1000 resultados para Matemàtica discreta


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Este estudo tem a intenção de descrever, entender e explicar processo deaprendizagem de uma turma de 4º Ano do Ensino Fundamental I, com proposta de utilizar objetos concretos na aprendizagem matemática, no qual procurou desvendar à luz da concepção de inovação de que maneira esses objetos constituem uma instigação à Inovação pedagógica. Mediante aos padrões culturais da turma pretende-se conhecer e verificar o impacto desta proposta, no cotidiano dos alunos, por meiodos saberes de cada um envolvidos. Uma vez que, é visível a complexidade e a desmotivação que o aluno do ensino fundamental I apresenta com a Matemática. A necessidade de tornar a aula mais interessante e motivadora é uma inquietação constante do professor, no qual a dissertação investiga a importância dos objetos concretos, sua funcionalidade e aplicabilidade, de modo que possa facilitar a aprendizagem, bem como, proporcionar subsídios para que o aluno desenvolva estratégias significativas e inovadoras, melhorando assim, a qualidade do aprendizado matemático e seja capaz de criar situações que promovam a curiosidade, a instigação e a busca de resoluções, possibilitando no seu cotidiano empregar o conhecimento científico. O estudo tem como alusão a construção do pensamento crítico dos alunos a partir das concepções trabalhadas na sala de aula. Nessa acepção, a presente investigação insere-se numa abordagem qualitativa, de caráter etnográfico. Desenvolve-se por intermédio da investigadora com a turma, com vista à descrição da realidade estudada, seus padrões culturais e significativos, visando a compreensão do ambiente analisado. Através dos recursos como a observação participante, a entrevista e os documentos foi possível o recolhimento de dados durante a estadia no contexto do estudo. As conclusões desta investigação apontam de certa forma para a interatividade e a compreensão de certos conceitos matemáticos, mas não induz a autonomia dos alunos, o seu projeto de vida, ou seja, não perfigura um desafio à Inovação Pedagógica.


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Esse trabalho tem como objetivo de pesquisar o uso do software Winplot nas aulas de matemática como instrumento auxiliar e fator de ruptura das práticas pedagógicas fundamentadas no paradigma fabril, criando ambientes favoráveis ao ensino e aprendizagem, dando maior ênfase a aprendizagem, proporcionando aos educandos serem construtores dos seus próprios conhecimentos, valorizando os seus significados, propiciando a formação de cidadãos críticos e autônomos e educadores como mediadores nesse processo. Para a realização desse trabalho de pesquisa foi adotada a metodologia qualitativa com fundamentos etnográficos, a observação participante e a utilização do diário de bordo eletrônico etnográfico que nos garantiu agilidade nos registros de campo, propiciando a descrição das ações reais de educador e educandos em função do uso desse software que assegurou o desejo dos educandos, educador e pesquisador nas mudanças das praxes pedagógicas que valorizam o educando como centro no processo de ensino e aprendizagem contribuindo para que a escola seja estimulada a adotar um currículo flexível propiciando uma educação contextualizada.


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Em Portugal, de acordo com os princípios gerais da Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo, um dos objetivos da educação é responder às necessidades resultantes da realidade social, fomentando a evolução plena e harmoniosa de cada indivíduo, no sentido de este se tornar um cidadão livre, responsável, solidário e autónomo, capaz de julgar com espírito crítico e criativo o meio social em que está inserido e de se empenhar na sua progressiva mudança. Para educar matematicamente os alunos é necessário contribuir para o desenvolvimento das suas competências e saberes, ajudando-os a se tornarem cidadãos críticos e conscientes, para que participem criticamente na comunidade e percebam como a matemática é utilizada. O presente estudo visou compreender como é que a Educação Matemática Crítica contribui para o desenvolvimento de competências matemáticas e na formação de cidadãos críticos e conscientes. Para a realização desta investigação foi selecionada uma turma de um Curso de Educação e Formação (CEF), na qual quase todos os alunos, que tinham idades compreendidas entre os 15 e os 17 anos, revelavam um percurso de insucesso em Matemática. O estudo foi do tipo qualitativo e tomou como método a observação participante. Recorreu-se a um conjunto de informações sobre vários temas, retirada da internet, para que os alunos as analisassem criticamente. Este estudo defende a ideia de que a Educação Matemática Crítica contribui para a realização de aprendizagens mais significativas e na formação de cidadãos mais críticos e conscientes, permitindo-lhes participar criticamente na sociedade onde estão inseridos.


