992 resultados para nucleation, recrystallization


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The size and shape evolution of self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) influenced by 2.0 ML InAs seed layer has been systematically investigated for 2.0, 2.5, and 2.9 ML deposition on GaAs(100) substrate. Based on comparisons with the formation of large incoherent InAs islands on single-layer samples at late growth stage, the larger coherent InAs quantum dots at 2.9 ML deposition has been observed on the second InAs layer. A simple model analysis accounting for the surface strain distribution influenced by buried islands gives a stronger increment of critical QD diameter for dislocation nucleation on the second layer in comparison with the single-layer samples. Additionally, the inhibition of dislocation nucleation in InGaAs/GaAs large islands can also be explained by our theoretical results. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)08922-2].


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InAs self-organized quantum dots (QDs) grown on annealed low-temperature GaAs (LT-GaAs) epi-layers and on normal temperature GaAs buffer layers have been compared by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. TEM evidences that self-organized QDs were formed with a smaller size and larger density than that on normal GaAs buffer layers. It is discussed that local tensile surface strain regions that are preferred sites for InAs islands nucleation are increased in the case of the LT-GaAs buffer layers due to exhibiting As precipitates. The PL spectra show a blue-shifted peak energy with narrower linewidth revealing the improvement of optical properties of the QDs grown on LT-GaAs epi-layers. It suggests us a new way to improve the uniformity and change the energy band structure of the InAs self-organized QDs by carefully controlling the surface stress states of the LT-GaAs buffers on which the QDs are formed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We observe "ghost" islands formed on terraces during homoepitaxial nucleation of GaN. We attribute the ghost islands to intermediate nucleation states, which can be driven into "normal" islands by scanning tunneling microscopy. The formation of ghost islands is related to excess Ga atoms on the surface. The excess Ga also affect island number density: by increasing Ga coverage, the island density first decreases, reaching a minimum at about 1 monolayer (ML) Ga and then increases rapidly for coverages above 1 ML. This nonmonotonic behavior points to a surfactant effect of the Ga atoms.


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We report on the photoluminescence in directly Si- and Be-doped self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs). When the doping level is low, a decrease in linewidth is observed. However, it will decrease the uniformity and photoluminescence peak intensity of QDs when the doping level is high. We relate this phenomenon to a model that takes the Si or Be atoms as the nucleation centers for the formation of QDs. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the growth of GaN buffers by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on GaAs (100) substrates. Atomic force microscope (AFM) and reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) were employed to study the dependence of the nucleation on the growth temperature, growth rate, annealing effect, and growth time. A two-step growth sequence must be used to optimize and control the nucleation and the subsequent growth independently. The size and distribution of islands and the thickness of buffer layers have a crucial role on the quality of GaN layers. Based on the experimental results, a model was given to interpret the formation of hexagonal-phase GaN in the cubic-phase GaN layers. Using an optimum buffer layer, the strong near-band emission of cubic GaN with full-width at half maximum (FWHM) value as small as 5.6 nm was observed at room temperature. The background carrier concentration was estimated to be in the range of 10(13) similar to 10(14) cm(-3).


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Low-temperature photoluminescence studies have been performed on Si-doped and Be-doped self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) samples to investigate the effect of doping. When Si or Be is doped into the sample, a remarkable decrease in line-width is observed. We relate this phenomenon to a model that takes the Si or Be atoms as the nucleation centers for the formation of QDs. When Si or Be is doped, more small uniform quantum dots are formed. The result will be of significance for the application of self-organized InAs quantum dots in semiconductor devices.


