987 resultados para WELL LASERS


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Some important parameters, such as gain, 3 dB bandwidth and threshold current of 1.3 mu m quantum dot vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (QD VCSEL) are theoretically investigated. Some methods are developed to improve the VCSEL's modulation response. Significant improvement are prediced for p-type modulation doping. In connection with the threshold characteristic, we found that a structure with short cavity, multilayer quantum dots stack, p-type modulation doping and double intracavity contact on an un-doped DBR is much better suited to high speed quantum dot VCSELs. The parasitic effects of the VCSEL are,analyzed and the influence of packaging of the VCSEL on its modulation responds is analyzed.


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Fabrication of InGaAlAs MQW buried heterostructure (BH) lasers by narrow stripe selective MOVPE is demonstrated in this paper. High quality InGaAlAs MQWs were first grown by narrow stripe selective MOVPE without any etching process and assessed by analysing the cross sections and PL spectrums of the InGaAlAs MQWs. Furthermore, BHs were fabricated for the InGaAlAs MQW lasers by a developed unselective regrowth method, instead of conventional selective regrowth. The InGaAlAs MQW BH lasers exhibit good device characteristics, with a high internal differential quantum efficiency of 85% and a low internal loss of 6.7 cm(-1). Meanwhile, narrow divergence angles of the far field pattern are obtained for the fabricated lasers.


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National Research Projects of China 60525406 60736031 60806018 60906026 2006CB604903 2007AA03Z446 2009AA03Z403


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Studies on InGaN multiple quantum well blue-violet laser diodes have been reported. Laser structures with long-period multiple quantum wells were grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Triple-axis X-ray diffraction (TAXRD) measurements show that the multiple quantum wells were high quality. Ridge waveguide laser diodes were fabricated with cleaved facet mirrors. The laser diodes lase at room temperature under a pulsed current. A threshold current density of 3.3 kA/cm(2) and a characteristic temperature To of 145 K were observed for the laser diode.


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A simple method for estimating the frequency responses of directly modulated lasers from optical spectra is presented. The frequency-modulation index and intensity-modulation index of a distributed feedback laser can be obtained through the optical spectrum analyses. The main advantage is that the measurement setup is very simple. Only a microwave source and an optical spectrum analyser are needed and there is no need to use a calibrated broadband photodetector. Experiment shows that the proposed method is as accurate as the swept frequency method using a network analyzer and is applicable to a wide range of modulation powers.


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We have demonstrated a self-staring passively continuous-wave mode-locked diode end-pumped Nd:YLF laser with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror of single-quantum-well (In0.25Ga0.75As) grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition technique at low temperature. The saturable absorber was used as nonlinear absorber and output coupler simultaneously. Stable pulse duration of 3 ps has been achieved at the repetition rate of 98 MHz. The average output power was 530 mW at 1053 nm under the incident pump power of 10 W, corresponding to the peak power of 1.8 kW and pulse energy of 5.4 nJ.


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Time-resolved light-current curves, spectra, and far-field distributions of ridge structure InGaN multiple quantum well laser diodes grown on sapphire substrate are measured with a temporal resolution of 0.1 ns under a pulsed current condition. Results show that the thermal lensing effect clearly improves the confinement of the higher order modes. The thermal lens leads to a lower threshold current for the higher order modes, a higher slope efficiency, and a change in the lasing mode of the device. The threshold current for the higher modes decreases by about 5 mA in every 10 ns in a pulse, and the slope efficiency increases by 7.5 times on the average when higher modes lase. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we focus on the dipole mode of the two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal (PC) single point defect cavity (SPDC) lasers and we report the fabrication and characterization of 2D PC SPDC lasers with the structure of adjusted innermost air holes. The photonic band and cavity Q factors are simulated by means of plane wave expansion (PWE) and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD), respectively. In order to improve the optical confinement of the SPDC, the diameter of the innermost holes was adjusted. Different lasing performances are observed experimentally. The experimental results agree with the theoretical prediction very well. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An n-InP-based InGaAsP multiple-quantum-well wafer was bonded with p-Si by chemical surface activated bonding at 70 degrees C, and then annealed at 450 degrees C. Different thermal expansion coefficients between InP and Si will induce thermal stresses in the bonded wafer. Planar and cross-sectional distributions of thermal stress in the bonded InP-Si pairs were analyzed by a two-dimensional finite element method. In addition, the normal, peeling, and shear stresses were calculated by an analytic method. Furthermore, x-ray double crystalline diffraction was applied to measure the thermal strain and the strain caused by the mismatching of the crystalline orientation between InP (100) and Si (100). The wavelength redshift of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum due to thermal strain was investigated via the calculation of the band structure, which is in agreement with the measured PL spectra.


