938 resultados para 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3
九十年代以来,领导信息系统(Executive Information System,EIS) 日益应用广泛,领导信息系统的开发已成为企业实施CIMS 的一个重要目标。本文对CIMS 环境下EIS 的应用与研究作了一些探讨。文中先介绍了EIS 的概念模型、开发方法及制造业中EIS 开发应考虑的几个问题:提出了建立数据仓库来实现EIS 的数据库;重点介绍了一个应用实例JS~CIMS 领导信息系统的实现。
数字几何是图形学中三维物体的主要表示方法之一,相应的数字几何处理理论和技术是计算机图形学研究的热点,在曲面造型、工业制造以及影视娱乐等领域得到了广泛应用。近20年来,数字几何处理取得了很大的发展,特别是数字几何作为一种多媒体数据所取得的突破,使其有可能成为继数字音频、数字图像和数字视频之后的第四类多媒体数据。但是,目前针对数字几何的处理技术和能力非常有限,数字几何处理的理论还不够成熟,其应用范围还有待进一步扩展。围绕上述问题,本文对数字几何处理中的若干关键技术进行了深入的研究和探讨,主要研究内容和贡献如下: 1. 散乱点是数字几何数据的主要存在形式之一,这些通过测量得到的数据仅包含采样点的三维坐标,缺乏必要的拓扑信息。为便于后续数字几何处理,研究了散乱点集的网格曲面重建方法。 提出了用于散乱点网格曲面增量重建的外接球准则,将二维Delaunay三角剖分的空外接圆性质扩展到三维空间,利用该准则实现了一种高效的重建方法。并对因散乱点密度分布不均或具有严重噪声等原因造成的拓扑错误和孔洞,也给出了改正和修补的方法。与已有方法相比,本文方法重建出的网格模型具有Delaunay性质(孔洞修补区域除外),同时算法的时间复杂度低,提高了散乱点网格曲面重建的效率。 2. 针对网格模型包含噪声、数据量存在冗余、拓扑规则性和几何规则性不高等缺陷,详细讨论了数字几何处理中的多种优化技术,主要包括光顺、精简、细分和重新网格化。其中,为了满足交互式变形编辑和数值分析对模型规则性的要求,重点研究了网格模型的重新网格化技术。 提出了一种基于采样和松弛的重新网格化方法,主要分为采样、粒化、匀价、松弛和回映五个步骤,通过迭代完成。其中粒化过程对大的面片进行分割,对小的面片进行合并;匀价和松弛过程分别用来提高模型的拓扑规则性和几何规则性;模型的分辨率通过改变包围盒的分割数进行控制。算法还针对机械类零件模型,将模型的尖锐棱角作为特征对待,使其在重新网格化后得到保持。与已有基于参数化的方法相比,所提出的方法直接在网格模型上进行,避免了耗时的参数化过程,也无须对封闭模型进行分割,因此该方法效率高,具有良好的拓扑适应性。 3. 研究了网格模型的交互式变形编辑技术。给出了三角网格模型微分属性表示方法在微分几何学上的解释,并采用这种表示方法实现了网格模型的交互式变形编辑。 提出了一种通过修改侧影轮廓改变模型三维几何形状的交互式编辑方法。与已有变形方法相比,本文的交互方式更加灵活。由于所采用的微分属性表示反映了曲面的内蕴几何属性,因此在变形过程中能够保持模型的几何细节。经过变形编辑的模型既可以用于快速原型制造,也可以作为通用CAD系统的输入进行更复杂的造型编辑。 4. 详细讨论了参数化中度量扭曲的产生,并对多种平面参数化方法进行了比较。针对拓扑圆盘类网格曲面,研究了参数化方法在运动机构轨迹规划和动画制作中的应用。 提出了一种基于均值坐标映射的运动机构轨迹规划方法,并对封闭网格模型的整体运动轨迹规划进行了初步研究。该方法不仅适用于自由曲面类零件的数控加工,也可以用于激光熔覆、喷涂和抛光等场合,扩大了网格模型参数化技术的应用范围。 提出了一种基于平面参数化的二维和三维网格之间渐变的方法,通过关键帧插值实现了简单的动画制作。 5. 设计并实现了一个数字几何处理原型软件。作为实验平台,该系统集成了本文所取得的全部研究成果,同时也包括了多种常用的数字几何处理算法。
视觉检测技术是随着计算机视觉技术和光电技术的飞速发展,而出现的一种新的检测技术。检测被测目标时,把图像当作检测和传递信息的手段或载体,从图像中提取有用的信号,它是以现代光学为基础,融光电子学、计算机图像学、信息处理、计算机视觉等科学技术为一体的现代检测技术。现代激光自动化焊接技术是由激光、计算机、机器人、数控和精密机床等相结合的综合高新技术,此项技术已成为工业生产自动化的关键技术,拥有普通加工技术所不能比拟的优势。为了克服机器人焊接过程中各种不确定因素对焊接质量的影响,提高机器人作业的智能化水平和工作可靠性,要求焊接机器人系统不仅能实现空间焊缝的实时跟踪,而且还能实现焊接参数的在线调整和焊缝质量的实时控制,即焊接机器人焊接过程的自主化和智能化。本文的研究依托于中国科学院知识创新工程方向性项目“全自动激光拼焊成套装备生产线”,旨在探索立体视觉检测系统的实现及其在激光拼焊工程中的应用的问题。从理论和实践两个方面,对其中的若干关键技术,如视觉检测系统创新设计、数学模型、量化误差、摄像机标定、结构光条纹中心线提取、焊前特征检测、溶池边缘提取、焊后缺陷图像匹配算法、三维重建和表面孔的视觉定位等进行了研究。主要研究成果如下: 1.提出了一种可以用于焊前跟踪,焊后检测,以及焊接过程中对激光溶池进行监测的多功能激光视觉检测装置。推导了检测系统在不考虑像平面安装倾斜角度时和考虑像平面安装倾斜角度时检测点坐标的计算公式以及量化误差公式,分别针对由于数模转换量化误差、安装角度倾斜误差、安装高度误差三个方面引起的量化误差,分析其关于行,列,以及不同倾斜角度的影响分布规律。并对于各种情况进行了仿真,对于各种误差分布特征进行了分析,提出了检测奇异点的情况和数学模型的局限性。以上工作为实现焊缝三维信息的高精度提取奠定了基础。 2.对于摄像机的标定技术进行了研究,结合工程实际,利用zhang的标定法和matlab标定工具包,对于摄像机进行了标定;针对检测相机视场较小,标定采集范围不易调整和相机的畸变主要发生在视场边缘等特征,在保证要求的精度范围之内,提出一种基于标定靶的标定方法,实验证明该方法的标定与测量精度能够满足工程需要。 3.研究了现有的条纹中心提取算法过程,提出了基于OTSU阈值的多次高斯拟合平均法和基于OTSU阈值的质心平均法计算激光条纹中心坐标。该法对条纹的噪声,散斑和被测工件表面漫反射有很强的抵制作用,因此具有很强的鲁棒性。实验表明,与传统方法相比,具有更高的提取精度。同时为了适应激光条纹被工件表面调制后发生的角度变化,以及硬件安装带来的激光线型条纹倾斜,提出了一种自适应方向模板法,可以解决特殊倾斜角度时的激光条纹中心线提取问题。三个仿真试验验证了方法的可行性。 4.提出了一套在线实时进行焊前检测的图形处理算法,可以实现焊缝宽度,焊前错配和焊缝中心位置检测。通过工程实验提取了各指标的检测结果,并验证了算法的正确性。 5.提出了一种基于数学形态学的激光拼焊溶池边缘检测算法,对于激光拼焊中的溶池图像进行边缘提取,基于真实图像进行了实验研究表明,提取边缘效果可以达到单像素。 6.对焊后表面形貌检测的图像实时处理算法进行了研究。提出了一套在线实时进行焊后焊缝表面缺陷检测的图形处理算法,可以进行焊缝宽度,错配,凹度,凸度,咬边,焊接倾角,过高七种表面焊接缺陷的匹配识别;对于整个焊缝的表面形貌进行三维重建。通过等厚板焊接和不等厚板焊接两种试验,验证了算法的合理性和鲁棒性。提出了一种基于randon变换的错配和兴趣区域快速检测算法。对于表面孔的检测算法进行了探讨,主要针对孔的检测中的噪声和表面反射,研究了腐蚀膨胀对于表面孔定位和大小的检测影响。 7.研究了以普通6R机器人进行焊缝视觉检测的工作视野,即焊缝视觉检测空间,提出了一种生成焊缝视觉检测空间的解算法;以此检测视野为依托,探索了在视觉检测视野中进行焊缝视觉检测的初始位置规划问题,提出了一种初始位置规划算法;仿真结果证明了算法的正确性。
