998 resultados para steam process


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International energy and climate strategies also set Finland’s commitments to increasing the use of renewable energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The target can be achieved by, for example, increasing the use of energy wood. Finland’s forest biomass potential is significant compared with current use. Increased use will change forest management and wood harvesting methods however. The thesis examined the potential for integrated pulp and paper mills to increase bioenergy production. The effects of two bioenergy production technologies on the carbon footprint of an integrated LWC mill were studied at mill level and from the cradle-to-customer approach. The LignoBoost process and FT diesel production were chosen as bioenergy cases. The data for the LignoBoost process were obtained from Metso and for the FT diesel process from Neste Oil. The rest of the information is based on the literature and databases of the KCL-ECO life-cycle computer program and Ecoinvent. In both case studies, the carbon footprint was reduced. From the results, it can be concluded that it is possible to achieve a fossil-fuel-free pulp mill with the LignoBoost process. By using steam from the FT diesel process, the amount of auxiliary fuel can be reduced considerably and the bark boiler can be replaced. With a choice of auxiliary fuels for use in heat production in the paper mill and the production methods for purchased electricity, it is possible to affect the carbon footprints even more in both cases.


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A distinctive design feature of steam boiler with natural circulation is the presence of the steam drum which plays a role of the separator of vapor from the flow of water-and-steam mixture coming into steam drum from the furnace tubes. Steam drum with unheated downcomer tubes, deducing from it, and riser (screen/furnace tubes) inside the furnace is a closed circulation loop in which movement of water (downcomer tubes) and water-and-steam mixture (riser tubes) is organized. The movement of the working fluid is appears due to occurrence of the natural pressure, determined by the difference in hydrostatic pressure and the mass of water and water-and-steam mixtures in downcomer and riser tubes and called the driving pressure of the natural circulation:


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli laskea voimalaitoskannattavuudet vuosilta 2007–2009 kohdeyrityksen biovoimalaitokselle sekä kombivoimalaitokselle. Lisäksi laskettiin kohdeyrityksen uuden hyötyvoimalaitoksen käyttöönottovuoden 2009 kannattavuus sekä odotetun käyttöasteen kannattavuus. Tavoitteena oli muodostaa tuotantolaitoskohtaiset tuotekannattavuudet vuodelta 2009 Kotkan Energia Oy:ssä sekä muodostaa kirjatut jakoperusteet kannattavuuksien laskentaa varten ja analysoida saatuja kannattavuuksia. Tutkimusmetodologiana on käytetty soveltavaa tutkimusotetta. Kannattavuusanalyysin kehittäminen vaatii yrityksen kustannusten, tuottojen ja toiminnan sekä toimialan luonteen ymmärtämistä. Haasteena tutkimuksessa oli sähkön, lämmön ja höyryn valmistuksen periaatteiden omaksuminen, joka on kustannusten ja tuottojen oikean kohdistamisen perusta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todettiin, että kombivoimalaitos on tuotantolaitoksista kannattamattomin. Kohdeyrityksen kannattavuutta voitaisiin parantaa investoimalla kombivoimalaitoksen tilalle halvempaa polttoainetta käyttävä tuotantolaitos. Tuotteista kannattavimmaksi todettiin kaukolämpö. Tutkimuksen tuloksina saatuja kannattavuuksia voidaan hyödyntää Kotkan Energian päätöksenteossa ja niitä hyödyntämällä pystytään kohdeyritykselle laskemaan nopeasti tarpeellisia tulevaisuudenskenaarioita. Kannattavuuslaskelmien tuloksien analyysin jatkoksi pohdittiin Kotkan Energialle jatkotutkimusehdotelmia.


