930 resultados para SIDE-CHAIN POLYMERS


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In dieser Dissertation stellen wir einen neuen Ansatz zurModellierungvon Polymersystemen vor. Es werden (von methodischer Seiteher) zweiautomatisierte Iterationschemata dazu eingeführt,Kraftfeldparametermesoskopischer Polymersysteme systematisch zu optimieren:DasSimplex-Verfahren und das Struktur-Differenzen-Verfahren. Sowerdendiejenigen Freiheitsgrade aus Polymersystemen eliminiert,die einehohe Auflösung erfordern, was die Modellierung größerersystemeermöglicht. Nach Tests an einfachen Flüssigkeiten werdenvergröberteModelle von drei prototypischen Polymeren (Polyacrylsäure,Polyvinylalkohol und Polyisopren) in unterschiedlichenUmgebungen(gutes Lösungsmittel und Schmelze) entwickelt und ihrVerhalten aufder Mesoskala ausgiebig geprüft. Die zugehörige Abbildung(vonphysikalischer Seite her) so zu gestalten, daß sie dieunverwechselbaren Charakteristiken jedes systems auf diemesoskopischeLängenskala überträgt, stellt eine entscheidende Anforderungan dieautomatisierten Verfahren dar. Unsere Studien belegen, daß mesoskopische Kraftfeldertemperatur- unddichtespezifisch sind und daher bei geändernden Bedingungennachoptimiert werden müssen. Gleichzeitig läßt sichabschätzen, beiwelchen Umgebungsbedingungen dies noch nicht notwendig wird.In allenFällen reichen effektive Paarpotentiale aus, einrealistischesmesoskopisches Modell zu konstruieren. VergröberteSimulationenwerden im Falle der Polyacrylsäure erfolgreich gegenexperimentelleLichtstreudaten getestet. Wir erzielen für Molmassen bis zu300000g/mol eine hervorragende Übereinstimmung für denhydrodynamischenRadius. Unsere Ergebnisse erklären auch Korrekturen zudessenVerhalten als Funktion der Kettenlänge ('Skalenverhalten'). Im Fallevon Polyisopren untersuchen wir sowohl statische als auchdynamischeGrößen und stellen klare Unterschiede unserer Ergebnisse zudeneneines einfachen semi-flexiblen Mesoskalenmodells fest. InderProteinforschung werden aus Datenbanken gewonnene effektivePaarwechselwirkungen dazu verwendet, die freie Energie einesneuensystems vorherzusagen. Wir belegen in einem Exkurs mittelsGittersimulationen, daß es selbst in einfachsten Fällennicht gelingt,dies auch nur qualitativ korrekt zu bewerkstelligen.


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In the present work a series of thiophene oligomers of three and six thiophene units were synthesized, starting from thiophene, and characterized. Polymers containing these electroative side groups were then prepared by two strategies. The oligomers were attached to existing polymer systems and were connected to a polymerizable unit leading to monomer containing the oligothiophenes as side groups. Subsequently the properties of the monomers and the polymers were investigated. A butylcellulose derivative carrying terthienyl side chains (BCTTE, 26) was synthesized starting from cellulose acetate and 5-(2-chloroethyl)-2,2':5',2'-terthiophene (4). The polymer had a degree of substitution (DS) of the butyl and terthienyl side chains of DSbutyl = 1.9 and DSterth = 0.35, respectively. It was successfully spread on a Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) trough and then transferred to several solid substrates. X-rays reflectometry showed an ordered architecture of the cellulose backbones. However, the terthiophene side groups were found as isotropically aligned by polarized UV-Vis spectroscopy. When used as anode material in the electropolymerization of 3-pentylthiophene (28), polythiophene was grafted onto the cellulose backbone through the terthienyl side groups. The polythiophene chains showed an average anisotropic alignment of 20 % along the LB dipping direction, calculated by means of polarized UV-Vis spectroscopy. A second butylcellulose derivative carrying sexithienyl side chains (BCST) was synthesized and investigated, starting from butylcellulose and 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl p-toluensulfonate (7). The polymer showed formation of stable LB monolayers at the air-water interface, but its transfer onto solid substrates was not successful. A poly(p-phenylene-ethynylene) bearing sexithienyl side chains (BzAcST, 31) was prepared by reaction of the two monomers 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl 2,5-diiodobenzoate (15) and 2-[b', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl 2,5-diethynylbenzoate (18). The polymer was obtained as insoluble product. Upon oxidation with FeCl3 (doping) of the polymer suspension, BzAcST showed an electrical conductivity of ó = 2.5 . 10 -6 S/cm, a typical value for semiconductors. The IR spectrum of the doped polymer presented the diagnostic bands of oxidized sexithiophene in good agreement with literature results. Along with the monomer and polymer synthesis, an a,a '-disubstituted sexithiophene, b ', b ''-dipentyl-5,5'''-bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophene (6a),was synthesized and characterized. The UV-Vis absorption of the chromophore wasinvestigated as a function of temperature and different solvents, showing a blue-shift of the absorption maximum with increasing temperature and a red-shift changing the solvent from hexane to ethanol to toluene. Monitoring the change of the UV-Vis spectrum upon electrochemical oxidation, the oxidized chromophore showed a new broad absorption band, red shifted with respect to the p -p* transition of the neutral state. Upon reduction, the new band disappeared and the UV-Vis spectrum of the chromophore was restored. Such oxidation-reduction cycles were totally reversible. This feature, together with the absorption maximum falling in the visible region, makes this chromophore a suitable compound for the development of an electrochemical sensor.Attempts to polymerize acrylic monomers carrying sexythienyl side chains both via radical polymerization, as in the case of 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl acrylate (8), and anionic polymerization, as in the case of 2-{b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-[2-(tertbutyldimethylsiloxy)ethyl]-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'': 5'',2''' -sexithiophen-5-yl}-ethylacrylate (29), were not successful, probably due to the steric hindrance of the oligothiophene side group. However, due to the time consuming and therefore restricted availability of the monomers, a screening of the polymerization conditions towards the formation of polymeric material was not possible.


