887 resultados para Metastase - Tratamento - Estudos experimentais


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Tese de mestrado, Doenças Infecciosas Emergentes, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016


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Tese de mestrado, Nutrição Clínica, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016


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A crioterapia é prática comum na medicina esportiva, pela praticidade, facilidade de acesso e baixo custo, possuindo vantajoso uso na Saúde Pública. No entanto, os efeitos analgésicos do gelo tem pouca base objetiva e sistematizada em termos de técnicas, duração e frequência. O objetivo deste estudo foi sintetizar através da revisão sistemática (RS) as evidências relativas à efetividade da crioterapia para o tratamento das entorses de tornozelo de atletas. A RS é um método de pesquisa observacional e retrospectivo, pelo qual se tratam artigos, preferencialmente Ensaios Clínicos Aleatórios – ECA, como sujeitos da investigação, com rigorosos critérios de inclusão e exclusão e, quando possível, realiza-se uma macro estatística dos resultados – metaanálise. No presente RS, foram consultados cinco bancos de dados - Medline, Embase, Cochrane, Lilacs e PEDro para buscar ECA sobre crioterapia com os desfechos dor, edema, rigidez e função. Resultados: 289 estudos foram identificados inicialmente, dos quais nove com tratamentos isolados ou associados à crioterapia, porém apenas um preencheu aos critérios de inclusão, cujo N era 121 atletas, dos quais 64 receberam a crioterapia (funcional) e 57 no grupo controle (imobilização). Maior probabilidade para o evento dor foi observada no grupo controle, após 3 e 12 meses. A RS revelou uma lacuna em ECA dentro do tema, mas não encontrou efeito adverso na prática da crioterapia, sendo um princípio analgésico importante, sobretudo em lesões de tecidos moles.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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A terapêutica antitrombótica ocupa um lugar central no tratamento da doença coronária aguda. A sua importância foi reforçada com a generalização dos procedimentos de intervenção percutânea, em especial quando são implantados dispositivos intra-coronários. Neste domínio, o uso da dupla antiagregação plaquetar é obrigatório, combinando a clássica aspirina às tienopiridinas, em particular ao clopidogrel. Em paralelo, o uso de anticoagulantes é igualmente mandatório, particularmente nas primeiras horas, até à angioplastia e implantação de stent. Depois de uma década dominada pelo clopidogrel e pela enoxaparina, assistimos, recentemente, à introdução de novos fármacos, em especial o fondaparinux e mais recentemente o prasugrel, ambos com as suas vantagens e desvantagens. O Congresso Europeu de Cardiologia 2009 foi particularmente rico nesta área, já que três importantes estudos viram os seus resultados apresentados, todos eles com relevantes implicações para a prática clínica. O estudo PLATO introduzindo o ticagrelor,primeiro antiplaquetar actuando via receptor P2Y12 com efeito reversível; o estudo CURRENT-OASIS 7 testando doses, acima do convencional, de clopidogrel e aspirina; o estudo SEPIA-ACS 1 TIMI 42 introduzindo o otamixaban, novo anticoagulante com efeito anti-Xa administrado por via intra-venosa; são, no presente trabalho, sumariamente apresentados e discutidos, procurando realçar alguns aspectos que poderão vir a introduzir alterações nas recomendações e consequentemente na prática do dia a dia.


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A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a influência da fé religiosa no tratamento junto a pessoas com câncer, de maneira mais específica com câncer de cólonretal, a fim de coletar dados de um grupo mais homogêneo. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada no Ambulatório de Oncologia do Hospital de Clínicas da UNICAMP (Universidade Estadual de Campinas). A motivação para o aprofundamento deste estudo surgiu a partir de nossa atuação pastoral, quando confrontados com as diferentes reações dos pacientes em relação ao câncer, ao observar que a fé desempenhava um papel fundamental no tratamento e na luta contra a doença. Para a elaboração de nossa pesquisa recorreu-se aos estudos em relação ao câncer pelos médicos e psicanalistas Carl Simonton e Stefanie M. Simonton, Com a vida de Novo; Bernie S. Siegel, Amor, Medicina e Milagres. Para a análise e compreensão da fé buscamos como referencial o pensamento de Paul Tillich, em A Dinâmica da Fé e James Fowler, Estágios da fé. Procuramos ainda verificar as hipóteses levantadas de acordo com a compreensão da Psicanálise e Religião segundo Erich Fromm, Psicologia e Religião desenvolvida por Carl Gustav Jung e Psicoterapia e sentido da vida segundo Victor Frankl. O desenvolvimento deste projeto se dá em três momentos. No primeiro é realizada uma análise entre medicina e fé, a partir dos autores mencionados acima. No segundo são apresentados o resultado da pesquisa de campo. No terceiro reflete-se sobre os resultados da pesquisa de campo à luz dos referenciais teóricos em questão.(AU)


