998 resultados para Polymérisation en émulsion


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Enantiospecific synthesis of thaps-8-en-5-ol, comprising of the carbon framework of a small group of sesquiterpenes containing three contiguous quaternary carbon atoms has been described. (R)-Carvone has been employed as the chiral starting material and a combination of intramolecular alkyation and Criegec fragmentation have been employed for intramolecular stereospecific transfer of the chirality. An intramolecular diazoketone cyclopropanation and regioselective cyclopropane ring cleavage reactions have been employed for the creation of the three requisite contiguous quaternary carbon atoms.


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Aujourd'hui, techniques et technologies interagissent avec le corps humain et donnent aux personnes la possibilité de reconstruire leur corps, mais aussi de l'améliorer et de l'augmenter. L'hybridation est un processus technologique visant à compenser les défaillances humaines. L'augmentation de la puissance d'être est exaltée (santé, sexualité, performance, jeunesse), pourtant son accès n'est pas pour tous. Ce livre propose de démêler les différentes représentations du corps hybride et les projets qui les sous-tendent.


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Your money or your life? A qualitative follow-up study of the young unemployed from an actor perspective is a qualitative and longitudinal study following 36 unemployed young people in Helsinki over a span of ten years. The purpose of the study is to shed light on how a few young people view employment/unemployment and their lives and future, how they as unemployed perceive their encounters with society, and how society supports them. Four so-called key informants were followed at a finer level of empirical detail. They were chosen for the thematic interviews because of their different personalities, starting points and preferences. Although some differences were expected, what the results show is quite striking. The individual stories raise a number of questions about differences between young people, about society s view of the young unemployed, and about the principles behind the so-called activation policy and how society s support is distributed. The key informants descriptions underline that the group young unemployed does not consist of individuals who are alike but that life is complex, that paid work and unemployment can be perceived very differently, and that background and unofficial support can have consequences for self-perception and for ways of looking at the future, vocational choices, paid work and activation policy. Margaret S. Archer s theory of Morphogenesis and Barbara Cruikshank s theory of constructing democracies compose the study s theoretical framework. The key informants stories give a picture of a formal support system that, even though it puts part of the responsibility for unemployment on the individuals themselves, in the name of fairness and equality, treats them in an impersonal way, not giving their personal situation and wishes much weight. As a consequence, those who share the dominant values of society do well, while others who do not are faced with difficulties. The bigger the gap between society s and the individual s values, the bigger the risk to be met by little understanding and by penalties. And vice versa: Those who initially have the right values and know how to deal with authorities get heard and their opinions get accepted. The informants ask for a more personal encounter, which could improve both the atmosphere and the clients experiences of being heard. Still the risk of having a more individualistic system should be addressed, as a new system might generate new winners, but just as well give new losers. Finally, we have to ask if the so-called activation policy is looking for answers primarily to a macro-level problem on the micro-level. If it does not produce more jobs, its support for the unemployed will be insignificant. It is not enough to think about what to do at the grassroots level to make the system more functional and support job-seeking. If the current rate of unemployment endures, the quality of life of the unemployed should be addressed. A first step could be taken by placing less guilt on the unemployed. Instead of talking about activating the unemployed, discussion should be targeted at removing structural impediments to employment. If we want to have less polarisation between the those with paid work and those without, who often struggle with low incomes, we need to include the macro-level in the discussion. What does high unemployment mean in a work-based society, where the individual s self-perception and important social forms of support are linked to labour income? And what can be done at the macro-level to change this undesirable condition at the micro-level? Keywords: Unemployment, Youth, Public interventions, Activation policy, Individual actors, Qualitative, Longitudinal, Holistic, Helsinki, Finland