直角坐标机器人作为一种常用的工业机器人广泛应用于现代工业生产线中,其运动学和动力学特性关系整个生产线性能发挥。虚拟样机技术在复杂机械系统仿真中的成功应用不仅可以提高仿真精度,而且还可以缩短产品设计周期,对于工程实际具有重要的应用价值。通过虚拟样机技术,工程师可以通过机械系统运动仿真,在产品设计阶段发现产品设计中的潜在问题,并快速进行修改,减少了对于物理样机的依赖,这样不仅可以节省成本,缩短产品开发周期,而且还可以提高产品性能,增强产品竞争力。本文结合中科院沈阳自动化研究所现代装备研究设计中心的大型项目“激光拼焊生产线”,对生产线中从国外引进的上下料机器人进行研究分析,设计出一台可以满足“激光拼焊生产线”工业要求的上下料直角坐标机器人,来实现高性能上下料机器人的国产化。以设计出的上下料直角坐标机器人为研究对象,采用虚拟样机技术,以有限元法和多体系统动力学为理论基础,进行上下料直角坐标机器人机构的运动学和动力学分析仿真研究。其中研究了三维实体建模方法以及D-H方法,探讨了利用CAD/CAE软件SOLIDWORKS, ADAMS和ANSYS进行协同虚拟样机的建模、装配、数据共享、有限元静力分析以及刚柔耦合多体动力学仿真技术,研究成果对实际工程的运用具有一定的指导作用。本文主要的研究工作及其成果如下: 1根据工业生产线要求,确定高性能上下料直角坐标机器人总体机构设计方案,设计各个直线运动单元。 2利用CAD软件SOLIDWORKS对上下料直角坐标机器人进行3维实体建模,然后利用D-H方法,建立其运动学方程,最后利用MATLAB工具对运动学进行仿真。 3以有限元方法为基础,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对上下料直角坐标机器人核心部件Y轴横梁静力分析,最后进行横梁结构优化。 4以多体系统动力学为基础,利用有限元软件ANSYS生成刚柔耦合多体动力学仿真所需的模态中性文件(MNF),同时结合运用ANSYS和ADAMS建立了上下料直角坐标机器人刚柔性耦合多体模型,并进行了动力学分析。
With the development of petroleum exploration in Gaoyou Depression, both old and new areas have been the active exploration targets, so the study of petroleum accumulation is significant to the petroleum exploration in the study area and the integrated oil and gas accumulation theory. Based on hydrocarbon accumulation theory and systematical research methods and combined with the structural characteristics of Gaoyou Depression, Chenbao and East of Chenbao were selected as the study areas in this dissertation, oil and gas migration pathways, accumulation periods, as well as accumulation models were studied, and favorable exploration targets were proposed. There develop three sets source rocks, which are Tai-2 Member, Fu-2 Member and Fu-4 Member respectively. Tai-2 Member is the predominant source rock in the eastern part. Fu-2 Member mainly occurs in the northern slope, while Fu-4 Member develops in the deep depression. In the study area, oil mainly comes from Fu-2 Member of Liuwushe subsag. The lower limit of TOC is 0.4%, and active source rock mostly distributed in the south fault-step zone. The source rock in Liuwushe subsag began to generate hydrocarbon in the late of Dainan depositional stage and the threshold was 2300m. The macro and micro characteristics of reservoirs and the reservoir heterogeneity characteristics of the Fu-1 Member were studied systematicly. The results show that Fu-1 Member, which has better reservoir properties, are medium porosity-medium permeability reservoir. The reservoir permeability has good correlation with porosity connectivity. The reservoirs have strong dissolution, pores are mainly thin to medium throat, and throat radii are distributed concentratedly, the sorting is good and pore structures are homogeneous. Sandstone reservoirs whether in the plan view, interlayer or in layers have a certain degree of heterogeneity, in particular, the