993 resultados para a business contract


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Current e-business standards have been developed and used by large organizations to reduce clerical costs in business transactions by increased automation and higher level of business-to-business integration. Small and medium enterprises (SME's), however, cannot easily adopt these standards due to the SME's lacking the technical expertise and resources for implementing them. Still, large organizations increasingly require their business partners, most of which are SME's, to be able to interoperate by their chosen e-business standards. The research question for the study was, first, which of the existing e-business technologies are most SME-adoptable, and, second, how could those e-business technologies be made easier for SME's to implement. The study was conducted as a literature study that evaluated the available e-business frameworks and SME-oriented e-business architectures based on the implementation complexity and costs incurred for the SME adopter. The study found that only few e-business solutions are SMEadoptable. The technological approaches used in the solutions need to be improved on a number of areas, the most important of which is implementation complexity. The study revealed that this also applies to the special, SME-oriented e-business architectures, which are also still too difficult for SME's to implement. Based on these findings, a high-level e-business interoperability framework concept was proposed as the basis for future research to overcome the found implementation complexities for SME's.


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The purpose of this study was to define the key challenges for Finnish companies in doing business in Russia. The study consists of a theoretical and an empirical part and is conducted as a quantitative study. The theoretical framework was build around capital structure, cost of capital and emerging market theories. The findings suggest that the firms in the sample seek growth mainly from emerging markets. These research results also indicate that challenges are visible in emerging market environment. Challenges that companies are facing in Russian market are mainly connected with legislation, communication and language problems. In addition, companies’ profitability has changed during the financial crisis, which has been the main reason for the negative changes in companies’ profitability. Even though the financial crisis has had a strong effect on the worldwide economy, the firms in the sample are not postponing their investments to Russia, because of lack of new financing or unfavorable credit terms.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on löytää keinoja NCC Rakennus Oy:n hankinta- ja tilausprosessien tehostamiseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat projektikohtaisten hankintojen hankintaprosessi, kausisopimuksiin perustuvat tilausprosessit sekä hankintakäytännöt. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena ja pääasiallisena aineistonkeruumenetelmänä on käytetty teemahaastatteluita. Teemahaastattelujen avulla on pyritty selvittämään kuinka ihmiset ja järjestelmät toimivat prosesseissa ja tunnistamaan eri prosessivaiheiden mahdollisia ongelmakohtia. Mahdolliset ongelmakohdat ja niiden kehitysehdotukset on tässä tutkimuksessa jäsennetty vika- ja vaikutusanalyysin avulla. Saatujen tulosten mukaan hankinta- ja tilausprosessien tehostaminen vaatii muun muassa yhteisten toimintatapojen rakentamista, koulutusta ja yhteistyön kehittämistä eri sidosryhmien kanssa.


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Selling is much maligned, often under-valued subject whose inadequate showing in business schools is in inverse proportion to the many job opportunities it offers and the importance of salespeople bringing incomes to companies. The purpose of this research is to increase the understanding of customer-oriented selling and examine the influence of customer-oriented philosophy on selling process, the applicability of selling techniques to this philosophy and the importance of them to salespeople. The empirical section of the study is two-fold. Firstly, the data of qualitative part was collected by conducting five thematic interviews among sales consultants and case company representatives. The findings of the study indicate that customer-oriented selling requires the activity of salespeople. In the customer-oriented personal selling process, salespeople invest time in the preplanning, the need analysis and the benefit demonstration stages. However, the findings propose that salespeople today must also have the basic capabilities for executing the traditional sales process, and the balance between traditional and consultative selling process will change as the duration of the relationship between the salesperson and customer increases. The study also proposes that selling techniques still belong to the customer-oriented selling process, although their roles might be modest. This thesis mapped 75 selling techniques and the quantitative part of the study explored what selling techniques are considered to be important by salespeople in direct selling industry when they make sales with new and existing customers. Response rate of the survey was 69.5%.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten vuokranantajan luottotappioriskin todennäköisyyttä voidaan pienentää ja kuinka riskin realisoitumisesta aiheutuvat seuraukset saataisiin mahdollisimman pieneksi. Tutkimus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena yhden tapauksen tapaustutkimuksena, joka perustuu sekä teoreettiseen että empiiriseen aineistoon. Tutkimuksessa käytetty oikeuskirjallisuus koostuu pääasiassa varallisuusoikeutta, sopimusoikeutta, yhtiöoikeutta ja insolvenssioikeutta käsittelevistä teoksista. Aineistona on lisäksi käytetty lainsäädäntöä ja oikeustapauksia. Tutkimuksen empiiriseen osuuteen liittyvä aineisto muodostuu erityisesti tutkielman tekijän omista havainnoista. Tutkielmaa varten on lisäksi haastateltu kohdeyrityksen toimitusjohtajaa. Tutkimuksessa pyritään käsittelemään riskienhallintaa kokonaisuutena, joka alkaa jo ennen vuokrasuhteen solmimista. Tavoitteena on minimoida luottotappioriskiä niin pitkälle, kuin se on liiketoiminnan siitä kärsimättä mahdollista. Käytännössä kaikkia riskejä ei kuitenkaan ole mahdollista välttää ja perintään on siksi osattava varautua jo etukäteen. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mitä vuokrasopimuksessa tulee ottaa huomioon perinnän kannalta. Lisäksi analysoidaan erilaisia vuokranantajan käytössä olevia perintäkeinoja ja niiden käyttökelpoisuutta case-yhtiössä.