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Diplomityö tehtiin Pohjoismainen Solumuovi Oy:lle. Tutkimusongelmaksi määriteltiin hyvin selkeästi tiedon puute muottien suunnittelusta sekä valmistuksesta. Työn tavoite oli parantaa solumuovituotteiden valmistuksessa käytettävien muottien laatua. Työn rajaus asettuu uusien muottien suunnittelu- ja valmistusprosessin parantamiseen. Työssä käsiteltiin tämän prosessin lisäksi mm. mallisuunnittelua, sekä koneen ja prosessien ominaisuuksia niiden muoteille asettamien vaatimusten pohjalta. Muottien ominaisuuksien oikeaoppinen suunnittelu on erittäin tärkeässä roolissa tulevien tuotantokustannusten muodostumisessa. Oikeaoppisella suunnittelulla tarkoitetaan työssä muottien eri osa-alueiden toisiinsa kytkeytymisen ymmärtämistä, niin muotin toimivuuden, lopputuotteen laadun sekä muotin tehokkuuden kannalta. Muottien ominaisuudet määräävät ideaalitilanteessa pitkälti koneiden sykliaikoja käytettävän raaka-aineen ja kappaleen dimensioiden lisäksi. Tämän vuoksi tilanteessa, jossa itse kone toimii moitteettomasti vakuumin, materiaalinsyötön, jäähdytyksen ja höyrytyksen osalta, saadaan muotin oikeaoppisella suunnittelulla lyhennettyä sykliaikoja ja vähennettyä virhekappaleiden määrää. Solumuovimuotin suunnitteluperiaatteita on lähes yhtä monta kuin suunnittelijoita. Mitään yksittäistä periaatetta ei voida suoraan tuomita vääränä, koska näillä muoteilla pystytään valmistamaan laadun kriteerit täyttäviä tuotteita. Useimmat suunnitteluperiaatteet pohjautuvat kuitenkin vain tietyn osa-alueen hallintaan, jonka jälkeen loput osa-alueet suunnitellaan tämän ehdoilla. Työssä saatujen tulosten pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että muotin tuottavuus on erityisesti kiinni kokonaisuudesta, ei yksittäisestä osa-alueesta.


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In this thesis the main objective is to examine and model configuration system and related processes. When and where configuration information is created in product development process and how it is utilized in order-delivery process? These two processes are the essential part of the whole configuration system from the information point of view. Empirical part of the work was done as a constructive research inside a company that follows a mass customization approach. Data models and documentation are created for different development stages of the configuration system. A base data model already existed for new structures and relations between these structures. This model was used as the basis for the later data modeling work. Data models include different data structures, their key objects and attributes, and relations between. Representation of configuration rules for the to-be configuration system was defined as one of the key focus point. Further, it is examined how the customer needs and requirements information can be integrated into the product development process. Requirements hierarchy and classification system is presented. It is shown how individual requirement specifications can be connected for physical design structure via features by developing the existing base data model further.


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The porous mixed oxide SiO2/TiO2/Sb2O5 obtained by the sol-gel processing method presented a good ion exchange property and a high exchange capacity towards the Li+, Na+ and K+ ions. In the H+/M+ ion exchange process, the H+ / Na+ could be described as presenting an ideal character. The ion exchange equilibria of Li+ and K+ were quantitatively described with the help of the model of fixed tetradentate centers. The results of simulation evidence that for the H+ / Li+ exchange the usual situation takes place: the affinity of the material to the Li+ ions is decreased with increasing the degree of ion exchange. On the contrary, for K+ the effects of positive cooperativity, that facilitate the H+ / K+ exchange, were revealed.


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Useat voimalaitokset käyttävät hiiliteräksistä valmistettuja palamisilman esilämmittimiä, joissa höyrykattilan palamisilmaa lämmitetään matalapainehöyryllä. Joissakin tapauksissa esilämmittimet ovat kärsineet sisäpuolisen korroosion aiheuttamista putkirikoista. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää korroosiovaurioiden aiheuttajat ja tarkastella eri keinoja uusien korroosiovaurioiden ehkäisemiseksi. Keskeisimpänä uusien vaurioiden ehkäisykeinona tarkastellaan pinta-aktiivisia amiineja sisältäviä höyrykattilan jälkiannostelukemikaaliseoksia, joista tarkemman tarkastelun kohteena on kaupallinen Helamin 90 H Turb- kemikaaliseos. Pääasialliseksi korroosion aiheuttajaksi on usein epäilty höyryn sisältämää hiilidioksidia. Uusimpien näkemysten mukaan orgaaniset hapot, pääasiassa etikka- ja muurahaishappo ovat kuitenkin hiilidioksidia voimakkaampia korroosion aiheuttajia ilmanesilämmittimissä. Orgaaniset hapot väkevöityvät höyryn lauhtumisen alkaessa muodostuviin lauhdepisaroihin ja alentavat pH-tasoa radikaalisti. pH-tason aleneminen nopeuttaa metallipintoja suojaavan magnetiitin liukenemista ja vaikeuttaa myös sen uusiutumista. Orgaanisia happoja ja hiilidioksidia muodostuu orgaanisten aineiden osittaisessa hajoamisessa höyrykattilan vesi-höyrypiirissä. Pääasialliset orgaanisten aineiden lähteet ovat lisäveden mukana kattilaan kulkeutuva luonnon orgaaninen aines ja käytetyt orgaaniset jälkiannostelukemikaalit. Orgaanisten aineiden kuormaa voidaan pienentää parantamalla lisäveden valmistusprosessin orgaanisten aineiden erotustehokkuutta esimerkiksi käänteisosmoosilla. Mikäli lisäveden laadun parantaminen ei ole järkevästi toteutettavissa, voidaan orgaanisten jälkiannostelukemikaalien oikeanlaisella käytöllä neutraloida orgaanisten happojen vaikutus ilmanesilämmittimissä. Tehokkaimmaksi korroosion hillitsijäksi suoritettujen mittausten perusteella osoittautuivat kemikaaliseokset, jotka sisältävät alkaloivien amiinien lisäksi kalvoa muodostavaa pinta-aktiivista amiinia.