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In situ ultra high vacuum scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and low-temperature :photoluminescence (PL) studies have been performed on Si-doped self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots samples to investigate the Si doping effects. Remarkably, when Si is doped in the sample, according to the SPM images, more small dots are formed when compared with images from undoped samples. On the PL spectra, high-energy band tail which correspond to the small dots appear, with increasing doping concentration, the integral intensity of the high-energy band tail account for the whole peak increase too. We relate this phenomenon to a model that takes the Si atom as the nucleation center for QDs formation. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structural characteristics of gallium nitride (GaN) films grown on sapphire(0001) substrates by gas source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE) have been investigated using high-resolution synchrotron irradiation X-ray diffraction and cathodoluminescence with a variable energy electron beam. Besides the well-known GaN hexagonal structure, a small portion of cubic phase GaN was observed. The X-ray measurements provide an essential means for the structural identification of the GaN layers. Arising from the variable penetration depth of the electron beam in the cathodoluminescence measurements, it was found that the fraction of the GaN cubic-phase typically increased as the probing depth was increased. The results suggest that the GaN cubic phase is mostly located near the interface between the substrate and GaN layer due to the initial nucleation.


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Surface morphology evolution of strained InAs/GaAs(331)A films was systematically investigated in this paper. Under As-rich conditions, InAs elongated islands aligned along [1 (1) over bar0] are formed at a substrate temperature of 510 degrees C. We explained it as a result of the anisotropic diffusion of adatoms. Under In-rich conditions, striking change has occurred with respect to the surface morphology of the InAs layers. Instead of anisotropic InAs elongated islands, unique island-pit pairs randomly distributed on the whole surface were observed. Using cooperative nucleation mechanisms proposed by Jesson et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1330 (1996)], we interpret the resulting surface morphology evolution.


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A novel technique of manufacturing Al0.3Ga0.7As pyramids by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) for scanning probe microscopy (SPM) sensors is reported Four meticulously designed conditions-partial oxidation, deficient solute, air quenching and germanium doping result in defect-free homogeneous nucleation and subsequent pyramid formation. Micrometer-sized frustums and pyramids are detected by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The sharp end of the microtip has a radius of curvature smaller than 50 nm. It is believed that such accomplishments would contribute not only to crystal growth theory, but also to miniature fabrication technology.


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Novel hydrogen dilution profiling (HDP) technique was developed to improve the uniformity in the growth direction of mu c-Si:H thin films prepared by hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD). It was found that the high H dilution ratio reduces the incubation layer from 30 nm to less than 10 nm. A proper design of hydrogen dilution profiling improves the uniformity of crystalline content, X-c, in the growth direction and restrains the formation of micro-voids as well. As a result the compactness of mu c-Si:H films with a high crystalline content is enhanced and the stability of mu c-Si:H thin film against the oxygen diffusion is much improved. Meanwhile the HDP mu c-Si:H films exhibit the low defect states. The high nucleation density from high hydrogen dilution at early stage is a critical parameter to improve the quality of mu c-Si:H films. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiopliene):poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) films have been electrochemically polymerized in situ on ITO glass substrate in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate electrolyte (BFEE). Cyclic voltammograms show good redox activity and stability of the PEDOT films. These films had been directly used to fabricate organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells with the structure of ITO/PEDOT/ZnO:MDMC-PPV/Al. The solar cells made of electrochemically polymerized films exhibit higher energy conversion efficiencies compared with that prepared by the spin-coating method, and the highest value is 0.33%. This in-situ electropolymerized method effectively simplifies fabricating procedures and may blaze a facile and economical route for producing high-efficiency solar cells.


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ZnTe thin films have been grown on GaAs(0 0 1) substrates at different temperatures with constant Zn and Te beam equivalent pressures (BEPs) by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). In situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) observation indicates that two-dimensional (2D) growth mode can be established after around one-minute three-dimensional (3D) nucleation by increasing the substrate temperature to 340 degrees C. We found that Zn desorption from the ZnTe surface is much greater than that of Te at higher temperatures, and estimated the Zn sticking coefficient by the evolution of growth rate. The Zn sticking coefficient decreases from 0.93 to 0.58 as the temperature is elevated from 320 to 400 degrees C. The ZnTe epilayer grown at 360 degrees C displays the narrowest full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 660 arcsec from (0 0 4) reflection in double-crystal X-ray rocking curve (DCXRC) measurements. The surface morphology of ZnTe epilayers is strongly dependent on the substrate temperature, and the root-mean-square (RMS) roughness diminishes drastically with the increase in temperature.


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The acid-base stabilities of Al-13 and Al-30 in polyaluminum coagulants during aging and after dosing into water were studied systematically using batch and flow-through acid-base titration experiments. The acid decomposition rates of both Al-13 and Al-30 increase rapidly with the decrease in solution pH. The acid decompositions of Al-13 and Al-30 with respect to H+ concentration are composed of two parallel first-order and second-order reactions, and the reaction orders are 1.169 and 1.005, respectively. The acid decomposition rates of Al-13 and Al-30 increase slightly when the temperature increases from 20 to ca. 35 A degrees C, but decrease when the temperature increases further. Al-30 is more stable than Al-13 in acidic solution, and the stability difference increases as the pH decreases. Al-30 is more possible to become the dominant species in polyaluminum coagulants than Al-13. The acid catalyzed decomposition and followed by recrystallization to form bayerite is one of the main processes that are responsible for the decrease of Al-13 and Al-30 in polyaluminum coagulants during storage. The deprotonation and polymerization of Al-13 and Al-30 depend on solution pH. The hydrolysis products are positively charged, and consist mainly of repeated Al-13 and Al-30 units rather than amorphous Al(OH)(3) precipitates. Al-30 is less stable than Al-13 upon alkaline hydrolysis. Al-13 is stable at pH < 5.9, while Al-30 lose one proton at the pH 4.6-5.75. Al-13 and Al-30 lose respective 5 and 10 protons and form [Al-13] (n) and [Al-30] (n) clusters within the pH region of 5.9-6.25 and 5.75-6.65, respectively. This indicates that Al-30 is easier to aggregate than Al-13 at the acidic side, but [Al-13] (n) is much easier to convert to Alsol-gel than [Al-30] (n) . Al-30 possesses better characteristics than Al-13 when used as coagulant because the hydrolysis products of Al-30 possess higher charges than that of Al-13, and [Al-30] (n) clusters exist within a wider pH range.


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The not only lower but also uniform MEMS chip temperatures can he reached by selecting suitable boiling number range that ensures the nucleate boiling heat transfer. In this article, boiling heat transfer experiments in 10 silicon triangular microchannels with the hydraulic diameter of 55.4 mu m were performed using acetone as the working fluid, having the inlet liquid temperatures of 24-40 degrees C, mass fluxes of 96-360 kg/m(2)s, heat fluxes of 140-420 kW/m(2), and exit vapor mass qualities of 0.28-0.70. The above data range correspond to the boiling number from 1.574 x 10(-3) to 3.219 x 10(-3) and ensure the perfect nucleate boiling heat transfer region, providing a very uniform chip temperature distribution in both streamline and transverse directions. The boiling heat transfer coefficients determined by the infrared radiator image system were found to he dependent on the heat Axes only, not dependent on the mass Axes and the vapor mass qualities covering the above data range. The high-speed flow visualization shows that the periodic flow patterns take place inside the microchannel in the time scale of milliseconds, consisting of liquid refilling stage, bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence stage, and transient liquid film evaporation stage in a full cycle. The paired or triplet bubble nucleation sites can occur in the microchannel corners anywhere along the flow direction, accounting for the nucleate boiling heat transfer mode. The periodic boiling process is similar to a series of bubble nucleation, growth, and departure followed by the liquid refilling in a single cavity for the pool boiling situation. The chip temperature difference across the whole two-phase area is found to he small in a couple of degrees, providing a better thermal management scheme for the high heat flux electronic components. Chen's [11 widely accepted correlation for macrochannels and Bao et al.'s [21 correlation obtained in a copper capillary tube with the inside diameter of 1.95 mm using R11 and HCFC123 as working fluids can predict the present experimental data with accepted accuracy. Other correlations fail to predict the correct heat transfer coefficient trends. New heat transfer correlations are also recommended.