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A psicologia positiva focaliza o estudo das emoções positivas, traços de caráter positivo e se destina a complementar, e não se distanciar ou substituir, o que já se sabe sobre o sofrimento humano, a fraqueza e as debilidades. Recentemente, baseado nos estudos da psicologia positiva, foi desenvolvido o conceito de capital psicológico (psycap), um construto de nível superior o qual pode ser definido como um estado de desenvolvimento psicológico positivo, caracterizado por: (1) possuir confiança (autoeficácia) para realizar os esforços necessários para enfrentar tarefas desafiadoras; (2) realizar atribuições positivas (otimismo) acerca de como se comportar no momento atual e no futuro; (3) perseverança no direcionamento dos esforços para atingir seus objetivos (esperança); e, (4) quando confrontado com problemas e adversidades, resistir à pressão e superar os obstáculos (resiliência) para atingir os seus objetivos. A percepção de suporte social pode ser entendida como um conceito que se refere à crença do indivíduo de que possui acesso a recursos materiais e psicológicos através de suas redes sociais. O suporte social pode atuar de forma positiva na saúde, desde a proteção até sua recuperação. A adesão ao tratamento pode ser considerada como a extensão à qual o comportamento do paciente (em termos de tomar os medicamentos, seguir dietas ou alterar o estilo de vida) coincide com as orientações ou conselhos médicos. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as relações entre capital psicológico, percepção de suporte social e adesão ao tratamento. Dele fizeram parte, 102 participantes escolhidos por conveniência, que responderam a um questionário autoaplicável contendo as medidas das variáveis deste estudo. Os dados foram submetidos às análises descritivas e multivariadas utilizando o SPSS, versão 19.0. Dentre os resultados, pode-se salientar a comprovação do impacto de percepção de suporte social sobre a adesão ao tratamento e a impossibilidade de que capital psicológico exerça papel moderador sobre essa relação na amostra estudada. Conclui-se que foram atingidos os objetivos do estudo com destaque para a corroboração que os resultados do mesmo trouxeram para os achados já presentes na literatura acerca do impacto do suporte social na adesão ao tratamento.


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O objetivo central deste trabalho é efetuar uma análise comparativa da contabilização dos ativos intangíveis no âmbito do SNC e do SNC-AP. A convergência de ambos os normativos nos critérios de reconhecimento e mensuração não é plena. No que respeita ao reconhecimento, é dada a possibilidade, no âmbito público, de um elemento ser reconhecido como ativo, mesmo que não produza benefícios económicos futuros para a entidade, desde que possua potencial de serviço. No que à mensuração se refere, na norma aplicada ao setor público o modelo da revalorização é visto como uma alternativa ao modelo do custo, não estando previsto nesse modelo o reconhecimento de perdas por imparidade. As conclusões observadas neste trabalho poderão contribuir para que outros estudos se desenvolvam no âmbito de uma análise conjunta aos normativos contabilísticos adotados em Portugal.


