879 resultados para Cibola, Seven Cities of.
调查分析了延安宝塔区和安塞县 7个乡镇近三年来的粮食生产 ,肥料投入以及各土地类型的土壤肥力状况 ,表明 :投入的化肥中 ,氮肥以低浓度养分的碳铵为主 ,平均占肥料总量的 38.3% ,从施入土壤的 N、P、K养分来看 ,K比例很小 ,结构不合理。土壤肥力总体水平低 ,且不同土地类型差异大 ;由于各乡镇自然和经济状况的差异 ,土地投入量不同 ,从而导致粮食产量相差悬殊 ,并且年际波动大。提高土地生产力的有效途径是培肥土壤和大力推广农作物高产栽培技术
在分析延安市宝塔区、安塞县南部 7乡镇的沟壑密度、布坝密度、现有坝地面积占耕地面积比重的基础上 ,提出了该区今后发展坝地的规模及淤地坝建设模式
Twenty-two populations of seven species of Cremanthodium from high altitude regions of western China were observed karyologically. C. ellisii, C. microglossum, C. brunneo-pilosum, C. stenoglossum, C. discoideum and C. lineare all had the same chromosome number of 2n=58 whereas C. humile had 2n=60. All chromosome numbers of these species are documented here for the first time. The basic number of x=30 is new for this genus. The karyotypes of all species belong to 2A type according to Stebbins' asymmetry classification of karyotypes. Two basic chromosome numbers, x=30 and x=29 in Cremanthodium, correspond exactly to two branching patterns in this genus, sympodial versus monopodial. The systematic and taxonomic statuses of the sympodial species need further study. The karyomorphological data provide no support to the sectional subdivision in Cremanthodium. (C) 2001 The Linnean Society of London.
Many garnet peridotite bodies are enclosed in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) gneisses and/or migmatites in worldwide UHP terranes formed by subduction of continental crust. On the basis of petrochemical data, a group of garnet peridotites have been derived from depleted mantle and were subsequently metasomatized by melts and/or fluids derived from the subducted continental crust. However, their depletion and enrichment processes and tectonic evolutions are still in conflicts. New evidences for metamorphism of garnet lherzolite from Zhimafang, Donghai County, Sulu UHP terrane are reported. The garnet lherzolite have experienced a prolonged multistage metamorphic history. At least seven stages of recrystallization have been identified based on detailed analysis of reaction textures and mineral compositions. Stage I was a high-pressure and high-temperature enriched garnet lherzolite stage, which is inferred from the presence of high Ca-Cr core of garnet porphyroclast and inclusions of high-Mg clinopyroxene, high-Al-Cr orthopyroxene and high-Mg olivine. Stage II is a high-temperature and low-pressure depleted spinel-hurzbergite or spinel-dunite stage, as indicated by the presence of relict Al-rich spinel, very high-Mg and low-Ni olivine and high-Mg orthopyroxene included in the low-Cr mantle of the porphyroclastic garnet and core of fine-grained neoblastic garnet, clinopyroxene is absent in this stage. Stage III is an hydrous amphibole spinel-lherzolite stage, which recorded events of cooling and metasomatic re-enrichment, this stage is manifested by metasomatic origin of amphibole and phlogopite-bearing porphyroblastic clinopyroxene, and porphyroblastic orthopyroxene. Stage IV is a high-pressure amphibole garnet-lherzolite stage, which is indicated by the formation of low-Cr mantle of the porphyroclastic garnet and amphibole-bearing low-Cr core of neoblastic garnet. Stage V is an UHP metamorphic garnet-lherzolite stage, which is characterized by the formation of high-Cr rim of both porphyroclastic and neoblastic garnet and recrystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in the matrix. During UHP metamorphism, the garnet lherzolite is dehydrated, hornblende decomposed to clinopyroxene and olivine. Stage VI is a high-pressure decompression amphibole garnet-lherzolite stage, indicated by formation of later coarse-grained pargasitic hornblende and phlogopite in the garnet stability field. Stage VII is a low-pressure decompression amphibole-chlorite spinel-lherzolite stage, indicated by replacement of garnet by kelyphite of high-Al orthopyroxene + aluminous spinel + tremolitic amphibole + chlorite + talc. The metamorphic evolutions of Zhimafang garnet lherzolite suggest that it displays progressive mantle wedge convection during the subduction of previous oceanic and subsequent continental slab. We propose that the Zhimafang garnet lherzolite were originated from enriched deep mantle wedge above the previously subducted oceanic slab, subduction of oceanic slab resulted in their convection to shallower back arc and sub-arc setting, decompressional melting transformed the enriched garnet-lherzolite to depleted spinel-hurzbergite or spinel-dunite, the spinel-hurzbergite or spinel dunite was then convected to the hydrous mantle wedge corner driven by corner flow and was cooled and metasomatized by slab-derived melts/fluids, and was transformed to enriched lherzolite. The lherzolites formed a downward mantle wedge layer above successively subducted continental crust. The peridotite subducted together with the underlying continental crust and suffered UHP metamorphism. Finally, the garnet-lherzolite exhumed to the earth surface together with the UHP terrane. Detailed analyses of reaction textures and mineral compositions revealed several stages of metasomatism related to continental subduction and exhumation.
The north steep slope zone of Dongying Depression has great potential in oil resource and as the usage of 3-d seismic data in the last decade, the exploration of oil and gas has get into the stage of sandy glavel body lithological oil-gas pool exploration. In this thesis, writer take the north steep slope zone of Dongying Depression as target area and take Sha-III and Sha-[V Menber as purpose stratum, study on sequence stratigraphy, depositional system, reservoir description, emphasesing on analyzing of forming of lithological oil-gas pool, especially the dynamics principle of oil and gas preliminary movement from the source rock to the reservoir form lithological oil-gas pools. The aim of this work is to give some quantitatively explanation for the mechanism of lithological oil-gas pool forming, and set up the theory of pool form with characteristic terrestrial faulted basin. There are main conclusions and views as follow. 1. Applying with principle of sequence stratigrapgy, according to the depositional cycles of Dongying Depression, the sequence stratigraphical partition of Tertiary was finished, stressing on dismembering Sha-III and Sha-IV Menber as 5system tracts. 2. The structure of Dongying Depression especially of the north steep slope zone has accomplished, including the analyzing the structural cortroling to depositional condition of the north steep slope zone of Dongying Depression, discussed relationship between the structure of the north steep slope zone and the pool-forming. 3. The horizontal and vertical exchanges of ancient climates and ancient physiognomy of the all stratum units and studies on characteristic of depositional system distribution have been finished, found that there are five depositional systems in the north steep slope zone of Dongying Depression as fluvial, delta (tan-delta), sub-water fluvial fan lacustrine, gravitive flow, and seven formations of sandy glavel body, and forecasting of all kinds of sandy glavel body has been made. 4. Seismic stratigraphy and log stratigraphy have been made, described and forecasted all kinds of reservoir of objective stratum by means of physical geography method, setup a series means of sandy glavel body description suit to target area. 5. The pool-forming system has been studied, analyzing all the elements in petroleum sub-system of Sha-III and Sha-IV Menber of Dongying Depression with view of source controlling, estimated the petroleum system applying source rock potential index combining with distribution ofreservior. 6.Through studying types of pool, the controlling factors of pool-forming of sandy glavel body were discussed by deposition stages, formation types, structure ect. as a conclusion that the characteristics of pool forming in the north steep slope zone of Dongying Depression are, the controlling factor of the pools is mainly lithology, petrophysics of oil sands vary greatly, with a large heterogeneity, all kind of reservoir with different formation has different pool-forming conditions, and as a result, formed various pools of sandy glavel body along the steep slope with regular combination, distribution and constituted the multiple petroleum accumulative pattern. 7. It's the first time to cauculate and estimate the fluid pressure in source rock of Dongying Depression, set up the stratum fluid pressure in Dongying Depression, and firstly use equivalent charging pressure and reservoir forming index to quantitatively evaluate the pool-forming condition of lithological pool.8. Above all studies, follow up the scent of the exploration combined with practice a lot of explorative targets were found, and got geat economic and social benefit.
The aims of this research were to explore Chinese lottery buyers’ and addictive buyers’ characteristics and influencing factors of lottery buying.Three studies were carried out: study 1 was to find out the psychological and behavioral characteristics of Chinese lottery buyers. Study 2 was to find out the psychological and behavioral characteristics of addictive lottery buyers. High addictive tendency group and control group were selected, and general information, personality traits and lottery buying behavior characteristics were compared between the two groups. Study 3 was to explore the influences of locus of control and coping style on Chinese lottery buyers’ addictive tendency. 7,160 subjects were rectuited from the Welfare Betting shops in 114 cities of the 31 provinces of China. It was found that: 1. The main characteristics of Chinese lottery buyers are: male, marride, non-religious, 26-45 years old, having at least high school level of education. 2. Chinese lottery buyer’s reasons of first buying were curiosity, to donate for charity, to have amusement, to chase big prize and others’ influence. At present the main reasons of lottery buying were charity, amusment and big prize. 3. 40 percent of Chinese lottery buyers spent more than 20% of their income on lottery. Higher income buyers spent more than the lower ones, but the lower income buyers’ ratio of lottery buying money per month was higher than that of the higher income ones. 4. Chinese high addictive lottery buyers’ characteristics were middle-aged, married, low educational and low-income males . 5. Lottery buyers’ buying behavior is reinforced with lottery winning ratio during the first lottery buying . The addictive tendency of lottery buying is unrelated with the length of lottery buying experience. 6. External control, negative coping style and education level, are associated with the high addictive lottery buying behavior.
In the processes of Chinese economic and political reforms, making decision democratically and scientifically is one of the most important problems for the managers. Through the investigations of 319 managers from 13 companies in 3 cities of China, the participation or the behavior of influence and power sharing in managerial decision-making was systematically analyzed. The research was concerned with three aspects: (1) the descriptive study of managerial decision-making; (2) the relationship between managerial decision-making and a set of specified contingent situational factors; (3) the relationship between managerial decision-making and various outcome variables, such as job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. The principal results of the research showed. 1. The managers used different methods of decision-making in different situations. The wildly used method by the managers was "prior consultation with subordinate". 2. Compared with the developed countries, Chinese managers tended to use more centralized methods of decision-making. In the comparisons among the different districts of China, the managers in the districts of the higher level economic and cultural development tended to use more participative methods in the processes of decision-making. 3. The behavior of managerial decision-making was influenced by the various contingent factors, such as the uncertainties of the environments, the job constraints, and the variables related to persons, etc. 4. The behavior of the managerial decision-making correlated significantly with the job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. The more influence and power managers owned in the processes of decision-making, the more positive they evaluated their job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness.
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Prahistorii
Celem artykułu jest zarys koncepcji paradygmatu nauki sprowadzonego do widowiska kulturowego. Zasadniczymi kontekstami dla naszych rozważań sa definicje paradygmatu podane przez T. S. Kuhna i Z. Kwiecińskiego. W nawiązaniu do nich zostanie wyłonionych siedem faz rozwoju/przekształceń paradygmatu, następnie sięgniemy do jego odniesień naukowych i mitycznych powiązanych z technologią, z różnymi formami i funkcjami rytuału oraz z procesem rytualizacji. W wyniku zebranych tutaj informacji dojdziemy do stanowiska, z którego może wynikać, że paradygmat nauki jest widowiskiem społeczno-kulturowym. Zestawione tutaj wnioski pozwolą nam przejść do przykładu związanego z wychowaniem, - z paradygmatem wychowania i wyjaśnić sobie, na czym polega – zgodnie z tytułem artykułu – różnica między uściskiem a uciskiem wychowania. Całość kończy podsumowanie, w którym omówimy związek technologii rytualizacji i polityczności z władzą oraz zestawię w punktach informacje na temat paradygmatu. (PS – w tytule u(ś)cisk można tłumaczyć: ucisk/uścisk)
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
BACKGROUND:Blood lipid levels including low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides (TG) are highly heritable. Genome-wide association is a promising approach to map genetic loci related to these heritable phenotypes.METHODS:In 1087 Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort participants (mean age 47 years, 52% women), we conducted genome-wide analyses (Affymetrix 100K GeneChip) for fasting blood lipid traits. Total cholesterol, HDL-C, and TG were measured by standard enzymatic methods and LDL-C was calculated using the Friedewald formula. The long-term averages of up to seven measurements of LDL-C, HDL-C, and TG over a ~30 year span were the primary phenotypes. We used generalized estimating equations (GEE), family-based association tests (FBAT) and variance components linkage to investigate the relationships between SNPs (on autosomes, with minor allele frequency [greater than or equal to]10%, genotypic call rate [greater than or equal to]80%, and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium p [greater than or equal to] 0.001) and multivariable-adjusted residuals. We pursued a three-stage replication strategy of the GEE association results with 287 SNPs (P < 0.001 in Stage I) tested in Stage II (n ~1450 individuals) and 40 SNPs (P < 0.001 in joint analysis of Stages I and II) tested in Stage III (n~6650 individuals).RESULTS:Long-term averages of LDL-C, HDL-C, and TG were highly heritable (h2 = 0.66, 0.69, 0.58, respectively; each P < 0.0001). Of 70,987 tests for each of the phenotypes, two SNPs had p < 10-5 in GEE results for LDL-C, four for HDL-C, and one for TG. For each multivariable-adjusted phenotype, the number of SNPs with association p < 10-4 ranged from 13 to 18 and with p < 10-3, from 94 to 149. Some results confirmed previously reported associations with candidate genes including variation in the lipoprotein lipase gene (LPL) and HDL-C and TG (rs7007797; P = 0.0005 for HDL-C and 0.002 for TG). The full set of GEE, FBAT and linkage results are posted at the database of Genotype and Phenotype (dbGaP). After three stages of replication, there was no convincing statistical evidence for association (i.e., combined P < 10-5 across all three stages) between any of the tested SNPs and lipid phenotypes.CONCLUSION:Using a 100K genome-wide scan, we have generated a set of putative associations for common sequence variants and lipid phenotypes. Validation of selected hypotheses in additional samples did not identify any new loci underlying variability in blood lipids. Lack of replication may be due to inadequate statistical power to detect modest quantitative trait locus effects (i.e., < 1% of trait variance explained) or reduced genomic coverage of the 100K array. GWAS in FHS using a denser genome-wide genotyping platform and a better-powered replication strategy may identify novel loci underlying blood lipids.
First designed in the 1920s and in routine use in the Atlantic since the 1930s, the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) is an ocean observing tool that has been used in the north Pacific since 2000 and still retains its relevance. It was the sampler of choice in 2000 because it is reliable, cost-effective, samples on the scale of an entire ocean and, while not a perfect sampler, its limitations are mostly well-known. Earlier this year, the GOOS Scientific Steering Committee endorsed the north Pacific CPR survey as an ocean observing tool. Data from the seven years of sampling in the North Pacific have already shown responses in open ocean plankton to changes from cool to warm ocean conditions, from which we can start to make predictions on responses to future climate changes. This presentation describes and presents results from the survey, and ends with some thoughts on development of the north Pacific CPR survey.
Satellite-based remote sensing of active fires is the only practical way to consistently and continuously monitor diurnal fluctuations in biomass burning from regional, to continental, to global scales. Failure to understand, quantify, and communicate the performance of an active fire detection algorithm, however, can lead to improper interpretations of the spatiotemporal distribution of biomass burning, and flawed estimates of fuel consumption and trace gas and aerosol emissions. This work evaluates the performance of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) Fire Thermal Anomaly (FTA) detection algorithm using seven months of active fire pixels detected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) across the Central African Republic (CAR). Results indicate that the omission rate of the SEVIRI FTA detection algorithm relative to MODIS varies spatially across the CAR, ranging from 25% in the south to 74% in the east. In the absence of confounding artifacts such as sunglint, uncertainties in the background thermal characterization, and cloud cover, the regional variation in SEVIRI's omission rate can be attributed to a coupling between SEVIRI's low spatial resolution detection bias (i.e., the inability to detect fires below a certain size and intensity) and a strong geographic gradient in active fire characteristics across the CAR. SEVIRI's commission rate relative to MODIS increases from 9% when evaluated near MODIS nadir to 53% near the MODIS scene edges, indicating that SEVIRI errors of commission at the MODIS scene edges may not be false alarms but rather true fires that MODIS failed to detect as a result of larger pixel sizes at extreme MODIS scan angles. Results from this work are expected to facilitate (i) future improvements to the SEVIRI FTA detection algorithm; (ii) the assimilation of the SEVIRI and MODIS active fire products; and (iii) the potential inclusion of SEVIRI into a network of geostationary sensors designed to achieve global diurnal active fire monitoring.
Este estudio intenta esclarecer las transformaciones físicas y socioeconómicas de los asentamientos rurales de la región española de Castilla y León, durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Se analiza la evolución temporal de la forma urbana a través de un Sistema de Información Geográfico (SIG), calculando unos índices métricos y comparándolos con la información demográfica histórica. Los resultados pretenden mostrar los efectos de la especialización funcional económica, causada por la integración en las jerarquías productivas globales, sobre la estructura urbana. La pérdida gradual de las características tradicionales de los pueblos castellanos, como la compacidad y la integración en el entorno, debido a la pérdida o degradación de la arquitectura popular y la construcción de nuevas edificaciones industriales, supone un riesgo para las futuras políticas de desarrollo local. Se considera necesario preservar la identidad paisajística y evitar la destrucción del patrimonio cultural para poder revitalizar estos territorios.
The purpose of this article is to give a report about a research related with the conditions of inclusion of students with disability in a Chilean university. This research is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. To collect the data required, a survey was developed, which was applied to 38 students with disability. The main results reveal a high retention rate of students, who exhibit a positive perception of their inclusion in their university life and also a high level of satisfaction with most of the services provided. Seven out of ten students surveyed recognize having received some sort of education care from their programs to pursue their studies. However, there still exists a lack of connection between the current initiatives developed at the university to support the enrollment and permanence of students. Added to this fact, there is a lack of protocols and training for teachers and staff. In this study it is proposed that the university must establish a management system that defines objectives, strategies and actions that contribute to improve inclusion of people with disabilities.