985 resultados para Crise Argentine de 2001-2002
Serratia spp. are an important cause of hospital-acquired infections and outbreaks in high-risk settings. Twenty-one patients were infected or colonized over a nine-month period during 2001-2002 on a neonatal unit. Twenty-two isolates collected were examined for antibiotic susceptibility, β-lactamase production and genotype. Random-amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed that two clones were present. The first clone caused invasive clinical infection in four babies, and was subsequently replaced by a non-invasive clone that affected 14 babies. Phenotypically, the two strains also differed in their prodigiosin production; the first strain was non-pigmented whereas the second strain displayed pink-red pigmentation. Clinical features suggested a difference in their pathogenicity. No environmental source was found. The outbreak terminated following enhanced compliance with infection control measures and a change of antibiotic policy. Although S. marcescens continued to be isolated occasionally for another five months of follow-up, these were sporadic isolates with distinct molecular typing patterns. © 2005 The Hospital Infection Society.
Objectives: To identify the types, prevalence and nature of antibiotic prescribing control documents within NHS hospitals in the UK. Methods: A self-completion postal questionnaire was sent to each Chief Pharmacist at 465 NHS hospitals in 2001/2002. This contained questions covering hospital demographics, and hospital antibiotic prescribing control documentation, including format, dissemination, approval and review processes. Results: In total, 253 (54%) completed questionnaires were returned. Of these, 168 respondents' hospitals had an antibiotic formulary, 107 had a policy for antibiotic prescribing and 216 had guidelines on antibiotic use. All three types of antibiotic prescribing documents were used by 82 hospitals but 18 did not have any documents; 44% of formularies, 45% of policies and 35% of guidelines were available electronically. The Drug and Therapeutics Committee was the most frequently cited body for document approval and approximately one-third of documents had been approved during the current year of the questionnaire. Only about one-half of responding hospitals had an annual review of documents. Conclusions: Despite publication of high-profile national guidance in response to growing concerns regarding antimicrobial resistance, there has been little increase in the use of antibiotic prescribing control documents in NHS hospitals over the past decade. It is clear that appropriate controls for antibiotic prescribing are not yet universally applied in the UK and recommendations for action have been proposed. © The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2004; all rights reserved.
The research proposes a reflection on tutorial videos from Youtube, seen as a form of gift in modern society. Our reflection parts form a perspective of mutual exchange, which avoids the patterns of trade with current economic purposes. We present these video producers as craftsmen of cyberculture due to the skill and competence which they transmit their knowledge. The research is consisted by the observation of video tutorials on YouTube over the Linux operating system and its distributions. Analyzing the interactions between video producers, users and the website. The analysis is based on the classic Mauss (2003) and his reinterpretations of Caille (1998, 2001, 2002, 2006), Godbout (1992, 1998) assisted by Aime Cossetta (2010) and Sennett (2009) to help understand the idea of the craftsmen. The Internet as an open territory in expansion ables us to understand that the relationship in this medium also constitutes the reciprocal links pointed out by Mauss in the early twentieth century. The circulation of intangible property, in this case the knowledge beyond the establishment of social links, promotes a collaborative extent to produce the common in cyberspace.
Teaching Portuguese language in Brazilian public schools is still limited mostly to studying decontextualized text fragments, memorizing classifications and cult of grammar rules. Considering the language as a social, cultural practice which emerges from the intersubjective interaction, we sought to propose an educational intervention that prioritizes the retextualization processes from speech to the writing of memoirs as a textual genre, so as to contribute for improving learner’s discursive performances. Therefore, paying attention to these concerns and in attempt to contribute for improving the teaching of Portuguese language in elementary school, we chose as privileged locus a 9th grade class from a state school in Bento Fernandes, RN. The corpus is formed by texts produced and retextualized by students from the elders’ oral reports within local community. We sought thus to understand what memory is, its importance for registering local spoken language and culture, as much as to carry out didactic actions that favor students’ learning in the activities of textual production. In light of the theoretical overviews about linguistic-discursive relations, based on Marcuschi’s (1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010) conception of oralitiy-writing continuum and the debates proposed by Antunes (2003, 2014), Alves Filho (2011), Koch (2012) and Bakhtin (1992, 2011), we aimed to understand, by analyzing the retextualized memoirs, how these practices complement each other within the process of orality and writing. As for the proposal of didactic sequences, the study has been oriented by Dolz and Scheneuely (2004); as for the memoirs, by the guidelines of Coracine and Ghiraldelo (2011) and Le Goff (2010, 2013). In this way, this work followed the action-research methodology in a qualitative approach, considering the teacher (researcher) as an active agent involved in the process of knowledge production in his own educational practice, so as to interfere in the mediation, knowledge production and its dissemination in classroom context, which is the privileged locus for constructing and transforming process. There is much to be research within the area of retextualization. Yet we verified that this educational intervention, based on discursive operators of retextualization, has been proven viable as an efficient path so that we teachers can work the peculiarities of usages and functions of textual genres in oral and written modalities of a language, without grasping both as a dichotomy. This accredited us to strengthen a discourse that undoes many myths still present in that order, especially the one that causes more damage for the learners of Portuguese language – that writing is a representation of speech.