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The purpose of this study was to develop co-operation between business units of the company operating in graphic industry. The development was done by searching synergy opportunities between these business units. The final aim was to form a business model, which is based on co-operation of these business units.The literature review of this thesis examines synergies and especially the process concerning the search and implementation of synergies. Also the concept of business model and its components are examined. The research was done by using qualitative research method. The main data acquiring method to the empirical part was theme interviews. The data was analyzed using thematisation and content analysis.The results of the study include seven identified possible synergies and a business model, which is based on the co-operation of the business units. The synergy opportunities are evaluated and the implementation order of the synergies is suggested. The presented synergies create the base for the proposed business model.


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This Master’s thesis addresses different approaches using which a foreign IT company could enter Russian manufacturing industry with its enterprise information systems and IT services. In order to define the most suitable market entry approach, several aspects related to Russian manufacturing enterprises are studied. These aspects include challenges of doing ICT business with the previously mentioned enterprises, their perception of ICT role and their ICT preferences, as well as their buying behavior related to acquisition of information systems (IS). The study results show that there are several challenges that can be faced by a foreign IT vendor when starting conducting ICT business with Russian manufacturing enterprises. The results also show that Russian manufacturing industry is still rather immature in sense of business process automation, and its IT buying behavior is rather specific and complicated. The results suggest that an efficient way to approach these enterprises is through a network of trusted partners that consists of reliable Russian IS integrators and business consultants having established connections to Russian manufacturing companies and possessing the needed competence.


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Pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia Päijät-Hämeen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon kuntayhtymän hankintojen roolia ja asemaa koko organisaatiossa ja sen muodostamia tavoitteita ja haasteita hankinta-asiantuntijuudelle. Tutkielman avulla pyritään selvittämään, millaisista elementeistä organisaation hankinta-asiantuntijuus muodostuu ja millaiset tekijät vaikuttavat organisaation hankinta-asiantuntijuustarpeisiin. Tutkielma ottaa kantaa hankintojen roolituksista kumpuaviin asiantuntijuuden kehittämistarpeisiin. Tutkielma on luonteeltaan kvantitatiivisia sekä kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä yhdistelevä case-tutkimus. Pyrkimyksenä on kartoittaa kuntayhtymälle ehdotelma hankinta-asiantuntijuuden kehittämisestä haastattelujen ja kyselyn avulla sekä kirjallisuuteen perehtyen. Teorian pohjalta pystyttiin muodostamaan hankintapäällikölle, hankintasihteereille sekä OTO -ostajille osaamisprofiilit, joihin peilattiin tämän hetkistä osaamistasoa. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että hankinta-asiantuntijuus case -organisaatiossa on tällä hetkellä hyvällä tasolla. Hankintaprofiilista riippumatta kehittämistä kaivattiin Liiketoimintastrategian, Suomen hankintalainsäädännön, Sopimusoikeuden sekä Hankintaprosessin suhteen.