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'Responsive' Bürstenpolymere Bürstenpolymere sind definiert verzweigte Makromoleküle, die aus einer Hauptkette und vielen darauf (kovalent) gepfropften Seitenketten bestehen; ist der Pfropfungsgrad hoch und die Hauptkette wesentlich länger als die Seitenketten, dann haben sie die Form semiflexibler molekularer Zylinder. Lassen sich Form bzw. Ausdehnung eines solchen Zylinders gezielt ansteuern, dann könnten diese Moleküle entweder als (Nano-)Sensoren für die entsprechende Umgebungsbedingung oder als molekulare Motoren eingesetzt werden. Die Idee responsiver Bürstenpolymere beruht auf folgender Überlegung: Die gestreckte Konformation der Hauptkette ist entropisch gegenüber einem entsprechenden Knäuel benachteiligt, weshalb sie ,molekulare Federn‘ darstellen, die auf Änderung der repulsiven Wechselwirkung zwischen den Seitenketten reagieren. Dies wurde für den Wechsel zwischen gutem und schlechtem Lösungsmitteln untersucht. Ein zweites Konzept zur Änderung der Molekülform beruht auf der intramolekularen Phasentrennung (,Segmentbildung‘) miteinander unverträglicher Seitenketten in selektiven Lösungsmitteln, da die Hauptkette durch Ausbildung von Mikrophasen entlang des Moleküls ebenfalls aus ihrer gestreckten Form gebracht werden sollte. Die dritte Möglichkeit zur Änderung der Konformation ist die intramolekulare Vernetzung von Seitenketten, die ebenfalls zu verringerter Abstoßung und damit zur Verkürzung der Zylinder führen sollte. Eine weitere wichtige Untersuchung der Arbeit war der Übergang einer geknäuelten Hauptkette zu einer gestreckten Bürste als Funktion der Pfropfdichte. Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragestellungen wurden zylindrische Bürstenpolymere durch ,Grafting Trough‘ und ,Grafting Onto‘ synthetisiert (PS bzw. PI/PS und PnBMA/PMAA mit Kern/Schale- und ,Segment‘-Architektur) und systematisch Pfropfdichte, Vernetzungsgrad (Vernetzung durch gamma-Bestrahlung) und Lösungsbedingungen verändert. Die Möglichkeit gezielter Ansteuerung der Konformationsänderung durch Vernetzung konnte nach polymeranaloger Modifikation von PI/PS-Bürstenpolymeren durch Photovernetzung und vernetzende Komplexierung erfolgreich bestätigt werden. Zur Untersuchung der Probenreihen wurden AFM, Licht- und Neutronenstreuung herangezogen. Die Analysen bestätigten konsistent die Änderung von Steifigkeit, Zylinderquerschnitt und Streckung der Hauptkette durch Variation von Pfropfdichte, Vernetzung und Lösungsmittelqualität. Für die Änderung der Pfropfdichte gehorchen die Parameter dabei Potenzgesetzen.


