827 resultados para (Serious) Games


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Exergames are digital games with a physical exertion component. Exergames can help motivate fitness in people not inclined toward exercise. However, players of exergames sometimes over-exert, risking adverse health effects. These players must be told to slow down, but doing so may distract them from gameplay and diminish their desire to keep exercising. In this thesis we apply the concept of nudges—indirect suggestions that gently push people toward a desired behaviour—to keeping exergame players from over-exerting. We describe the effective use of nudges through a set of four design principles: natural integration, comprehension, progression, and multiple channels. We describe two exergames modified to use nudges to persuade players to slow down, and describe the studies evaluating the use of nudges in these games. PlaneGame shows that nudges can be as effective as an explicit textual display to control player over-exertion. Gekku Race demonstrates that nudges are not necessarily effective when players have a strong incentive to over-exert. However, Gekku Race also shows that, even in high-energy games, the power of nudges can be maintained by adding negative consequences to the nudges. We use the term "shove" to describe a nudge using negative consequences to increase its pressure. We were concerned that making players slow down would damage their immersion—the feeling of being engaged with a game. However, testing showed no loss of immersion through the use of nudges to reduce exertion. Players reported that the nudges and shoves motivated them to slow down when they were over-exerting, and fit naturally into the games.


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The use of digital games and gamification has demonstrable potential to improve many aspects of how businesses provide training to staff, operate, and communicate with consumers. However, a need still exists for the benefits and potential of adopting games and gamification be effectively communicated to decision-makers across sectors. This article provides a structured review of existing literature on the use of games in the business sector, seeking to consolidate findings to address research questions regarding their perception, proven efficacy, and identify key areas for future work. The findings consolidate evidence showing serious games can have a positive and valuable impact in multiple areas of a business, including training, decision-support, and consumer outreach. They also highlight the challenges and pitfalls of applying serious games and gamification principles within a business context, and discuss the implications of development and evaluation methodologies on the success of a game-based solution.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2013


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2016


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En un mundo dominado por las nuevas tecnologías, donde en cada casa podemos encontrar más dispositivos tecnológicos que personas, seguimos teniendo un sistema educativo basado en libros de texto, cuaderno y bolígrafo. Esto, combinado con una generación de estudiantes considerados como nativos digitales (Prensky, 2010), está haciendo que los resultados académicos sean cada vez peores, aumentando el fracaso escolar (Fernández Pérez, 1986). Sin embargo, dada la aparición de los llamados videojuegos educativos, o "serious games", y la digitalización de las aulas, se ha demostrado que aprender jugando no sólo es más divertido, sino que además es más efectivo (Wong et al., 2007). Pero, cuando un centro educativo decide invertir dinero en traer nuevas tecnologías a las aulas, surge la siguiente pregunta: ¿en qué tipo de dispositivo debo invertir? Hasta la aparición de las tablets, esta pregunta tenía una clara respuesta, ordenadores. Pero con la llegada de éstas, la respuesta no está tan clara. ¿Qué dispositivo funciona mejor en las aulas? Otro ámbito que pierde adeptos entre los más jóvenes con la llegada de tanta tecnología a los hogares, es el mundo del teatro. Cada vez son menos los jóvenes interesados en acudir al teatro, convirtiendo a éste en un espectáculo de minorías. Una vez más los videojuegos educativos pueden ser una solución, como se demuestra en la tesis doctoral de Borja Manero (Manero, Torrente, Serrano, Martínez-Ortiz, & Fernández-Manjón, 2015). Esto llamó la atención del Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico (CNTC), queriendo realizar más videojuegos educativos que ayuden a incrementar el interés de los más jóvenes por el teatro. Por lo tanto, tenemos dos retos por delante: el principal es encontrar el mejor dispositivo para aplicar estos videojuegos educativos. Esto nos lleva a un segundo objetivo. Desarrollar el videojuego que servirá como herramienta para el desarrollo del experimento. Desarrollamos un videojuego educativo, basado en la obra de teatro “La Cortesía de España”, representada por la CNTC. Se realizaron varios procesos de adaptación para transformar una obra de teatro clásico en un videojuego divertido y útil para la investigación. Utilizando este videojuego como herramienta educativa, realizamos un experimento en el colegio de la Comunidad de Madrid Benito Pérez Galdós(Móstoles), proporcionándonos más de 150 alumnos, de entre 9 y 11 años, para participar en el mismo. Este experimento tiene como fin demostrar qué dispositivo funciona mejor con esta generación: los dispositivos móviles (tablets) o dispositivos fijos (ordenadores). Aunque previamente los investigadores sospechaban que el resultado del experimento sería claramente a favor de las tablets, por su cercanía con los jóvenes a los que estaba dirigido, los resultados arrojan otra conclusión completamente distinta. Efectivamente los más jóvenes utilizan más las tablets que los ordenadores para jugar, pero, analizados los resultados, son los ordenadores los que mejor funcionan como herramienta de aprendizaje.