heterogeneity in layers directly affect and control the oil and gas migration and accumulation. By analyzing the lithology correlation of the fault walls, shale smear, cross section stress, the configuration of fracture active periods and hydrocarbon generation and expulsion periods and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, the main faults sealing were evaluated. The results show that the faults in Chenbao and East of Chenbao had poor sealing properties in Sanduo period and could be used as the migration pathways at that time. After Sanduo period, the tectonic stress fields in the area changed largely, and, consequently, the fault properties converted from tensional shear to compressive shear, the faults changed progressively from close to open, so the faults sealing became better and were conducive to the preservation of oil and gas reservoirs. According to the seismic event suspension modes and profile configurations above and under the unconformities, combined with tectonic evolutions of the study areas, the unconformity types can be classified into truncation unconformity, overlapped unconformity and parallel unconformity and the distribution characteristics of unconformities in the plan view was also studied. The unconformity structure was divided into basal conglomerate, weathered clay and semi-weathered layer vertically in the study area and this kind of structure make unconformities to be effective oil and gas migration pathways and is significant to hydrocarbon accumulation in a parts of areas. With the analyses of typical oil and gas reservoirs in the study area, combined with the research results of pathway systems, hydrocarbon accumulation models were established and the oil and gas accumulation laws in Chenbao and East of Chenbao analyzed. The oil and gas came from Liuwushe subsag and Liuliushe subsag. The oil and gas from Liuwushe subsag mainly migrated from the structural high parts into the fault-step zone along strata in northeast direction, a part of them migrated upward into the fault-step zone and the Wubao low uplift along Wu-1 Fault in northeast direction. The oil and gas from Liuliushe subsag mainly migrated into the upper reservoirs through Wu-2 fault, and lesser oil and gas migrated into the fault-step zone because of the controls of cross-section orientation, depression center and the hydrocarbon formation tendency. The favorable exploration targets in Chenbao and East of Chenbao have been concluded: the southern fault-step zone is a favorable oil and gas accumulation zone of Liuwushe subsag, and they are fault block reservoirs where fault acted as the barriers, the main target intervals are Fu-1 Member and Fu-3 Member in palaeocene; Oil and gas in the middle and northern fault-step zone mainly laterally migrated from the south areas, and the main target interval is Fu-3 Member in palaeocene; Fu-1 Member and the reserviors above the Wubao subsag are still the focuses in future explorations. The results of this study have important guiding significance for the future oil and gas exploration.