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The rheological properties of block co-polymers in water solution at different pH have been investigated. The block copolymers are based on different architectures containing poly(ethylene glycol), poly(propylene glycol) and different blocks of polymer that change their hydrophobic/hydrophilic behavior as a function of pH. The polymer chains of the starting material were extended at their functional ends with the pH-sensitive units using ATRP; this mechanism of controlled radical polymerization was chosen because of the need to minimize polydispersity and avoid transfer reactions possibly leading to homopolymeric inpurities. The starting material were modified in order to use them as macroinitiator for ATRP. The kinetic of each ATRP reaction has been investigated, in order to be able to synthesize polymers with different degree of polymerization, stopping the reaction when the desired polymers chain length has been reached. We will use polymer chains with different basicity and degree of polymerization to link any possible effect of their presence to the conditions under which they become hydrophobic. It has been shown that the rate of polymerization changes changing the type of macroinitiator and the type of monomer synthesized. The slowest rate of polymerization is the one with the most hindered monomer synthesized using the macroinitiator with the highest molecular weight. The water solubility of the synthesized polymers changes depending on the pH of the solution and on the structure of the polymers. It has been shown using 1H-NMR that some of the synthesized polymers are capable to self-aggregation in water solution. The self-aggregation and the type of aggregation is influenced from the structure of the polymer and from the pH of the solution. Changing the structure of the polymers and the pH it is possible to obtain different type of aggregates in solution. This aggregates differ for the volume occupied from them, and for their hardness. Rheological measurements have been demonstrated that the synthesized polymers are capable to form gel phases. The gelation temperature changes changing the structure of the aggregates in solution and it is possible to correlate the changing in the gelation temperature with the changing in the structure of the polymer.


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In this study, the use of the discotic liquid crystalline HBCs and conjugated polymers based on 2,7-carbazole were investigated in detail as donor materials in organic bulk-heterojunction solar cells. It has been shown that they perform efficiently in photovoltaic devices in combination with suitable acceptors. The efficiency was found to depend strongly dependent on the morphology of the film. By investigation of a series of donor materials with similar molecular structures based on both discotic molecules and conjugated polymers, a structure-performance relation was established, which is not only instructive for these materials but also serves as a guideline for improved molecular design. For the series of HBCs used in this study, it is found that the device efficiency decreases with increasing length of the alkyl substituents in the HBC. Thus, the derivative with the smallest alkyl mantle, being more crystalline compared to the HBCs with longer alkyl chains, gave the highest EQE of 12%. A large interfacial separation was found in the blend of HBC-C6,2 and PDI, since the crystallization of the acceptor occurred in a solid matrix of HBC. This led to small dispersed organized domains and benefited the charge transport. In contrast, blends of HBC-C10,6/PDI or HBC-C14,10/PDI revealed a rather homogeneous film limiting the percolation pathways due to a mixed phase. For the first time, poly(2,7-carbazole) was incorporated as a donor material in solar cells using PDI as an electron acceptor. The good fit in orbital energy levels and absorption spectra led to high efficiency. This result indicates that conjugated polymers with high band-gap can also be applied as materials to build efficient solar cells if appropriate electron acceptors are chosen. In order to enhance the light absorption ability, new ladder-type polymers based on pentaphenylene and hexaphenylene with one and three nitrogen bridges per repeat unit have been synthesized and characterized. The polymer 2 with three nitrogen bridges showed more red-shifted absorbance and emission and better packing in the solid-state than the analogous polymer 3 with only one nitrogen bridge per monomer unit. An overall efficiency as high as 1.3% under solar light was obtained for the device based on 1 and PDI, compared with 0.7% for the PCz based device. Therefore, the device performance correlates to a large extent with the solar light absorption ability and the lateral distance between conjugated polymer chains. Since the lateral distance is determined by the length and number of attached alkyl side chains, it is possible to assume that these substituents insulate the charge carrier pathways and decrease the device performance. As an additional consequence, the active semiconductor is diluted in the insulating matrix leading to a lower light absorption. This work suggests ways to improve device performance by molecular design, viz. maintaining the HOMO level while bathochromically shifting the absorption by adopting a more rigid ladder-type structure. Also, a high ratio of nitrogen bridges with small alkyl substituents was a desirable feature both in terms of adjusting the absorption and maintaining a low lateral inter-chain separation, which was necessary for obtaining high current and efficiency values.