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Los videojuegos educativos, también conocidos como juegos serios, son una herramienta educacional muy poderosa, cuya utilización no está muy extendida en la educación. Estos Serious Games son costosos de producir, y son muy dependientes de los cambios tecnológicos, tanto en el Software como en el Hardware. Por ejemplo, multitud de Serious Games estaban producidos en Adobe Flash o Java, y hoy en día no pueden ser ejecutados en algunos de los dispositivos más nuevos. Uno de los pioneros de los videojuegos serios "Science Pirates: The Curse of Brownbeard", actualmente no está disponible porque no ha sido adaptado a los nuevos sistemas operativos. Por lo tanto, el ciclo de vida de los juegos serios debe ser simpli- ficado para hacerlos una herramienta de confianza. En el equipo de desarrollo e-UCM se ha creado una herramienta de autoría de juegos serios basada en Java llamada eAdventure, así como multitud de juegos serios en colaboración con multitud de instituciones. Para lidiar con los problemas anteriormente identificados, y simplificar el proceso de creación y mantenimiento de juegos serios, y reutilizando la experiencia previa, se ha creado uAdventure. Este proyecto es un editor e intérprete construido sobre Unity3D, que permite la creación de videojuegos educativos sin requisitos de conocimientos de programación. Como uAdventure está construido sobre Unity3D, permite la exportación de videojuegos, de forma sencilla para múltiples plataformas, y los hace más resistentes a los cambios tecnológicos. A lo largo de esta memoria, se explica el proceso de generación del intérprete de videojuegos, así como la integración con el editor desarrollado por Piotr Marszal, en el que se realizan aportaciones, generando editores. Además, para realizar una labor de innovación, y dar soporte a los juegos cuyos desarrolladores no puedan invertir tiempo en transformar sus videojuegos al nuevo sistema de uAdventure, se ha desarrollado un emulador independiente capaz de importar y ejecutar juegos producidos con eAdventure en cualquier plataforma. Finalmente, para dar soporte y mejorar la parte de evaluación de los alumnos, se ha integrado RAGE en la infraestructura del proyecto, permitiendo el acceso a herramientas de Learning Analitics.


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A Perturbação da Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção (PHDA) é uma perturbação que afeta cerca de 5% das crianças a nível mundial. O seu tratamento baseia-se na medicação e exercícios comportamentais para a criança, os quais podem acarretar efeitos secundários indesejados ou ser demasiado exigentes, respetivamente. Neste contexto, o objetivo do trabalho abordado neste documento foi o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de apoio à terapia da PHDA, incluindo o desenvolvimento de serious games para crianças com idades entre os 6 e os 12 anos baseados em exercícios comportamentais, com uma abordagem mais lúdica, no intuito de aumentar o fator motivação na execução dos exercícios. A plataforma foi designada não para substituir a terapia tradicional, mas sim complementá-la, permitindo a um clínico manter os seus utentes sobre supervisão entre consultas de rotina. Desta forma, é pretendido a elaboração de um estudo sobre a fiabilidade dos serious games como forma de providenciar aos utentes um melhor controlo sobre os seus sintomas, não recorrendo apenas à terapia tradicional. Os primeiros resultados, obtidos com uma pequena amostra, demonstram uma melhora significativa nas competências das crianças e evidenciam a eficácia e robustez da plataforma em si.


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A Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção (PHDA) é distúrbio do comportamento que afeta entre 5 a 7% das crianças a nível global. De forma a combater os sintomas da PHDA, muitas são sujeitas a medicação e a terapia comportamental. Este trabalho insere-se no Projeto TherapyForAll®© que se foca no desenvolvimento de serious games jogos que poderão complementar o tratamento da PHDA pela via comportamental. É necessário recolher uma quantidade muito significativa de dados durante a execução dos jogos de forma a retirar conclusões sobre a evolução dos sintomas. O âmbito da dissertação recai sobre o tratamento dos dados obtidos das sessões e a sua apresentação ao profissional de saúde responsável para que ele possa rapidamente perceber o estado da criança, a sua evolução e com isso dar o apoio necessário.


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Eschewing costly high-tech approaches, this paper looks at the experience of using low-tech approaches to game design assignments as problem based learning and assessment tool over a number of years in undergraduate teaching. General game design concepts are discussed, along with learning outcomes and assessment rubrics in line with Blooms Taxonomy based on evidence from students who had no prior experience of serious game play or design. Approaches to creating game design based assessments are offered.