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The main outcome of the master thesis is innovative solution, which can support a choice of business process modeling methodology. Potential users of this tool are people with background in business process modeling and possibilities to collect required information about organization’s business processes. Master thesis states the importance of business process modeling in implementation of strategic goals of organization. It is made by revealing the place of the concept in Business Process Management (BPM) and its particular case Business Process Reengineering (BPR). In order to support the theoretical outcomes of the thesis a case study of Northern Dimension Research Centre (NORDI) in Lappeenranta University of Technology was conducted. On its example several solutions are shown: how to apply business process modeling methodologies in practice; in which way business process models can be useful for BPM and BPR initiatives; how to apply proposed innovative solution for a choice of business process modeling methodology.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää sopimuksen muuttamiseen liittyviä kysymyksiä liiketoimintasuhteessa. Lähtökohtana kysymyksenasettelulle on kansallinen lainsäädäntö, sopimusoikeudelliset periaatteet sekä oikeuskirjallisuus. Sopimuksen muuttamisen liikesuhteissa mahdollistaa Suomen lainsäädännössä OikTL 36 §, jonka johdosta kohtuutonta sopimusta on mahdollista sovitella. Sovittelun mahdollisuus heikentää kuitenkin sopimuksen sitovuutta, sillä lähtökohtaisesti sopimus sitoo sovituilla ehdoilla. Sopimuksen muutostarpeen yhteydessä sopimuksen tulkinta ja osapuolten tarkoitus nousevat avainasemaan tarkasteltaessa edellytyksiä kohtuuttomuuteen vetoamiseen ja sovitteluun. Lain ohella merkityksellisessä asemassa ovat siten sopimukseen otetut ehdot ja sopimusrakenteet.


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The purpose of this master’s thesis was to analyze a case company’s distribution and its elements. With different distribution structure options a customer can be served with different ways. However, cost elements and service elements create different trade-offs. In this work the case company’s distribution’s present state was analyzed and conclusions were made. Based on these conclusions different alternatives for distribution were created. These different alternatives were analyzed through simulations and with more traditional calculations to compose the total operative costs of each alternative. Also other aspects were considered, such as required organizational changes and the possible better customer service. With the suggested 3-stock distribution structure shorter delivery times and possibly more punctual deliveries for products kept in stock could be achieved with the same operative costs as in current direct delivery model. Also, similar benefits could be achieved with other products with the 3-stock model.


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Electricity distribution network operation (NO) models are challenged as they are expected to continue to undergo changes during the coming decades in the fairly developed and regulated Nordic electricity market. Network asset managers are to adapt to competitive technoeconomical business models regarding the operation of increasingly intelligent distribution networks. Factors driving the changes for new business models within network operation include: increased investments in distributed automation (DA), regulative frameworks for annual profit limits and quality through outage cost, increasing end-customer demands, climatic changes and increasing use of data system tools, such as Distribution Management System (DMS). The doctoral thesis addresses the questions a) whether there exist conditions and qualifications for competitive markets within electricity distribution network operation and b) if so, identification of limitations and required business mechanisms. This doctoral thesis aims to provide an analytical business framework, primarily for electric utilities, for evaluation and development purposes of dedicated network operation models to meet future market dynamics within network operation. In the thesis, the generic build-up of a business model has been addressed through the use of the strategicbusiness hierarchy levels of mission, vision and strategy for definition of the strategic direction of the business followed by the planning, management and process execution levels of enterprisestrategy execution. Research questions within electricity distribution network operation are addressed at the specified hierarchy levels. The results of the research represent interdisciplinary findings in the areas of electrical engineering and production economics. The main scientific contributions include further development of the extended transaction cost economics (TCE) for government decisions within electricity networks and validation of the usability of the methodology for the electricity distribution industry. Moreover, DMS benefit evaluations in the thesis based on the outage cost calculations propose theoretical maximum benefits of DMS applications equalling roughly 25% of the annual outage costs and 10% of the respective operative costs in the case electric utility. Hence, the annual measurable theoretical benefits from the use of DMS applications are considerable. The theoretical results in the thesis are generally validated by surveys and questionnaires.