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The diatomite is a natural material that has numerous applications due to changes in their physical and chemical properties after processing. It is currently used in the industry as a sound insulator , filter aid and industrial load . The filter material shall be inert chemical composition , which will diatomite confers a high commercial value and performance not found in other particulate materials , for this application. The diatomite surface undergoes changes after thermal treatment at high temperatures , from 800ºC , with properties that enable its application in the food , beverage , pharmaceutical , cosmetic and textiles . In this work , we developed a study on thermal treatment on natural diatomite to adapt their properties to the application as a filter aid . The heat treatments were performed in an open oven at temperatures of 800ºC , 1000ºC and 1200ºC for a time of 24 hours. Reagents were added in the constitution of the samples analyzed. The reagents used were sodium carbonate (Na2CO3 ) and sodium chloride (NaCl) . The samples were characterized by x - ray diffraction , x -ray fluorescence , scanning electron microscopy , analysis and particle size distribution , specific surface area by the BET method , and pore volume by BJH method. The results showed a reduction in porosity of the material as well as a significant increase in specific surface area after heat treatment and the reactants in the ratio of 3 wt%. The diatomaceous earth , after heat treatment , undergone changes in its coloration , varying in white, cream and beige , which directly interferes with the speed of filtration materials process. All results obtained before and after heat treatment of the material with the values obtained for samples already used industrially , Brazilian and American industry , which were characterized using the same test methods performed with the samples in the study were compared and showed promising efficiency when material studied in the region of Punaú - RN , after processing , reagent addition and heat treatment, as an element in the composition of filter .


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The trioxsalen (Tri) is a low-dose drug used in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases. The aim of the study was applying the thermal analysis and complementary techniques for characterization, evaluation of the trioxsalen stability and components of manipulated pharmaceutical formulations. The thermal behavior of the Tri by TG/DTG-DTA in dynamic atmosphere of synthetic air and nitrogen showed the same profile with a melting peak followed by a volatilization-related event. From the curves TG / DTG is observed a single stage of mass loss. By heating the drug in the stove at temperatures of 80, 240 and 260 °C, it had no change in chemical structure through the techniques of XRD, HPLC, MIR, OM and SEM. From the non-isothermal and isothermal TG kinetic studies was possible to calculate the activation energy and reaction order for the Tri. The drug showed good thermal stability. Studies on drug-excipient compatibility showed interaction of trissoralen with sodium lauryl sulfate 1:1. There was no interaction with aerosol, pregelatinized starch, sodium starch glycolate, cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, lactose and mannitol.The characterization of three trioxsalen formulations at concentrations of 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 mg was performed by DSC, TG / DTG, XRD, NIR and MIR. The PCA classification method based on spectral data from the NIR and MIR of trissoralen formulations allows successful differentiation into three groups. The formulation 3 was the one that best showed analytical profile with the following composition of aerosil excipients, pre-gelatinized starch and cellulose. The activation energy of the volatilization process of the drug was determined in binary mixtures and formulation 3 through fitting and isoconversional methods. The binary mixture with sodium starch glycolate and lactose showed differences in kinetic parameters compared to the drug isolated. The thermoanalytical techniques (DSC and TG / DTG) were shown to be promising methodologies for quantifying trioxsalen obtained by the linearity, selectivity, no use solvents, without sample preparation, speed and practicality.


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The textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world (AHMEDCHEKKAT et al. 2011), generating wastewater with high organic loading. Among the pollutants present in these effluents are dyes, substances with complex structures, toxic and carcinogenic characteristics, besides having a strong staining. Improper disposal of these substances to the environment, without performing a pre-treatment can cause major environmental impacts. The objective this thesis to use a technique of electrochemical oxidation of boron doped diamond anode, BDD, for the treatment of a synthetic dye and a textile real effluent. In addition to studying the behavior of different electrolytes (HClO4, H3PO4, NaCl and Na2SO4) and current densities (15, 60, 90 and 120 mA.cm-2 ), and compare the methods with Rhodamine B (RhB) photolysis, electrolysis and photoelectrocatalytic using H3PO4 and Na2SO4. Electrochemical oxidation studies were performed in different ratio sp3 /sp2 of BDD with solution of RhB. To achieve these objectives, analysis of pH, conductivity, UV-visible, TOC, HPLC and GC-MS were developed. Based on the results with the Rhodamine B, it was observed that in all cases occurred at mineralization, independent of electrolyte and current density, but these parameters affect the speed and efficiency of mineralization. The radiation of light was favorable during the electrolysis of RhB with phosphate and sulfate. Regarding the oxidation in BDD anode with different ratio sp3 /sp2 (165, 176, 206, 220, 262 e 329), with lower carbon-sp3 had a longer favoring the electrochemical conversion of RhB, instead of combustion. The greater the carbon content on the anodes BDD took the biggest favor of direct electrochemical oxidation


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The principal effluent in the oil industry is the produced water, which is commonly associated to the produced oil. It presents a pronounced volume of production and it can be reflected on the environment and society, if its discharge is unappropriated. Therefore, it is indispensable a valuable careful to establish and maintain its management. The traditional treatment of produced water, usualy includes both tecniques, flocculation and flotation. At flocculation processes, there are traditional floculant agents that aren’t well specified by tecnichal information tables and still expensive. As for the flotation process, it’s the step in which is possible to separate the suspended particles in the effluent. The dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a technique that has been consolidating economically and environmentally, presenting great reliability when compared with other processes. The DAF is presented as a process widely used in various fields of water and wastewater treatment around the globe. In this regard, this study was aimed to evaluate the potential of an alternative natural flocculant agent based on Moringa oleifera to reduce the amount of oil and grease (TOG) in produced water from the oil industry by the method of flocculation/DAF. the natural flocculant agent was evaluated by its efficacy, as well as its efficiency when compared with two commercial flocculant agents normally used by the petroleum industry. The experiments were conducted following an experimental design and the overall efficiencies for all flocculants were treated through statistical calculation based on the use of STATISTICA software version 10.0. Therefore, contour surfaces were obtained from the experimental design and were interpreted in terms of the response variable removal efficiency TOG (total oil and greases). The plan still allowed to obtain mathematical models for calculating the response variable in the studied conditions. Commercial flocculants showed similar behavior, with an average overall efficiency of 90% for oil removal, however it is the economical analysis the decisive factor to choose one of these flocculant agents to the process. The natural alternative flocculant agent based on Moringa oleifera showed lower separation efficiency than those of commercials one (average 70%), on the other hand this flocculant causes less environmental impacts and it´s less expensive


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The evidence of the water theme in news reports is configured as an important topic of interest to contextualize, problematize and/or generate meaning in the midst of discussion of a content from different levels of education and/or disciplines of basic education. The possibilities to use this theme in classroom is also highlighted in Brazilian official documents that guide the practice of teachers of all Brazilian curricular components of this educational level. So, the theme water can be used as subsidy to teach chemistry, since contextualises the teaching of this discipline aiding in the discussion of different chemical concepts. In this perspective, the meaningful learning theory, developed by David Ausubel, has constructivist nature and says that an individual learns significantly when he can relate new information with a specific knowledge structure that integrates the prior knowledge of its structure. In this sense, the use of water as a theme for the approach prior knowledge of chemical concepts has already been characterized as an important topic that can give meaning to the content of education in chemistry. In this dissertation, a teaching unit potentially significant (TUPS) is presented based on meaningful learning theory of David Ausubel approaching the theme water. approaching the theme water. The unit was used in a class of thirty-five students of the 2nd year of high school, a public school in the city of Extremoz-RN, metropolitan region of Natal / RN. Through it was possible to discuss an issue of interest to students of the school to address the chemical contents, such as solutions, physicochemical aspects and stages of water treatment. At first, an initial questionnaire was used to identify the students' previous ideas on the topic under study to the concept of chemical solutions. It was subsequently developed and implemented a series of activities based on students' ideas. To subsidize the sequence, it was prepared four booklets that worked the content of chemical solutions, contextualizing the theme water. The results of this work showed that the alternative conceptions that students have about concepts related to the chemical solutions are similar to the ideas of other students presented in the literature and that the development of the TUPS, allied to the contextualization strategy with the theme water, not only motivated the students for the teaching of chemical content, as yet provided the learning of chemical concepts not in isolation, but making a connection between their ideas and experiences with scientific knowledge. To this, beyond of dialogued lectures, were also used strategies as experimental activities, problem solving, group discussions and construction of concept maps. The final evaluation of the unit was conducted by a questionnaire based on the Likert scale, answered individually by students, who approved the unit as conducive to teaching and learning of chemistry process