940 resultados para Brasil. [Lei n. 11.107, de 06 de abril de 2005]
Este projeto de tese traça uma percepção etnográfica sobre a Oficina Popular de Audiovisual Latino-americano, projeto de aproximação audiovisual a jovens imigrantes latino-americanos residentes na cidade de São Paulo, através do seu acompanhamento e da filmagem partilhada das suas sessões, ocorridas durante os meses de junho, julho, agosto e setembro de 2014, realizadas no espaço do Cineclube latino-americano, sediado no Memorial da América Latina. Parte-se das premissas de que a latinoamericanidade é um imaginário identitário integracionista continuamente inventado e reinventado por vários agentes, ressignificado ininterruptamente por outros imaginários transregionais e locais, e de que entre as muitas vias da sua contínua reinvenção o audiovisual se dá como expressão estética mediadora de impressões locais e transregionais e como potencializador da reflexão coletiva sobre a existência social de cada um e a partilhada. Descreve-se em forma de relatório e de ensaio audiovisual etnográfico, a intersecção de imaginários identitários migrantes e latino-americanos mediados pelo audiovisual, a envolvência dos jovens com os temários da deslocação e da latinoamericanidade através da Oficina, da recepção de filmes latino-americanos contemporâneos e da criação coletiva de dois curtas-metragens.
Starting from Novabase’s challenge to launch in the UK Millennials a personal financial advisor mobile application, this work project aims to build a planning model to frame a business side of a launch strategy for mobile application in similar market and category. This study culminates on the design of SPOSTAC planning model. The created framework is intended to effectively and efficiently plan a launch strategy, being structured based on seven sequential elements: Situation, Product, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Action, and Control.
The Portuguese consumer foodservice industry is experiencing a boost in technology adoption, driven by significant changes in consumer behavior and business dynamics, due to mobile increasing penetration. Accordingly, the present work project consists on developing a business plan for meeting an identified opportunity in the technological foodservice landscape. Therefore, this report is divided into three sections, each of which addressing different objectives: (A) External Environment, providing key external insights that support the opportunity; (B) Strategy Formulation, establishing a strategic direction; and (C) Action Plan, determining an implementation plan for starting the business
The purpose of this project was to study a possible presence of Galp at Social Media. The importance of this study appears as a consequence of the company’s need to adapt to a new mean of communication that is changing our society and the companies way of doing business. In the consulting labs, the analysis was done taking into account the best practices for business at Social Media and the singularities of the company. The output of this study was a collection of specific guidelines concerning several fields to develop a strategic presence at Social Media.
A RAA ou o Arquipélago dos Açores é formado por nove ilhas, distribuías por três distintos grupos: O Grupo Oriental é composto por São Miguel e Santa Maria, o grupo Central é composto pelas Ilhas da Terceira, São Jorge, Graciosa, Pico e Faial e o grupo Ocidental é composto pelas Ilhas de Flores e Corvo. A RAA possui um clima temperado marítimo, que se caracteriza por temperaturas amenas com fracas amplitudes térmicas anuais, elevada humidade relativa do ar e por uma pluviosidade distribuída ao longo do ano. O Relevo é acidentado composto por montanhas que possuem diversas caldeiras, cones vulcânicos, ravinas de grande dimensão e vales estreitos e profundos por onde correm um grande número de pequenos cursos de água, denominados por ribeiras. Os solos presentes nas nove ilhas dos Açores pertencem na sua maioria à categoria - Andossolos - estes são uma das fases de criação de um solo de origem vulcânica, surgem por norma 200 anos após uma erupção vulcânica, alcançando o topo das suas características cerca de cento e cinquenta mil anos após a erupção. As ilhas que compõem a RAA estão muito expostas a processos de degradação do solo, principalmente através da erosão hídrica e da erosão do litoral. Este facto justifica-se pelas características topográficas, litológicas e climáticas das ilhas.
