998 resultados para large segmental defects


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The paper presents the variability of major floods in Switzerland for the period 1800-2008 from a summer index (INU). The index is constructed from the damage caused by flooding, with the aim of establishing the possible influence of the solar and climate variability on the major floods. The coincidence of flood-rich periods with those observed in other regions of different climate and fluvial regimes suggests that climate forcings and changes in the general circulation of the atmosphere are those who govern the appearance of these high-frequency temporal clusters.


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Deflection compensation of flexible boom structures in robot positioning is usually done using tables containing the magnitude of the deflection with inverse kinematics solutions of a rigid structure. The number of table values increases greatly if the working area of the boom is large and the required positioning accuracy is high. The inverse kinematics problems are very nonlinear, and if the structure is redundant, in some cases it cannot be solved in a closed form. If the structural flexibility of the manipulator arms is taken into account, the problem is almost impossible to solve using analytical methods. Neural networks offer a possibility to approximate any linear or nonlinear function. This study presents four different methods of using neural networks in the static deflection compensation and inverse kinematics solution of a flexible hydraulically driven manipulator. The training information required for training neural networks is obtained by employing a simulation model that includes elasticity characteristics. The functionality of the presented methods is tested based on the simulated and measured results of positioning accuracy. The simulated positioning accuracy is tested in 25 separate coordinate points. For each point, the positioning is tested with five different mass loads. The mean positioning error of a manipulator decreased from 31.9 mm to 4.1 mm in the test points. This accuracy enables the use of flexible manipulators in the positioning of larger objects. The measured positioning accuracy is tested in 9 separate points using three different mass loads. The mean positioning error decreased from 10.6 mm to 4.7 mm and the maximum error from 27.5 mm to 11.0 mm.


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This dissertation considers the segmental durations of speech from the viewpoint of speech technology, especially speech synthesis. The idea is that better models of segmental durations lead to higher naturalness and better intelligibility. These features are the key factors for better usability and generality of synthesized speech technology. Even though the studies are based on a Finnish corpus the approaches apply to all other languages as well. This is possibly due to the fact that most of the studies included in this dissertation are about universal effects taking place on utterance boundaries. Also the methods invented and used here are suitable for any other study of another language. This study is based on two corpora of news reading speech and sentences read aloud. The other corpus is read aloud by a 39-year-old male, whilst the other consists of several speakers in various situations. The use of two corpora is twofold: it involves a comparison of the corpora and a broader view on the matters of interest. The dissertation begins with an overview to the phonemes and the quantity system in the Finnish language. Especially, we are covering the intrinsic durations of phonemes and phoneme categories, as well as the difference of duration between short and long phonemes. The phoneme categories are presented to facilitate the problem of variability of speech segments. In this dissertation we cover the boundary-adjacent effects on segmental durations. In initial positions of utterances we find that there seems to be initial shortening in Finnish, but the result depends on the level of detail and on the individual phoneme. On the phoneme level we find that the shortening or lengthening only affects the very first ones at the beginning of an utterance. However, on average, the effect seems to shorten the whole first word on the word level. We establish the effect of final lengthening in Finnish. The effect in Finnish has been an open question for a long time, whilst Finnish has been the last missing piece for it to be a universal phenomenon. Final lengthening is studied from various angles and it is also shown that it is not a mere effect of prominence or an effect of speech corpus with high inter- and intra-speaker variation. The effect of final lengthening seems to extend from the final to the penultimate word. On a phoneme level it reaches a much wider area than the initial effect. We also present a normalization method suitable for corpus studies on segmental durations. The method uses an utterance-level normalization approach to capture the pattern of segmental durations within each utterance. This prevents the impact of various problematic variations within the corpora. The normalization is used in a study on final lengthening to show that the results on the effect are not caused by variation in the material. The dissertation shows an implementation and prowess of speech synthesis on a mobile platform. We find that the rule-based method of speech synthesis is a real-time software solution, but the signal generation process slows down the system beyond real time. Future aspects of speech synthesis on limited platforms are discussed. The dissertation considers ethical issues on the development of speech technology. The main focus is on the development of speech synthesis with high naturalness, but the problems and solutions are applicable to any other speech technology approaches.


