public premises. The study takes note of the risks inherent in drug dealing and estimates what kind of drug dealers can last the longest on the market without the authorities intervening. At the same time, the study discusses how small groups on the middle and lower levels of the drug market avoid control measures undertaken by the authorities and how the authorities address these groups. Moreover, the study discusses what the drug market is like in prison from the perspective of a drug dealer sent to prison, what their everyday lives are like after release, and how much money dealers on various levels of the drug market make. The study demonstrates that drug dealing in Helsinki, whether we consider the very top or the very bottom of the pyramid, is a far from rational pursuit. The undertakings are not very systematic; they are more a reaction to intoxicant addiction( s) and other problems caused by other dealers, the dealers own actions and the actions of the police. The everyday lives of drug dealers are often chaos only alleviated by drug use in the company of buyers or alone. If a drug dealer uses drugs himself/herself, things become even more complicated and a vicious circle develops. At the same time, everyday life is certainly exciting, and a drug dealer often has a highly eventful if brief life. Drug dealing is a very masculine pursuit, and there is a sort of macho code governing it, although this does not nearly always work as it should. This macho code, typically for illegal activities, involves the threat of violence as a control measure. Hence the untranslatable slang expression Kill the cows : the Finnish word for calf has the slang meaning snitch or police informant . No more cows, no more calves. But informing on others to the authorities is a fact of life in the drug-dealing world. Contributing factors to being reported to the authorities are the dealer s own mistakes and the actions of other dealers and the police. A determined drug dealer will not be deterred from drug dealing by a prison sentence. However, following time in prison only few dealers manage to gain an income from drug dealing commensurate with its risks.


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The present study analyses the memories of watching Finnish television in Estonia during the last decades of the Soviet occupation from the late 1960s until the beginning of 1990s. The study stems from a culturalist approach, perceiving television as a relevant aspect in the audiences’ everyday lives. It explores the significance of Finnish television on the society of occupied Estonia from the point of view of its historical audiences. The literature review concentrates on concepts such as the power of television, transnational media, historical audience reception and memory as an object of research. It also explains the concept of spillover, which refers to the unintentional bilateral flow of television signals from one country to another. Despite the numerous efforts of the Soviet authorities to prevent the viewing of the "bourgeois television", there still remained a small gap in the Iron Curtain. The study describes the phenomenon of watching Finnish television in Estonia. It provides understanding about the significance of watching Finnish television in Soviet Estonia through the experiences of its former audience. In addition, it explores what do people remember about watching Finnish television, and why. The empirical data was acquired from peoples’ personal memories through the analysis of private interviews and written responses during the period from February 2010 to February 2011. A total of 85 responses (5 interviews and 83 written responses) were analysed. The research employed the methods of oral history and memory studies. The main theoretical sources of the study include the works of Mati Graf and Heikki Roiko-Jokela, Hagi Šein, Sonia Livingstone, Janet Staiger and Emily Keightley. The study concludes that besides fulfilling the role of an entertainer and an informer, Finnish television enabled its Estonian audiences to gain entry into the imaginary world. Access to this imaginary world was so important, that the viewers engaged in illegal activities and gained special skills, whereby a phenomenon of "television tourism" developed. Most of the memories about Finnish television are vivid and similar. The latter indicates both the reliability and the collectiveness of such memories, which in return give shape to collective identities. Thus, for the Estonian viewers, the experience of watching Finnish television during the Soviet occupation has became part of their identity.