The Huade Group, consisting of low-grade and un-metamorphosed sedimentary rocks with no volcanic interlayer, is located at the northern margin of the North China craton and adjoining the south part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. It is east to the Paleo- to Meso-Proterozoic Bayan Obo and Zhaertai-Langshan rifts and northwest to the Paleo- to Neo-proterozoic Yanshan aulacogen, in which the typical Changcheng, Jixian and Qingbaikou systems are developed. The Huade Group are mainly composed of pebbly sandstones, sandstones, greywackes,shales,calc-silicate rocks and limestones, partly undergoing low-grade metamorphism and being changed to meta-sandstones, schists, phyllites, slates and crystalline limestones or marbles. The stratigraphic sequences show several cycles of deposition. Each of them developed coarse clastic rocks – interbedded fine clastic rocks and pelites from bottom upward or from coarse clastic rocks to interbedded fine clastic rocks and pelites to carbonate rocks. The Tumen Group outcrop sporadically around or west to the Tanlu faults in western Shandong. They are mainly composed of pebbly sandstones, sandstones, shales and limestones. This thesis deals with the characteristics of petrology, geochemistry and sedimentary of the Huade Group and the Tumen Group, and discusses the LA-ICP-MS and SIMS U-Pb ages, Hf isotope and trace element composition of the detrital zircons from 5 meta-sandstone samples of the Huade Group and 3 sandstone samples of the Tumen Group. The age populations of the detrital zircons from the Huade Group are mainly ~2.5 Ga and ~1.85 Ga, and there are also minor peaks at ~2.0 Ga, ~1.92 Ga and ~1.73 Ga. Most of the detrital zircon grains of 2.47-2.57 Ga and a few of 1.63-2.03 Ga have Hf crust model ages of 2.7-3.0 Ga, and most of the detrital zircon grains of 1.63-2.03 Ga have Hf crust model ages of 2.35-2.7 Ga, with a peak at 2.54 Ga. The main age peaks of the detrital zircons from the Tumen Group are ~2.5 Ga、~1.85 Ga, 1.57 Ga, 1.5 Ga, 1.33 Ga and 1.2 Ga. Different samples from the Tumen Group have distinct Hf isotopic characteristics. Detrital zircon grains of ~2.52 Ga from one sandstone sample have 2.7-3.2 Ga Hf crust model ages, whereas zircon grains of 1.73-2.02 Ga and 2.31-2.68 Ga from another sample have Hf crust model ages of 2.95-3.55 Ga. Detrital zircon grains of Mesoproterozoic ages have Paleoproterozoic (1.7-2.25 Ga) crust model ages. Through detailed analyses of the detrital zircons from the Huade and Tumen Group and comparison with those from the sedimentary rocks of similar sedimentary ages, the thesis mainly reaches the following conclusions: 1. The youngest age peaks of the detrital zircons of 1.73 Ga constrains the sedimentary time of the Huade Group from late Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic. 2. The age peaks of detrital zircons of the Huade Group correspond to the significant Precambrian tectonic-thermal events of the North China craton. The basement of the North China craton is the main provenance of the Huade Group, of which the intermediate to high grade metamorphic sedimentary rocks are dominant and provide mainly 1.85-1.92 Ga sediments. 3. The Huade basin belongs to the North China craton and it is suggested that the northern boundary of the North China craton should be north to the Huade basin. 4. The stratigraphic characteristics indicate the Huade Group formed in a stable shallow-hypabyssal sedimentary basin. The rock association and sedimentary time of the Huade Group are similar to those of the Banyan Obo Group and the Zhaertai Group, and they commonly constitute late Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic continental margin basins along the northern margin of the North China craton. 5. The continental margin basins would have initiated coeval with the Yanshan and Xiong’er aulacogens. 6. The ages of the detrital zircons from the Tumen Group and the Penglai Group at Shandong peninsula and the Yushulazi Group at south Liaoning are similar, so their sedimentary time is suggested to be Neoproterozoic,coeval with the Qingbaikou system. The detrital zircon ages of 1.0-1.2 Ga from the Tumen Group, the Penglai Group and the Yushulazi Group indicate that there have being 1.0-1.2 Ga magmatic activities at the eastern margin of the North China craton. 7. The U-Pb age populations of the detrital zircons from the late Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks suggest that the main Precambrian tectonic-thermal events of the North China craton happened at ~2.5 Ga and ~1.85 Ga. But the events at 2.7 Ga and 1.2 Ga are also of great significance. Hf isotope characteristics indicate that the significant crust growth periods of the North China craton are 2.7-3.0 Ga and ~2.5 Ga.
