907 resultados para evaluation process


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With the rapid growth of the Internet and digital communications, the volume of sensitive electronic transactions being transferred and stored over and on insecure media has increased dramatically in recent years. The growing demand for cryptographic systems to secure this data, across a multitude of platforms, ranging from large servers to small mobile devices and smart cards, has necessitated research into low cost, flexible and secure solutions. As constraints on architectures such as area, speed and power become key factors in choosing a cryptosystem, methods for speeding up the development and evaluation process are necessary. This thesis investigates flexible hardware architectures for the main components of a cryptographic system. Dedicated hardware accelerators can provide significant performance improvements when compared to implementations on general purpose processors. Each of the designs proposed are analysed in terms of speed, area, power, energy and efficiency. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are chosen as the development platform due to their fast development time and reconfigurable nature. Firstly, a reconfigurable architecture for performing elliptic curve point scalar multiplication on an FPGA is presented. Elliptic curve cryptography is one such method to secure data, offering similar security levels to traditional systems, such as RSA, but with smaller key sizes, translating into lower memory and bandwidth requirements. The architecture is implemented using different underlying algorithms and coordinates for dedicated Double-and-Add algorithms, twisted Edwards algorithms and SPA secure algorithms, and its power consumption and energy on an FPGA measured. Hardware implementation results for these new algorithms are compared against their software counterparts and the best choices for minimum area-time and area-energy circuits are then identified and examined for larger key and field sizes. Secondly, implementation methods for another component of a cryptographic system, namely hash functions, developed in the recently concluded SHA-3 hash competition are presented. Various designs from the three rounds of the NIST run competition are implemented on FPGA along with an interface to allow fair comparison of the different hash functions when operating in a standardised and constrained environment. Different methods of implementation for the designs and their subsequent performance is examined in terms of throughput, area and energy costs using various constraint metrics. Comparing many different implementation methods and algorithms is nontrivial. Another aim of this thesis is the development of generic interfaces used both to reduce implementation and test time and also to enable fair baseline comparisons of different algorithms when operating in a standardised and constrained environment. Finally, a hardware-software co-design cryptographic architecture is presented. This architecture is capable of supporting multiple types of cryptographic algorithms and is described through an application for performing public key cryptography, namely the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). This architecture makes use of the elliptic curve architecture and the hash functions described previously. These components, along with a random number generator, provide hardware acceleration for a Microblaze based cryptographic system. The trade-off in terms of performance for flexibility is discussed using dedicated software, and hardware-software co-design implementations of the elliptic curve point scalar multiplication block. Results are then presented in terms of the overall cryptographic system.


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Externalizing behavior problems of 124 adolescents were assessed across Grades 7-11. In Grade 9, participants were also assessed across social-cognitive domains after imagining themselves as the object of provocations portrayed in six videotaped vignettes. Participants responded to vignette-based questions representing multiple processes of the response decision step of social information processing. Phase 1 of our investigation supported a two-factor model of the response evaluation process of response decision (response valuation and outcome expectancy). Phase 2 showed significant relations between the set of these response decision processes, as well as response selection, measured in Grade 9 and (a) externalizing behavior in Grade 9 and (b) externalizing behavior in Grades 10-11, even after controlling externalizing behavior in Grades 7-8. These findings suggest that on-line behavioral judgments about aggression play a crucial role in the maintenance and growth of aggressive response tendencies in adolescence.


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Life around the Turbines is an outreach project developed by the Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) funded by COWRIE (Collaborative Offshore Wind Research into the Environment). The project was designed to promote the need for renewable energy, raise awareness of marine biodiversity and generate discussions about offshore wind farms particularly with school children around Great Britain. The project has run from 2008 – 2014 and has involved workshops with schools all around Great Britain; production of online resources and a series of training events and tools for marine educators. All of the resources and workshops were developed to correlate with the national curricula for England, Scotland and Wales and cover a range of topics including science, citizenship and technology. Combining charismatic marine wildlife with technology and interactive, hands-on workshop activities has proved a successful and popular combination, received well by students and teachers. We present the methods of engagement used and some of the information received through a basic activity evaluation process. We will also share information about how conference participants can obtain and utilise free resources to support their own outreach and teaching at www.mba.ac.uk/education.