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This thesis contains dynamical analysis on four different scales: the Solar system, the Sun itself, the Solar neighbourhood, and the central region of the Milky Way galaxy. All of these topics have been handled through methods of potential theory and statistics. The central topic of the thesis is the orbits of stars in the Milky Way. An introduction into the general structure of the Milky Way is presented, with an emphasis on the evolution of the observed value for the scale-length of the Milky Way disc and the observations of two separate bars in the Milky Way. The basics of potential theory are also presented, as well as a developed potential model for the Milky Way. An implementation of the backwards restricted integration method is shown, rounding off the basic principles used in the dynamical studies of this thesis. The thesis looks at the orbit of the Sun, and its impact on the Oort cloud comets (Paper IV), showing that there is a clear link between these two dynamical systems. The statistical atypicalness of the orbit of the Sun is questioned (Paper I), concluding that there is some statistical typicalness to the orbit of the Sun, although it is not very significant. This does depend slightly on whether one includes a bar, or not, as a bar has a clear effect on the dynamical features seen in the Solar neighbourhood (Paper III). This method can be used to find the possible properties of a bar. Finally, we look at the effect of a bar on a statistical system in the Milky Way, seeing that there are not only interesting effects depending on the mass and size of the bar, but also how bars can capture disc stars (Paper II).


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Credit risk assessment is an integral part of banking. Credit risk means that the return will not materialise in case the customer fails to fulfil its obligations. Thus a key component of banking is setting acceptance criteria for granting loans. Theoretical part of the study focuses on key components of credit assessment methods of Banks in the literature when extending credits to large corporations. Main component is Basel II Accord, which sets regulatory requirement for credit risk assessment methods of banks. Empirical part comprises, as primary source, analysis of major Nordic banks’ annual reports and risk management reports. As secondary source complimentary interviews were carried out with senior credit risk assessment personnel. The findings indicate that all major Nordic banks are using combination of quantitative and qualitative information in credit risk assessment model when extending credits to large corporations. The relative input of qualitative information depends on the selected approach to the credit rating, i.e. point-in-time or through-the-cycle.


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The main objective of this research is creating a performance measurement system for accounting services of a large paper industry company. In this thesis there are compared different performance measurement system and then selected two systems, which are presented and compared more detailed. Performance Prism system is the used framework in this research. Performance Prism using success maps to determining objectives. Model‟s target areas are divided into five groups: stakeholder satisfaction, stakeholder contribution, strategy, processes and capabilities. The measurement system creation began by identifying stakeholders and defining their objectives. Based on the objectives are created success map. Measures are created based on the objectives and success map. Then is defined needed data for measures. In the final measurement system, there are total just over 40 measures. Each measure is defined specific target level and ownership. Number of measures is fairly large, but this is the first version of the measurement system, so the amount is acceptable.