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Exergames are digital games with a physical exertion component. Exergames can help motivate fitness in people not inclined toward exercise. However, players of exergames sometimes over-exert, risking adverse health effects. These players must be told to slow down, but doing so may distract them from gameplay and diminish their desire to keep exercising. In this thesis we apply the concept of nudges—indirect suggestions that gently push people toward a desired behaviour—to keeping exergame players from over-exerting. We describe the effective use of nudges through a set of four design principles: natural integration, comprehension, progression, and multiple channels. We describe two exergames modified to use nudges to persuade players to slow down, and describe the studies evaluating the use of nudges in these games. PlaneGame shows that nudges can be as effective as an explicit textual display to control player over-exertion. Gekku Race demonstrates that nudges are not necessarily effective when players have a strong incentive to over-exert. However, Gekku Race also shows that, even in high-energy games, the power of nudges can be maintained by adding negative consequences to the nudges. We use the term "shove" to describe a nudge using negative consequences to increase its pressure. We were concerned that making players slow down would damage their immersion—the feeling of being engaged with a game. However, testing showed no loss of immersion through the use of nudges to reduce exertion. Players reported that the nudges and shoves motivated them to slow down when they were over-exerting, and fit naturally into the games.


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Computer games have now been around for over three decades and the term serious games has been attributed to the use of computer games that are thought to have educational value. Game-based learning (GBL) has been applied in a number of different fields such as medicine, languages and software engineering. Furthermore, serious games can be a very effective as an instructional tool and can assist learning by providing an alternative way of presenting instructions and content on a supplementary level, and can promote student motivation and interest in subject matter resulting in enhanced learning effectiveness. REVLAW (Real and Virtual Reality Law) is a research project that the departments of Law and Computer Science of Westminster University have proposed as a new framework in which law students can explore a real case scenario using Virtual Reality (VR) technology to discover important pieces of evidence from a real-given scenario and make up their mind over the crime case if this is a murder or not. REVLAW integrates the immersion into VR as the perception of being physically present in a non-physical world. The paper presents the prototype framework and the mechanics used to make students focus on the crime case and make the best use of this immersive learning approach.


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The hypothesis that the same educational objective, raised as cooperative or collaborative learning in university teaching does not affect students’ perceptions of the learning model, leads this study. It analyses the reflections of two students groups of engineering that shared the same educational goals implemented through two different methodological active learning strategies: Simulation as cooperative learning strategy and Problem-based Learning as a collaborative one. The different number of participants per group (eighty-five and sixty-five, respectively) as well as the use of two active learning strategies, either collaborative or cooperative, did not show differences in the results from a qualitative perspective.


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The Semantic Annotation component is a software application that provides support for automated text classification, a process grounded in a cohesion-centered representation of discourse that facilitates topic extraction. The component enables the semantic meta-annotation of text resources, including automated classification, thus facilitating information retrieval within the RAGE ecosystem. It is available in the ReaderBench framework (http://readerbench.com/) which integrates advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. The component makes use of Cohesion Network Analysis (CNA) in order to ensure an in-depth representation of discourse, useful for mining keywords and performing automated text categorization. Our component automatically classifies documents into the categories provided by the ACM Computing Classification System (http://dl.acm.org/ccs_flat.cfm), but also into the categories from a high level serious games categorization provisionally developed by RAGE. English and French languages are already covered by the provided web service, whereas the entire framework can be extended in order to support additional languages.


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Software assets are key output of the RAGE project and they can be used by applied game developers to enhance the pedagogical and educational value of their games. These software assets cover a broad spectrum of functionalities – from player analytics including emotion detection to intelligent adaptation and social gamification. In order to facilitate integration and interoperability, all of these assets adhere to a common model, which describes their properties through a set of metadata. In this paper the RAGE asset model and asset metadata model is presented, capturing the detail of assets and their potential usage within three distinct dimensions – technological, gaming and pedagogical. The paper highlights key issues and challenges in constructing the RAGE asset and asset metadata model and details the process and design of a flexible metadata editor that facilitates both adaptation and improvement of the asset metadata model.


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Different types of serious games have been used in elucidating computer science areas such as computer games, mobile games, Lego-based games, virtual worlds and webbased games. Different evaluation techniques have been conducted like questionnaires, interviews, discussions and tests. Simulation have been widely used in computer science as a motivational and interactive learning tool. This paper aims to evaluate the possibility of successful implementation of simulation in computer programming modules. A framework is proposed to measure the impact of serious games on enhancing students understanding of key computer science concepts. Experiments will be held on the EEECS of Queen’s University Belfast students to test the framework and attain results.