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O programa de matemática do ensino básico revela que a escola exige uma formação sólida em Matemática para que os alunos, ao longo do seu percurso escolar, possam compreendê-la e utilizá-la, mas o façam igualmente depois da escolaridade, na sua vida pessoal, profissional e social. A investigação feita visa compreender como é que a Educação Matemática Crítica e a rede social Facebook potenciam a aprendizagem crítica da Matemática. A utilização mais frequente desta rede social, possibilita chegar a um maior fluxo de informação/publicidade. Sob a égide da Educação Matemática Crítica, com o objetivo de observar que alterações ocorriam na forma como os alunos aprendiam determinados conceitos matemáticos em situações rotineiras da nossa sociedade. Esta aprendizagem pode ocorrer cooperativamente e/ou colaborativamente conforme as atividades e os alunos que realizam o estudo. O estudo realizado foi de natureza qualitativa de caráter interpretativo. Os alunos realizaram três atividades. A primeira denominada “Atmosfera Terrestre” para introduzir o capítulo de intervalos de números reais e para os discentes se familiarizarem com as ferramentas do Facebook. As outras duas foram uma publicidade de uma empresa e uma notícia sobre as tabelas de IRS para o ano de 2013. Depois de concluído esse estudo, verificou-se que os alunos não tiveram qualquer problema ao nível do manuseamento das ferramentas proporcionadas pelo Facebook. Na atividade introdutória para o capítulo de intervalo de números reais, os alunos conseguiram transpor o que tinha sido discutido em espaço Facebook para a sala de aula, apresentando exemplos da referida atividade. Conseguiram retirar, através da matemática, conclusões e resultados muito pertinentes para uma melhor perceção do que estava implicitamente presente em cada uma das atividades. As conclusões evidenciadas pelos alunos aludem que após várias discussões, argumentos e mesmo algum cálculo matemático conseguiram observar e justificar criticamente que algumas informações estavam camufladas nas distintas atividades. Os alunos constaram que após estas atividades estão mais alertas para situações similares, o que constitui uma conquista do papel da Matemática na sua vida.


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ades de natureza investigativa contribuem para a aprendizagem matemática de alunos do ensino secundário. O estudo incidiu sobre uma turma do décimo primeiro ano de escolaridade do curso de línguas e humanidades. Foram trabalhadas três atividades no âmbito do capítulo Modelos Populacionais. Estas foram desenvolvidas com o auxílio de tecnologia, nomeadamente, calculadora gráfica e computador através da exploração do software Graph 4.4.2, no sentido de motivar os alunos e facilitar a compreensão dos conteúdos abordados. Tendo em conta que um dos objetivos deste estudo é analisar as atitudes reveladas pelos alunos aquando da realização das propostas, os dados obtidos são constituídos essencialmente por pormenores descritivos de tal forma que foi aplicada uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa através da observação participante. A utilização da tecnologia motivou os alunos, que se mostraram desde logo entusiasmados com a realização das atividades. Foi também visível, ao longo da realização das propostas, o desenvolv


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O presente trabalho foi elaborado no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário, da Universidade da Madeira, no ano letivo de 2012/2013. Tem como objetivo analisar e refletir sobre o trabalho implementado nas duas turmas do 8º ano que me foram atribuídas, incidindo sobre a motivação dos alunos face à presença de outros materiais além do típico caderno de exercícios e do manual na aula de matemática. Deste modo, relatarei algumas aulas onde foram propostas atividades com recurso a materiais manipuláveis, jogos e computadores. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com base numa avaliação qualitativa que incidiu sobre a observação direta do trabalho desenvolvido pelos alunos, através dos registos escritos e de gravações de vídeo e áudio de algumas aulas, de forma a poder transmitir com maior exatidão a postura e o empenho dos alunos no decurso destas atividades.


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Discrepancies between classical model predictions and experimental data for deep bed filtration have been reported by various authors. In order to understand these discrepancies, an analytic continuum model for deep bed filtration is proposed. In this model, a filter coefficient is attributed to each distinct retention mechanism (straining, diffusion, gravity interception, etc.). It was shown that these coefficients generally cannot be merged into an effective filter coefficient, as considered in the classical model. Furthermore, the derived analytic solutions for the proposed model were applied for fitting experimental data, and a very good agreement between experimental data and proposed model predictions were obtained. Comparison of the obtained results with empirical correlations allowed identifying the dominant retention mechanisms. In addition, it was shown that the larger the ratio of particle to pore sizes, the more intensive the straining mechanism and the larger the discrepancies between experimental data and classical model predictions. The classical model and proposed model were compared via statistical analysis. The obtained p values allow concluding that the proposed model should be preferred especially when straining plays an important role. In addition, deep bed filtration with finite retention capacity was studied. This work also involves the study of filtration of particles through porous media with a finite capacity of filtration. It was observed, in this case, that is necessary to consider changes in the boundary conditions through time evolution. It was obtained a solution for such a model using different functions of filtration coefficients. Besides that, it was shown how to build a solution for any filtration coefficient. It was seen that, even considering the same filtration coefficient, the classic model and the one here propposed, show different predictions for the concentration of particles retained in the porous media and for the suspended particles at the exit of the media