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kuluttajien näkemyksiä ekotuotteiden valintaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Analysoin ekotuotteiden hankintaa kolmen teeman kautta. Ne ovat vihreys ja vastuullisuus, puhtaus tuotevalinnoissa sekä niin sanottu arjen luksus. Tutkimukseni empiirinen osa koostuu 10 teemahaastattelusta. Tutkimuskohteena on ekokauppa Ruohonjuuressa ostoksiaan tekevät kuluttajat. Haastateltavia etsin ilmoituksella ekokauppa Ruohonjuuresta sekä kaupan Facebook-sivuilta. Lisäksi oma haastattelupäivä Ruohonjuuren myymälässä tuotti haastateltavia mukaan tutkimukseen. Kirjoitin haastatteluista yhteenvedon ja analysoin aineistoa teemoittelun avulla. Nykyiset ympäristöongelmat vaikuttavat siihen, millaisena koemme arjen tulevaisuudessa. Vihreä ja vastuulllinen kuluttaja ottaa huomioon kulutuspäätöksiensä vaikutukset ympäristöön. Vihreät kulutuspäätökset tarkoittavat kestäviä kulutustapoja kuten jätteiden lajittelua, kirpputorikierrättämistä ja ympäristöä säästävien ekotuotteiden valintaa. Aineiston perusteella voi todeta, että ekotuotteiden ympäristömyönteisyyteen liitetään läheisesti luomutuotanto ja luomutuotteet. Ekotuotteet nähdään myös eettisinä ja moraalisina valintoina, joiden avulla halutaan vaikuttaa myös muiden hyvinvointiin. Ekotuotteisiin kohdistuu siten monenlaisia odotuksia, mutta myös epäilyjä. Aineistoni perusteella tuotetta ei välttämättä koettu ekotuotteeksi, jos sen valmistamiseen on käytetty paljon resursseja. Kuluttajat ovat kiinnostuneita ruoan alkuperästä ja sen aitoudesta. Ekotuotteet koetaan muita tuotteita päinvastoin puhtaiksi vaihtoehdoiksi. Puhtaus ekotuotteissa mielletään laadultaan turvallisiksi ja terveellisiksi tuotteiksi, jotka maistuvat hyvältä. Haastatteluaineiston perusteella voi todeta, että ekotuotteet koettiin myös arjen ostosten erikoisuudeksi. Arjen luksus lisää käyttäjälleen mielihyvän elämyksiä. Ekotuotteita ostamalla rakennetaan myös omaa elämäntyyliä ja erottaudutaan muista. Aineiston perusteella ekokauppaan mennään kiertelemään, tekemään heräteostoksia ja etsimään uutuuksia. Shoppailu ekokaupassa voi olla nautinnollista ja miellyttävää toimintaa, vaikka ostamista vain harkitaan. Ekotuote lahjana kertoo lahjan antajasta ja tuo lahjan saajalle palan luksusta vaikkapa luomusuklaan muodossa.


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[EUS] Ipuinak haurren egunerokotasunean erabiliak diren baliabideak dira eta hauen funtzio hezitzailea ukaezina da. Hala ere, genero berdintasunari dagokionez, ipuinek eta bertako irudien funtzioa eztabaidagarri bihurtzen da, tradizionalki genero estereotipoak transmititu dituztela eta genero jendarteratzean duten eragina kontuan izanik. Lan honetan, beraz, gaur eguneko ilustrazioek iruditegi parekideago bat sortzera bidean, genero estereotipoak transmititzen jarraitzen duten eta emakume eta gizonen eredu berriak eta anitzak eskaintzen dituzten aztertu da. Premisa horrekin, ikerketa kualitatibo baten bidez, irudiz hornituriko hiru ipuin aztertu dira. Emaitzak aztertuta, ondorioek, irudietan parekidetasuna sustatzeko aurrerapausoak egin direla argitu dute, oraindik ere zenbait estereotiporen aztarnak nabariak diren arren.