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Two general strategies for the functionalization of metathesis polymers are presented in this dissertation. Introducing Sacrificial Synthesis, many of the limitations of ruthenium-catalyzed ROMP have been overcome. Here, the living ROMP polymer to be functionalized was turned into a diblock copolymer by polymerizing dioxepine monomers onto the desired first polymer block. The second block was then later removed to leave “half-a-dioxepin”, i.e. exactly one hydroxyl group, at the chain-end. The efficiency of Sacrificial Synthesis is also studied. Thiol groups were also placed by a sacrificial strategy based on cyclic thioacetals. 2-Phenyl-1,3-dithiepin could be polymerized and subsequently cleaved by hydrogenation with Raney-Nickel. The presence of thiol groups on the chain end has been proven by chemical means (derivatization) and by coating gold-nanoparticles. The second strategy, vinyl lactone quenchingv is a termination reaction based on vinyl esters. After a metathesis step, an inactive Fischer-type carbene is formed. Such acyl carbenes are unstable and self-decompose to set an inactive ruthenium complex and the functional group free without changing the reaction conditions. The two compounds vinylene carbonate and 3H-furanone gave rise to the placement of aldehydes and carboxylic acids at the polymer chain ends without the necessity to perform any deprotection steps after the functionalization. The development of those two functionalization methods led to several applications. By reacting hydroxyl-functionalized ROMP-polymers with norbornene acid, macromonomers were formed which were subsequently polymerized to the respective graft-copolymers. Also, the derivatization of the same functionalized polymers with propargylic acid gave rise to alkyne-functionalized polymers which were conjugated with azides. Furthermore, “ugly stars”, i.e. long-chain branched structures were synthesized by polycondensation of ABn-type macromonomers and telechelic polymers were accessed combining the described functionalization techniques.


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This thesis is concerned with the adsorption and detachment of polymers at planar, rigid surfaces. We have carried out a systematic investigation of adsorption of polymers using analytical techniques as well as Monte Carlo simulations with a coarse grained off-lattice bead spring model. The investigation was carried out in three stages. In the first stage the adsorption of a single multiblock AB copolymer on a solid surface was investigated by means of simulations and scaling analysis. It was shown that the problem could be mapped onto an effective homopolymer problem. Our main result was the phase diagram of regular multiblock copolymers which shows an increase in the critical adsorption potential of the substrate with decreasing size of blocks. We also considered the adsorption of random copolymers which was found to be well described within the annealed disorder approximation. In the next phase, we studied the adsorption kinetics of a single polymer on a flat, structureless surface in the regime of strong physisorption. The idea of a ’stem-flower’ polymer conformation and the mechanism of ’zipping’ during the adsorption process were used to derive a Fokker-Planck equation with reflecting boundary conditions for the time dependent probability distribution function (PDF) of the number of adsorbed monomers. The numerical solution of the time-dependent PDF obtained from a discrete set of coupled differential equations were shown to be in perfect agreement with Monte Carlo simulation results. Finally we studied force induced desorption of a polymer chain adsorbed on an attractive surface. We approached the problem within the framework of two different statistical ensembles; (i) by keeping the pulling force fixed while measuring the position of the polymer chain end, and (ii) by measuring the force necessary to keep the chain end at fixed distance above the adsorbing plane. In the first case we treated the problem within the framework of the Grand Canonical Ensemble approach and derived analytic expressions for the various conformational building blocks, characterizing the structure of an adsorbed linear polymer chain, subject to pulling force of fixed strength. The main result was the phase diagram of a polymer chain under pulling. We demonstrated a novel first order phase transformation which is dichotomic i.e. phase coexistence is not possible. In the second case, we carried out our study in the “fixed height” statistical ensemble where one measures the fluctuating force, exerted by the chain on the last monomer when a chain end is kept fixed at height h over the solid plane at different adsorption strength ε. The phase diagram in the h − ε plane was calculated both analytically and by Monte Carlo simulations. We demonstrated that in the vicinity of the polymer desorption transition a number of properties like fluctuations and probability distribution of various quantities behave differently, if h rather than the force, f, is used as an independent control parameter.