To investigate the changes in the chemical weathering intensity of dust source region in Asia continent, ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios of acid-washed residues from the loess deposits in China and Tajikistan were analyzed, respectively. The results and conclusions are listed as below. 1. The oscillation of ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios of acid-insoluble residues in the Chinese Loess Plateau was mainly attributed to the chemical weathering intensity of the source region and the grain size. Counteracted the effect of particle size, the calibrated 87Sr/S6Sr ratio can be used as a proxy for the chemical weathering intensity of the source region. 2. The Sr/ Sr ratios of red clay-loess sequence from the Loess Plateau indicate that the chemical weathering intensity of the dust source region between 7.0 and 2.6 Ma is stronger than that in the Quaternary period. This also suggests a general decline in chemical weathering intensity of the source region from 2.6 Ma to the present. Such pattern is more remarkable since 1.0 Ma BP. 3. The ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios of the Tajik loess during 0.8-1.8 Ma is much more higher than those from 0.8 Ma to the present. This implies that the chemical weathering intensity of the source region in Central Asia is much stronger during 0.8-1.8 Ma than the period since 0.8 Ma. 4. The record of Sr isotope ratios from both sections shows an accelerating course of aridity of the Asian dust source region over the Quaternary period.
Stochastic reservoir modeling is a technique used in reservoir describing. Through this technique, multiple data sources with different scales can be integrated into the reservoir model and its uncertainty can be conveyed to researchers and supervisors. Stochastic reservoir modeling, for its digital models, its changeable scales, its honoring known information and data and its conveying uncertainty in models, provides a mathematical framework or platform for researchers to integrate multiple data sources and information with different scales into their prediction models. As a fresher method, stochastic reservoir modeling is on the upswing. Based on related works, this paper, starting with Markov property in reservoir, illustrates how to constitute spatial models for catalogued variables and continuum variables by use of Markov random fields. In order to explore reservoir properties, researchers should study the properties of rocks embedded in reservoirs. Apart from methods used in laboratories, geophysical means and subsequent interpretations may be the main sources for information and data used in petroleum exploration and exploitation. How to build a model for flow simulations based on incomplete information is to predict the spatial distributions of different reservoir variables. Considering data source, digital extent and methods, reservoir modeling can be catalogued into four sorts: reservoir sedimentology based method, reservoir seismic prediction, kriging and stochastic reservoir modeling. The application of Markov chain models in the analogue of sedimentary strata is introduced in the third of the paper. The concept of Markov chain model, N-step transition probability matrix, stationary distribution, the estimation of transition probability matrix, the testing of Markov property, 2 means for organizing sections-method based on equal intervals and based on rock facies, embedded Markov matrix, semi-Markov chain model, hidden Markov chain model, etc, are presented in this part. Based on 1-D Markov chain model, conditional 1-D Markov chain model is discussed in the fourth part. By extending 1-D Markov chain model to 2-D, 3-D situations, conditional 2-D, 3-D Markov chain models are presented. This part also discusses the estimation of vertical transition probability, lateral transition probability and the initialization of the top boundary. Corresponding digital models are used to specify, or testify related discussions. The fifth part, based on the fourth part and the application of MRF in image analysis, discusses MRF based method to simulate the spatial distribution of catalogued reservoir variables. In the part, the probability of a special catalogued variable mass, the definition of energy function for catalogued variable mass as a Markov random field, Strauss model, estimation of components in energy function are presented. Corresponding digital models are used to specify, or testify, related discussions. As for the simulation of the spatial distribution of continuum reservoir variables, the sixth part mainly explores 2 methods. The first is pure GMRF based method. Related contents include GMRF model and its neighborhood, parameters estimation, and MCMC iteration method. A digital example illustrates the corresponding method. The second is two-stage models method. Based on the results of catalogued variables distribution simulation, this method, taking GMRF as the prior distribution for continuum variables, taking the relationship between catalogued variables such as rock facies, continuum variables such as porosity, permeability, fluid saturation, can bring a series of stochastic images for the spatial distribution of continuum variables. Integrating multiple data sources into the reservoir model is one of the merits of stochastic reservoir modeling. After discussing how to model spatial distributions of catalogued reservoir variables, continuum reservoir variables, the paper explores how to combine conceptual depositional models, well logs, cores, seismic attributes production history.