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Oil droplets are dispersed in water by an anionic urfactant to form an emulsion. The lubricity of this emulsion in steel/steel interaction is explored in a ball on flat nanotribometer. The droplet size and charge are measured using dynamic light scattering, while the substrate charge density is estimated using the pH titration method. These data are combined to calculate the DLVO forces for the droplets generated for a range of surfactant concentration and two oil to water volume ratios. The droplets have a clear bi-modal size distribution. The study shows that the smaller droplets which experience weak repulsion are situated (at the highest DLVO barrier) much closer to the substrate than thebigger droplets, which experience the same DLVO force, are. We suggest that the smaller droplets thus play a more important role in lubricity than what the bigger droplets do. The largest volume of such small droplets occurs in the 0.5 mM-1 mM range of surfactant concentration and 1% oil to water volume ratio, where the coefficient of friction is also observed to be the least. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The thesis The portrait interview as a newspaper genre. A qualitative close reading focussing on topical motifs, conventions of narration, and gender defines the portrait interview as a newspaper genre and analyses how the personalities in the portraits are constructed textually. The main body of material consists of 107 portrait interviews in two morning newspapers, Dagens Nyheter (published in Stockholm, Sweden) and Hufvudstadsbladet (published in Swedish in Helsinki, Finland), during two one-week periods (week 46/1999 and week 38/2002). There is also complementary material of 59 portraits from four magazines. The study is carried out within the research traditions of journalistic genre studies, gender and journalism, and critical text analysis. It is comprised of a qualitative close reading focussing on content (topical motifs or themes), conventions of narration, and gender. The methods used to carry out the study are qualitative close reading and quantitative content analysis. The analysis identifies the stylistic elements that differentiate the portrait genre from other journalistic genres, as well as from the autobiographical genre, and explores what opportunities and limitations these elements present for the inclusion of even more women protagonists in the portrait genre. The portrait interview is an exception from the critical mission of journalism in general, with its position as a genre of politeness. Since a typical characteristic of the portrait interview genre is that it pays tribute to the protagonist, the genre reveals the kind of personalities and lives that are seen as admirable in society. Four levels of portrait interview are defined: the prototype portrait, the pure portrait, the hybrid portrait and the marginal portrait. The prototype is a raw version of a portrait that fulfils the criteria but may be lacking in content and stylistics. The pure portrait does not lack these qualities and resembles an ideal portrait. The hybrid is a borderline case which relates to another genre or is a mixture between the portrait and some other genre, most commonly the news genre. The marginal portrait does not fulfil the criteria, and can therefore be seen as an inadequate portrait. For example, obituaries and caricatures are excluded if the protagonist s voice is never quoted. The analysis resulted in three factors that in part help to explain why the portrait interview genre has somewhat more female protagonists than journalistic news texts do in general. The four main reasons why women are presented somewhat more in the portrait genre than in other journalistic genres are: (i) women are shown as exceptions to the female norm when, for example, taking a typical male job or managing in positions where there are few women; (ii) women are shown as representing female themes ; (iii) use of the double bind as a story-generating factor; and (iv) the intimisation of journalism. The double bind usually builds up the narration on female ambiguity in the contradiction between private and public life, for example family and career, personal desire and work. The intimisation of journalism and the double bind give women protagonists somewhat more publicity also because of the tendency of portrait interviews to create conflicts within the protagonist, as an exception to journalism in general where conflicts are created or seen as existing between, for example, persons, groupings or parties. Women protagonists and their lives create an optimal narration of inner conflicts originating in the double bind as men are usually not seen as suffering from these conflicts. The analysis also resulted in gendered portrait norms: The feminine portrait norm and the masculine portrait norm or more concretely, professional life and family life as expectation and exception. Women are expected to be responsible parents and mediocre professionals, while men are expected to be professionals and in their free time engaging fathers. Key words: journalism, genre, portrait interview, gender, interview, newspaper, women s magazine.