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A new class of inorganic-organic hybrid polymers could successfully been prepared by the combination of different polymerization techniques. The access to a broad range of organic polymers incorporated into the hybrid polymer was realized using two independent approaches.rnIn the first approach a functional poly(silsesquioxane) (PSSQ) network was pre-formed, which was capable to initiate a controlled radical polymerization to graft organic vinyl-type monomers from the PSSQ precursor. As controlled radical polymerization techniques atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), as well as reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization could be used after defined tuning of the PSSQ precursor either toward a PSSQ macro-initiator or to a PSSQ macro-chain-transfer-agent. The polymerization pathway, consisting of polycondensation of trialkoxy-silanes followed by grafting-from polymerization of different monomers, allowed synthesis of various functional hybrid polymers. A controlled synthesis of the PSSQ precursors could successfully be performed using a microreactor setup; the molecular weight could be adjusted easily while the polydispersity index could be decreased well below 2.rnThe second approach aimed to incorporate differently derived organic polymers. As examples, polycarbonate and poly(ethylene glycol) were end-group-modified using trialkoxysilanes. After end-group-functionalization these organic polymers could be incorporated into a PSSQ network.rnThese different hybrid polymers showed extraordinary coating abilities. All polymers could be processed from solution by spin-coating or dip-coating. The high amount of reactive silanol moieties in the PSSQ part could be cross-linked after application by annealing at 130° for 1h. Not only cross-linking of the whole film was achieved, which resulted in mechanical interlocking with the substrate, also chemical bonds to metal or metal oxide surfaces were formed. All coating materials showed high stability and adhesion onto various underlying materials, reaching from metals (like steel or gold) and metal oxides (like glass) to plastics (like polycarbonate or polytetrafluoroethylene).rnAs the material and the synthetic pathway were very tolerant toward different functionalities, various functional monomers could be incorporated in the final coating material. The incorporation of N-isopropylacrylamide yielded in temperature-responsive surface coatings, whereas the incorporation of redox-active monomers allowed the preparation of semi-conductive coatings, capable to produce smooth hole-injection layers on transparent conductive electrodes used in optoelectronic devices.rnThe range of possible applications could be increased tremendously by incorporation of reactive monomers, capable to undergo fast and quantitative conversions by polymer-analogous reactions. For example, grafting active esters from a PSSQ precursor yielded a reactive surface coating after application onto numerous substrates. Just by dipping the coated substrate into a solution of a functionalized amine, the desired function could be immobilized at the interface as well as throughout the whole film. The obtained reactive surface coatings could be used as basis for different functional coatings for various applications. The conversion with specifically tuned amines yielded in surfaces with adjustable wetting behaviors, switchable wetting behaviors or as recognition element for surface-oriented bio-analytical devices. The combination of hybrid materials with orthogonal reactivities allowed for the first time the preparation of multi-reactive surfaces which could be functionalized sequentially with defined fractions of different groups at the interface. rnThe introduced concept to synthesis functional hybrid polymers unifies the main requirements on an ideal coating material. Strong adhesion on a wide range of underlying materials was achieved by secondary condensation of the PSSQ part, whereas the organic part allowed incorporation of various functionalities. Thus, a flexible platform to create functional and reactive surface coatings was achieved, which could be applied to different substrates. rn


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To assist rational compound design of organic semiconductors, two problems need to be addressed. First, the material morphology has to be known at an atomistic level. Second, with the morphology at hand, an appropriate charge transport model needs to be developed in order to link charge carrier mobility to structure.rnrnThe former can be addressed by generating atomistic morphologies using molecular dynamics simulations. However, the accessible range of time- and length-scales is limited. To overcome these limitations, systematic coarse-graining methods can be used. In the first part of the thesis, the Versatile Object-oriented Toolkit for Coarse-graining Applications is introduced, which provides a platform for the implementation of coarse-graining methods. Tools to perform Boltzmann inversion, iterative Boltzmann inversion, inverse Monte Carlo, and force-matching are available and have been tested on a set of model systems (water, methanol, propane and a single hexane chain). Advantages and problems of each specific method are discussed.rnrnIn partially disordered systems, the second issue is closely connected to constructing appropriate diabatic states between which charge transfer occurs. In the second part of the thesis, the description initially used for small conjugated molecules is extended to conjugated polymers. Here, charge transport is modeled by introducing conjugated segments on which charge carriers are localized. Inter-chain transport is then treated within a high temperature non-adiabatic Marcus theory while an adiabatic rate expression is used for intra-chain transport. The charge dynamics is simulated using the kinetic Monte Carlo method.rnrnThe entire framework is finally employed to establish a relation between the morphology and the charge mobility of the neutral and doped states of polypyrrole, a conjugated polymer. It is shown that for short oligomers, charge carrier mobility is insensitive to the orientational molecular ordering and is determined by the threshold transfer integral which connects percolating clusters of molecules that form interconnected networks. The value of this transfer integral can be related to the radial distribution function. Hence, charge mobility is mainly determined by the local molecular packing and is independent of the global morphology, at least in such a non-crystalline state of a polymer.


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Charge transport in conjugated polymers as well as in bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells made of blends between conjugated polymers, as electron-donors (D), and fullerenes, as electron-acceptors (A), has been investigated. It is shown how charge carrier mobility of a series of anthracene-containing poly(p-phenylene-ethynylene)-alt-poly(p-phenylene-vinylene)s (AnE-PVs) is highly dependent on the lateral chain of the polymers, on a moderate variation of the macromolecular parameters (molecular weight and polydispersity), and on the processing conditions of the films. For the first time, the good ambipolar transport properties of this relevant class of conjugated polymers have been demonstrated, consistent with the high delocalization of both the frontier molecular orbitals. Charge transport is one of the key parameters in the operation of BHJ solar cells and depends both on charge carrier mobility in pristine materials and on the nanoscale morphology of the D/A blend, as proved by the results here reported. A straight correlation between hole mobility in pristine AnE-PVs and the fill factor of the related solar cells has been found. The great impact of charge transport for the performance of BHJ solar cells is clearly demonstrated by the results obtained on BHJ solar cells made of neat-C70, instead of the common soluble fullerene derivatives (PCBM or PC70BM). The investigation of neat-C70 solar cells was motivated by the extremely low cost of non-functionalized fullerenes, compared with that of their soluble derivatives (about one-tenth). For these cells, an improper morphology of the blend leads to a deterioration of charge carrier mobility, which, in turn, increases charge carrier recombination. Thanks to the appropriate choice of the donor component, solar cells made of neat-C70 exhibiting an efficiency of 4.22% have been realized, with an efficiency loss of just 12% with respect to the counterpart made with costly PC70BM.