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A method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of Cd and Pb in antibiotics used in sugar-cane fermentation by GFAAS. The integrated platform of transversely heated graphite atomizer was treated with tungsten to form a coating of tungsten carbide. Six samples of commercial solid antibiotics were analyzed by injecting 20 µL of digested samples into the pretreated graphite platform with co-injection of 5 µL of 1000 mg L-1 Pd as chemical modifier. Samples were mineralized in a closed-vessel microwave-assisted acid-digestion system using nitric acid plus hydrogen peroxide. The pyrolysis and atomization temperatures of the heating program of the atomizer were selected as 600°C and 2200°C, respectively. The calculated characteristic mass for Cd and Pb was 1.6 pg and 42 pg, respectively. Limits of detection (LOD) based on integrated absorbance were 0.02 µg L-1 Cd and 0.7 µg L-1 Pb and the relative standard deviations (n = 10) for Cd and Pb were 5.7% and 8.0%, respectively. The recoveries of Cd and Pb added to the digested samples varied from 91% to 125% (Cd) and 80% to 112% (Pb).


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This thesis was made for a large forest industry company’s business segment. The purpose of the study was to improve the performance of the order-to-delivery process of the business segment. The study proceeded in three phases. The first phase was to define customer expectations in the market. The second phase was to analyse the performance and the operations of the order-to-delivery process, and to define any challenges or problems in serving the customers. The third and final phase was improving the performance of the order-to-delivery process, within the scope defined by the first two phases. The analysis showed that the delivery reliability is an essential but a challenging issue in the case company’s markets. On delivery reliability standpoint, the most challenging factors were the detected information flow distortions within the company as well as in the whole supply chain, and the lack of horizontal control over the multi-stage process.


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The aim of this study was to examine suitability of BimTwin cleaning concept in card board machine to control microbiological activity and describe microbiological balance of the machine. In a review of literature is examined microbe and spore caused problems in paper industry. Biggest problems are deposits, which decrease runnability and cause quality errors. In this chapter is also introduced most common oxidizing biocides used in paper industry and described ATP assay as a microbiological monitoring method. In an experimental part are included BimTwin mill trial results, chemical condition monitoring methods and microbiological balance in a card board machine. In a second part are examined possibilities to effect hygiene of card board by chemical treatment of the surface size and coating. Result showed that BimTwin concept is suitable for card board machine as a cleaning concept, when chemical dosing is fitted right. For proper dosing and secure tolerable hygiene level, chemical and microbiological monitoring is significant. Determining of the microbiological balance would have need more sampling. According to acquired results, broke turned out to be the biggest microbe source. Sizing and coating experiments showed that it is possible to improve hygiene of card board by chemically treated surface size and coating color.


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The aim of this study was to create an outsourcing process for pharmaceutical product development. This study focuses on two main questions. The first question is “What is the outsourcing process model?” In the second phase key success factors of the outsourcing process are identified. As a result of the literature reviews, a general outsourcing process was created. Transaction cost economics and resource based view were used to derived a theoretical framework to the process by combining the existing processes presented in the literature. The model of process is considered used to the outsourcing broadly. The general outsourcing process was then developed further with the key factors that affect the success of pharmaceutical product development and the interviews of pharmaceutical outsourcing experts. The result of the research was the process consists of seven phases with key activities and expected outputs for each of the phases. In addition, the strategic decision-making framework for outsourcing decision in pharmaceutical product development is giving as well as the tools for selecting supplier and preparing structured contract. This study also gives some recommendations for managing the outsourcing process.