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O tema da sexualidade na região amazônica do Peru tem sido objeto de diversas elaborações discursivas desde os tempos coloniais, destacando-se certas ideias, como intensidade e desordem. Tais concepções sedimentaram-se em representações de ampla difusão e permanência no país, sendo a charapa ardiente, representação hipersexualizada da mulher amazônica, a mais paradigmática. A existência desses discursos e a escassez de literatura acadêmica sobre o tema da sexualidade nesta região motivaram esta pesquisa, que objetivou explorar o lugar da sexualidade na construção de si, entre mulheres da Amazônia urbana do Peru. Para tal foi efetuada uma revisão de fontes secundárias, dirigida a rastrear a origem desta representação e sua recriação, na história do país. A seguir, a partir de informações obtidas em entrevistas em profundidade com mulheres da região investigada, foram exploradas suas opiniões acerca desta representação e a maneira como lidam com ela, em circunstâncias concretas da vida cotidiana. Os relatos evidenciaram tanto processos de negação como de reprodução e resignificação, em um jogo complexo e flexível, que varia de acordo com o contexto em que as mulheres se encontram. Por outro lado, foram apreendidas as trajetórias afetivo-sexuais das informantes, por intermédio de entrevistas em profundidade, a partir de indagações sobre diversos temas, como iniciação sexual, infidelidade feminina, valoração da atividade sexual e trocas econômico-sexuais, entre outros. Foram identificados eixos estruturantes da vida sexual destas mulheres. Destaca-se um discurso relacional, que enaltece a reciprocidade como marco da vida sexual e, em segundo plano, comparece também uma retórica fisicalista, que considera a atividade sexual como necessidade corporal. Por fim, o estudo evidenciou um importante papel da sexualidade como recurso feminino, no plano econômico, em estreita articulação com dimensões afetivas e considerações familiares. Trata-se de trocas econômico-sexuais que integram a dinâmica cotidiana de reciprocidade nos vínculos afetivo-sexuais.


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Esta pesquisa procura trazer para o campo da educação a discussão da divulgação científica, já bastante avançada em outras áreas de conhecimento. A proposta é abordar a temática em questão a partir da análise dos usos‟ de artigos escritos por professores/pesquisadores e publicados no Jornal Eletrônico Educação & Imagem, publicação vinculada ao Laboratório Educação e Imagem (Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação/Faculdade de Educação/Universidade de Estado do Rio de Janeiro), com a finalidade de compartilhar o que vem sendo produzido em pesquisas e práticas curriculares desenvolvidas em torno da relação imagens e educação. Este trabalho está relacionado àqueles que se desenvolvem nos estudos nos/dos/com os cotidianos, o que nos tem permitido compreender as múltiplas redes educativas nas relações conhecimentos e significados tecidas por múltiplos praticantes destas redes. Nos artigos enviados pelos professores ao jornal, observamos que, mesmo seguindo as orientações dos materiais curriculares indicados pelas secretarias, professores e alunos estão em um contexto de experiência curricular cotidiana e os usos que fazem destes materiais de acordo com as suas próprias práticas, que vivenciam dentrofora das escolas, lhes possibilitam que teçam permanentemente os currículos. Em outras palavras, dentro destes espaçostempos há muitos currículos sendo criados. Assim, ao dialogar com os trabalhos de Certeau, Martin-Barbero, Boaventura de Souza Santos, Nestor Canclini, Pierre Lévy e Carlos Vogt esta pesquisa vem pensando as táticas dos usuários de um jornal eletrônico, de professores a pesquisadores, na criação de novos conhecimentos a partir do diálogo mediado por este artefato cultural. Desejo, com a pesquisa desenvolvida, mostrar como cotidiadianamente tem sido tecidas relações entre usuários/professores/pesquisadores por meio do Jornal Eletrônico Educação & Imagem, ultrapassando dessa forma a idéia subjacente à expressão divulgação científica‟, que sugere uma unitelaridade e/ou, no mínimo, uma segregação entre cientistas e todo o resto (CERTEAU, 1994). Ao fazerem usos‟ diversos e imprevisíveis dessa mídia, esses usuários/professores/pesquisadores põem os conhecimentos produzidos para circular, possibilitando apropriações, ressignificações e criação de outros conhecimentos em/nas redes. Por isto, consideramos que é mais aplicável à área o termo circulação científica. Com isso, queremos indicar que o desenvolvimento de pesquisas com os cotidianos exige contatos constantes e de diversas ordens entre universidades e escolas para a compreensão dos múltiplos currículos existentes nas práticas das tantas escolas dos diversos sistemas educativos.