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The aim of this licentiate thesis is to analyse how femininity is constructed in twelve portrait interviews of women in the dailies Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm) and Hufvudstadsbladet (Helsinki) in September 1996, and to explore the portrait interview as a media genre. The qualitative analysis has a feminist and constructionist perspective and is connected to critical text analysis. It was carried out on two levels: first, femininity is identified on the linguistic level by choice of words, and second on the level of content (topical motifs/themes). The portrait interview as a genre constitutes a third dimension in the analysis: The aim is not towards the identification of femininity, but rather towards the identification of the portrait interview a relatively unexplored media genre. References (Swedish: omtal) to the principal character (or protagonist) are traced mainly through reference chains which consist of names, pronouns and substantive phrases. The interviewees were referred to by their full names in Dagens Nyheter (with the exception of the oldest and youngest interviewees, both of whom were mainly referred to by their first names), while the style of reference varied more in Hufvudstadsbladet. The position of the principal character was also analysed through her relation in the text to minor characters from her working life and from her private life. These minor characters maintained their subordinate positions in all of the portraits except that of the youngest principal character, in which the subsidiary voices became at least as strong as the voice of the principal character. Three frequently-recurring topical motifs occurred in the portraits: The first involved explanations for the principal character s success divided into three categories, agent, affect and ambition, the second concerned using journeys or trips as symbols for turning points in life, and the third referred to the ambiguity in the contradiction between private (family/other private life) and public (work) life. This ambiguity is connected to the portrait interview as a text type (genre) which features conclusions at the end of portraits, which in turn is characteristic of reportage. However, the analysis showed that the conclusions of the portrait interviews often also included elements of ambiguity. This was evident in the contradictions be14 tween private and public life that arose in the portrait interviews that focused on these two spheres. The portraits that focused on the principal character s public life showed ambiguity on a more general level concerning questions about being a woman and having a profession, and they often ended with a description of some details of her private life. The women in the portraits were all constructed as being successful, in terms of having achieved direct success, reflective success or success in the form of life wisdom. The women of direct success were described as ambitious individuals with no sidetracks on their life paths, while those of reflective success were described as active heroines who had received help from different agents, who could use their affects as enriching ingredients in life, but who in the end had control over their own lives (life stories). The elderly women were constructed as having achieved life wisdom and their portraits were focused upon the past. The portrait interview as a genre is characterised by journalistic freedom (in relation to the more strict news genre), by a now room (Swedish nurum ) where the journalist meets the principal character (usually via spoken dialogue that she or he transforms into written text to be read by a mass-media audience) and by the relatively closed structure of the portrait. The portrait is relatively independent in relation to the news genre and in relation to the context of what has previously been written, what is being written at the time and what will be written in the future the principal character does not need to belong to the newspaper s usual gallery of actors. Furthermore, the principal character is constructed as being independent in relation to the subsidiary characters and other media actors. The conflict is within the principal character herself and within her life story, unlike the news genre in which equal actors are in conflict with each other. The portrait is also independent in relation to the news lifespan; the publishing timetable is not as strict as in the news genre, but is still dependent on the factors initiating the portrait. The enclosures consist of a raw analysis of two of twelve portrait interviews and of copies of all portraits.


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Abstract (Creating a whole from fragments. On the translation of cohesive elements in Sjón's Steelnight): In this paper, I discuss the Swedish translation of the Icelandic writer Sjón’s debut novel Steelnight: a story (in Swedish Stålnatt – en berättelse). Steelnight is a fragmented novel which is located at the border between poetry and prose. At the beginning of the story, the writer introduces two main plots (with subplots). At first glance, it may seem as though the plots do not share much in common. However, a closer analysis of the text reveals that there are striking parallels between the plots which are created partly by the writer’s use of cohesive elements. Thus, despite the fragmented style, the writer creates cohesion in the text by using stylistic means such as repetition of certain nouns and adjectives and by a frequent use of personal and demonstrative pronouns. This use of cohesive elements creates a challenge for the translator.


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The conformation about the ethene bond [1.316 (3) angstrom] in the title compound, C25H18BrNO, is E. The quinoline ring forms dihedral angles of 67.21 (10) and 71.68 (10)degrees with the benzene and bromo-substituted benzene rings, respectively. High-lighting the non-planar arrangement of aromatic rings, the dihedral angle formed between the benzene rings is 58.57 (12)degrees.


