991 resultados para Acari-RN


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There are many applications coming from geomorphological studies and their different constitutive and inter related elements, to the implementation of public politics of planning and environmental management. This search presents an analysis of the environmental fragility of the watershed of Seridó River, situated between the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), including the identification of possible unstable areas. It is based on the methodological approach of Ecodynamics of the French researcher J. Tricart (1977) and on the operalisation proposal advocated by the Brazilian J. Ross (1994), related to the Potential and Emerging Ecodynamic Units, grounded in the Relief s Dissection Index or the topographic roughness, soil, rainfall and land use/vegetal cover. Under a quantitative perspective, the results obtained from the analysis of the watershed can be divided into classes of potential fragility: around 2.613,0 km² of low intensity, 5.188,4 km² of medium intensity and 2.585,5 km² of high intensity. Concerning the emerging fragility, the results are close to 2.212,0 km² of low intensity, 6.191,23 km² of medium intensity and 2.062,34 km² of high intensity. In the case of the watershed in question, the environmental degradation is particularly effective in the areas more dissected, where the ecological conditions, in synergy the environmental degradation, prevent the regeneration of vegetation when arises an opportunity for the (re)establishment of its equilibrium tenuous. The collected data is relevant for the territorial and environmental planning of the watershed, once we can still verify a close association of the cities on the central area of desertification with the areas of high environmental instability/fragility. This is an important tool to the understanding of the potential susceptibility of the natural and anthropic environments related to the advance and/or intensification of the erosion process, rock falls, mass movements, among other phenomena inside the potential unstable areas. From this perspective, the continuity of this research becomes extremely important to the understanding and arrangement of the process, together with the engendering and sustainability of the system in its totality; in narrow correlation because their potentialities, constraints and alternatives on Seridó River watershed, and in all the semi-arid region with similar characteristics


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Issues concerning coastal regions, especially the beaches have sparked quite complex because studies are there that most people in the world has secured housing, mainly from the half of the last century, without concern for the natural dynamics of these environments, which have complex interactions of continental and oceanic, coastal responsible for changes in locations that can be perceived in a few years and sometimes even a few days or hours. The search took as main goal, analyze the Genipabu Beach, in the municipality of Extremoz/RN, fragile environment and rapid momentum, which has been occupied in a disorderly and unplanned. Carried out a beach monitoring through profiles beach environments: defined stages morphodynamics; realization of characterize hydrodynamic processes; identification of changes in the landscape. To this end, made necessary a survey from the bibliographic collection for theoretical and conceptual rationale. An empirical step for conducting the environmental characterization of hydrodynamics, leveling and topographic analysis of sediments (in laboratory), for observation of changes in features, influenced, and natural dynamics, anthropic action that increasingly comes taking the characteristics from the natural landscape. Underlines therefore the importance of academic studies in several areas in these environments, for setting up a coastal zoning giving public subsidies for managers for managing and planning the use and occupation of the coast in their areas


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This work aims to understand the ways in which the social practices and the scenery within a public space located at the city centre of Mossoró - RN, named `The Cultural Corridor` , are constructed. The public space in question will be looked at and analyzed considering it`s components and specificities that, in relation to each other, work as a `public scenario`. The concept of `scenario` is the key for explaining the human actions in the physical space, that is, in the Cultural Corridor. This work also discusses about the action of the public in general and the political groups, and their relationship, within the context of the social practices related to the use of the Cultural Corridor`s space


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Hydrographic basins always exercised a big fascination over humankind that attracted for its scenery beauty or for its richness in natural resources, had been acting in order to modify these important ecosystems without, therefore, considering the possible consequences of these changes. The attributed importance to the coast ecosystems, in eminence to the hydrographic basin of Punaú river and adjacent areas, is had when it s verified the diversity of the ecosystems that contemplate it. Hydrographic basin in evidence in Rio Grande do Norte state, occupies an area of nearly 652.71 km², being it sited in the homogeneous micro-region Litoral Nordeste, with a regional population estimated in nearly 75,188 inhabitants, according to the Anuário Estatístico do Rio Grande do Norte 2004. The region of the researched basin is formed by seven municipal districts related as it follows: Maxaranguape, Pedra Grande, Pureza, Rio do Fogo, São Miguel de Touros, Taipu and Touros, but Maxaranguape, Rio do Fogo, Touros and Pureza have a direct participation in the basin. Basin in study have it lands evaluated according to the agriculturist aptitude by the conventionally methodology practiced in the country, having as objective, then, a compara-tive analysis between the ambient unities, Aeolian littoral and coast tray, identified in the researched area. From the characterization of the physic way of the area in study and owning the kept data, it was proceeded the integrated analysis of the structural elements of the landscape which were evidenced that the fragile areas are associated with the areas of agriculture cultivation, such as the ones of irregular occupation. About the degradation, the ambient diagnostic of the basin indicated that the equivalent to the Aeolian Littoral Ambient Unit correspond to the bigger pledging of the ambient quality, in other words, high ambient fragility, being this result due to the use and occupation of the soil, propitiating this way, vulnerability in the vegetal cover of the area, despite it disposes of a low agriculture cultivation percentage. Already in the Coast Ambient Tray, is emphasized the medium ambient fragility, despite of the high index of cultivated area. In a general way, the total area of the hydrographic basin of Punaú river and adjacent areas presented ambient impacts over the tolerance limit, indicating the necessity of a review of the practices of use and handling of the soil, reforesting of the water courses edges, control of erosion and contamination of the aqueous in the perspective to reduce the effects of the impacts due to the use and occupation of the basin in regard. The present search evaluated the ambient impacts diagnosised in the hydrographic basin of Punaú river and adjacent areas, pointing the causes and the probable consequences of the damages caused by these impacts to the basin ambient. From the analysis of these data, if was possible to become explicit how they are fundamental as key elements in the process of decision taking in the ambient questions