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En del av de intressantaste fenomenen inom dagens materialfysik uppstår ur ett intrikat samspel mellan myriader av elektroner. Högtemperatursupraledare är det mest berömda exemplet. Varken klassiska teorier eller modeller där elektronerna är oberoende av varandra kan förklara de häpnadsväckande effekterna i de starkt korrelerade elektronsystemen. I vissa kopparoxider, till exempel La2CuO4, är det känt att valenselektronerna till följd av en stark ömsesidig växelverkan lokaliseras en och en till kopparatomerna i föreningens CuO2 plan. Laddningarnas inneboende magnetiska moment—spinnet—får då en avgörande roll för materialets elektriska och magnetiska egenskaper, vilka i exemplets fall kan beskrivas med Heisenbergmodellen som är den grundläggande teoretiska modellen för mikroskopisk magnetism. Men exakt varför föreningarna kan bli supraledande då de dopas med överskottsladdningar är än så länge en obesvarad fråga. Min avhandling undersöker orenheters inverkan på Heisenbergmodellens magnetiska egenskaper—ett problem av både experimentell och teoretisk relevans. En etablerad numerisk metod har använts—en kvantmekanisk Monte Carlo teknik—för att utföra omfattande datorsimuleringar av den matematiska modellen på två dedikerade Linux datorkluster. Arbetet hör till området beräkningsfysik. De teoretiska modellerna för starkt korrelerade elektronsystem, däribland Heisenbergmodellen, är ytterst invecklade matematiskt sett och de kan inte lösas exakt. Analytiska utredningar bygger för det mesta på antaganden och förenklingar vars inverkningar på slutresultatet är ofta oklara. I det avseende kan numeriska studier vara exakta, det vill säga de kan behandla modellerna som de är. Oftast behövs bägge tillvägagångssätten. Den röda tråden i arbetet har varit att numeriskt testa vissa högaktuella analytiska förutsägelser rörande effekterna av orenheter i Heisenbergmodellen. En del av dem har vi på basen av mycket noggranna data kunnat bekräfta. Men våra resultat har också påvisat felaktigheter i de analytiska prognoserna som sedermera delvis reviderats. En del av avhandlingens numeriska upptäckter har i sin tur stimulerat till helt nya teoretiska studier.


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IT Service Management plays a key role in many IT organizations today. First IT Service Management principles founded in the early 1980s but the real adaption emerged in the end 2000s. IT Financial Management is one of IT Service Management’s processes. The main purpose of this thesis was study how IT Financial Management approach can be improved in a case company. Budgeting, accounting and charging are IT Financial Management functions. These functions are researched in this thesis. Thesis materials consist of both qualitative and quantitative material. The theoretical part consists mostly of IT Service Management literature while interviews and the case company’s information systems are researched in the empirical part. Thesis also reviews different kind of the systems which supports and automates IT Financial Management functions. The biggest challenge is the cost allocation with the current ERP system in the case company. It is worth to take group based system for allocation in use before there is a holistic system in a market. The case company should also develop its IT service processes forward.


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Persistent luminescence materials can store energy from solar radiation or artificial lighting and release it over a period of several hours without a continuous excitation source. These materials are widely used to improve human safety in emergency and traffic signalization. They can also be utilized in novel applications including solar cells, medical diagnostics, radiation detectors and structural damage sensors. The development of these materials is currently based on methods based on trial and error. The tailoring of new materials is also hindered by the lack of knowledge on the role of their intrinsic and extrinsic lattice defects in the appropriate mechanisms. The goal of this work was to clarify the persistent luminescence mechanisms by combining ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations with selected experimental methods. The DFT approach enables a full control of both the nature of the defects and their locations in the host lattice. The materials studied in the present work, the distrontium magnesium disilicate (Sr2MgSi2O7) and strontium aluminate (SrAl2O4) are among the most efficient persistent luminescence hosts when doped with divalent europium Eu2+ and co-doped with trivalent rare earth ions R3+ (R: Y, La-Nd, Sm, Gd-Lu). The polycrystalline materials were prepared with the solid state method and their structural and phase purity was confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction. Their local crystal structure was studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The crystal and electronic structure of the nondoped as well as Eu2+, R2+/3+ and other defect containing materials were studied using DFT calculations. The experimental trap depths were obtained using thermoluminescence (TL) spectroscopy. The emission and excitation of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ were also studied. Significant modifications in the local crystal structure due to the Eu2+ ion and lattice defects were found by the experimental and DFT methods. The charge compensation effects induced by the R3+ co-doping further increased the number of defects and distortions in the host lattice. As for the electronic structure of Sr2MgSi2O7 and SrAl2O4, the experimental band gap energy of the host materials was well reproduced by the calculations. The DFT calculated Eu2+ and R2+/3+ 4fn as well as 4fn-15d1 ground states in the Sr2MgSi2O7 band structure provide an independent verification for an empirical model which is constructed using rather sparse experimental data for the R3+ and especially the R2+ ions. The intrinsic and defect induced electron traps were found to act together as energy storage sites contributing to the materials’ efficient persistent luminescence. The calculated trap energy range agreed with the trap structure of Sr2MgSi2O7 obtained using TL measurements. More experimental studies should be carried out for SrAl2O4 to compare with the DFT calculations. The calculated and experimental results show that the electron traps created by both the rare earth ions and vacancies are modified due to the defect aggregation and charge compensation effects. The relationships between this modification and the energy storage properties of the solid state materials are discussed.


