973 resultados para Mathematics. Trigonometric Functions. Geogebra


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B.M. Brown, M. Marletta, S. Naboko, I. Wood: Boundary triplets and M-functions for non-selfadjoint operators, with applications to elliptic PDEs and block operator matrices, J. London Math. Soc., June 2008; 77: 700-718. The full text of this article will be made available in this repository in June 2009 Sponsorship: EPSRC,INTAS


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Gohm, Rolf; Dey, S., 'Characteristic function for ergodic tuples', Integral Equations and Operator Theory 58(1) pp.43-63 RAE2008


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Li, Xing; Habbal, S.R., (2005) 'Hybrid simulation of ion cyclotron resonance in the solar wind: evolution of velocity distribution functions', Journal of Geophysical Research 110(A10) pp.A10109 RAE2008


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In this paper we discuss the relationship and characterization of stochastic comparability, duality, and Feller–Reuter–Riley transition functions which are closely linked with each other for continuous time Markov chains. A necessary and sufficient condition for two Feller minimal transition functions to be stochastically comparable is given in terms of their density q-matrices only. Moreover, a necessary and sufficient condition under which a transition function is a dual for some stochastically monotone q-function is given in terms of, again, its density q-matrix. Finally, for a class of q-matrices, the necessary and sufficient condition for a transition function to be a Feller–Reuter–Riley transition function is also given.


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Given M(r; f) =maxjzj=r (jf(z)j) , curves belonging to the set of points M = fz : jf(z)j = M(jzj; f)g were de�ned by Hardy to be maximum curves. Clunie asked the question as to whether the set M could also contain isolated points. This paper shows that maximum curves consist of analytic arcs and determines a necessary condition for such curves to intersect. Given two entire functions f1(z) and f2(z), if the maximum curve of f1(z) is the real axis, conditions are found so that the real axis is also a maximum curve for the product function f1(z)f2(z). By means of these results an entire function of in�nite order is constructed for which the set M has an in�nite number of isolated points. A polynomial is also constructed with an isolated point.


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A Feller–Reuter–Riley function is a Markov transition function whose corresponding semigroup maps the set of the real-valued continuous functions vanishing at infinity into itself. The aim of this paper is to investigate applications of such functions in the dual problem, Markov branching processes, and the Williams-matrix. The remarkable property of a Feller–Reuter–Riley function is that it is a Feller minimal transition function with a stable q-matrix. By using this property we are able to prove that, in the theory of branching processes, the branching property is equivalent to the requirement that the corresponding transition function satisfies the Kolmogorov forward equations associated with a stable q-matrix. It follows that the probabilistic definition and the analytic definition for Markov branching processes are actually equivalent. Also, by using this property, together with the Resolvent Decomposition Theorem, a simple analytical proof of the Williams' existence theorem with respect to the Williams-matrix is obtained. The close link between the dual problem and the Feller–Reuter–Riley transition functions is revealed. It enables us to prove that a dual transition function must satisfy the Kolmogorov forward equations. A necessary and sufficient condition for a dual transition function satisfying the Kolmogorov backward equations is also provided.


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By revealing close links among strong ergodicity, monotone, and the Feller–Reuter–Riley (FRR) transition functions, we prove that a monotone ergodic transition function is strongly ergodic if and only if it is not FRR. An easy to check criterion for a Feller minimal monotone chain to be strongly ergodic is then obtained. We further prove that a non-minimal ergodic monotone chain is always strongly ergodic. The applications of our results are illustrated using birth-and-death processes and branching processes.


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This paper surveys the recent progresses made in the field of unstable denumerable Markov processes. Emphases are laid upon methodology and applications. The important tools of Feller transition functions and Resolvent Decomposition Theorems are highlighted. Their applications particularly in unstable denumerable Markov processes with a single instantaneous state and Markov branching processes are illustrated.


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A wiki, GeoGebra, and a screencasting service were combined to support the online mathematical collaboration of a Grade 10 class. This poster describes the tools employed and the steps taken to develop the skills and attitudes required for this blended learning experience.


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The study of alternative combination rules in DS theory when evidence is in conflict has emerged again recently as an interesting topic, especially in data/information fusion applications. These studies have mainly focused on investigating which alternative would be appropriate for which conflicting situation, under the assumption that a conflict is identified. The issue of detection (or identification) of conflict among evidence has been ignored. In this paper, we formally define when two basic belief assignments are in conflict. This definition deploys quantitative measures of both the mass of the combined belief assigned to the emptyset before normalization and the distance between betting commitments of beliefs.We argue that only when both measures are high, it is safe to say the evidence is in conflict. This definition can be served as a prerequisite for selecting appropriate combination rules.