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É nas grandes cidades que a temática da qualidade de vida vem sendo posta em voga na última década, especialmente, como cita Freitas (1996, p.4), pela busca por melhores condições de vida, face à gama de sintomas de falência do projeto moderno de cidade tentado desde o século XIX; a violência, a poluição, o stress angustiam o homem e o obrigam a tribalizar, inclusive sob o aspecto espacial, seu quotidiano. Para entender de que maneira os meios de comunicação abordam este tema, especialmente o veículo revista, foi traçado um estudo sobre a representação da qualidade de vida na revista Vida Simples, da editora Abril, produzida nas matérias da seção Comer. Tal publicação foi eleita pela pluralidade de informações que adentram as pautas sobre saúde, emoções, bem-estar, afetividade, sentidos, sociabilidade e destacam o caráter simbólico de uma vida harmoniosa, afetando o comportamento dos citadinos no contexto da existência turbulenta das metrópoles. Para compor o referencial foram considerados teóricos do campo da Representação Social, Comunicação e Consumo. Além de oferecerem subsídios para refletir sobre os produtos da Indústria Cultural, o conjunto de representações que constroem o imaginário urbano e o consumo de conceitos e produtos, as ideias apresentadas no universo da qualidade de vida também colaboram para compor as categorias elaboradas para a análise de conteúdo das matérias selecionadas. Para entender de que maneira a revista aborda esse tipo de consumo e também quais são as representações produzidas sobre a qualidade de vida, foram analisadas 6 edições da Revista Vida Simples, de janeiro a junho de 2010


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A cibercultura é a cultura contemporânea estruturada pelos usos sociotécnicos e culturais das mídias digitais em rede. Suas dimensões vêm afetando diretamente os cotidianos no ciberespaço e nas cidades. Neste contexto, esta dissertação buscou compreender como os professores vêm utilizando as mídias digitais em rede. Constamos a emergência e a interconexão de práticas, narrativas e aprendizagens mediadas na e pela cibercultura. Para tanto, dialogamos com as abordagens da pesquisa-formação multirreferencial (Ardoino, Macedo e Santos) e com as pesquisas nos/dos e com os cotidianos (Certeau, Alves, Oliveira). Utilizamos uma bricolagem de dispositivos baseada em conversas presenciais e online (ambiente Moodle, via metodologia WebQuest interativa) no contexto formativo da disciplina "Informática na Educação" do EDAI - Curso de Especialização em Educação com Aplicação da Informática - da Faculdade de Educação da UERJ. Além do ambiente Moodle dialogamos com os praticantes via imersão nas mídias e redes sociais da internet (Orkut, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger). Para enunciar tais práticas recorremos, além dos estudos das abordagens multirreferencial e dos cotidianos, aos estudos da cibercultura (Levy, Castells, Lemos , Santaella, Santos, Silva) e da educação online (Santos, Silva). Analisando os rastros das itinerâncias e narrativas dos praticantes, chegamos aos seguintes achados: a) o digital em rede potencializa e faz emergir outros espaçostempos de aprendizagem e formação, proporcionando fazeressaberesfazeres autorais e colaborativos; b) as redes educativas são tecidas dentrofora do ciberespaço, das escolas e de outros espaços multirreferenciais; c) precisamos repensar os currículos em tempo de cibercultura, articulando propostas de formação na escola, na universidade e no ciberespaço.