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The main focus of this thesis is the formation of a mathematical teacher at a college institution. The general aim is to describe and to analyze the formation process of a mathematical teacher which is an undergraduate student in Mathematics at the Instituto de Educação Superior Presidente Kennedy IFESP, in Natal-RN. It is based on a qualitative ethnographic approach, and has its theoretical anchorage in the (auto)biographical narratives, the social representative theories, and the mathematical education. The number of participants in this investigation was 12 undergraduate students, which corresponds to 25% of the total number of students. The corpus utilized in our analysis included 48 (auto)biographical essays, 12 (auto)biographies (formation's memories), and 12 contextualization files, besides the research's diary. The sources were obtained from the whole program of studies, i.e. from November 2003 to December 2006. The analysis revealed that the reminiscences of the 12 students' academic trajectory influenced their professional formation, since their images of a mathematical teacher were intrinsically related to the one they had before. These representations were being either demolished or constructed in a network along the assertive image of their profession, changing afterwards the mathematical representation and the teaching way of this discipline. Our study also shows that the beginning of their teacher career was marked by mechanical practices influenced by their old teachers. The (trans)formation of themselves and their teaching practices happened in a smooth way as soon as they increased their knowledgements in Mathematics, and it reflected upon the way they learned mathematics. The writing of their (auto)biographies helped the set up of new knowledgements, leaving to a self-consciousness as well as a self-formation, and contributed for the construction of a new way to see and to live the profession. Therefore, a mathematical teacher, for the undergraduate students of the IFESP involved in this work, is made at the interface of the familiar, academic, and professional context, besides the reflexive writings about the formation path, the way of life and the relationships among them


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El objetivo en esta tesis consistió en estudiar el proceso de los cambios de los conceptos de profesores de la educación infantil y de los años iníciales de la educación básica referente a la enseñanza de la matemática. La investigación se desenvolvió en la escuela Presidente Kennedy, en la ciudad de Natal, en Rio Grande do Norte, teniendo como participante 05 (cinco) profesores del curso normal superior a través de la educación superior del instituto relacionado. El trabajo asocia el programa a él Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, en la base de pesquisa Formação e Profissionalização Docente coordinada de los doctores Betânia Leite Ramalho e Isauro Beltran Núñez. El referencial teórico-metodológico en quien si apoya el trabajo se inserta en la señal conceptual usada por Giordan y de Vecchi (1996), de Carrillo y Contreras (1994), Ramalho; Núñez y Gauthier (2003), Ponte (1998), Guimarães (1988), Ernest (1989). En esta investigación, los conceptos de los profesores habían sido estudiados en el contexto educativo de la formación del nivel superior, usándola reflexiva crítico práctico como estrategia formativa. Estos conceptos se entienden como estructuras subyacentes al pensamiento del profesor. Dado la naturaleza del objeto del estudio, la información, para las intenciones de esta investigación, habían sido cosechados a través de los instrumentos siguientes: cuestionario, plan de la lección, entrevista diaria y del campo. El cuestionario fue constituido de preguntas abiertas y de las entrevistas de la mitad-structuralized. La organización de los datos permitió a La inferencia de los conceptos, usando la técnica de la triangulación de datos. La investigación divulgó que los conceptos de los profesores, a través del proceso formativo, se habían desarrollado de una plataforma para otra, yéndose puesto que los modelos didácticos tradicionales para otros modelos dirigidos a una tendencia didáctica de espontaneísta/investigativa. La reflexión crítica era considerada como elemento catalítico de los cambios de los conceptos de los profesores en la educación de las matemáticas, sin embargo déjenos verifican que estos cambios son difíciles de ocurrir para la naturaleza compleja de estos conceptos. Como facilitadores de los factores de estos cambios, encontramos y el investigativo el trabajo, la dinámica y la naturaleza de las actividades se convirtió en el colaborativo de proceso formativo, entre otros. Como obstáculos a los cambios, identificamos el contexto del trabajo de los profesores, de la cultura de los individualistas prácticos de sus profesores de los colegas, del concepto linear, estático y de los mecánicos de los procesos para enseñar, el conocimiento profesional construído durante la formación inicial, alineación con los modelos didácticos de sus viejos profesores, entre otros


