788 resultados para Education the MST
This paper explores the relationship between civic engagement and health among older adults. As the U.S. population ages and people are living longer in the retirement phase, practitioners need to provide programs of growth and development for this population.
This paper explores the relationship between leadership styles and engagement in the workplace. The competitive global markets are forcing organizations to look past their products and the bottom line and move beyond just employee motivation and towards having an engaged workforce.
This study evaluates the effects of repeated readings on the reading fluency and comprehension of 4 third through fifth grade English Language Learners (ELLs) with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). The results indicate gains in fluency, a decrease in errors, and an increase in correct answers to literal comprehension questions.
The author explores the challenges graduate students face preparing for a dissertation through university events. Autoethnography using notes, observation, and journal writing and framed by genre and activity system theory highlight university system conflicts with the culture of the student.
Americans’ support of bilingual education has been closely linked with the immigration sentiments of the times. Current anti-immigrant feelings on bilingualism have intensified its negative connotation and effectiveness in English language acquisition. Improper implementation of bilingual programs has also fueled this misconception. This literature will challenge these misconceptions.
This action research project studied how portfolios enhance the communication between students, parents, and the teacher. While using portfolios in my class, students experienced more dialogue with their parents regarding their effort, the topics being taught, and explanations requiring communication with mathematical reasoning.
The Common Core State Standards has revived the discourse of voluntary national standards, which in the discipline of history has been extremely contentious. What is the relationship between the federal government and the formulation of national history standards? National standards could be the key to raising student achievement.
While undergraduate enrollment of all racial groups in United States higher education institutions has increased, 6-year graduation rates of Blacks (39%) remain low compared to other races; Asians (69%), Whites (62%), and Hispanics (50%; NCES, 2010). Women’s graduation rate is higher than men’s; 58% compared to men’s at 53% in public institutions (IPEDS, 2011). Retention literature does not address the perceptions of Black ethnic groups’ experiences in college, particularly in Hispanic serving institutions. Informed by Tinto’s (1975, 1987, 1993) student academic and social integration model, Guiffrida’s (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) model of relationships while at college, and ex-post facto research design, the study investigated personal and institutional factors that relate to Black students’ self-efficacy and persistence to the senior year in college. Data about Black ethnic undergraduate seniors’ (N = 236) academic and social experiences in college were collected using the Student Institutional Integration Survey (SIIS), an online questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to collect background information about the sample, correlation was calculated to indicate the degree of relationship between the variables, and multiple linear regressions were used to identify variables that are predictors of self-efficacy of persistence. Independent samples t-test and analyses of variance were computed to determine whether differences in perceptions of personal and institutional factors that relate to self-efficacy of persistence to the senior year in college could be identified between gender and ethnicity. Frequency was summarized to identify themes of participants’ primary motivation for finishing undergraduate degree programs. These themes were: (a) self-pride/personal goal, (b) professional aspiration/career (c) motivation to support family, (d) desire to have financial independence/better job, (e) to serve community, (f) opportunity to go to college, (g) being first-generation college student, and (h) prove to family the value of higher education. The research findings support the tenets of academic and social integration theories which suggest that students’ interaction with peer and faculty, relationships with family and friends, and involvement in institutional activities and organizations influence their persistence in college. Implications based on the findings affect institutional policy, curriculum, and program improvements that relate to Black undergraduate students’ academic and social support.
This research creates a literature review. It investigates the viability of a using Foucauldian critical analysis in creating an educational history. It examines historical methods in education and Foucauldian theory looking for commonalities and offers suggestions on the usage of Foucault in creating history in education.
Bullying is a pervasive phenomenon. This study examined what teachers think encourages bullying among young people, and what effects teachers believe reader response strategies would have on their students. The study found teachers implementing reader response strategies in discussing literature were able to influence behavior in students and reduce bullying.
The literary experience allows for subjectivities of individuals to flourish, a characteristic which makes this experience essential to readers’ self-concept development. This paper gives an overview of the empirical and theoretical literature that relates the literary experience (including both narrative literature and narratives of the self) to readers’ personal growth.
Today, individuals communicate easier and faster due to accessibility of the Internet. However, when employees are distracted with social media, it can become a concern for organizations. This paper reviews literature concerning social media and its implications at workplaces, and provides recommendations to control it, using Adams’ equity theory (1963).
Using a multiple baseline across subject areas design, the effect of a package intervention consisting of the Picture Exchange Communication System and differential reinforcement of alternative behavior to decrease screaming behavior of a child with autism was examined. Results showed that the intervention decreased the screaming behavior of the participant.
This study examined the relationship between homework performance (percent of homework completed and percent of homework correct), student characteristics (Stanford Achievement Test score, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic status), perceptions, and challenges and academic achievement determined by the students’ average score on weekly tests and their score on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) Norm Reference Test (NRT) mathematics assessment.