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We report the photocurrent response in a double barrier structure with quantum dots-quantum well inserted in central well. When this quantum dots-quantum well hybrid heterostructure is biased beyond + 1 or -I V, the photocurrent response manifests itself as a steplike enhancement, increasing linearly with the light intensity. Most probably, at proper bias condition, the pulling down of the X minimum of GaAs at the outgoing interface of the emitter barrier by the photovoltaic effect in GaAs QW will initiate the r,-X-X tunneling at much lower bias as compared with that in the dark. That gives rise to the observed photocurrent response. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using the Huang-Zhu model [K. Huang and B.-F. Zhu, Phys. Rev. B 38, 13377 (1988)] for the optical phonons and associated carrier-phonon interactions in semiconductor superlattices, the effects of longitudinal electric field on the energy-loss rates (ELRs) of hot carriers as well as on the hot-phonon effect (HPE) in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells (QWs) are studied systematically. Contributions of various bulklike and interface phonons to the hot-carrier relaxation are compared in detail, and comprehensively analyzed in relation to the intrasubband and intersubband scatterings for quantum cascade lasers. Due to the broken parity of the electron (hole) states in the electric field, the bulklike modes with antisymmetric potentials are allowed in the intrasubband relaxation processes, as well as the modes with symmetric potentials. As the interface phonon scattering is strong only in narrow wells, in which the electric field affects the electron (hole) states little, the ELRs of hot carriers through the interface phonon scattering are not sensitive to the electric field. The HPE on the hot-carrier relaxation process in the medium and wide wells is reduced by the electric field. The influence of the electric field on the hot-phonon effect in quantum cascade lasers is negligible. When the HPE is ignored, the ELRs of hot electrons in wide QWs are decreased noticeably by the electric field, but slightly increased by the field when considering the HPE. In contrast with the electrons, the ELRs of hot holes in wide wells are increased by the field, irrespective of the HPE. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We report on the realization of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum cascade lasers with an emission wavelength of 9.1 mu m above the liquid nitrogen temperature. With optimal current injection window and ridge width of 24 and 60 mu m respectively, a peak output power more than 500 mW is achieved in pulsed mode operation. A low threshold current density J(th) = 2.6 kA/cm(2) gives the devices good lasing characteristics. In a drive frequency of 1 kHz, the laser operates up to 20% duty cycle.


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Narrow stripe selective growth of oxide-free InGaAlAs/InGaAlAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) has been successfully performed on patterned InP substrates by ultra-low pressure MOVPE. Flat and clear interfaces were obtained for the narrow stripe selectively grown MQWs under optimized growth conditions. These selectively grown MQWs were covered by specific InP layers, which can keep the MQWs from being oxidized during the fabrication of the devices. The characteristics of selectively grown MQWs were strongly dependent on the mask stripe width. In particular, a PL peak wavelength shift of 73 nm, a PL intensity of more than 57% and a PL FWHM of less than 102 meV were observed simultaneously with a small mask stripe width varying from 0 to 40 mu m. The results were explained by considering the migration effect from the masked region (MMR) and the lateral vapour diffusion effect (LVD).


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An analysis of the enhancement of light transmission through a sub-wavelength aperture by oil- or solid-immersion is presented in this letter. An output power enhancement phenomenon related to the oil-immersion or solid-immersion mechanism is realized experimentally and reported for a very small aperture laser, which is an agreement with simulation analysis. This phenomenon could be useful for future optical data storage, microscopy and lithography.


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The effects of various InGaAs layers on the structural and optical properties of InAs self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy ( MBE) were investigated. The emission wavelength of 1317 nm was obtained by embedding InAs QDs in InGAs/GgAs quantum well. The temperature-dependent and timed-resolved photoluminescence (TDPL and TRPL) were used to study the dynamic characteristics of carriers. InGaAs cap layer may improve the quality of quantum dots for the strain relaxation around QDs, which results in a stronger PL intensity and an increase of PL peak lifetime up to 170 K. We found that InGaAs buffer layer may reduce the PL peak lifetime of InAs QDs, which is due to the buffer layer accelerating the carrier migration. The results also show that InGaAs cap layer can increase the temperature point when, the thermal reemission and nonradiative recombination contribute significantly to the carrier dynamics.