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The research of virtual professional networks has been enormous but the lack of research in the dental field was obvious. This study focuses on those uses and gratifications, and motives of participants that a virtual pro-fessional network should fulfil. The aim of this study is to understand the factors behind the successful virtual professional network, and motives of participants that support a particular business network’s building up for contributing its further success. In this study the focus is on particular mo-tives, needs and benefits of participants that are significant for the net-work’s further development. The study will explore relevant scientific research and theory that is char-acteristic in networking, and theories of user’s needs and motives. Empiri-cal data was collected from dental professionals by net based question-naire that was sent by e-mail. Data analysis was done by quantitative fac-tor analysis. The findings of this study were obvious that virtual knowledge of implantology is inadequate and knowledge is rather difficult to find in the Internet. Sharing of virtual knowledge, net-learning and communication were seen to improve the quality of impolantological professionalism and also the development of these areas was experienced essential. On the grounds of this study a host of a virtual professional network can focus on those aspects that serve the users at best, can develop professionalism in implantology and can profit in its own business operations.


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In knowledge-intensive economy an effective knowledge transfer is a part of the firm’s strategy to achieve a competitive advantage in the market. Knowledge transfer related to a variety of mechanisms depends on the nature of knowledge and context. The topic is, however, very little empirical studied and there is a research gap in scientific literature. This study examined and analyzed external knowledge transfer mechanisms in service business and especially in the context of acquisitions. The aim was to find out what kind of mechanisms was used when the buyer began to transfer data e.g. their own agendas and practices to the purchased units. Another major research goal was to identify the critical factors which contributed to knowledge transfer through different mechanisms. The study was conducted as a multiple-case study in a consultative service business company, in its four business units acquired by acquisition, in various parts of the country. The empirical part of the study was carried out as focus group interviews in each unit, and the data were analyzed using qualitative methods. The main findings of this study were firstly the nine different knowledge transfer mechanisms in service business acquisition: acquisition management team as an initiator, unit manager as a translator, formal training, self-directed learning, rooming-in, IT systems implementation, customer relationship management, codified database and ecommunication. The used mechanisms brought up several aspects as giving the face to changing, security of receiving right knowledge and correctly interpreted we-ness atmosphere, and orientation to use more consultative touch with customers. The study pointed out seven critical factors contributed to different mechanisms: absorption, motivation, organizational learning, social interaction, trust, interpretation and time resource. The two last mentioned were new findings compared to previous studies. Each of the mechanisms and the related critical factors contributed in different ways to the activity in different units after the acquisition. The role of knowledge management strategy was the most significant managerial contribution of the study. Phenomenon is not recognized enough although it is strongly linked in knowledge based companies. The recognition would help to develop a better understanding of the business through acquisitions, especially in situations such as where two different knowledge strategies combines in new common company.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on tiivistetysti edesauttaa Lappeenrannan Lifeterveyskaupan yritysmyyntiprosessia kuvailemalla kohdeyrityksen strategiaa, menestystekijöitä ja houkuttelevuutta yritysostajan näkökulma huomioiden siten, että niiden hahmottaminen ja omaksuminen helpottuu yritysostajalle. Tutkielman sisältöä voidaan hyödyntää yritysmyyntiprosessissa sellaisenaan tai tarpeen mukaan muunneltuna. Tutkielma on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus, joka sisältää piirteitä käsite- ja toiminta-analyyttisestä sekä osin nomoteettisesta tutkimusotteesta. Aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaastatteluilla. Kohdeyrityksen strategia on asiakaslähtöinen. Perusstrategia kohdeyrityksessä on riippuvainen kilpailijakontekstista, mutta useimmissa tapauksissa kilpailuetu perustuu differointiin. Suurena terveyskaupan erikoisliikkeenä voidaan hyödyntää myös suuruuden ekonomiaa. Yrityksen toiminta on alalle fokusoitua. Life-terveyskauppaketjuun kuuluminen ja erinomainen liiketilan sijainti ovat olleet tärkeitä tekijöitä menestyksessä. Runsas mainonta, suuri neuvotteluvoima toimittajiin nähden, tuoteportfolion hallinta, osaava henkilöstö ja hyvät sopimusehdot ovat edesauttaneet menestystä. Venäjä-potentiaali Lappeenrannassa on suuri. Markkina-asema on talousaseman ohella erinomainen ja hyödyksi sekä yritykselle että yritysostajalle.