976 resultados para GAAS SINGLE-CRYSTALS


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We report optically induced phase transtions occurring in two different host ferroelectric liquid crystals; SCE13 a multicomponentmixture optimised for room temperature performance, and CE8 a single component liquid crystal. These act as host liquid crystals for a novel guest azo dye, which can be made to photoisomerise using low power density U.V. illumination, resulting in dramatic changes in sample properties. We have shown that the magnitude of spontaneous polarisation of systems can be isothermally and reversibly induced or reduced, with the consequent appearance or disappearance of optical switching hysteresis. We discuss the parameters controlling the behaviour of the systems under U.V. illumination and suggest mechansims by which the transitions may occur. © 1993, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.


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Low attenuation of Sezawa modes operating at GHz frequencies in ZnO/GaAs systems immersed in liquid helium has been observed. This unexpected behaviour for Rayleigh-like surface acoustic waves (SAWs) is explained in terms of the calculated depth profiles of their acoustic Poynting vectors. This analysis allows reproduction of the experimental dispersion of the attenuation coefficient. In addition, the high attenuation of the Rayleigh mode is compensated by the strengthening provided by the ZnO layer. The introduction of the ZnO film will enable the operation of SAW-driven single-photon sources in GaAs-based systems with the best thermal stability provided by the liquid helium bath. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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In-situ deformation experiments were carried out in a transmission electron microscope to investigate the structural response of single crystal GaAs nanowires (NWs) under compression. A repeatable self-healing process was discovered in which a partially fractured GaAs NW restored its original single crystal structure immediately after an external compressive force was removed. Possible mechanisms of the self-healing process are discussed.


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CW and time-resolved photoluminescence measurements are used to investigate exciton recombination dynamics in GaAsAlGaAs heterostructure nanowires grown with a recently developed technique which minimizes twinning. A thin capping layer is deposited to eliminate the possibility of oxidation of the AlGaAs shell as a source of oxygen defects in the GaAs core. We observe exciton lifetimes of ∼1 ns, comparable to high quality two-dimensional double heterostructures. These GaAs nanowires allow one to observe state filling and many-body effects resulting from the increased carrier densities accessible with pulsed laser excitation. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We use low temperature spatially resolved photoluminescence imaging to study optical properties and electronic states of single CdS and GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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High frequency Rayleigh and Sezawa modes propagating in the ZnO/GaAs system capable of operating immersed in liquid helium have been engineered. In the case of the Rayleigh mode, the strong attenuation produced by the liquid is counteracted by the strengthening of the mode induced by the ZnO. However, in the case of the Sezawa modes, the attenuation is strongly reduced taking advantage of the depth profile of their acoustic Poynting vectors, that extend deeper into the layered system, reducing the energy radiated into the fluid. Thus, both tailored modes will be suitable for acoustically-driven single-electron and single-photon devices in ZnO-coated GaAs-based systems with the best thermal stability provided by the liquid helium bath. © 2012 IEEE.


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The third-order optical nonlinear refractive properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy have been measured using the reflection Z-scan technique at above-bandgap energy. The nonlinear refractive index and nonlinear absorption index of the InAs/GaAs quantum dots were determined for wavelengths from 740 to 777 nm. The measured results are compared with the nonlinear refractive response of several typical III-V group semiconductor materials. The corresponding mechanisms responsible for the large nonlinear response are discussed.


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The refractive nonlinearities of InAs/GaAs quantum dots under a dc electric field at photon energies above its band gap energy have been studied using the reflection Z-scan technique. The effect of the dc electric field on the nonlinear response of InAs/GaAs quantum dots showed similar linear and quadratic electro-optic effects as in the linear response regime at low fields. This implies that the electro-optic effect in the nonlinear regime is analogous to the response in the linear regime for semiconductor quantum dots. Our experimental results show the potential for voltage tunability in InAs quantum dot-based nonlinear electro-optic devices.