The soil respiration and net ecosystem productivity of Kobresia littledalei meadow ecosystem was investigated at Dangxiong grassland station, one grassland field station of Lhasa Plateau Ecosystem Research Station. Soil respiration and soil heterotrophic respiration were measured at the same time by using Li6400-09 chamber in growing season of year 2004. The response of soil respiration and its components, i.e. microbial heterotrophic respiration and root respiration to biotic and abiotic factors were addressed. We studied the daily and seasonal variation on Net Ecosystem carbon Exchange (NEE) measured by eddy covariance equipments and then the regression models between the NEE and the soil temperature. Based on the researches, we analyzed the seasonal variation in grass biomass and estimated NEE combined the Net Ecosystem Productivity with heterogeneous respiration and then assessed the whether the area is carbon source or carbon sink. 1.Above-ground biomass was accumulated since the grass growth started from May; On early September the biomass reached maximum and then decreased. The aboveground net primary production (ANPP) was 150.88 g m~" in 2004. The under-ground biomass reached maximum when the aboveground start to die back. Over 80% of the grass root distributed at the soil depth from 0 to 20cm. The underground NPP was 1235.04 g m"2.. Therefore annual NPP wasl.385X103kg ha"1, i.e.6236.6 kg C ha"1. 2. The daily variation of soil respiration showed single peak curve with maximum mostly at noon and minimum 4:00-6:00 am. Daily variations were greater in June, July and August than those in September and October. Soil respiration had strong correlation with soil temperature at 5cm depth while had weaker correlation with soil moisture, air temperature, surface soil temperature, and so on. But since early September the soil respiration had a obviously correlation with soil moisture at 5cm depth. Biomass had a obviously linearity correlation with soil respiration at 30th June, 20th August, and the daytime of 27th September except at 23lh October and at nighttime of 27th September. We established the soil respiration responding to the soil temperature and to estimate the respiration variation during monsoon season (from June through August) and dry season (May, September and October). The regression between soil respiration and 5cm soil temperature were: monsoon season (June through August), Y=0.592expfl()932\ By estimating , the soil daily respiration in monsoon season is 7.798gCO2m"2 and total soil respiration is 717.44 gCC^m" , and the value of Cho is 2.54; dry season (May, September and October), Y=0.34exp°'085\ the soil daily respiration is 3.355gCO2m~2 and total soil respiration is 308.61 gCC^m", and the value of Cho is 2.34. So the total soil respiration in the grown season (From May to October) is 1026.1 g CO2IT1"2. 