Radok Lake in Amery Oasis, East Antarctica, has a water depth of ca. 360 m, making it the deepest non-subglacial lake in Antarctica. Limnological analyses revealed that the lake had, despite a 3 m thick ice cover, a completely mixed water column during austral summer 2001/2002. High oxygen contents, low ion concentrations, and lack of planktonic diatoms throughout the water column indicate that Radok Lake is ultra-oligotrophic today.The late glacial and postglacial lake history is documented in a succession of glacial, glaciolimnic, and limnic sediments at different locations in the lake basin. The sediments record regional differences and past changes in allochthonous sediment supply and lake productivity. However, the lack of age control on these changes, due to extensive sediment redeposition and the lack of applicable dating methods, excluded Radok Lake sediments for advanced paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
The shallow-water Asellota from the Beagle Channel were investigated, based on material collected at four localities in 2001-2002. A total of 3,124 asellotes were sorted, and three new species and 12 new records of distribution were reported. The Paramunnidae showed the highest species diversity and abundance (11 species and 1,463 specimens). The present research raises the number of species known from the Beagle Channel to 23; of these, 16 were previously reported from the Magellan Straits, representing 69% of similarity. Based on the present results and published data, the faunistic affinities for the shallow-water Asellota was 30% between the Magellan region and the Scotia Arc, and 26% between the Magellan region and the Antarctic Peninsula.
In the spirit of the proposals of the Agenda 2020 about the structural role of cinema in the configuration of the European identities, this article highlights the significance of the national cinemas in non-hegemonic languages in the conformation of a diverse European culture. Following this perspective, we use Galician cinema as a case study in which we analyze the presence (or more precisely the absence) of the Galician language in the original version in the feature films released between 2008 and 2012.This proposal is hosted by the I+D+I project eDCINEMA: “Towards the European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version” (Ref. CSO2012-35784) financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain.
A partir del hallazgo de un tipo particular de envases: ungüentarios y perfumarios en una nueva tumba en el territorio de Arados/Amrit, observamos cómo se incrementa la presencia de estos envases en tumbas de incineración e inhumación durante el primer milenio antes de Cristo en la cuenca mediterránea. Hemos elaborado una serie de análisis y discusiones sobre su distribución, cronología, significado y uso social, tratando de establecer una periodización de sus usos y una contextualización cultural y social dentro del ritual funerario y del uso de determinadas materias primas empleadas para su elaboración.
The recent archaeological works in Hinojosa, allowed us to discover a camp from Roman republic period. It is located in the center of the Celtiberian area and its study could open interesting perspectives to study this historical period. This paper shows the results of its preliminary studies.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la presencia de la fraseología en los niveles de enseñanza obligatoria y proponer una serie de actividades cuyo objetivo sea desarrollar la competencia fraseológica de hablantes nativos de español. Tras mostrar la importancia de la fraseología como parte fundamental del caudal lingüístico de un hablante nativo y defender la existencia de la competencia fraseológica también en lengua materna, se examina la presencia de la fraseología en las diferentes vertientes de la competencia en comunicación lingüística del actual currículo: pragmática, lingüística, sociolingüística y literaria. Se indica, además, el importante papel que puede jugar al abordar determinados contenidos desde una perspectiva transversal (fraseología y cultura). Para finalizar, se hacen algunas propuestas sobre cómo debe presentarse la fraseología en lengua materna y se presentan diferentes actividades según el nivel de enseñanza.