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While polymers with different functional groups along the backbone have intensively been investigated, there is still a challenge in orthogonal functionalization of the end groups. Such well-defined systems are interesting for the preparation of multiblock (co) polymers or polymer networks, for bio-conjugation or as model systems for examining the end group separation of isolated polymer chains. rnHere, Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) polymerization was employed as method to investigate improved techniques for an a, w end group functionalization. RAFT produces polymers terminated in an R group and a dithioester-Z group, where R and Z stem from a suitable chain transfer agent (CTA). rnFor alpha end group functionalization, a CTA with an activated pentafluorophenyl (PFP) ester R group was designed and used for the polymerization of various methacrylate monomers, N-isopropylacrylamide and styrene yielding polymers with a PFP ester as a end group. This allowed the introduction of inert propyl amides, of light responsive diazo compounds, of the dyes NBD, Texas Red, or Oregon Green, of the hormone thyroxin and allowed the formation of multiblocks or peptide conjugates. rnFor w end group functionalization, problems of other techniques were overcome through an aminolysis of the dithioester in the presence of a functional methane thiosulfonate (MTS), yielding functional disulfides. These disulfides were stable under ambient conditions and could be cleaved on demand. Using MTS chemistry, terminal methyl disulfides (enabling self-assembly on planar gold surfaces and ligand substitution on gold and semiconductor nanoparticles), butynyl disulfide end groups (allowing the “clicking” of the polymers onto azide functionalized surfaces and the selective removal through reduction), the bio-target biotin, and the fluorescent dye Texas Red were introduced into polymers. rnThe alpha PFP amidation could be performed under mild conditions, without substantial loss of DTE. This way, a step-wise synthesis produced polymers with two functional end groups in very high yields. rnAs examples, polymers with an anchor group for both gold nanoparticles (AuNP) and CdSe / ZnS semi-conductor nanoparticles (QD) and with a fluorescent dye end group were synthesized. They allowed a NP decoration and enabled an energy transfer from QD to dye or from dye to AuNP. Water-soluble polymers were prepared with two different bio-target end groups, each capable of selectively recognizing and binding a certain protein. The immobilization of protein-polymer-protein layers on planar gold surfaces was monitored by surface plasmon resonance.Introducing two different fluorescent dye end groups enabled an energy transfer between the end groups of isolated polymer chains and created the possibility to monitor the behavior of single polymer chains during a chain collapse. rnThe versatility of the synthetic technique is very promising for applications beyond this work.


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Funktionelle Materialien sind in einer Vielzahl von Materialklassen wie Polymeren, Biomaterialien, Gläsern, Metallen, Keramiken und Verbundwerkstoffen anzutreffen. Sie besitzen eine spezifische, intrinsische Funktion, welche auf dem zu Grunde liegenden Design der Verbindung beruht. In dieser Dissertation wurden zwei funktionelle Materialien studiert: ein durch Phosphonatadditive mechanisch verstärktes Epoxidharz und protonenleitende Blockcopolymere, welche Potential für den Einsatz in Brennstoffzellen besitzen. Die Materialien wurden vorranging mittels Festkörper Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie (NMR) untersucht, welche sich besonders für die Untersuchung der lokalen Struktur und Dynamik amorpher Polymere eignet.rnrnPhosphonate sind eine neue Klasse sogenannter molekularer Verstärker, die die mechanischen und thermischen Kennzahlen geeigneter Epoxidharze erhöhen. Es wurde eine Reihe von Phosphonatderivaten synthetisiert um systematische den Effekt der chemischen Struktur und des Aushärteprozesses auf die Eigenschaften eines Modellepoxidharzes zu untersuchen. Die Aufklärung des Verstärkungsmechanismus ergab, dass die Phosphonate währen der thermischen Aushärtung des Epoxidharzes die Aminofunktionalitäten des Härters alkylieren. Dies führt zu der Bildung von homogen verteilten, positiven Ladungen auf der Polymerkette, während negative Phosphonatanionen als Gegenionen wirken. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Struktur des Additivs einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Eigenschaften des ausgehärteten Epoxidharzes sowie seine Alterung, d.h. den allmählichen Verlust der Verstärkung, hat.rnrnDes Weiteren wurde eine Serie von sulfonierten Blockcopolymeren synthetisiert. Es handelte sich hierbei um Multiblockcopolyimide, wobei die Polymerketten aus einer alternierenden Sequenz von sulfonierten (hydrophilen) und unsulfonierten (hydrophoben) Blöcken bestanden. Diese Polymere bilden nach einem ‚solvent cast‘ Prozess feste, duktile und transparente Membrane. Sulfonierte Blockcopolymermembrane zeigten im Vergleich mit statistisch sulfonierten Vergleichssubstanzen eine erhöhte Leitfähigkeit, sowie eine erhöhte Wasseraufnahme. Dies wurde auf eine bessere Phasenseparation im Festkörper zurückgeführt. Die Morphologie der Filme war eindeutig anisotrop und stark abhängig von der Blocklänge der Polymere. Durch diverse Festkörper-NMR Methoden konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Protonenmobilität in den Membranen von der betrachteten Längenskala abhängig ist und nicht notwendigerweise mit der makroskopisch beobachteten Leitfähigkeit korreliert.