The purpose of this thesis is to explore Finnish maritime personnel’s conceptions of safety management and its relationship with the concept of safety culture. In addition, the aim is to evaluate the impact of the ISM Code on the prevailing safety culture in the Finnish shipping business. A total of 94 interviewees and seven Finnish shipping companies were involved in this study. Thematic interviews were applied as the main research method for the study. The results were analysed qualitatively. The results indicate that maritime safety culture can simultaneously demonstrate features of integration, differentiation and ambiguity. Basically, maritime personnel have a positive attitude towards safety management systems since they consider safety management beneficial and essential in general. However, the study also found considerable criticism among the interviewees. The interviewed maritime personnel did not criticise the ISM Code as such, yet they criticised the way the ISM Code has been applied in practise. In order to understand the multiple perspectives of safety culture more comprehensively, multiple theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches are needed. This study indicates that safety culture and the impacts of the ISM Code should not be unambiguously studied solely quantitative methods or qualitative methods. By examining safety culture from several methodological and theoretical perspectives, one may gain a more versatile and holistic overview of safety culture.
Contient : Dénombrement des fiefs de Marie de Soms, dame de Rogy ; Charte de Hugues de Die confirmant les coutumes du comté de Brienne ; Préceptes de Charlemagne pour les Espagnols fugitifs (Böhmer-Mühlbacher, n° 456), et de Louis le Pieux pour Saint-Seurin de Bordeaux ; Charte du roi Jean pour G. Allegrin, chevalier du guet du Lendit ; Hommage prêté à Philippe le Bel par Jean, comte de Hainant, pour la terre d'Ostrevant ; Vente à Philippe-le-Bel par Renaud, comte de Gueldre, de ses droits sur Harfleur, etc ; Bulle de Clément VII pour le monastère d'Essomes ; Chartes de Notre-Dame d'Oulchy ; Accord relatif à la seigneurie de Chatenay et de Vitry ; Notes sur la maison de Roye ; Pièces relatives à la famille de Villeprouvée ; Charte de Raoul, comte de Soissons, pour les habitants de Chacrise ; « Prose » latine satirique sur la journée des Dupes ; Extraits des chartes de l'église de Limoges ; Extrait de la chronique de Géraud de Frachet ; Extraits des chartes de Saint-Loup de Troyes ; Actes du couronnement de saint Louis ; Charte de Louis VIII réglant les droits de ses enfants à sa succession ; Extraits d'un martyrologe de Brion en Anjou ; Extraits d'une Chronique de Sicile ; Extraits de Mémoires sur la famille de Beauvilliers, par Me Robert Cousin ; Extraits de la Chronique d'Aimeri de Peyrat ; Extraits de l'Historia Francorum Floriacensis ; Pièces sur la domination de Simon de Montfort dans le Midi ; Épigrammes latines de Robert Gaguin ; Famille Isoré ; Fragment relatif à la maison de Roucy ; Pièces relatives à la succession à l'Empire en 1257 ; Extrait de l'histoire de l'abbaye de San Michele della Chiusa, du moine Guillaume ; Extrait de la Chronique de Saint-Trond ; Épitaphe du duc Jean I de Bourbon ; « Origo comitum Nivernensium » ; Chronique des évêques du Mans, des origines au XVIe siècle ; Notice sur le prieuré de Saint-Pierre de Bar-sur-Aube ; Chronique de Jourdain d'Osnabrück ; Extrait de la Chronique de Géraud de Frachet (la suite se trouve au fol. 163) ; Extrait de la Chronique de Gérard d'Auvergne ; Extraits de diverses chroniques ; Extrait de la Chronique de Matthieu d'Escouchy ; Extrait des Chroniques de France et de Bourgogne, de Siméon Le Couvreur ; Extraits des Chroniques de Jean Molinet ; Extraits de la Chronique d'Aubri de Trois-Fontaines ; Histoire des Dauphins de Viennois, par Mathieu Thomassin ; Extrait des Libertates Delphinatus [de Gui Pape], Grenoble [1508], in-4° ; Extraits de la Chronique d'Aubri de Trois-Fontaines ; Ordonnance de Philippe-Auguste sur la juridiction ecclésiastique ; Ordonnances de saint Louis touchant les Juifs ; Notice sur les Soreau, seigneurs de Saint-Géran ; Extrait des archives de Saint-Thomas en Forêt ; Pièces concernant principalement la maison de Beaujeu ; Notes et pièces sur la maison d'Auvergne ; Charte de Philippe, comte de Flandre, pour l'abbaye d'Ourscamp ; Extrait d'une continuation d'André de Marchiennes (cf. Mon. Germ., SS., t. XXVI, p. 212) ; Mémoire sur la succession de Provence au temps du roi René ; Diplômes de Charles le Chauve pour l'abbaye de Beaulieu ; Extraits relatifs à l'Université de Paris ; Notes sur l'abbaye de Redon ; Diplôme de Charles le Chauve pour Saint-Julien de Brioude ; Chartes de Faremoutier ; Extraits du registre XXXI [du Trésor des chartes] ; Extraits du registre III du Trésor des chartes ; Testament de Jeanne de Vierzon ; Testament d'Aymar de Roussillon ; Privilège du concile de Compiègne pour Notre-Dame de Soissons ; Notes sur l'église d'Agde ; Extrait d'une chronique latine ; Serment prêté par les bourgeois de Paris à la reine Blanche ; Harangue de l'Université de Paris au cardinal Antoine Duprat ; Extraits des titres de la léproserie de Melun ; Lettre de Foulques, abbé de Corbie, à Gervais, archevêque de Reims ; Extrait d'un inventaire des titres conservés chez le chancelier de Morvilliers, au temps de Louis XI ; Charte d'Avesgaud, évêque du Mans, pour l'église de La Couture ; Diplômes de l'abbaye d'Aniane ; Diplôme de Louis de Pieux pour Cormeri ; Charte de Henri d'Antigné, seigneur de Sainte-Croix, pour Notre-Dame du Miroir ; Charte de Hugues, comte de Chalon et évêque d'Auxerre, pour Cluny (Chartes de Cluny, n° 2484) ; Charte de Guillaume, duc de Normandie, pour l'église de Saint-Evroul ; Diplômes extraits de l'Histoire d'Italie, de Girolamo Briani ; Extraits du cartulaire de Redon ; Épitaphes de l'abbaye de Longpont ; Épitaphes de Saint-Yved de Braine ; Lettres de Louis XII pour César Borgia ; Testament de Jean de Luxembourg, comte de Conversano ; Diplômes de Louis VI, extraits d'un cartulaire de Saint-Denis ; Accord entre Ferri, duc de Lorraine, et Édouard, comte de Bar ; Autorisation de fortifier Sedan, donnée par Charles VII à Jean de la Marche ; Notes de Dom Anselme le Michel et copies de pièces sur Corbie ; Sauvegarde de Jean d'Albret, gouverneur de Champagne, pour les habitants de Chiny, etc ; Notes sur les seigneurs de Mohon ; Pièces relatives à l'église de La Madeleine-des-deux-Amants ; Vente par Guillaume de Tancarville à Jacques de la Roere de la seigneurie de Chemay en Champagne ; Hommages divers rendus au roi ; Testament de Guiotte de Ligny, châtelaine de Lille ; Charte de Philippe, abbé de La Couture du Mans ; Inventaires de titres relatifs à la maison de Laval ; Pièces relatives à la succession de Hugues le Brun, comte de la Marche ; Notes sur Otton IV ; « Lettre de Louis XII à la Sainte-Chapelle de Dijon » ; Lettres de François I érigeant le comté de Montpensier en duché-pairie ; Pièces concernant Philippe, empereur des Romains, extraites du registre XLIX du Trésor des chartes ; Épitaphe de Marie d'Albret, duc de Nevers ; Fragment d'une chronique latine des rois de France jusqu'à Louis VII ; Extraits de Baudri de Bourgueil ; Extraits des poésies de Florus ; Fragment de capitulaire de Charlemagne (Boretius-Krause, t. I, p. 81) ; Extraits du cartulaire du Saint-Sépulcre de Jérusalem ; Fragment d'une enquête sur les droits de l'évêque de Beauvais ; Lettres d'Oliba, évêque de Vich ; Extraits de titres concernant Saint-Mesmin de Micy ; Charte de Renier, évêque d'Orléans, pour l'église de Saint-Marcel ; Épitaphe du comte Eccard ; Prise de possession par Marguerite de Chauvigny, comtesse de Penthièvre, de la seigneurie de Saint-Chartier ; Concile romain de 1112 ; Extrait des Annales de Saint-Orens d'Auch ; Lettre de