3. Soil heterogeneous respiration had a strong correlation with soil temperature especially with soil temperature at 5cm depth. The variation range in soil heterogeneous respiration was widely. The regression between soil heterogeneous respiration and 5cm soil temperature is: monsoon season, Y=0.106exp ' 3x; dry season, Y=0.18exp°"0833x.By estimating total soil heterotrophic respiration in monsoon season is 219.6 gCC^m"2, and the value of Cho is 3.78; While total soil heterogeneous respiration in dry season is 286.2 gCCbm"2, and the value of Cho is 2.3. The total soil heterotrophic respiration of the year is 1379.4kg C ha"1. 4. We estimated the root respiration through the balance between soil respiration and the soil heterotrophic respiration. The contribution of root respiration to total respiration was different during different period: re-greening period 48%; growing period 69%; die-back period 48%. 5. The Ecosystem respiration was relatively strong from May to October, and of which the proportion in total was 97.4%.The total respiration of Ecosystem was 369.6 g CO2 m" .we got the model of grass respiration respond to the soil temperature at 5cm depth and then estimated the daytime grass respiration, plus the nighttime NEE and daytime soil respiration. But when we estimated the grass respiration, we found the result was negative, so the estimating value in this way was not close. 6. The estimating of carbon pool or carbon sink. The NPP minus the soil heterogeneous respiration was the NEE, and it was 4857.3kg C o ha"1, which indicated that the area was the carbon sink.
全球变化的研究发现:19世纪以来全球平均气温大约上升了0.6℃,并预计在21世纪会升高更多。温室效应的直接结果是导致全球地面增温,温度的升高会增加下垫面的蒸发量。根据全球水平衡原理,蒸发量应该与降水量相等,因而降水量也会相应增加。气候变化的情景模式研究表明,世界各地雨量变异大,在高纬度地区,包括北欧地区,降水会增加。 流域是水生系统的一个重要的汞和甲基汞的输入源。欧洲淡水系统中,鱼体汞含量过高的湖泊主要局限于北方的高纬度森林地区。在斯堪的纳维亚半岛,就有上万湖泊中的鱼体汞含量超过了健康食用标准0.5 mg/kg。水生系统甲基汞输入源包括:水体或沉积物通过甲基化形成甲基汞,通过大气干、湿沉降输入的甲基汞和陆地生态系统的地表径流输入的甲基汞。 本研究的主要目标是搞清楚未来气候变化引起的大气降水量的增加对北方高纬度森林流域土壤中汞的迁移和形态转化有何影响。未来大气降水量的增加可能会增强森林地区流域土壤中汞的迁移,进而对水生系统的汞循环产生影响。一方面,如果地下水水位上涨,当水流过富含有机质结合含汞土壤层时,将会增加土壤中汞和甲基汞的迁移性,由此而导致流域向河流、湖泊等水生系统中汞输出通量的增加。另一方面,氧化还原电位改变、DOC和营养物质的释放会加剧汞在土壤中的释放过程,并且可能会促进汞的形态转化,可能增加毒性较强的甲基汞的产量,最终导致甲基汞从土壤向水生系统的输出通量的增加。 本研究选择瑞典西海岸花园湖(Gårdsjön)的G1流域作为研究对象,在流域内进行人工模拟增加降雨试验,模拟未来气候变化降水量增加的情景,观测流域地表径流中汞和甲基汞的变化。并在流域内选择四个点(1×1m²),进行汞同位素加入示踪试验。测定土壤剖面甲基汞和总汞及其同位素组成,来分析汞的迁移和形态转化。主要研究结果如下: 1. 通过对G1流域土壤中甲基汞分布的调查,发现甲基汞含量范围为0.020-3.1ng/g,甲基汞含量与TOC含量具有正相关的关系,表明土壤甲基汞的迁移受TOC迁移的影响。估算G1流域的甲基汞储库通量为123g/km2,G1流域甲基汞储库容为0.65g。 2. 通过甲基汞含量和甲基汞储库在土壤剖面的分布,可以看出表层腐殖质层甲基汞浓度最高,甲基汞最富集,而在较深的土壤层位甲基汞储库容量最大,表明甲基汞具有向下迁移的趋势。 3. 根据总汞同位素组成结果,汞同位素(198Hg(NO3)2)加入土壤中后,202Hg/198Hg比值迅速下降,然后随时间推移而上升,表明加入土壤中的汞与土壤中原始汞形态不同,具有不同的迁移方式,且加入土壤中二价汞的迁移性比土壤中的原始汞更强。计算表明,外界加入的汞,将有50-60%长期滞留在土壤中。 4. 根据甲基汞的同位素组成结果,Wet点的新加入的198Hg甲基汞分数要大于其它三点,表明湿润土壤中汞甲基化速率要快于较干燥的土壤中。另外,Wet点的甲基汞分数比以前无人工模拟增加降雨的同位素示踪结果高很多,表明降水量增加会导致汞的甲基化作用在土壤中的形态转化过程中占主导地位,最终导致甲基汞产率的提高。 5. 人工模拟增加降雨试验进行后,地表径流中总汞的浓度没有发生变化,而甲基汞的浓度增大了很多,从0.03ng/L增大到了1ng/L以上,表明降水的增加可以促进土壤中汞的甲基化作用。 6. 地表径流向流域外总汞和甲基汞的输出量的计算显示,受人工模拟增加降雨的影响,流域地表径流量也会增加,最终年地表径流中总汞和甲基汞的输出通量都变大。