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This work analyses texts on indigenous women´s participation in the Mexican Zapatista Army, Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. The EZLN came to public attention after ten years of clandestine organization in 1994 in Chiapas, a southern state of Mexico neighboring Guatemala. Along the invasion of various municipalities in Chiapas, the Zapatista Army published their own Revolutionary Laws, directed to the Mexican government that included a section on women´s own laws. The indigenous women´s participation in a guerrilla movement in the economically poorest area of Mexico raised many questions among Mexican feminists and some of them fiercely criticized the laws for not being liberating or feminist at all. The question is, did the indigenous women want the laws to be feminist? To answer the main research question How is the position of women constructed in the Zapatista discourse? I analyze texts by various actors in the discourse within the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis and the feminist theories of intersectionality. The connecting point in this interdisciplinary framework is the question of power and hegemony. The actors in the discourse are the women commanders themselves, the men commanders, the Zapatista spokesperson, subcomandante Marcos and the Mexican feminists. The texts analyzed are the letters of the EZLN to the media and discourses in public reunions, first published in Mexican newspapers and international discussion lists on the Internet and after 2005, on the Zapatista´s own webpage. The results show that instead of discussing whether the Zapatista women´s participation is feminist or not, the action itself provoked such wide discussion of the diversity within the feminist movement that it is a contribution itself. The work also shows that the use of language can be one tool in the quite recent paradigm of intersectionality in feminist theories.


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Les participes présents apparaissent, entre autres, dans des constructions à prédication seconde détachées : (1) Intervenant hier soir à Ankara, […], Vladimir Poutine s’est risqué à […]. (Le Figaro 7.12.2004 : 4) Même si les gérondifs, formes adverbiales du verbe (« converbes », cf. Haspelmath & König 1995), n’ont pas d’incidence nominale, contrairement aux participes présents, formes adjectivales du verbe, et ne sont donc pas toujours comptés parmi les constructions à prédication seconde (p.ex. Neveu 1998), les deux ont des emplois assez proches : dans des énoncés du type (2a-b), le participe adjoint peut être paraphrasé par un gérondif, même si son statut fonctionnel n’est pas le même (Halmøy, 2003 : 156-157) : (2a) Arrivant à Paris, Emile a proposé à Léa de [...]. (2b) En arrivant à Paris, Emile a proposé à Léa de[...]. (Halmøy, 2003 : 157) Le finnois ne connaît ni ce genre de constructions détachés ni de forme appelée ‘gérondif’, et les deux participes présents finnois (actif et passif) ne correspondent jamais à un participe présent détaché français : en plus de subordonnées, on trouve à leur place le deuxième infinitif, soit à l’inessif, soit à l’instructif, formes nominales qu’on trouve également dans la traduction des gérondifs : (3a) […] ? me demanda-t-elle sèchement en me montrant l’une des lignes incriminées. (Nothomb, p. 62) […] : hän kysyi minulta kuivakkaasti näyttäen erästä Unajin moittimaa riviä. (Suni, p. 4) (3b) L’espace d’un instant, il sourit, croyant que […] je m’étais trompée de commodités. (Nothomb, p. 138-139) Hetken hän hymyili luullen, että minä […] olin erehtynyt mukavuuslaitoksesta. (Suni, p. 94) : Dans cette communication, nous examinerons quatre traductions littéraires en nous demandant dans quels cas et de quelle manière la différence entre le participe et le gérondif a éventuellement été prise en considération.