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Selling is much maligned, often under-valued subject whose inadequate showing in business schools is in inverse proportion to the many job opportunities it offers and the importance of salespeople bringing incomes to companies. The purpose of this research is to increase the understanding of customer-oriented selling and examine the influence of customer-oriented philosophy on selling process, the applicability of selling techniques to this philosophy and the importance of them to salespeople. The empirical section of the study is two-fold. Firstly, the data of qualitative part was collected by conducting five thematic interviews among sales consultants and case company representatives. The findings of the study indicate that customer-oriented selling requires the activity of salespeople. In the customer-oriented personal selling process, salespeople invest time in the preplanning, the need analysis and the benefit demonstration stages. However, the findings propose that salespeople today must also have the basic capabilities for executing the traditional sales process, and the balance between traditional and consultative selling process will change as the duration of the relationship between the salesperson and customer increases. The study also proposes that selling techniques still belong to the customer-oriented selling process, although their roles might be modest. This thesis mapped 75 selling techniques and the quantitative part of the study explored what selling techniques are considered to be important by salespeople in direct selling industry when they make sales with new and existing customers. Response rate of the survey was 69.5%.


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A company’s capability to map out its cost position compared to other market players is important for competitive decision making. One aspect of cost position is direct product cost that illustrates the cost efficiency of a company’s product designs. If a company can evaluate and compare its own and other market players’ direct product costs, it can implement better decisions in product development and management, manufacturing, sourcing, etc. The main objective of this thesis was to develop a cost evaluation process for competitors’ products. This objective includes a process description and an analysis tool for cost evaluations. Additionally, process implementation is discussed as well. The main result of this thesis was a process description consisting of a sixteen steps process and an Excel based analysis tool. Since literature was quite limited in this field, the solution proposal was combined from many different theoretical concepts. It includes influences from reverse engineering, product cost assessment, benchmarking and cost based decision making. This solution proposal will lead to more systematic and standardized cost position analyses and result in better cost transparency in decision making.


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Calcium oxide looping is a carbon dioxide sequestration technique that utilizes the partially reversible reaction between limestone and carbon dioxide in two interconnected fluidised beds, carbonator and calciner. Flue gases from a combustor are fed into the carbonator where calcium oxide reacts with carbon dioxide within the gases at a temperature of 650 ºC. Calcium oxide is transformed into calcium carbonate which is circulated into the regenerative calciner, where calcium carbonate is returned into calcium oxide and a stream of pure carbon dioxide at a higher temperature of 950 ºC. Calcium oxide looping has proved to have a low impact on the overall process efficiency and would be easily retrofitted into existing power plants. This master’s thesis is done in participation to an EU funded project CaOling as a part of the Lappeenranta University of Technology deliverable, reactor modelling and scale-up tools. Thesis concentrates in creating the first model frame and finding the physically relevant phenomena governing the process.


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Diplomityössä selvitettiin Fortum Power and Heat Oy:n Loviisan VVER-440 painevesireaktorilaitosten termisen tehon laskentaan liittyviä epävarmuuksia. Laitoksen turvallisuusteknisissä käyttöehdoissa (TTKE) määrätään reaktorin suurimmaksi sallituksi lämpötehoksi 1500 MW. Tähän perustuen haluttiin selvittää nykyiseen RT1 laskentaan liittyvät epävarmuudet tarkastamalla nykyinen laskenta ja siinä käytetyt termohydrauliset laskentasovitteet. Työn alussa selostetaan lyhyesti Loviisan voimalaitoksen toimintaperiaate, jonka jälkeen esitellään laskentaan osallistuvat prosessimittaukset ja niihin liittyvät epävarmuustekijät. Mittauksille määritettiin epävarmuudet käyttäen hyödyksi komponenttivalmistajien tietoja sekä laitoksen kalibrointitodistuksia ja näiden lisäksi laskettiin standardin mukainen virhe virtauslaipoille. Edellä mainittujen virheiden perusteella voitiin laskea tehon epävarmuudet yksittäiselle höyrystimelle, josta edelleen varianssien summamenetelmällä saatiin reaktorin termiselle teholle 0,78 %:n epävarmuus 95 % luottamustasolla. Laskettua tehon epävarmuutta verrattiin Monte Carlo -menetelmällä suoritettuun tarkistuslaskentaan, jolla termisen tehon epävarmuudeksi saatiin 0,53 %, luottamustason ollessa 95 %. Työssä tarkasteltiin keskiarvotuksen vaikutusta mittausdataan. Näissä tarkasteluissa havaittiin pinnansäädöstä aiheutuva reaktoritehon huojunta, joka oli työn merkittävin havainto.