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We report on the study of a single-photon-emitting diode at 77 K. The device is composed of InAs/GaAs quantum dots embedded in the i-region of a p-i-n diode structure. The high signal to noise ratio of the electroluminescence, as well as the small second order correlation function at zero-delay g((2))(0), implies that the device has a low multiphoton emission probability. By comparing the device performances under different excitation conditions, we have, in detail, discussed the basic parameters, such as signal to noise ratio and g((2))(0), and provided some useful information for the future application. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Spin dynamics in the first and second subbands have been examined simultaneously by time resolved Kerr rotation in a single-barrier heterostructure of a 500 nm thick GaAs absorption layer. By scanning the wavelengths of the probe and pump beams towards the short wavelength in the zero magnetic field, the spin coherent time T-2(1)* in the 1st subband E-1 decreases in accordance with the D'yakonov-Perel' (DP) spin decoherence mechanism. Meanwhile, the spin coherence time T-2(2)* in the 2nd subband E-2 remains very low at wavelengths longer than 810 nm, and then is dramatically enhanced afterwards. At 803 nm, T-2(2)* (450 ps) becomes ten times longer than T-2(1)* (50 ps). A new feature has been discovered at the wavelength of 811nm under the bias of -0.3V (807nm under the bias of -0.6V) that the spin coherence times (T-2(1)* and T-2(2)*) and the effective g* factors (vertical bar g*(E-1)vertical bar and vertical bar g*(E-2)vertical bar) all display a sudden change, presumably due to the "resonant" spin exchange coupling between two spin opposite bands. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2008.


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We report a photoluminescence (PL) energy red-shift of single quantum dots (QDs) by applying an in-plane compressive uniaxial stress along the [110] direction at a liquid nitrogen temperature. Uniaxial stress has an effect not only on the confinement potential in the growth direction which results in the PL shift, but also on the cylindrical symmetry of QDs which can be reflected by the change of the full width at half maximum of PL peak. This implies that uniaxial stress has an important role in tuning PL energy and fine structure splitting of QDs.


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In this paper, how the dots' radius, At concentration and external electric field affect the single electron energy states in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs spherical quantum dots are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the modification of the energy states is calculated when the difference in effective electron mass in GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs are considered. In addition, both the analytical method and the plane wave method are used in calculation and the results are compared, showing that they are in good agreement with each other. The results and methods can provide useful information for the future research and potential applications of quantum dots.


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In this paper, we propose a lattice dynamic treatment for the total potential energy of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) which is, apart from a parameter for the nonlinear effects, extracted from the vibrational energy of the planar graphene sheet. The energetics, elasticity and lattice dynamics are treated in terms of the same set of force constants, independently of the tube structures. Based upon this proposal, we have investigated systematically the relaxed lattice configuration for narrow SWCNTs, the strain energy, the Young's modulus and Poisson ratio, and the lattice vibrational properties with respect to the relaxed equilibrium tubule structure. Our calculated results for various physical quantities are nicely in consistency with existing experimental measurements. In particular, we verified that the relaxation effect makes the bond length longer and the frequencies of various optical vibrational modes softer. Our calculation provides evidence that the Young's modulus of an armchair tube exceeds that of the planar graphene sheet, and that the large diameter limits of the Young's modulus and Poisson ratio are in agreement with the experimental values of graphite; the calculated radial breathing modes for ultra-narrow tubes with diameters ranging between 2 and 5 angstrom coincide with the experimental results and the existing ab initio calculations with satisfaction. For narrow tubes with a diameter of 20 angstrom, the calculated frequencies of optical modes in the tubule's tangential plane, as well as those of radial breathing modes, are also in good agreement with the experimental measurements. In addition, our calculation shows that various physical quantities of relaxed SWCNTs can actually be expanded in terms of the chiral angle defined for the corresponding ideal SWCNTs.


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Electron-spin dynamics in InAs/GaAs heterostructures consisting of a single layer of InAs (1/3-1 monolayer) embedded in (001) and (311)A GaAs matrix was studied by means of time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy. The spin-relaxation time of the submonolayer InAs samples is significantly enhanced, compared with that of the monolayer InAs sample. The electron-spin-relaxation time and the effective g factor in submonolayer samples were found to be strongly dependent on the photogenerated carrier density. The contribution from both the D'yakonov-Perel' mechanism and Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanism are discussed to interpret the temperature dependence of spin decoherence at various carrier densities.


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Spontaneous emission from GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded in photonic crystals with a narrow photonic band gap is studied theoretically. The results show that the decay lifetime is very sensitive to the sizes of QDs, and both inhibited and accelerated emission can occur, which had been indicated in a previous experiment. The Weisskopf-Wigner approximation, good for atoms and molecules, may be incorrect for QDs. A damped Rabi oscillation of the excited state with the transition frequency outside the photonic band gap may appear, which is impossible for atoms and molecules. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.