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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El presente trabajo se constituye en un estudio sobre la pobreza y las desigualdades socio territoriales en el Brasil, problematizando la perspectiva territorial de las políticas públicas sociales observando la distribución espacial del Índice de Desarrollo de las familias (IDF) en el municipio de Pau dos Ferros/RN, así como las principales políticas sociales, a ejemplo del Programa Bolsa Familia. En este sentido, el objetivo principal de esa disertación se dió en la tentativa de comprender la importancia de la lectura previa del territorio para la reflexión sobre la pobreza en su aspecto multidimensional y para la territorialización de las políticas Públicas sociales construidas en el intento de minimizar la problemática de la desigualdad social, observando la distribución espacial do IDF en el municipio de Pau dos Ferros/RN. A partir del objetivo general trazado, hicimos una revisión teórica sobre los temas, pobreza, desigualdades sociales y políticas públicas, en el primero caso atentando para el aspecto multidimensional de esta, abogando la importancia de analizarnos la pobreza no apenas por el nivel de rienda, pero considerando otras dimensiones que corroboran para la constitución del ser pobre, como habitaciones precarias, falta de saneamiento básico e infraestructura, el no acceso a la salud, la educación y los otros servicios que posibilitan el individuo vivir con el mejor dignidad. Comprendiendo la importancia del conocimiento previo del territorio para que ocurra las debidas reflexiones e intervenciones en la realidad territorial buscamos reflexionar acerca de ese concepto en sus nexos con la construcción e implementación de las políticas públicas sociales teniendo la Política Nacional de Asistencia Social (PNAS) como política esencial y también el el Programa Bolsa Familia (PBF), una vez que buscamos compreender su importancia a partir de la visión del sujeto, o sea las beneficiadas del PBF en el Municipio de Pau dos Ferros. Para tanto, hicimos entrevistas orales con las beneficiadas del PBF que fueron elegidas aislada a partir de los equipos del CRAS, además de la aplicación de cuestionarios semiesctructurados y abiertos con gestores y asistentes sociales del muninicipio.Buscamos además trabajar con algunos datos del CadÚnico para el município en estudio proponiendo analisar las condiciones sociales y económicas de las famílias cadastradas. Algunos resultados fueron posibles, a saber, es necesario interpretarse la pobreza a partir de varias dimensiones para no tener el riesgo de quedarnos solamente en la perspectiva financiera, o sea de la rienda, que mismo sirva para lo emergencial no es suficiente para transformar las condiciones de vida de las famílias; PNAS puede ser considerada como un avanzo de la política social en el Brasil una vez que posuye importancia fundamental en la familia. Sin embargo, es preciso avanzar en la interpretación del territorio que en la política y en el habla de los agentes sociales , es interpretación apenas como un recorte donde deberán ocurrir las acciones para minimizar la pobreza ; al fin, o PBF es un programa de urgencia moral una vez que combate lo mas emergencial que es el directo de sobrevivir , pero aun no conseguió transformar de una manera significativa la pobreza en el país


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Durante a pesquisa visando à elaboração do relatório antropológico de Boa Vista dos Negros, comunidade quilombola do Seridó (RN), verificamos que o grupo conserva uma longa memória genealógica e que, apesar das mudanças ocorridas na organização econômica e social do grupo, as principais formas de solidariedade foram mantidas. Queremos, aqui, refletir sobre a importância da noção de família, a transmissão dos nomes e da memória genealógica na definição do território quilombola. Na ocasião, serão analisados como os elementos da cultura tradicional são ressignificados ao longo do processo de afirmação étnica


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CAVIGNAC, J. A. . Os filhos de Tereza: narrativas e religiosidade na Boa Vista dos Negros/RN. Tomo, São Cristovão, SE, n. 11, p. 77-102, jul./dez. 2007. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 16 mar. 2015.


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This is the first record of Amblyomma rotundatum parasitizing Paleosuchus palpebrosus. This record was made during a herpetofaunal study carried out in high-elevation habitats that are under protection in the mountain range "Serra do Amolar", located in the western border of Brazilian Pantanal, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.


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The present study describes the morphology and ultrastructure of the salivary glands of semi-engorged females of the southern cattle-tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. The acini that compose these glands, at that specific feeding stage, show cells featuring degenerative process of the salivary glands, such as: vacuolated cytoplasm, condensed chromatin, fragmented nuclei, and presence of apoptotic bodies. In addition, the presence of microorganisms was detected, with morphology typical of protozoa, inside these organs. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.