972 resultados para Crisler, Herbert O. (Fritz)


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Land use in the river catchments of tropical North Queensland appears to have increased the export of sediment and nutrients to the coast. Although evidence of harmful effect of sediment on coastal and riverine ecosystems is limited, there is a growing concern about its possible negative impacts. Sugarcane cultivation on the floodplains of the tropical North Queensland river catchments is thought to be an important source of excess sediment in the river drainage systems. Minimum-tillage, trash blanket harvesting has been shown to reduce erosion from sloping sugarcane fields, but in the strongly modified floodplain landscape other elements (e.g. drains, water furrows and headlands) could still be important sediment sources. The main objectives of this thesis are to quantify the amount of sediment coming from low-lying cane land and identify the important sediment sources in the landscape. The results of this thesis enable sugarcane farmers to take targeted measures for further reduction of the export of sediment and nutrients. Sediment budgets provide a useful approach to identify and quantify potential sediment sources. For this study a sediment budget is calculated for a part of the Ripple Creek catchment, which is a sub-catchment of the Lower Herbert River. The input of sediment from all potential sources in cane land and the storage of sediment within the catchment have been quantified and compared with the output of sediment from the catchment. Input from, and storage on headlands, main drains, minor drains and water furrows, was estimated from erosion pin and surface profile measurements. Input from forested upland, input from fields and the output at the outlet of the catchment was estimated with discharge data from gauged streams and flumes. Data for the sediment budget were collected during two wet-seasons: 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. The results of the sediment budget indicate that this tropical floodplain area is a net source of sediment. Plant cane fields, which do not have a protective trash cover, were the largest net source of sediment during the 1999-2000 season. Sediment input from water furrows was higher, but there was also considerable storage of sediment in this landscape element. Headlands tend to act as sinks. The source or sink function of drains is less clear, but seems to depend on their shape and vegetation cover. An important problem in this study is the high uncertainty in the estimates of the sediment budget components and is, for example, likely to be the cause of the imbalance in the sediment budget. High uncertainties have particularly affected the results from the 20002001 season. The main source of uncertainty is spatial variation in the erosion and deposition processes. Uncertainty has to be taken into consideration when interpreting the budget results. The observation of a floodplain as sediment source contradicts the general understanding that floodplains are areas of sediment storage within river catchments. A second objective of this thesis was therefore to provide an answer to the question: how can floodplains in the tropical North Queensland catchments can be a source of sediment? In geomorphic literature various factors have been pointed out, that could control floodplain erosion processes. However, their importance is not 'uniquely identified'. Among the most apparent factors are the stream power of the floodwater and the resistance of the floodplain surface both through its sedimentary composition and the vegetation cover. If the cultivated floodplains of the North Queensland catchments are considered in the light of these factors, there is a justified reason to expect them to be a sediment source. Cultivation has lowered the resistance of their surface; increased drainage has increased the drainage velocity and flood control structures have altered flooding patterns. For the Ripple Creek floodplain four qualitative scenarios have been developed that describe erosion and deposition under different flow conditions. Two of these scenarios were experienced during the budget study, involving runoff from local hillslopes and heavy rainfall, which caused floodplain erosion. In the longer term larger flood events, involving floodwater from the Herbert River, may lead to different erosion and deposition processes. The present study has shown that the tropical floodplain of the Herbert River catchment can be a source of sediment under particular flow conditions. It has also shown which elements in the sugarcane landscape are the most important sediment sources under these conditions. This understanding will enable sugarcane farmers to further reduce sediment export from cane land and prevent the negative impact this may have on the North Queensland coastal ecosystems.


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Rezension von: Fritz-Peter Hager/Daniel Trhler (Hrsg.): Neue Pestalozzi-Studien. Bd. 1: Anna Pestalozzis Tagebuch - Kte Silber: Anna Pestalozzi und der Frauenkreis um Pestalozzi. Bern/Stuttgart: Haupt 1993, 242 S.


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Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Ingls y Francs).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educacin. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Ingls y Francs, 2014


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Rezension von: Fritz Bohnsack: Wie Schler die Schule erleben. Zur Bedeutung der Anerkennung, der Besttigung und der Akzeptanz von Schwche. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2013 (285 S.; ISBN 978-3-8474-0049-3)


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Rezension von: Herbert Loebe / Eckart Severing (Hrsg.): Qualifizierungsberatung in KMU. Frderung systematischer Personalentwicklung. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag 2012 (294 S.; ISBN 978-3-7639-3609-0)


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Las ciencias sociales padecen esquizofrenia aguda en su tratamiento de la racionalidad. Tenemos, a un extremo, a los economistas, que atribuyen al hombre econmico una racionalidad absurdamente omnisciente. El hombre econmico dispone de un sistema completo y consistente de preferencias, que le permite elegir siempre entre las alternativas que se le presentan; se da siempre perfecta cuenta de lo que son estas alternativas; no existen lmites en la complejidad de los clculos que puede realizar para determinar qu alternativas son mejores; los clculos de probabilidad no le asustan ni encierran misterios para l. Durante la ltima dcada este cuerpo de teora ha alcanzado, en relacin con las situaciones de juego competitivo y la toma de decisiones en situacin de incertidumbre, un estado de refinamiento tomstico que posee considerable inters normativo, pero escasa relacin discernible con el comportamiento real o posible de los seres humanos de carne y hueso.