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A história do fado começa no século XIX e está entrelaçada por diversas teorias sobre suas origens, as quais continuam sendo debatidas até hoje. Inserido a Lista Representativa do Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial da Humanidade pela Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (UNESCO) em 2011, o fado é considerado como o principal símbolo musical de Portugal, presente na vida quotidiana social e cultural de muitos portugueses, tendo superado fronteiras geográficas, sociais, culturais, políticas e econômicas. Considera-se neste trabalho a importância do Império Português e de suas colônias, como Moçambique, Angola, Brasil e Goa, como contributos para o início do processo da disseminação do fado pelo mundo, levando para os territórios ultramarinos fragmentos da cultura portuguesa a partir do século XV, bem como o desenvolvimento do capitalismo e a fluidificação das fronteiras que, através da mídia, globalizaram o fado, mundializando-o, e catalisando nele o processo de mestiçagem entre as músicas das mais diferentes classificações (VALENTE, 2007:94), e, a influência dos fadistas, que com o surgimento das novas formas de comunicação possibilitaram a sua interação com outras culturas e, consequentemente, com outras canções. Destaca-se em sua trajetória a transformação de música exclusivamente consumida pelos transgressores da lei e da moral à música representativa da cultura de um país, deixando para trás as casas de má fama do século XIX e ganhando espaço pelos palcos do mundo no século XXI. A indústria fonográfica e também o rádio constituem ferramentas que colaboraram para o desenvolvimento do fado. O objetivo desta dissertação é observar o fado na atualidade, recuperando sua história desde as origens no século XIX. Para isso identifica e localiza as diversas transformações ao longo do tempo e personagens que se destacaram durante este percurso, mostrando como as tradições são reinventadas pelas novas gerações que, em vários momentos, são responsáveis pelo zelo e, muitas vezes, pela reinvenção do fado como herança cultural. Nesta análise a globalização da cultura é considerada como um poder redefinidor do significado de uma tradição. Alguns fadistas serão os pontos de referência desta pesquisa, representativos de uma linha do tempo que se distribui em 200 anos de história. As letras de fado percorrerão esta pesquisa com o intuito de ilustrar os pontos abordados. Como pesquisa cartográfica apoiada no modelo dos rizomas proposto por Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari (2000), pretende-se analisar a história contemporânea do fado, tendo como marco temporal a Revolução dos Cravos decorrida em 25 de abril de 1974.


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No atual cenário sóciotécnico, com a expansão das tecnologias digitais em rede, novos espaçostempos culturais estão se formando. A cibercultura tem possibilitado, e potencializado, lógicas outras de valorização e participação dos indivíduos que, agora podem, sobretudo, produzir conteúdos e informações. Neste contexto, os surdos estão se apropriando e habitando os diferentes ambientes da internet. Mesmo nos espaços que não tenham sido pensados e preparados para o acesso dos internautas surdos, eles estão lançando mão de suas táticas de praticantes e estão se autorizando nas redes. Isso tem favorecido a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência nas mais diversas áreas, dentre elas, a educação superior. Em consonância com os princípios da educação inclusiva, a legislação brasileira assegura o direito dos estudantes surdos de receber instrução em sua primeira língua, e prevê que sejam garantidas as condições adequadas de ensino, inclusive no ensino superior, presencial ou à distância. Considerando a diversidade dentrofora da escola, e tendo em vista que o acesso à educação, informação e comunicação é um direito inerente a todos; abordamos em nossa pesquisa os aspectos legais, tecnológicos e pedagógicos envolvidos em nossa busca por garantir acessibilidade à educação superior online para um estudante surdo. Tendo como pressupostos a abordagem multirreferencial (Ardoino), da pesquisa-formação (Macedo, Santos, Josso) e as pesquisas nos/dos/com os cotidianos (Certeau, Alves, Oliveira), nossa pesquisa aborda os princípios de acessibilidade e usabilidade na web (Ferreira e Nunes), bem como nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Acompanhamos, ao longo de dois semestres letivos, um estudante surdo, e com baixa visão, matriculado no curso de Pedagogia à Distância da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), em parceria com o Consórcio Cederj. Nossa pesquisa procurou responder, dentre outras questões: Como tornar acessível, para os surdos, um curso de graduação à distância? Quais são as adaptações que o Cederj já garante aos estudantes surdos? Quais são as adaptações necessárias para se promover a inclusão efetiva das pessoas surdas nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, ultrapassando a mera tradução de materiais didáticos e promovendo Educação online? Como resultados, apresentamos os principais obstáculos à efetiva inclusão desse estudante; suas táticas e usos para transpor as barreiras encontradas; além de sugestões de interfaces online, conteúdos e situações de aprendizagem para desenho didático acessíveis nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem.