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Lo studio svolto in merito alle tecniche di produzione di componenti strutturali in materiale composito ha permesso il raggiungimento di una precisa consapevolezza dello stato dell’arte del settore, in particolare in riferimento ai processi attualmente utilizzati per l’industrializzazione in media-grande serie. Con l’obiettivo di sintetizzare i principali vantaggi delle tecnologie suddette e permettere la realizzazione di forme più complesse, si è proceduto all’analisi di fattibilità, attraverso uno studio funzionale e una prima progettazione di una tecnologia di produzione per nastratura automatizzata di componenti strutturali in materiale composito. Si è voluto quindi dimostrare la flessibilità e la consistenza del processo disegnando un telaio nastrato in carbonio, intercambiabile al telaio FSAE 2009 in tubolare d’acciaio (stessi punti di attacco motore, punti di attacco telaietto posteriore, attacchi sospensioni anteriori) e che garantisca un sostanziale vantaggio in termini di peso, a pari rigidezza torsionale. La caratterizzazione di tale telaio è stata eseguita mediante l'utilizzo del calcolo strutturale, validato da prove sperimentali.


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The use of Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a platelet concentrate made of autogenous blood, is becoming use in the treatment of some orthopaedic diseases. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of PRP on articular cartilage defects in a rabbit model (10 subjects). Twenty osteochondral defects created in the femoropatellar groove, were in ten cases left untreated and in ten cases treated with autogenous PRP. PRP was obtained using a double centrifugation of the rabbit’s blood harvested before the operation. 30 days after the lesion was made in both knee, the left one in each rabbit was treated by a PRP injection, followed by other two injection at 45 and 60 days. Tissue specimens were assessed by macroscopic examination and histological evaluation, that showed a better healing of the lesions in the knee treated with PRP injections.


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The fall of the Berlin Wall opened the way for a reform path – the transition process – which accompanied ten former Socialist countries in Central and South Eastern Europe to knock at the EU doors. By the way, at the time of the EU membership several economic and structural weaknesses remained. A tendency towards convergence between the new Member States (NMS) and the EU average income level emerged, together with a spread of inequality at the sub-regional level, mainly driven by the backwardness of the agricultural and rural areas. Several progresses were made in evaluating the policies for rural areas, but a shared definition of rurality is still missing. Numerous indicators were calculated for assessing the effectiveness of the Common Agricultural Policy and Rural Development Policy. Previous analysis on the Central and Eastern European countries found that the characteristics of the most backward areas were insufficiently addressed by the policies enacted; the low data availability and accountability at a sub-regional level, and the deficiencies in institutional planning and implementation represented an obstacle for targeting policies and payments. The next pages aim at providing a basis for understanding the connections between the peculiarities of the transition process, the current development performance of NMS and the EU role, with particular attention to the agricultural and rural areas. Applying a mixed methodological approach (multivariate statistics, non-parametric methods, spatial econometrics), this study contributes to the identification of rural areas and to the analysis of the changes occurred during the EU membership in Hungary, assessing the effect of CAP introduction and its contribution to the convergence of the Hungarian agricultural and rural. The author believes that more targeted – and therefore efficient – policies for agricultural and rural areas require a deeper knowledge of their structural and dynamic characteristics.


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Die vorliegende Magisterarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Produktivitaet bürokratischer Routinen am Centre for National Culture in Wa, Nordwestghana. Staat, Nation und nationale Kultur sind keine fest umgrenzten Entitäten, sondern entstehen in einem andauernden Prozess der Aushandlung und Bedeutungszuschreibung und in der permanenten Reproduzierung ihrer Grenzen und Kategorien. Bürokratische Routinen und administrativen Prozesse werden als jene Praktiken betrachtet, die Kultur nationalisieren. Die Arbeit geht der Frage nach, wie sich die stete Reproduktion der räumlichen Verortung des Staats durch bürokratische Routinen auf die Grenzen von Kultur und die Kategorien, in denen Kultur gedacht wird, auswirkt. Das wichtigste Schlagwort ghanaischer Kulturpolitik ist „unity in diversity“. Einer Vielzahl „lokaler Kulturen“ soll ihr rechtmäßiger Platz im nationalen Potpourri eingeräumt werden, aber die gewünschte Vielfalt darf keine politische Sprengkraft entwickeln. Die zentrale Aufgabe staatlicher Kulturinstitutionen in Ghana ist daher, die „rohe Kultur“ (die im Dorf verortet wird), zu choreographieren. Die Verwaltungspraxis der Kulturbeamten unterstellt die Einheit lokaler Kulturgrenzen (wo auch immer man die ziehen würde) mit den politisch-administrativen Grenzen, nach denen die Kulturinstitutionen organisiert sind, und trägt auf diese Weise zur Naturalisierung staatlicher Kulturgrenzen bei.


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In the last 20-30 years, the implementation of new technologies from the research centres to the food industry process was very fast. The infrared thermography is a tool used in many fields, including agriculture and food science technology, because of it's important qualities like non-destructive method, it is fast, it is accurate, it is repeatable and economical. Almost all the industrial food processors have to use the thermal process to obtain an optimal product respecting the quality and safety standards. The control of temperature of food products during the production, transportation, storage and sales is an essential process in the food industry network. This tool can minimize the human error during the control of heat operation, and reduce the costs with personal. In this thesis the application of infrared thermography (IRT) was studies for different products that need a thermal process during the food processing. The background of thermography was presented, and also some of its applications in food industry, with the benefits and limits of applicability. The measurement of the temperature of the egg shell during the heat treatment in natural convection and with hot-air treatment was compared with the calculated temperatures obtained by a simplified finite element model made in the past. The complete process shown a good results between calculated and observed temperatures and we can say that this technique can be useful to control the heat treatments for decontamination of egg using the infrared thermography. Other important application of IRT was to determine the evolution of emissivity of potato raw during the freezing process and the control non-destructive control of this process. We can conclude that the IRT can represent a real option for the control of thermal process from the food industry, but more researches on various products are necessary.


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Der Ökotourismus hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einer Tourismussparte entwickelt, die nicht nur immer mehr Interessenten unter den Nutzern findet, sondern auch vielfältige Forschungsmöglichkeiten eröffnet.rnAus interdisziplinärer Betrachtungsweise kann man sowohl in den Gebieten der Biologie, der Wirtschaft, der Geographie, aber auch der Politik forschend tätig werden. rnDa der Tourismus in den letzten Jahren eine immer größere Bedeutung gerade für Länder mit weitestgehend intakten Naturressourcen erlangt hat, stellt sich die Frage inwieweit die Wirtschaft eines Landes auf diese Einnahmequelle angewiesen ist und ob nicht die ökologischen Belange immer weiter in den Hintergrund treten.rnAus diesem Ansatz heraus erfolgte zunächst eine qualitative und quantitative Bestandsaufnahme, die ein klares Bild vom derzeitigen Zustand in der Region ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus werden im Rahmen der Untersuchungen Zukunftsperspektiven aufgezeigt. Diese sollen verdeutlichen, inwieweit man steuernd in solche dynamischen Entwicklungsprozesse eingreifen kann oder soll.rnDie Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit liegen in dem Bereich der Befragung von Touristen und in der Ausarbeitung eines digitalen Geländemodells zur späteren Nutzung in einem aufzubauenden Nationalpark-Infozentrum. Auf der Grundlage dieser Untersuchungen wurde ein touristisches Nutzungskonzept entwickelt und auf seine ökologischen Umsetzungschancen hin untersucht. Der Aspekt des Ökotourismus wird einleitend erörtert und definiert. Anschließend werden die Potenziale der norwegischen Tourismuswirtschaft untersucht. Die Befragungsergebnisse sowohl der norwegischen Besucher als auch der ausländischen Touristen werden in verschiedenen Korrelationen näher untersucht.rnEin gesonderter Bereich der Untersuchungen gilt dem Problemfeld des Wildcampings in Norwegen. Die dramatischen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre rufen immer mehr Aktivisten auf den Plan. Da die Deutschen die größte Besuchergruppe darstellen, wurden innerhalb der Jahre 2003 bis 2006 Einzelinterviews geführt, um einen Überblick über das Übernachtungsverhalten der Deutschen in Norwegen gewinnen zu können. In den vergangenen 10 Jahren sind die deutschen Besucherzahlen in Norwegen leicht rückläufig, während die der Niederländer kontinuierlich steigen.rnAuf diesen Ergebnissen basierend wurden problemzentrierte Interviews mit Wohnmobilreisenden, der größten Gruppe der Individualreisenden, durchgeführt. rnMehr als 600.000 Nächte pro Jahr verbrachten die deutschen Wohnmobilreisenden außerhalb der Campingplätze, was ökologische und ökonomische Auswirkungen hat und nicht mehr mit dem in Norwegen geltenden „Allemansrett“, dem Jedermannsrecht, vereinbar ist. rnGerade die Touristen, die mit dem Wohnmobil reisen, können nur schwer mit anderen Reisenden verglichen werden, da sie mit einer völlig anderen Reiseauffassung mehr oder weniger autark unterwegs sind. Dabei legen sie besonders große Distanzen zurück und haben sich zum Ziel gesetzt, möglichst viel in kurzer Zeit zu sehen und zu erleben. Für alle Touristengruppen wurde untersucht, auf welchem Weg die Informationen für die geplante Reise beschafft wurden. Der Reiseführer ist der hauptsächliche Informationslieferant und ist teilweise für das Verhalten der Urlauber mitverantwortlich. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass das Image des Landes und die Reisemotive das Reiseverhalten und die Wahrnehmung determinieren. Eine Untersuchung der so genannten Pull- und Push-Faktoren ergab, dass die nahezu noch unberührte Natur, die raue Landschaft sowie Ruhe und Erholung die entscheidenden Pull-Faktoren für Norwegenreisende sind. