861 resultados para General education


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Each year the Medical University of South Carolina produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, agency discussion and analysis, and strategic planning documents.


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Each year the Medical University of South Carolina produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, agency discussion and analysis, and strategic planning documents.


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Each year the Medical University of South Carolina produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, agency discussion and analysis, and strategic planning documents.


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Each year the Medical University of South Carolina produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, agency discussion and analysis, and strategic planning documents.


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Each year the Medical University of South Carolina produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, agency discussion and analysis, and strategic planning documents.


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"In the present article, we introduce a Health Education instrument that stems from a refection on the lay knowledge, salutogenic habits and daily nutritional practices of modern women in our current society. We developed a guide aimed at modern women, where the different food groups and food hygiene and safety measures are addressed. The guide includes eleven original pictograms that help the reader to locate and look up specific issues. The guide employs the label reading and interpretation principles, following the nutrition traffic-light internationally instituted, for it renders scientific information on nutrition clear and accessible to the general population. We believe that using this guide as a central strategy in health promotion will lead its users to adopt essential changes in their eating patterns and, in so doing, contribute to prevent diseases associated to bad eating habits. We also emphasize the role of mass media in spreading the conveyed information."


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This Leadership Academy Workshop presentation focused on 'Trust and Leadership in the Downturn', with particular reference to the public sector and to education. The presentation discussed a range of definitions of trust, including the view of Mayer, Davis and Schoorman (1995) that trust can be described as 'the willingness of a person to be vulnerable to the actions of another, based on the expectation that the other will perform a particular action important to the trustor, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that action'. The presentation then focused on the reasons why this relational psychological state is important,particularly in an economic recession when people were facing job cuts and economic uncertainty in a wider political and social environment characterised by cynicism and a downturn in trust. If trust is defined in part as a belief in the honesty, competence and benevolence of others, it tends to act like 'social glue', cushioning difficult situations and enabling actions to take place easily that otherwise would not be permissible. A worrying state of affairs has recently been developing across the world, however, in the economic downturn, as reported in the Edelman Trust Barometer for 2009, in which there was a marked diminuition of trust in corporations, businesses and government, as a result of the credit crunch. While the US and parts of Europe was showing recovery from a generalised loss of trust by mid-year 2009, the UK had not. It seems that social attitudes in Britain may be hardening - it seems that from being a nation of sceptics we may be becoming a nation of cynics: for example, 69% of the population surveyed by Edelman trust the government less than six months ago. In this situation, there is a need to promote positive measures to build trust, including the establishment of more transparent and honest business practices and practices to ensure that employees are treated well. Following the presentation, a workshop was held to discuss the nature of a possible loss of trust in the downturn in the UK and its implications for leadership practices and development.


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Estrategias para disminuir la violencia física entre escolares de Educación General Básica Media”, es un trabajo de recopilación y análisis de información bibliográfica, la investigación tiene como objetivo general visibilizar estrategias que posibilite disminuir la violencia entre escolares, para cumplir el objetivo se abordan temáticas como, la violencia en contextos educativos de lo cual se desprende el concepto de violencia, tipos de violencia, contextos de violencia, del mismo modo se analiza las políticas existentes para afrontar la violencia desde la Constitución de la República del Ecuador; Código de la Niñez y Adolescencia;la Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural y el Código de Convivencia Institucional, los cuales enfatizan que se garantiza una educación libre de violencia. También se presentan y analizan algunas estrategias para disminuir o contrarrestar la violencia física entre escolares a nivel de Educación General Básica Media. Con respecto a lo mencionado se brinda estrategias a los docentes para propiciar una educación libre de violencia física, la misma que busca mejorar el ambiente educativo fomentando el respeto y la paz.


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo dar a conocer Objetos de Aprendizaje, como un recurso tecnológico, que sirva de soporte a la educación y que contribuya en la enseñanza de las Inecuaciones de primer grado. Para realizar este proyecto se han planteado cinco capítulos de desarrollo: En el capítulo uno se realiza una investigación bibliográfica donde se describe la Educación, orientándola hacia el constructivismo, que centra al estudiante como constructor de su conocimiento y la importancia de usar material didáctico apto para desarrollar sus habilidades. En el capítulo dos se desarrolla el tema de Inecuaciones de primer grado, dividiéndolo en cuatro subtemas: Inecuaciones de primer grado con una y dos incógnitas, intervalos de solución y sistemas de inecuaciones. En el capítulo tres se presenta un análisis a los recursos educativos de libre acceso en diferentes sitios web, dónde se evidencia el desarrollo de plataformas que buscan consolidar los aprendizajes. En el capítulo cuatro se desarrolla el diseño de los cuatro Objetos de Aprendizaje; a partir de su metodología para la estructuración; además se usará guías para su organización. Y finalmente en el capítulo cinco se aprecia el interés que producen los Objetos de Aprendizaje, en los estudiantes de Noveno de EGB. Permitiendo observar que este recurso fortalece el aprendizaje de forma divertida e interactiva; dando apertura al uso de instrumentos multimedia como material de autoformación.


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El presente trabajo monográfico consiste en establecer la importancia que tiene la intervención del Trabajo Social dentro de las instituciones públicas que brindan el servicio de educación en los niveles de Bachillerato General Unificado BGU. Como lo establecen (Merino & Namicela, 2012) dentro de estas instituciones (Colegios y/o Unidades Educativas) se identifican varias problemáticas como el acoso escolar, el consumo, uso y abuso de sustancias psicotrópicas, problemas intrafamiliares (falta de comunicación, negligencia, déficit económico, etc.) que dificultan al proceso educativo de los estudiantes, causan bajo rendimiento académico, abandono y/o deserción escolar; que finalmente repercute al desarrollo económico y social de cada persona y de la sociedad ecuatoriana en general. Ante esta problemática el Estado ecuatoriano ha implementado varios instrumentos legales, empezando desde la reforma de la Constitución en el 2008, que significo un cambio fundamental para el sistema educativo ecuatoriano, pues a partir de este hecho, se han creado y reformulado normas legales que especifican y garantizan el acceso a una educación integral de mayor calidad y calidez. Dentro de esta apuesta gubernamental para mejorar el acceso y la calidad educativa aparece la intervención del Trabajo Social como la profesión que investiga procesos concretos relacionados a las condiciones de vida de los individuos, sus necesidades y potencialidades para que atreves de sus funciones reconozca y establezca soluciones a problemas entre las interacciones humanas e institucionales, a fin de lograr un mayor bienestar social de los estudiantes.


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Summary…iii Samenvatting . iv Resumen . vii Acknowledgments ix Table of Contents. xi List of tables xiii List of figures . xiii CHAPTER I General Introduction 2 CHAPTER II Transformational leadership and stakeholder management in library change . 47 CHAPTER III Successful change: the role of transformational leadership and stakeholder management in universities ... 73 CHAPTER IV Transformational leadership and stakeholder management: A multiple case study in Latin American universities . 111 CHAPTER V General Discussion 149 APPENDIX . 169 REFERENCES . 179


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El presente trabajo consistió en una investigación de campo, en el cual se desarrolló el análisis estadístico del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs), con el propósito de diagnosticar de qué manera se las está implementando en el procesoenseñanza – aprendizaje de los docentes del Bachillerato General Unificado.Para conseguirlo, se accedió a las bases digitales de la Coordinación Zonal 6 de Educación y se recopiló información de las instituciones educativas, los docentes y los estudiantes pertenecientes al nivel de bachillerato, que se encontraban en el Distrito Sur (01D02) de la ciudad de Cuenca durante el período lectivo 2014 – 2015. Con esta información,se delimitó una muestra, en la cual se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta, y se realizó un análisis descriptivo sobre las percepciones, las opiniones y las experiencias que tienen los docentes y los estudiantes con respecto al uso de la tecnología en sus actividades educativas cotidianas; además,se investigó los recursos disponiblesen las instituciones participantes, el acceso que se tiene a éstos y el uso que se les da por parte de los principales actores del proceso educativo. En esta investigación se presenta un estudio bibliográfico sobre el uso de las TICs, ylo que implica su integraciónen la educación, y también, se hace una discusión sobre el estado en el que se encuentra la incorporación de las TICs en las aulas de la localidad.


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There has been extensive research about the association between school physical environment and children’s educational performance. However, the relationship between the sustainability of school physical environments and children’s environmental awareness via education has been rarely addressed in the literature. This paper evaluates the possible differences between the environmental attitudes and behaviours of children in schools designed for sustainability and conventional schools in Victoria, Australia. The New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) and General Ecological Behaviours (GEB) scales were employed to measure the environmental awareness of 275 grade 4-6 children in seven primary schools. Quantitative analysis was conducted to look for significant differences between the environmental attitudes and behaviours of two groups: children attending conventional schools and children attending schools assessed as being designed or refurbished with sustainability in mind. The results of the analysis indicated that there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups. Factor analysis revealed the NEP and GEB to be multidimensional scales. Considering the relationship between school design and the identified behaviour and attitude factors showed the presence of sustainability features had the greatest impact on the factor Children’s Attitudes via ESD (Environmentally Sustainable Design) at School. This result invites professionals in the built environment design disciplines to re-think the pedagogic importance of environmentally sustainable design in schools.


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BACKGROUND: Ad hoc supervision encounters occur between general practitioner (GP) supervisors and general practice registrars outside scheduled teaching sessions. Anecdotally reported as important learning opportunities, these encounters are rarely explored in the literature. OBJECTIVE: This study examined supervisors', registrars' and practice managers' perceptions of ad hoc supervisory encounters. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with purposively sampled supervisors, registrars and practice managers from regional general practice settings. Data were analysed using template analysis. RESULTS: Fifteen respondents participated in the interviews. Their perceptions of ad hoc encounters were reported under the categories of immediacy, safety, education, professional identity and supervisor stress. DISCUSSION: Ad hoc encounters in general practice registrar training are highly valued for supporting patient safety and registrar education. The encounters serve a range of practical purposes for supervisors, registrars and practices, and warrant further exploration on how to optimise their benefits within general practice.


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BACKGROUND: As the changes underpinning the Coordinated Care Trials in South Australia have become more apparent, similarities have emerged between the rationalisation of public schooling in the mid 1980s and the transformation of public health in the 1990s.

OBJECTIVE: This article aims to discuss the evolution of health services in South Australia and help us answer the question of how best to manage our public and private health infrastructure in a changing economic and social context.

DISCUSSION: Both strategies in education and health share common elements of cost cutting, attempts at improving efficiencies, a flirting with the private sector and the attendant risk of reduced quality of services to the public. This situation in both sectors is indicative of a shift in public policy and a growth in the belief that private management of public sector infrastructure can help resolve the funding crises around our education and health systems.