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Se estudi la Incidencia del enfoque de Educacin Inclusiva en la formacin de profesoras y profesores y su aplicacin en las estrategias de aprendizajes utilizadas en la disciplina del Lenguaje en los nios y nias de primero y segundo ciclo de educacin bsica, turno matutino en las aulas Inclusivas del Centro Escolar Herbert De Sola, del distrito 12- 13 del Municipio de San Miguel, Departamento de San Miguel, en el periodo de febrero a julio de 2015. Se verific la importancia de la formacin constante de los profesores y profesoras de Primero y Segundo ciclo de Educacin Bsica, con el enfoque de educacin inclusiva, en la disciplina de Lenguaje y se identificaron las estrategias de aprendizajes con enfoque de Educacin Inclusiva que son aplicadas por los profesores y profesoras en la disciplina del Lenguaje, en los nios y nias de primero y segundo ciclo de Educacin Bsica. Por ltimo, se Elabor una propuesta metodolgica de Estrategias de Aprendizajes para que sean utilizadas en la disciplina de Lenguaje, por los profesores y profesoras de Primero y Segundo Ciclo de Educacin Bsica. Metodologa: se utiliz el mtodo exploratorio, este permite la coleccin de una serie de informacin por medio de la observacin directa en el proceso de aprendizaje en los y las aprendientes de primero y segundo ciclo de educacin bsica en la disciplina de Lenguaje. Conclusin: Los profesores y profesoras deben promover las cuatro competencias (comprensin oral, expresin oral, comprensin lectora, expresin escrita) que exige el programa de estudio en la disciplina de lenguaje con el enfoque de educacin inclusiva en la disciplina de lenguaje, en donde los y las aprendientes desarrollen sus habilidades lingsticas en cada uno de los contenidos, para que sean llevados a la prctica en la sala de aula, en la familia y comunidad. En este caso los aprendientes solo desarrollan dos competencias la expresin escrita y la expresin oral, ya que solamente leen pequeos textos y escriben lo que el profesor y profesora les pide que escriban, sin interpretar lo que hacen. Por otra parte los nios y nias aprenden las competencias con el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje como la realizacin de trabajos grupales e individuales, trabajos de investigacin, guas de resolucin y de observacin, entre otras estrategias creativas, para que a travs de estas, demuestren su dedicacin e inters por aprender en la disciplina de lenguaje.


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O presente trabalho analisa a figura do excludo no conto Famigerado pertencente obra Primeiras Estrias de Joo Guimares Rosa (1908-1967), e a partir da Teoria Crtica da Sociedade de Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979). Com base em uma reviso bibliogrfica, observa-se que na filosofia de Herbert Marcuse os excludos despontam como sujeitos capazes de mudar a realidade que esto inseridos. No conto Famigerado verifica-se que Damzio um notrio excludo da sociedade brasileira, excludo economicamente, excludo das cidades e um no-escolarizado que no tem acesso ao conhecimento produzido em linguagem oficial. Mas Guimares Rosa no o retrata como um incapaz, mas sim um homem que tem o poder das armas, que luta para sobreviver e ter uma vida que considera digna. Marcuse define a literatura como uma das dimenses estticas que estabelecem negao a realidade hodierna e pode falar a linguagem e experincia dos oprimidos e excludos.


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Construction sector application of Lead Indicators generally and Positive Performance Indicators (PPIs) particularly, are largely seen by the sector as not providing generalizable indicators of safety effectiveness. Similarly, safety culture is often cited as an essential factor in improving safety performance, yet there is no known reliable way of measuring safety culture. This paper proposes that the accurate measurement of safety effectiveness and safety culture is a requirement for assessing safe behaviours, safety knowledge, effective communication and safety performance. Currently there are no standard national or international safety effectiveness indicators (SEIs) that are accepted by the construction industry. The challenge is that quantitative survey instruments developed for measuring safety culture and/ or safety climate are inherently flawed methodologically and do not produce reliable and representative data concerning attitudes to safety. Measures that combine quantitative and qualitative components are needed to provide a clear utility for safety effectiveness indicators.


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Enhancing children's self-concepts is widely accepted as a critical educational outcome of schooling and is postulated as a mediating variable that facilitates the attainment of other desired outcomes such as improved academic achievement. Despite considerable advances in self-concept research, there has been limited progress in devising teacher-administered enhancement interventions. This is unfortunate as teachers are crucial change agents during important developmental periods when self-concept is formed. The primary aim of the present investigation is to build on the promising features of previous self-concept enhancement studies by: (a) combining two exciting research directions developed by Burnett and Craven to develop a potentially powerful cognitive-based intervention; (b) incorporating recent developments in theory and measurement to ensure that the multidimensionality of self-concept is accounted for in the research design; (c) fully investigating the effects of a potentially strong cognitive intervention on reading, mathematics, school and learning self-concepts by using a large sample size and a sophisticated research design; (d) evaluating the effects of the intervention on affective and cognitive subcomponents of reading, mathematics, school and learning self-concepts over time to test for differential effects of the intervention; (e) modifying and extending current procedures to maximise the successful implementation of a teacher-mediated intervention in a naturalistic setting by incorporating sophisticated teacher training as suggested by Hattie (1992) and including an assessment of the efficacy of implementation; and (f) examining the durability of effects associated with the intervention.