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Pro gradu-tutkimukseni käsittelee niin sanottuja julkkisehdokkaita ja heidän representaatiotaan mediassa 1990-luvun eduskuntavaalien aikaan. Nyky-yhteiskunnassa julkkisehdokkaat näyttäytyvät itsestään selvänä ilmiönä, jonka alkuperälle ei juuri uhrata ajatuksia. Ilmiön taustalla on poliittisen kulttuurin muuttuminen yhä viihteellisemmäksi ja henkilökeskeisemmäksi. Poliitikot käyttäytyvät kuin julkisuuden henkilöt ja samalla julkisuuden henkilöt ovat pyrkineet poliitikoiksi. Lisäksi suomalaisessa vaalijärjestelmässä ei käytetä niin sanottuja listavaaleja, vaan äänestetään yksittäisiä ehdokkaita. Niinpä vaaleissa päähuomio kiinnittyy ehdokkaiden henkilökohtaisiin ominaisuuksiin ja yksilöiden välisiin kamppailuihin. Näissä olosuhteissa julkkisehdokkaat ovat potentiaalinen keino saavuttaa lisää näkyvyyttä ja herättää myös politiikasta vähän kiinnostuneiden äänestäjien mielenkiinto. Tutkimukseni ajallinen viitekehys on 1990-luku, sillä halusin selvittää mitkä ovat julkkisehdokasilmiön juuret ja miten ilmiö on kehittynyt. Oman tutkimukseni valossa vuoden 1991 eduskuntavaalit olivat julkkisehdokkaiden läpimurto. Keskeinen hypoteesini on, että media ei anna julkkisehdokkailla tasavertaisia mahdollisuuksia muiden ehdokkaiden kanssa esiintyä vakavasti otettavina ja ”oikeina” poliittisina ehdokkaina. Media puhuu julkkisehdokkaista alentuvasti ja asenteellisesti sekä heidän poliittisia kykyjään epäillen. Tämän asenteellisuuden tutkimiseksi tarkastelin kuutta valtakunnallista sanomalehteä (Helsingin Sanomat, Iltalehti, Ilta-Sanomat, Demari, Nykypäivä ja Suomenmaa) kolmien eduskuntavaalien ajalta. Tarkoituksena oli saada selville onko olemassa jonkinlainen hegemoninen julkkisehdokasdiskurssi, jonka seurauksena kaikista julkkisehdokkaista puhutaan samalla tavalla alentuvasti. Ilmiön taustoitukseksi selvitin julkisuuden teoriaa, politiikan ja viihdeteollisuuden suhdetta, parasosiaalisia suhteita sekä julkkisehdokkaiden historiaa. Hegemonisen diskurssin piirteitä tutkin puolestaan kriittisen diskurssianalyysin keinoin. Aluksi tarkastelin millaisia representaatioita, identiteettejä ja suhteita diskurssissa luodaan. Tämän jälkeen tutkin diskurssin ideologisuutta ja hegemonisuutta. Julkkisehdokasdiskurssi näyttäytyi 1990-luvun sanomalehdissä vaihtoehdottomana ja sen sosiaalinen alkuperä pimittyi vuosikymmenen kuluessa. Näin ollen diskurssi hegemonisoitui ja 2000-luvulle tultaessa siitä on muodostunut hyvin itsestään selvä puhetapa, jota ei kyseenalaisteta. Julkkisehdokkaita paheksutaan yleisesti, vaikka puolueet saavat julkkisehdokkaiden kautta näkyvyyttä, media myy heidän avullaan tuotteitaan ja äänestäjät saavat eduskuntaan tuoreita ja ”ryvettymättömiä” kansanedustajia. Pro gradu -tutkimukseni tekee hegemonisen julkkisehdokasdiskurssin näkyväksi, mutta vain media kykenee haastamaan vallitsevan


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The work is the most extensive encyclopedic compilation on Mexican music published to the date, in the form of a dictionary. It includes composer's bios, list of works, musical institutions, instruments, performers, theatres, and many other categories about the music of Mexico. Most of entries include bibliography.


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I boken behandlas nya kommunikationstekniker och olika marknadsföringsmetoder som har uppkommit till följd av den tekniska utvecklingen. Marknadsföring via de nya kommunikationskanalerna har givit upphov till vissa olägenheter för mottagarna. Olägenheterna som mottagarna förorsakas vid marknadsföring via de nya teknikerna kan delas in i tre kategorier; 1) meddelandet förorsakar kostnader för mottagaren, 2) meddelandet hindrar mottagaren samt 3) meddelandet upplevs vara påträngande och utgöra ett intrång i mottagarens privatliv. Under de senaste åren har det förekommit hektiska lagstiftningsåtgärder på många håll i världen. Såväl enskilda stater, nationella myndigheter samt internationella organisationer har utarbetat regler om marknadsföring via de nya teknikerna. En av kärnfrågorna i regleringen är huruvida man skall ha ett system med ”opt-in” eller ”opt-out”. En opt-in-lösning innebär att marknadsföraren måste inhämta mottagarens samtycke på förhand, medan en opt-out-lösning innebär att det är tillåtet att sända marknadsföring om inte mottagaren motsatt sig detta. Enligt gällande lagstiftning faller marknadsföring via följande tre tekniker under opt-in: automatiserade uppringningssystem, telefax samt e-post. Det huvudsakliga syftet med avhandlingen är att utreda om nuvarande opt-in-lista är tillräckligt omfattande med beaktande av de olägenheter som marknadsföring via de nya teknikerna förorsakar, eller om den bör utvidgas. I genomgången av marknadsföring via nya tekniker har marknadsföring via bl.a. följande tekniker undersökts: Internet (www-sidor), reklamfönster, reklambanner, e-post, mobiltelefon, telefax, bloggar, RSS, Instant Messaging samt Internettelefoni. Vid sidan av nya tekniker har även vissa ”traditionella” marknadsföringsmetoder undersökts, i syfte att utreda huruvida även de bör falla in under en opt-in-lösning. De traditionella marknadsföringsmetoder som ingår i avhandlingen är hemförsäljning, telemarketing, TV- och radioreklam samt adresserad och oadresserad direktreklam. En annan central del i avhandlingen är frågan hur påföljdssystemet vid överträdelser av opt-in-bestämmelserna bör utformas. Hur skall de enskilda mottagarna få ersättning för de kostnader de åsamkats av marknadsföringen? Är det dags att införa straffskadestånd i Finland? Hög tid att även Finland får grupptalan? Kan tvisterna avgöras virtuellt via domstolar on-line eller ODR?


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Det tysta kunnandet utgör en stor del av kunskapsresursen både hos oss som individer och i arbetsorganisationerna. Trots att vi omger oss med böcker, manualer och databaser, som alla är exempel på explicit kunskap, så är det ”den rätta känslan”, erfarenheten och våra färdigheter som avgör om och hur vi klarar av våra uppgifter. Dessa begrepp är alla relaterade till den tysta dimensionen av kunskap. En dimension som traditionellt karaktäriserats som abstrakt, individuell, omedveten, praktisk, erfarenhetsbaserad och framför allt svår att uttrycka. Alla dessa är karaktärsdrag som ställt speciella krav inom kunskapsforskning och -ledning. Resultatet av detta är att både forskning och ledning av det tysta kunnandet har åsidosatts till förmån för forskning och ledning av explicit kunskap. Ett bidragande problem har varit bristen på lämpliga metoder för att ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv studera och leda tyst kunnande. Ett annat problem har varit oklarhet i begreppet tyst kunskap. Detta har lett till brist på förståelse och/eller missförstånd. För att råda bot på svårigheten att uttrycka vårt tysta kunnande har människan utvecklat olika begrepp som i vår vardagskommunikation symboliserar tyst kunnande. Begrepp som intuition, människokännedom, förhandlingsförmåga och kultur används vanligt och med dem uttrycker vi den tysta dimensionen av kunnande. Dessa begrepp utgör även grunden för den intervjumetod som utvecklats för att empiriskt studera eller i ledningssyfte kartlägga tyst kunnande. Metoden använder dessa ”Epitet för Tyst Kunskap” (ETK) som bas för stimuluskort-intervjuer. Intervjuer som visat sig öka möjligheten att utforska och kartlägga tyst kunnande i organisationer oberoende av om man är forskare eller företagsledare.