Laurent, doyen de Poitiers, sur la mort de l'évêque Gilbert ; Mandement de Charles V pour faire fortifier Saint-Mesme près Chinon ; Lettre des évêques de la province de Sens aux cardinaux ; Notice sur l'histoire de l'abbaye de Fleury au temps de Louis VII ; Charte de Sigerius pour le monastère de Notre-Dame (Bréquigny, I, p. 441) ; Extrait d'un traité de Josse Clichtoue ; Extrait d'un inventaire du Trésor des chartes ; Rapport de Chapelain au sujet de l'ouvrage de Camillo Lilii sur les Origines de la nation française ; Extrait de la Chronique d'Hermann de Reichenau ; Fragments extraits de diverses chroniques ; Épitaphe de Bérenger par Hildebert (Migne, Patr. lat., t. 171, col. 1396) ; Sermon d'Henri, évêque d'Albano (Tissier, Bibl. Cisterc., t. III, p. 70) ; Pièces concernant Metz et la Lorraine
Icewine is an intensely sweet, unique dessert wine fennented from the juice of grapes that have frozen naturally on the vine. The juice pressed from the frozen grapes is highly concentrated, ranging from a minimum of 35° Brix to approximately 42° Brix. Often Icewine fennentations are sluggish, taking months to reach the desired ethanol level, and sometimes become stuck. In 6 addition, Icewines have high levels of volatile acidity. At present, there is no routine method of yeast inoculation for fennenting Icewine. This project investigated two yeast inoculum levels, 0.2 gIL and 0.5 gIL. The fennentation kinetics of inoculating these yeast levels directly into the sterile Icewine juice or conditioning the cells to the high sugar levels using a step wise acclimatization procedure were also compared. The effect of adding GO-FERM, a yeast nutrient, was also assessed. In the sterile fennentations, yeast inoculated at 0.2 gIL stopped fennenting before the required ethanol level was achieved, producing only 7.8% (v/v) and 8.1 % (v/v) ethanol for the direct and conditioned inoculations, respectively. At 0.5 gIL, the stepwise conditioned cells fennented the most sugar, producing 12.2% (v/v) ethanol, whereas the direct inoculum produced 10.5% (v/v) ethanol. The addition of the yeast nutrient GO-FERM increased the rate of biomass accumulation, but reduced the ethanol concentration in wines fennented at 0.5 gIL. There was no significant difference in acetic acid concentration in the final wines across all treatments. Fennentations using unfiltered Icewine juice at the 0.5 gIL inoculum level were also compared to see if the effects of yeast acclimatization and micronutrient addition had the same impact on fennentation kinetics and yeast metabolite production as observed in the sterile-filtered juice fennentations. In addition, a full descriptive analysis of the finished wines was carried out to further assess the impact of yeast inoculation method on Icewine sensory quality. At 0.5 gIL, the stepwise conditioned cells fennented the most sugar, producing 11.5% (v/v) ethanol, whereas the direct inoculum produced 10.0% (v/v) ethanol. The addition of the yeast nutrient GO-FERM increased the peak viable cell numbers, but reduced the ethanol concentration in wines fennented at 0.5 gIL. There was a significant difference 7 in acetic acid concentration in the final wines across all treatments and all treatments affected the sensory profiles of the final wines. Wines produced by direct inoculation were described by grape and raisin aromas and butter flavour. The addition of GO-FERM to the direct inoculation treatment shifted the aroma/flavour profiles to more orange flavour and aroma, and a sweet taste profile. StepWise acclimatizing the cells resulted in wines described more by peach and terpene aroma. The addition of GO-FERM shifted the profile to pineapple and alcohol aromas as well as alcohol flavour. Overall, these results indicate that the addition of GO-FERM and yeast acclimatization shortened the length of fermentation and impacted the sensory profiles of the resultant wines.