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This work aims to describe and analyze the process of the mathematics teacher modernizing in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1950 to 1980. For that, we use as theoretical foundation assumptions of Cultural History and memories of the researchers Maurice Halbwach, Ecléa Bosi and Paul Thompson. As methodological tools, we used bibliographical resources and semi-structured interviews, in order to do a historical reconstruct of the mathematics educational scene of institutions and people who taught mathematics in Rio Grande do Norte, or those who participated in the modernization of the teaching of this subject, recovering their training and its practices in teaching. For the analysis of the bibliographical resources, initially we organized in a systematic way the transcripts of the interviews and documents, which were accumulated during the research, so long our thoughts, returning to the theoretical basis of this research, through questioning of knowledge acquired and that guided the problem of our study. The analysis showed that, important moments to modernize the teaching of mathematics in Rio Grande do Norte happened such: (1) Training Course of Lay Teachers in Rio Grande do Norte, in 1965, (2) Course for Teachers in Normal Schools, in 1971 (3) Satelite Project on Interdisciplinary Advanced Communications (SPIAC) in 1973; (4) Lectures of the teacher Malba Tahan, at Natal, from the end of the 50 s, that could be analyzed through the lessons notes of the teacher Maria Nalva Xavier de Albuquerque and the narrative of teacher Evaldo Rodrigues de Carvalho and (5) Courses of the Campaign for Improvement of Secondary Education and Broadcasting (CISEB). Thereby, the modernization of the school s mathematics teaching in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1950 to 1980, was given mainly by disclosure of the Discovery Method and by the Set Theory contents in Teacher Training Courses


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mongst the trends in Mathematics Education, which have as their object a more significant and criticallearning, is the Ethnomathematics. This field of knowledge, still very recent amongst us, besides analyzing an externalist history of the sciences in a search for a relationship between the development of the scientific disciplines and the socio-cultural context, goes beyond this externalism, for it also approaches the intimate relationships betwe_n cognition and culture. In fact, the Ethnomathematics proposes an alternative epistemological approach associated with a wider historiography. It struggles to understand the reality and come to the pedagogical action by means of a cognitive approach with strong cultural basis. But the difficulty of inserting the Ethnomathematics into the educational context is met by resistance from some mathematics educators who seem indifferent to the influence of the culture on the understanding of the mathematics ideas. It was with such concerns in mind that I started this paper that had as object to develop a curricular reorientation pedagogical proposal in mathematics education, at the levei of the 5th grade of the Ensino Fundamental (Elementary School), built from the mathematical knowledge of a vegetable farmers community, 30 km away from the center of Natal/RN, but in accordance with the teaching dimensions of mathematics of the 1 st and 2nd cycles proposed by the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais - PCN: Numbers and Operations, Space and Form, Units and Measures, and Information Treatment. To achieve that, I developed pedagogical activities from the mathematical concepts of the vegetable farmers of that community, explained in my dissertation research in the period 2000 through 2002. The pedagogical process was developed from August through Oecember 2007 with 24 students of the 5th Grade of the Ensino Fundamental (Elementary School) of the school of that community. The qualitative analysis of the data was conducted taking into account three categories of students: one made up of students that helped their parents in the work with vegetables. Another one by students whose parents and relatives worked with vegetables, though they did not participate directly of this working process and one third category of students that never worked with vegetables, not to mention their parents, but lived adjacent to that community. From the analyses and results of the data gathered by these three distinct categories of students, I concluded that those students that assisted their parents with the daily work with vegetables solved the problem-situations with understanding, and, sometimes, with enriching contributions to the proposed problems. The other categories of students, in spite of the various field researches to the gardens of that community, before and during the pedagogical activities, did not show the same results as those students/vegetable farmers, but showed interest and motivation in ali activities of the pedagogical process in that period


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The aim of the present study is to investigate the way through which the relations between Mathematics and Religion emerge in the work of Blaise Pascal. This research is justified by the need to deepen these relations, so far little explored if compared to intersection points between Mathematics and other fields of knowledge. The choice for Pascal is given by the fact that he was one of the mathematicians who elaborated best one reflection in the religious field thus provoking contradictory reactions. As a methodology, it is a bibliographical and documental research with analytical-comparative reading of referential texts, among them the Oeuvres complètes de Pascal (1954), Le fonds pascalien à Clermont-Ferrand (2001), Mathematics in a postmodern age: a cristian perspective by Howell & Bradley (2001), Mathematics and the divine: a historical study by Koetsier & Bergmans (2005), the Anais dos Seminários Nacionais de História da Matemática and the Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática. The research involving Pascal's life as a mathematician and his religious experience was made. A wider background in which the subject matter emerges was also researched. Seven categories connected to the relation between mathematics and religion were identified from the reading of texts written by mathematicians and historians of mathematics. As a conclusion, the presence of four of these seven categories was verified in Pascal's work