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Improving European education and training system quality has been set as a key target in Europe’s strategy to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy by 2020 (European Commission, 2010). These objectives are more specifically defined in the so called Modernisation Agenda (European Commission, 2011). More specifically it sets a goal to improve the quality and relevance of higher education. In this process external evaluation and
Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu University of Information Technology,
Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R. China, June 8-11, 2015.
self-assessment are seen in a key role! In the CDIO approach the 12 CDIO standards provide a framework for continuous improvement. Each institution/institutional department are encouraged to regularly do the self-evaluation using the CDIO Standards. Eight European universities identified a need for further enhancement of the self-evaluations and creation of processes with peers to reduce the inertia of heavy accreditations/evaluations in HEIs. In September 2014 these universities started an Erasmus+ project (QAEMarketPlace4HEI) aiming at
1. Developing a collaborative, comprehensive and accessible evaluation process model, methods and tools for HEIs to complement the accreditation systems.
2. Promoting, increasing and exploiting further the European collaboration in the evaluation processes and the exchange of best practices.
3. Disseminating the model, best practices and widen the cooperation to new HEIs in Europe through the partner networks.


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A preocupação com a qualidade do ensino online tem vindo a aumentar, emconsequência da expansão de cursos na Internet que, frequentemente, possuem um fraco ou nulo interesse de aprendizagem. Com o desígnio demudar o rumo é necessário avaliar para que se tome consciência dos errosque se cometem e das verdadeiras potencialidades deste modelo de ensino. O intuito desta dissertação foi elaborar uma avaliação da parte curricular doMestrado em Multimédia em Educação 2002/2004, que decorreu naUniversidade de Aveiro e, com suporte nesse trabalho, propor um referencial para a avaliação de acções de pós-graduação que utilizem um modelo de ensino baseado em tecnologias eLearning. A avaliação do presente Mestrado surge da necessidade de aferir qual o realimpacto do modelo de ensino utilizado, pois pela primeira vez em Portugal foi leccionado um curso de pós-graduação com base em suportes tecnológicos, que permitiam, aos alunos e professores, a construção de conhecimento sema necessidade permanente da presença física numa sala de aula. Para possibilitar esta avaliação foi necessário construir um referencial contendo aspectos que influenciaram no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. O estudo foi efectuado tendo em conta a percepção dos intervenientes, que foirecolhida através de questionários, e da análise dos registos da plataforma,que suportou, em termos tecnológicos, a maioria das comunicações viaInternet. Para avaliar é fundamental saber o que se pretende analisar, por conseguinteao longo deste projecto foi elaborado um referencial que suporta todo oprocesso de avaliação. As suas categorias são as seguintes: perfil dos alunos, modelo de aprendizagem, atitudes dos intervenientes, pedagogia, tecnologia, aspectos logísticos e apreciação global. Para especificar cada categoria foram delineadas algumas dimensões,que, por sua vez, foram mensuradas a partir de um conjunto de indicadores. Esta dissertação tem a pretensão de oferecer uma ferramenta avaliativa para todos aqueles que de alguma forma interfiram no processo de ensino online, possibilitando a tomada de consciência dos aspectos críticos que devem ser ponderados em toda a acção educativa. ABSTRACT: The concern with the quality of education online has come to increase, inconsequence of the expansion of courses in the Internet that, frequently, possess a weak or null interest of learning. With the design to change the pathit is necessary to evaluate so that if it takes conscience of the errors that ifcommit and the true potentialities of this model of education. The intentionof this dissertation was to elaborate an evaluation of curricularpart of the Master’s in Multimedia in Education 2002/2004, that it elapsed in the University of Aveiro and, with base in this work, to consider a referential for theevaluation of after-graduation eventsthat use a model of education based on technologies eLearning. The evaluation of the Master’s appears of the necessity to survey which the real impact of the model of used education, therefore in Portugal a after-graduation course was teach for the first time on the basis of technological supports, that the student and teachers allowed to the construction ofknowledge without the permanent necessity of the physical presence in aclassroom. To make possible this evaluation was necessary to construct a referential contend aspects that had influenced in the teaching/apprenticeship process. The study it was realize having in account the perception of the intervenient,that it was collected through questionnaire, and the analysis of the registers of the platform,that it supported, in technological terms, the majority of thecommunications trough Internet. To evaluate it is basic to know what if it intends to analyze, therefore to long ofthis project was elaborated a referential that supports the evaluation process all. Its categories are the following ones: profile of the students, attitudes ofintervenient, model of learning, pedagogy, technology, logistic aspects, and global appreciation. To specify each category some dimensions had been delineated, which,for its time, had been observed from a set of indicators. This dissertation has the pretension to offer to a tool for all those that of someform intervene with the education process online, making possible the taking of conscience of the critical aspects that must be weighed in the entire educativeevents.