Es innegable la importancia de la Expresión Plástica en el crecimiento global del niño, con todo, intervinientes en el proceso didáctico y muchos teóricos consideran que el arte en la educación se encuentra en una posición menospreciada (BARBOSA, 2001, 2002; EFLAND, 2002, 2004; HERNÁNDEZ, 2000; MARTINS, 2002; LÓPEZ GARCÍA, 2003; OLIVEIRA et al., 2004; WAGNER, 2001). Estas consideraciones llevan a cuestionar las prácticas pedagógicas de los educadores infantiles, la forma como desarrollan su currículo, las oportunidades educativas que ofrecen a los niños, o sea, importa percibir si la Expresión Plástica se desenvuelve con calidad pedagógica en contextos de Educación Infantil. En este sentido, el problema planteado conduce a la necesidad de conocer nuestra realidad y a presentar caminos congruentes con el tiempo en el que vivimos, donde el concepto de arte e imagen invaden y amplían nuestras experiencias cotidianas que necesitan ser descodificadas para que sean entendidas. Así, este trabajo pretende exponer un diagnóstico de las prácticas educativas ejecutadas por educadores infantiles del distrito de Oporto (Portugal) en el dominio de la Expresión Plástica.The importance of the Plastic Expression in the global development of the child is undeniable, nevertheless, participants in the didactic process and theoretical people think that art in education is in a despised position (BARBOSA, 2001, 2002; EFLAND, 2002, 2004; HERNÁNDEZ, 2000; MARTINS, 2002; LÓPEZ GARCÍA, 2003; OLIVEIRA et al., 2004; WAGNER, 2001). These perspectives lead to questioning the pedagogical practices of early childhood educators, the way in which they develop the curriculum, the educational opportunities that they offer children, thus attempting to understand if the domain of Plastic Expression develops with pedagogical quality within the context of early childhood education. In this sense, the problem raised leads to the need to comprehend our reality and present ways that are coherent with the times in which we live, where the concept of art and image invade and extend our daily experiences and for them to be understood they need to be deciphered. This article intends to present a diagnosis of the educational practices of early childhood educators of the district of Oporto (Portugal) in the domain of the Plastic Expression.
Dissertação de mest. em Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2004
Ante la ausencia de músicas de vanguardia en los programas de estudio de conservatorios superiores de diferentes partes del mundo, esta tesis toma el Conservatorio Superior de Música de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Ástor Piazzolla como estudio de caso instrumental. A partir de un programa implementado en el año 2011 en los cursos de Piano Superior dictados en ese conservatorio propugnando la inclusión de músicas contemporáneas en los recitales públicos de egreso, se indaga en la tensión Tradición–Vanguardia en las aulas de esa institución y los modelos de gestión resultantes. Si bien se trata de una investigación en apariencia local, enmarcada en contextos culturales específicos, la bibliografía y la evidencia que se presentan permiten una indagación global del conservatorio, este concebido como entidad (Chasins, 1974; Kingsbury, 1988; Nettl, 1995; Kramer, 1996; Musumeci, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008). Se trata de un estudio que apela a la metodología de indagación cualitativa (Denzin y Lincoln, 2005), a la indagación etnográfica y autoetnográfica presentada narrativamente (Alexander, 2005; Clandinin y Connelly, 2000; Clandinin, 2007; Wolcott, 2001), y a la indagación basada en las artes e informada mediante las artes (Mello, 2007). Por pertenecer el investigador a la institución indagada, se han considerado también enfoques de investigación-acción (Stenhouse, 1998) con posicionamiento de experiencia próxima/experiencia lejana (Geertz, 1983). Los componentes del diseño de la investigación se encuentran diagramados en un todo interactuante (Maxwell, 1996). Los resultados de esta indagación permiten afirmar que, más allá de que el conservatorio se ofrece a la sociedad como un espacio dedicado a las músicas de vanguardia, tal propuesta no tiene correlato con su verdadera identidad y gestión cultural, que excluyen la vanguardia para optar por una gestión y repertorios tradicionales. Se concluye que los motivos de este oxímoron se remontan al modelo del conservatorio francés de fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX, fuente en la que se basaron los primeros conservatorios argentinos y en la sigue reflejando la formación del pianista clásico profesional en el seno de la institución.
Fish communities of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (south Portugal) were sampled on a monthly basis with a beach seine at 4 sites, during two different time periods: 1980-1986 and 2001-2002. Community indices, species ranking and multivariate analysis were used in order to identify changes in the fish community between the two time periods. A total of 153,511 fish representing 57 taxa were recorded. Although species composition was very similar for both sampling periods, multivariate analysis performed on annual species abundance in number and weight revealed differences in fish community structure between the two periods. Structural changes in fish community were related mostly to a sharp decrease in the abundance of Mugilidae from 1980-1986 to 2001-2002. These changes were probably associated to a decrease in organic matter contents and nutrients concentrations due to improvements in sewage treatment and better water circulation inside the lagoon. The changes in fish community structure are more evident in the inner areas of the lagoon than near the inlet. The association between changes in sewage patterns and changes in the ichthyofaunal community structure reinforces the importance of fish communities as a biological indicator of human induced changes in marine systems. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Este estudio realiza una categorización regional de los países en América Latina con respecto de las categorizaciones globales teniendo en cuenta los índices de competitividad, crecimiento económico y desarrollo humano. El objetivo es actualizar los análisis sobre la situación regional de forma cuantitativa involucrando el grado de asimetría en la competitividad. Esta relación entre el posicionamiento global y regional ha influenciado directamente la evolución del tejido empresarial