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Die Forschung im Bereich der Drug Delivery-Systeme konzentriert sich auf biokompatible und wenig immunogene Trägermoleküle. Eine Klasse vielversprechender Trägersysteme stellen Peptid basierte Polymere dar, die neben einer hohen Biokompatibilität auch eine Sensitivität gegenüber externen Einflüssen aufweisen. Der zwitterionische Charakter von Aminosäuren und Peptiden verhindert die Adsorption von Serumproteinen und ein „antifouling“ Verhalten kann festgestellt werden, sodass diese Moleküle für den Einsatz als Wirkstoffträgersystem sehr geeignet scheinen. In Kombination mit einer bürstenartigen Struktur entstehen Systeme mit einer einzigartigen Peptidarchitektur, die sich durch eine hohe Dichte funktioneller Gruppen für Konjugationsreaktionen auszeichnen und deren formabhängige Zellaufnahme sie besonders attraktiv für die Anwendung als „Nanocarrier“ macht.rnrnDas zwitterionische Poly-(ε-N-Methacryloyl-L-Lysin) (Mw = 721,000 g∙mol 1) wurde durch freie radikalische Polymerisation dargestellt und seine Konformation in Abhängigkeit von Ionenstärke und pH-Wert untersucht. Die Biokompatibilität des Systems konnte durch Toxizitätstests und dynamische Lichtstreuung in humanem Blutserum nachgewiesen werden. Zusammen mit der vernachlässigbaren unspezifischen Aufnahme in dendritische Zellen aus Knochenmark erfüllt das System damit alle Bedingungen, die an ein polymeres Wirkstoffträgersystem gestellt werden. Darüber hinaus können Komplexe des Polymers mit DNA in Gegenwart von divalenten Metallionen für die Gentransfektion verwendet werden.rnrnDurch Kopplung von ε-N-Methacryloyl-L-Lysin mit der Elastin-ähnlichen Polypeptid Pentasequenz Valin-Prolin-Glycin-Glycin-Glycin konnte ein Hexapeptid-Makromonomer dargestellt werden, welches anschließend mittels „grafting through“ Polymerisation zur Polymerbürste umgesetzt wurde. Die wurmartige Struktur der Polymerbürsten wurde in AFM-Aufnahmen gezeigt und eine hohe Kettensteifigkeit der Polymerbürsten über dynamische und statische Lichtstreuung nachgewiesen. Zirkulardichroismus-Messungen lieferten Informationen über struktur-, salz- und temperaturabhängige Veränderungen der Konformation. Toxizitätstests und dynamische Lichtstreuung in humanem Blutserum bestätigten die erwartete Biokompatibilität.rnrnBasierend auf zwei Elastin-ähnlichen Polypeptiden mit ähnlicher Peptidsequenz wurden insgesamt vier unterschiedliche Makromonomere mit jeweils 20 Pentapeptid-Wiederholungseinheiten dargestellt. Über anschließende „grafting through“ Polymerisation entstanden molekulare Bürstenmoleküle mit variierenden externen funktionellen Gruppen, die für zukünftige Konjugationsreaktionen verwendet werden können. Der Einfluss von Ionenstärke und Temperatur auf die Konformation der Makromonomere und Polymere wurde mittels Zirkulardichroismus- und Trübungskurven-Messungen untersucht und ein starker Einfluss der hohen Seitenkettendichte auf das Verhalten der Polymerbürsten wurde festgestellt. Über dynamische Lichtstreuung konnte ein von den externen funktionellen Gruppen abhängiges Aggregationsverhalten in humanem Blutserum nachgewiesen werden.rnrnDie in dieser Arbeit synthetisierten Polymerbürsten mit peptidischen Seitenketten stellen damit biokompatible und vielversprechende Trägersysteme für die Konjugation mit Biomolekülen dar, die zukünftig als Drug Delivery-Systeme ihren Einsatz finden können.rn