峨眉山大陆溢流玄武岩省(ECFB)是中国国内唯一被国际学术界认可的大火成岩省,其独特的地球化学特征和完整的岩浆演化序列,日渐引起了地学界的关注。但总体研究程度还很低,随着研究的推进,需要探讨以下问题:(1)对比ELIP各岩区的地球化学特征;(2)探讨ELIP岩浆岩演化趋势及其地球化学特征;(3)寻找更多地幔柱成因证据;(4)研究其化学储库特征及其地球动力学指纹。本文从岩石地球化学、PGE地球化学、同位素地球化学和动力地球化学等方面作了较系统的探讨。 本文除了对峨眉山玄武岩活动时段、S不饱和特征、三大趋势及其氧逸度、两大序列、高镁玄武岩等作了探讨外,还建立了一些新的微量元素、PGE和热动力熔融模拟图解,系统对REE、蛛网配分模式图进行了孔隙度动力熔融模拟,通过Sr-Nd-Pb同位素混合模拟较细致的研究了ELIP源区DM与EM组份比例。首次对ECFB的PGE含量作了定量模拟,表明ELIP起源于0.3-1%的外核物质+50%亏损上地幔+50-49.7%下部原始地幔的混合源区。 模拟还表明ELIP西岩区熔融源区在Gt橄榄岩到Sp二辉橄榄岩地幔内(熔融压力3.0~1.8GPa),部分熔融度2-8%,部分小于<2%;中岩区熔融源区在Gt-Sp二辉橄榄岩地幔内(熔融压力3.0-2.5GPa),熔融度主要<2%;东岩区熔融源区在Gt-Sp二辉橄榄岩内(熔融压力2.9~2.4GPa),部分熔融小于1%。笔者认为从西到东,上覆岩石圈从薄的特提斯大洋盖层变为厚的扬子克拉通盖层环境,这导致熔融压力/深度的增加而平均熔融度降低,这与根据EFB中的La/Yb比值推测的岩石圈下熔融面地图基本一致。 通过Sr-Nd同位素动力学模式探讨了ELIP的组份异质性,认为亏损的镁铁质大洋板片携带泛古陆上地壳陆源沉积物,俯冲脱水后长期(约1Ga)储积在热边界层,沉积物与亏损古洋壳发生交代混合形成富集地幔(EM2),并被峨眉山地幔柱捕获夹带入头部,并在P/Tr冲击登陆于扬子克拉通西缘,从而产出含有UCC(或TS或GLOSS)组份特征的ECFB。
本文研究首先在研究区目的层段精细地层对比、重建地层层序格架基础上,开展沉积体系演化和砂体分布特征、断裂构造的几何学、运动学、形成演化机制和构造模式、油气藏形成和分布等多学科综合研究。其次,结合平衡剖面技术、扫描电镜等先进测试手段,阐明文西断裂带构造特征及构造演化规律。运用层序地层学的方法和理论,确定研究区目的层段的沉积特征、砂体及储层的成因类型和地震反演技术,储层的空间展布规律;最后应用油气系统理论方法及断层评价等进行油气成藏条件分析,阐明该区油气藏形成的主要控制因素、油藏类型及油气水分布规律,并进行勘探目标的预测,提出有利的含油区块,并取得了以下创新性成果: 1.该项目首次在文西断裂带进行高分辨率层序地层学研究,建立了层序格架和层序模式,解决了地层对比过程中的穿时问题。 2.通过湖平面变化分析确定Ⅲ5准层序组(沙三中顶)时期(盐岩、油页岩沉积时期)水体最深(深湖半深湖),表明文9盐属深湖成因。 3.沉积相的分析是在等时层序格架控制下进行的,更好地反映了沉积微相的剖面和平面规律。通过沉积相研究发现了储层性质较好而没有开发的Ps14块、W242块。 4.构造研究过程中利用泥岩涂抹、声波时差散点图等方法进行了断层封闭性分析,为区块评价提供了定量依据。 5.以油气成藏条件研究为基础,以油源、油气运移以及断层封闭特征相结合,建立了六种成藏模式,对文西断裂带油气藏机制有了进一步认识。 6.通过综合研究,提出了下一步勘探开发的重点区块为Ps14块、W242块以及W141块等11个区块。
水是人类生存不可或缺的资源,水环境污染问题愈来愈受到人们的重视。随着对点源污染控制能力的提高,非点源污染问题成为当前研究中的热点,而对非点源污染进行定量化研究的最直接、最有效的途径就是建立模拟模型。基于此热点问题,本文选择乌江流域(贵州境内)作为研究区,在ArcGIS 平台上建立了一个简单、快速评价流域非点源污染的方法,它考虑流域的空间异质性,且只需很少的参数。该方法用一个分辨率较高的栅格数字高程模型(DEM)将整个流域划分成100 m×100 m 的格网,计算每个栅格里产生的地表径流量和非点源污染负荷。通过模拟流域地表水流,追踪每个栅格中的水流流向,模拟非点源污染物在流域河网中的运动过程。该方法能计算一个区域水文系统年均非点源污染物的负荷,并能估算出由非点源污染在河网中产生的各污染物浓度值。 通过本项研究,能识别出流域内非点源污染严重区域,还可以快速模拟土地利用变化对流域非点源污染的影响,从而为流域今后的规划和综合治理提供科学依据。通过系统的研究,本文主要研究成果如下: 1. 建立了乌江流域(贵州境内)非点源污染数据库(空间数据库和属性数据库),这不仅有力地支撑了研究区非点源污染评价研究,同时对于在研究区开展其它方面的研究也是一个有力的支撑。 2. 基于Arc Hydro Tools 和DEM 自动提取的流域河网与1:25 万数字水系相比较,两者在总体上吻合较好,特别是两者的主干河道基本重合,这正是在DEM基于GIS 的乌江流域( 贵州境内) 非点源污染评价预处理中用AGREE 算法将主干河网与DEM 融合的效果;但也有少部分地区(地形平坦处,地形坡度≤3°或受人类活动影响较大的区域)两者存在较大差异,如将红枫湖、百花水库等湖泊水库区描述成河道了,在东干渠和西干渠处,由于人工河渠改变了水流的自然方向,使得提取河网与实际河网差别很大。 3. 以流域内的5 个水文站为子流域出口,分别描绘相应子流域,比较自动提取流域面积与实际量测结果,结果表明自动提取的子流域面积与实际量测子流域面积非常接近,相对误差在9%以内,能达到1:25 万数据的精度要求。 4. 以流域内5 个子流域的地表径流量,降雨量和土地利用百分比为输入参数,利用多元回归分析工具建立流域降雨径流模型,结果表明模拟相对误差在7%以内,证明所建降雨径流模型能满足模拟需要,模拟精度较高。 5. 流域出口处的年均非点源总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)输出通量分别为40309 ton 和2607 ton。从流域内各大支流控制的子流域来看,野济河流域由于其中的耕地面积大(占流域面积的51.21%),以3.03%的流域面积分别贡献了4.08%和3.95%的非点源总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)负荷;而湘江流域,由于其中的林地面积占主导地位(占流域面积的68.94%),以8.45%的流域面积只分别输出了6.40%和6.06%的非点源总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)负荷。因此,对非点源污染的控制要从耕地和草地着手,需要优先治理的流域为野济河流域、三岔河流域、猫跳河流域、偏岩河流域、乌江下干流流域。 6. 模拟的非点源总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)浓度值在流域上游明显大于下游。比较水质监测点浓度值与对应的模拟浓度值,可以发现在贵阳站和湘江站的观测值大大超过模拟值:贵阳站的总氮(TN)浓度观测值为9.37 mg/l,模拟值为2.94mg/l,总磷(TP)浓度观测值为0.68 mg/l,模拟值为0.19 mg/l;湘江站的总氮(TN)浓度观测值为5.77 mg/l,模拟值为1.98 mg/l,总磷(TP)浓度观测值为0.27 mg/l,模拟值为0.13 mg/l。另外在思南站的总磷(TP)的观测值也大大超过模拟值,观测值为0.44 mg/l,模拟值为0.14 mg/l。观测值与模拟值之间这种巨大的差异可能暗示在这两处存在明显的总氮(TN)点源污染。而贵阳站和湘江站刚好分别位于贵阳市和遵义市市区的下游,贵阳市和遵义市是流域内最大的两个工业城市。对于观测值小于模拟值的情况,主要有两种可能的原因:①某种土地利用类型的EMC 平均值赋得过高了,或②非点源污染物在随水流运动过程中损失了一部分,如沉淀或分解等。