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The objective of this research was to describe how Nordic companies manage hazard risks in their operations in Russia and how the local business environment is considered to affect the hazard risks. Research methods used in this research were literature review and expert interviews. Twelve Nordic industrial companies operating in different fields of industry were interviewed. Large Nordic companies typically guide risk management centralized from the parent company on behalf of the whole company group and the risk management standards and policies are integrated in all subsidiaries. Parent companies typically control hazard risk management in Russia by regular risk management reporting, auditing the Russian sites and by training local managers and employees to risk management work. Many companies have experienced several losses in the first years of operating in Russia before the risk management policies have been implemented in Russian subsidiaries. The companies have learned to take local characteristics better into account by experience and most companies are quite satisfied with their current risk management standards in Russia. The interviews indicate that companies experience especially the poor quality of infrastructure, some features in Russian organizational culture and high level of criminality to increase hazard risks in Russia. However, understanding these features and risks in the business environment makes the management of these risks possible. Risks related to infrastructure can be managed in advance by decreasing dependencies of infrastructure and considering the infrastructure quality already when planning the business operations. Also good local network is often considered critical in order to overcome the complications related to infrastructure. Russian personnel has typically different attitude towards risk management than Nordic personnel and neglecting safety and maintenance and concealing losses is more typical in Russia. By training and guiding the local personnel risk management and safety work and desired ways of actions these risks can be decreased. Criminality risks are often managed to certain extent by investing in security, increasing supervising and paying attention to reliability of the employees and other interest groups of the company.


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The objective is to alert the surgeon about the indiscriminate use of synthetic prosthesis in the correction of inguinal and incisional hernias. The authors provide a brief history of surgery on hernias and a review of the literature, showing the importance of classifying inguinal hernias to fit the type of surgical correction with the defect found, abstaining from treating all hernias, with the same type of surgical procedure. In our opinion, small indirect inguinal hernias (type 1 and 2 of Gilbert) and hernias in women must not, in general, be treated with prostheses. The synthetic material should be reserved for direct and large indirect hernias. Even so, this attitude, besides determining a higher cost for the procedure, can lead to important complications such as infection, rejection, fistula formation, chronic pain, alterations in spermatogenesis and the possibility of carcinogenesis, according to more recent reports. The physiology and anatomy of the abdominal wall should be considered when dealing with incisional hernia corrections, where the surgeon can choose among many techniques to correct those defects, and in selected cases, utilize synthetic material. We conclude that although the use of biomaterials has constituted a great advance in surgery for abdominal wall hernia corrections because they decrease recurrences, and permit treatment of large abdominal hernias, the indiscriminate prosthesis usage is an abuse, and it can determine many serious complications, certainly avoidable with a well indicated non mesh technique .