A distinctive period of global change occurred during the PUocene between the warm Miocene and subsequent Quaternary cooling. Samples from Ocean Drilling Project Site 11 79 (-5586 mbsl, 41°4'N, 159°57'E), Site 881 (-5765 mbsl, 47°6.133'N, 161°29.490'E) and Site 882 (-3255 mbsl, 50°22'N, 167°36'E) were studied to determine the magnitude and composition ofterrigenous flux to the western mid-latitude North Pacific and its relation to climate change in East Asia since the mid-Pliocene. Dust-sized particles (including pollen), sourced from the arid regions and loess plateaus in East Asia are entrained by prevailing westerly winds and transported to the midlatitude northwest North Pacific Ocean. This is recorded by peaks in the total concentration of pollen and spores, as well as the mean grain size of allochthonous and autochthonous silicate material in abyssal marine sediments. Aridification of the Asian interior due to the phased uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau created the modem East Asian Monsoon system dominated by a strengthening of the winter monsoon. The winter monsoon is further enhanced during glacials due to the expansion of desert and steppe environments at the expense ofwoodlands and forests recorded by the composition of palynological assemblages. The late Pliocene-Pleistocene glacials at ODP Sites 1 179, 881, and 882 are characterized by increases in grain size, magnetic susceptibility, pollen and spore concentrations around 3.5-3.3, 2.6-2.4, 1.7-1.6, and 0.9-0.7 Ma (ages based on magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic datums). The peaks during these times are relatively rich in pollen taxa derived primarily from steppe and boreal vegetation zones, recording cool, dry climates. The overall size increase of sediment and abundance of terrestrial palynomorphs record enhanced wind strength. The increase in magnitude of pollen and spore concentrations as well as grain size record global cooling and Northern Hemisphere glaciation. The peaks in grain size as well as pollen and spore abundance in marine sediments correlate with the mean grain size of loess in East Asia, consistent with the deflation of unarmoured surfaces during glacials. The transport of limiting nutrients to marine environments enhanced sea surface productivity and increased the rate of sediment accumulation.
A vignette of the residence of N.T. Fitch, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Crown, Welland.
The Intelligencer was an American newspaper that was established in Washington by Samuel Harrison Smith, a young Jeffersonian-Republican from Philadelphia. The paper was a supporter of the Jefferson and Madison administrations until 1810 when it was sold to Joseph Gales Jr. from North Carolina. In 1812 William Seaton joined Gales as a publishing partner. The paper made significant contributions to the nation and wielded considerable influence in political circles during its publication
A set of instructions marked "Secret" for Lt. Col. F.C. McCordick, Commanding 15th Garrison Battalion Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. The handwritten document is dated 16 June, 1918 and is Copy No.1. The document describes the role of the Battalion in the event of an enemy attack.
Two "extraordinary" issues of the London Gazette containing letters written by Isaac Brock, R.H. [Roger Hale] Sheaffe,George Prevost and Edward Baynes, dated from August-October 1812. The first issue is numbered 16653, October 6, 1812, pp. 2011-2014, and the second issue is numbered 16672, November 27, 1812, pp. 2363-2365. The gazettes include Brock's account of the British victory at Detroit in August, 1812, the terms of the Americans' surrender to the British under General Hull at Detroit, and Brock's proclamation to the residents of Detroit after the defeat. Also included is an account of the battle at Queenston Heights in October, 1812, in which Isaac Brock was killed, written by R.H. Sheaffe (Major General) and Edward Baynes (Adjutant-General)
Light brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to medium in size. The clast shape ranges from sub-angular to rounded. Lineations and edge-to-edge grain crushing can mainly be seen in this sample. There are also a few examples of grain stacking and crushed grains.
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large in size. Clast shape ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Many grains are fractured throughout the sample. Some lineations can be seen. The sample contains well dispersed clasts.