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Das Ziel dieser Arbeit lag darin mannosylierte Polymersysteme hauptsächlich auf der Basis von N-(Hydroxy)propylmethacrylat zu synthetisieren, um gezielt Zellen des Immunsystems zu adressieren. Dazu wurden zunächst verschiedene Reaktivesterpolymere auf der Basis von Pentafluorophenylmethacrylat (PFPMA) unter Verwendung der RAFT-Polymerisation mit enger Molekulargewichtsverteilung und unterschiedlichen Anteilen an LMA (Laurylmethacrylat) hergestellt.rnUm eine genaue Aussage über den Aufbau eines statistischen PFPMA-LMA Copolymers treffen zu können, wurde die Copolymerisation von PFPMA und LMA mittels Echtzeit 1H-NMR Kinetikmessungen untersucht. Dies ermöglichte es, die Copolymerisationsparameter zu berechnen und genaue Aussagen über den Aufbau eines statistischen PFPMA-LMA Copolymers zu treffen. Die so erhaltenen Reaktivesterpolymere wurden dann in einer polymeranalogen Reaktion unter Erhalt des Polymerisationsgrades in die gewünschten HPMA-Polymere umgewandelt. Um die quantitative Umsetzung ohne auftretende Nebenreaktionen zu untersuchen, wurden verschiedene Reaktionsbedingungen gewählt und unterschiedliche Analysemethoden verwendet. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass es möglich ist, über den Reaktivesteransatz qualitativ hochwertige amphiphile Polymersysteme herzustellen, die auf anderen Wegen schwer zu synthetisieren und charakterisieren sind. Ein weiterer Vorteil dieser Syntheseroute ist, dass gleichzeitig sowohl Marker für die Visualisierung der Polymere in vitro und in vivo, als auch Targetliganden für die Adressierung bestimmter Zellen eingeführt werden können. Dafür wurde hauptsächlich Mannose als einfache Zuckerstruktur angebunden, da bekannt ist, dass mannosylierte Polymersysteme von Zellen des Imunsystems aufgenommen werden. Zusätzlich konnten die mannosylierten Polymere mit hydrophobem Wirkstoff beladen werden, wobei die Stabilität von beladenen Mizellen anhand der Einlagerung eines hydrophoben radioaktiven Komplexes genauer untersucht werden konnte.rnAnschließende in vitro Experimente der mannosylierten Polymermizellen an dendritischen Zellen zeigten wie erwartet eine mannosespezifische und verstärkte Aufnahme. Für eine mögliche Untersuchung dieser Systeme in vivo mittels PET konnte gezeigt werden, dass es möglich ist HPMA Polymere radioaktiv zu markieren, wobei auch erste Markierungsversuche mit einem langlebigen Radionuklid für Langzeitbiodistributionsstudien durchgeführt werden konnte.rn


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Different concepts for the synthesis of sulfur-containing polymers as well as their adsorption onto gold surfaces were studied. The present work is divided into three parts. The main part focuses on the synthesis of poly(1,2-alkylene sulfides) (“polysulfides”) with complex architectures on the basis of polyether-based macroinitiators by the anionic ring-opening polymerization of ethylene sulfide and propylene sulfide. This synthetic tool kit allowed the synthesis of star-shaped, brush-like, comb-like and pom-pom-like polysulfides, the latter two with an additional poly(ethylene glycol) chain. Additionally, the number of polysulfide arms as well as the monomer composition could be varied over a wide range to obtain copolymers with multiple thioether functionalities.rnThe second section deals with the synthesis of a novel lipoic acid-based initiator for ring-opening polymerizations for lactones and epoxides. A straightforward approach was selected to accomplish the ability to obtain tailored polymers with a common used disulfide-anchoring group, without the drawbacks of post-polymerization functionalization. rnIn the third part, a new class of block-copolymers consisting of polysulfides and polyesters were investigated. For the first time this approach enabled the use of hydroxyl-terminated poly(propylene sulfide) as macroinitiator for the synthesis of a second block.rnThe adsorption efficiency of those different polymer classes onto gold nanoparticles as well as gold rnsupports was studied via different methods.rn