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Tutkimus tehtiin STX Finlandin Turun telakalle osana suurempaa kehitysohjelmaa, joka tähtää läpimenoaikojen lyhentämiseen ja kilpailukyvyn paranemiseen. Työntutkimuksesta saatujen tietojen avulla toimintaa pyritään kehittämään tuottavammaksi ja läpimenoaikaa lyhyemmäksi. Työssä pyrittiin löytämään valmistusteknillisiä keinoja läpimenoajan lyhentämiseksi käyttäen hyväksi Lean-ajattelutapaa. Mittaustuloksista voidaan nähdä, miten aika jakaantuu lohkonkoonnissa ja mihin aikaa hukataan. Tuloksista huomataan, että lisäarvoa tuottavan työn osuutta työajasta voidaan lisätä. Kasvattamalla jalostavan työn osuutta voidaan tuotannosta tehdä tehokkaampaa ja läpimenoaikaa lyhentää. Tuloksista selviää, minkälaisia Lean-ajattelutavan hukkia työvaiheet sisältävät ja kuinka paljon aikaa niihin kuluu. Tutkimus tehtiin tunnettuja työntutkimuksen keinoja hyväksikäyttäen. Käytössä oli havainnointitutkimus sekä ajankäyttötutkimus. Havainnointitutkimuksen avulla saatiin selville tuotannon epäkohtia. Työntutkimuksen avulla selvisi myös, ettei mekanisointien käyttö hitsauksessa ole riittävällä tasolla. Suuri osa hitsauksesta tehdään manuaalisesti ilman kuljettimia, jolloin paloaikasuhde pysyy matalana. Tuotannossa esiintyvät virheet jäävät liian usein raportoimatta. Tutkimuksessa on esitetty toimintamalli tuotannon epäkohtien raportoinnin toteutukselle. Johtopäätöksinä syntyi kehitysideoita lohkovalmistuksen tehostamiseksi. Tutkimuksen avulla luotiin pohja työntutkimuksen uudelleenkäynnistämiselle. Luotuja työntutkimuskaavioita voidaan käyttää tulevissa työntutkimuksissa. Johtopäätöksinä syntyi kehitysideoita lohkovalmistuksen tehostamiseksi. Menetelmien avulla lohkovalmistuksen läpimenoaikaa saadaan tehostettua.


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Acquired chest wall defects present a challenging problem for thoracic surgeons. Many of such defects can be repaired with the use of local and regional musculocutaneous flaps, but larger defects compromising skeletal structure require increasingly sophisticated reconstructive techniques. The following discussion will review the options for repair acquired chest wall defects based in literature. The authors searched the Pubmed (www.pubmed.com) and found citations from January 1996 to February 2008. By reading the titles and the abstracts most of the citations were discharged because they focused in congenital chest wall defects or were cases report. However, many papers were found describing the outcome of large series of patients with acquired chest wall deformities. A review of recent literature shows that the repair of chest wall defects with soft tissues, if possible, remains the treatment of choice. Large chest wall defects require skeletal reconstruction to prevent paradoxical respiration. The selection of the most appropriate flap is primary dictated by the location and the size of the defect. It is important to transfer tissue with good vitality, so understanding the vascular supply is imperative. Autogenous grafts have been used in the past for skeletal reconstruction but a combination of synthetic materials with musculocutaneous flaps has been used lately. Based in the literature, the use of prosthetic material in chest wall reconstruction does not significantly increases the risk of wound infection.


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OBJECTIVE: to verify the effectiveness of the rubber elastic band in the treatment of large wounds of the body wall of rabbits by means of traction of its edges. METHODS: we studied 30 New Zealand rabbits, divided into three groups (n=10): Group 1- healing by secondary intention; Group 2- removal and eutopic repositioning of skin as full thickness skin graft; Group 3- Approximation of wound edges with elastic rubber band. In all animals, we removed a segment of the back skin and subcutaneous tissue down to the fascia, in accordance with an acrylic mold of 8cm long by 12cm wide. All animals were observed for 21 days. RESULTS: two animals of groups 1 and 2 had wound abscess. In Group 2, there was partial or total graft loss in 90% of animals. The complete closure of the wounds was observed in four animals of Group 1, six of Group 2 and eight of Group 3. There was no difference between the scar resistance values of groups 2 and 3, which were higher than those in Group 1. The scars of the three groups were characterized by the presence of mature connective tissue mixed with blood vessels and inflammatory infiltration, predominantly polymorphonuclear. CONCLUSION: the tensile strength of the wound edges with rubber elastic band is as efficient as the skin graft to treat rabbits' large body wounds.