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The aim of the present study is to reevaluate the logical thought of the English mathematician George Boole (1815 - 1864). Thus, our research centers on the mathematical analysis of logic in the context of the history of mathematics. In order to do so, we present various biographical considerations about Boole in the light of events that happened in the 19th century and their consequences for mathematical production. We briefly describe Boole's innovations in the areas of differential equations and invariant theory and undertake an analysis of Boole's logic, especially as formulated in the book The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, comparing it not only with the traditional Aristotelian logic, but also with modern symbolic logic. We conclude that Boole, as he intended, expanded logic both in terms of its content and also in terms of its methods and formal elaboration. We further conclude that his purpose was the mathematical modeling of deductive reasoning, which led him to present an innovative formalism for logic and, because the different ways it can be interpreted, a new conception of mathematics


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This work is located at the shield of research that defends the use of Mathematics History, based on the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities, at Mathematics classrooms, and at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. The general objective is to examine the possibility of the use of historical artifacts, at teaching activities, at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. Artifact, at this work, is comprehended as objects, documents, monuments, images and other kinds of materials that make sense to the Human actions at the past and that represent what have been said and done at the Human history. At the construction of the theoretical-methodological way of the research we have based ourselves upon the ideas of the authors that are engaged at the teachers formation; at researchers adherents to the use of Mathematics History (MH) as a methodological resource, and at studies accomplished that elucidate the role of the artifacts at the history and as a mediatory element of learning. We defend the thesis that the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities enables the increasing of the knowledge, the development of competencies and essential abilities to the teacher acting, as well as interact at different areas of the knowledge, that provides a conception of formation where the teacher improves his learning, learning-doing and learning-being. We have adopted a qualitative research approach with a theoretical and pratic study disposition about the elements that contribute to the teachers works at the classroom, emphasizing the role of the Mathematics history at the teacher s formation and as a pedagogical resource at the mathematics classroom; the knowledge, the competencies and abilities of the historical artifacts as an integrative link between the different areas of the knowledge. As result, we emphasize that the proposition of using the MH, through learning activities, at the course of teacher graduation is relevant, because it allows the investigation of ideas that originate the knowledge generated at every social context, considering the contribution of the social and cultural, political and economical aspects at this construction, making easy the dialog among the areas and inside of each one The historical artifact represents a research source that can be deciphered, comprehended, questioned, extracting from it information about knowledge of the past, trace and vestiges of the culture when it was created, consisting of a testimony of a period. These aspects grant to it consideration to be explored as a mediatory element of the learning. The artifacts incorporated at teaching activities of the graduation courses for teachers promote changes on the view about the Mathematics teaching, in view of to privilege the active participation of the student at the construction of his knowledge, at the reflection about the action that has been accomplished, promoting stimulus so the teachers can create their own artifacts, and offer, either, traces linking the Mathematics with others knowledge areas.


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This PH.D. thesis is an attempt to show the beginning, evolution and unfolding of the making of a pedagogical work proposal based on culturally-built knowings in the heart of a traditional community, having as one of its starting points the knowings and doings experienced by dish-making women from Maruanum living in the city of Macapá, State of Amapá, Brazil. This proposal is strongly associated with the need we have to think about the nature of (ethnological)-mathematical knowledge generated by particular communities and about the way such knowledge can be discussed, worked out, and validated in learning environments, regardless of the level of instruction and the constraints imposed by government programs and educational institutions. Among its theoretical foundations are studies on instrumental activities that are typical of the Maruanum ceramics and investigative studies from the point of view of ethnomathematics. Methodological development took place with the application of activities, where traditional and instrumental knowledge observed in the production of ceramics had been adapted for and brought into the school environment , participative observation, as well as data collecting and organization techniques, such as interviews, statements, and audio an visual recordings. Analysis of the data collected focused on the relationship between the data-generating potential and the purpose of this study. Our aim is to make and estimate of the potential contributions from local situations and/or problems it would possibly bring to the formative learning of people involved in the educational processes of these communities, with a view to a spatial and temporal transformation of reality