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A introdução de novas exigências na Avaliação do Desempenho Docente (ADD) em Portugal (Decretos-Lei 15/2007 e 75/2010; Decretos Regulamentares 2/2008 e 2/2010) tem gerado nas escolas e nos professores, desde 2008, situações organizacionais complexas, que urge analisar e compreender. As políticas educativas têm vindo a apontar para a necessidade de um maior investimento nos processos de avaliação de professores, dando relevância ao papel a desempenhar pela supervisão pedagógica nesse contexto. A supervisão da prática letiva passou a ser considerada procedimento fundamental, na medida em que se tornou difícil conceber uma avaliação dos docentes que não incluísse sessões de observação em sala de aula. Fruto destas novas políticas de avaliação de professores, a ADD apresentou-se, do ponto de vista normativo, com base em duas funções: sumativa e formativa. Estas funções exigem maiores investimentos, novas práticas e uma reflexão sobre o papel do professor ancorada numa perspetiva holística, transformadora e emancipatória do seu desenvolvimento profissional. O principal objetivo do nosso estudo consiste em compreender as perceções e práticas desenvolvidas pelos docentes face às alterações introduzidas no sistema da ADD no geral, e, em particular, o papel desempenhado pela supervisão pedagógica (SP) na avaliação entre pares, no segundo ciclo avaliativo (2009-2011). A investigação empírica tem por base um estudo de caso desenvolvido num Agrupamento de escolas do Distrito de Aveiro. A recolha de dados foi concretizada através da administração de um questionário a todos os docentes do Agrupamento e da condução de entrevistas a 26 informadores privilegiados do processo avaliativo. Os principais resultados do estudo de caso apontam para: i) a opinião desfavorável dos professores face ao atual modelo de ADD, dada a sua natureza burocrática, complexa, injusta e a sua escassa utilidade prática, preenchendo apenas requisitos legais e de controlo; ii) um processo de SP, concretamente, a observação de aulas, que não contribui para o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores e tem impacte negativo no trabalho docente, acentuando a artificialidade dos procedimentos e aumentando o clima de competição e de conflito; iii) a sensação de desconforto entre os intervenientes, fazendo emergir sentimentos de injustiça, insegurança e ansiedade que, em seu entender, constituem constrangimentos à melhoria das aprendizagens dos alunos e à qualidade da escola; iv) uma escassa implicação na melhoria das práticas futuras e do desenvolvimento profissional dos docentes. Estes resultados constituem um desafio colocado aos investigadores no sentido de identificarem alternativas de ação para poderem lidar com a complexidade inerente ao processo de avaliação na sua relação com a supervisão pedagógica, com vista à melhoria de desempenho das escolas e dos professores.


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The increasing complexity of the Information Society and the Bologna Declaration in the European context has led Higher Education (HE) institutions to revise their curricula courses, as far as the adoption of new strategies for teaching and learning as well as evaluation are concerned. It can also be emphasized that there has been a growing use of eLearning and of blended learning (bLearning) in HE, since these modes of training seem to be a very convenient option for lifelong learning. In this context, quality is taken as an essential goal in the development of the European Space for Education and Training, where HE institutions compete among themselves, and where evaluation is determinant as a promoter of this quality. Considering the problems summarized above, the research developed, based on four published scientific papers, intended to answer a set of research questions related to evaluation of bLearning contexts in HE. The study used diverse techniques and instruments (questionnaires, document analysis, and observation mediated technologies) spanning two methodological approaches: i) study of descriptive and exploratory nature and ii) case studies of bLearning modules. In the first approach an evaluation model for bLearning courses was developed, where we collected and analyzed, at a national level, the opinions of teachers with bLearning experience about the model dimensions. The case studies presented are post graduation curricular units, where bLearning teaching, learning and evaluation strategies were explored and evaluated, namely peer assessment. The main contributions of the first approach are: the process of questioning around the evaluation of bLearning courses, namely the quality assurance criteria for bLearning, as well as the model developed, providing a framework of theoretical, methodological and empirical elements that can be adapted in similar contexts. From the case studies emerged: the developed evaluation guidelines and the data collection instruments, in order to disseminate evaluation “best practices” that may be useful for other units in similar contexts. Regarding the recommendations about the evaluation of teaching of bLearning courses we emphasize: the use of versatile evaluation objects; the evaluation throughout the process and not just at the end; and the involvement of multiple evaluators, including students (whose feedback is essential to monitor the quality of teaching and learning). From the case studies we highlight: the need for discussion of evaluation frameworks to explore, and consequent increase in the transparency of the evaluation process; the increased interaction between groups; and the peer assessment as a strategy to promote active and autonomous learning. In addition to the contributions and recommendations for practice and research in the area of evaluation in bLearning contexts in HE, listed above, it also emerged from this study useful guidelines regarding educational evaluation in bLearning contexts, in order to improve the quality of teaching, learning and evaluation in such contexts.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Avaliação em Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Avaliação em Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialização em Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialização Supervisão em Educação


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Supervisão em Educação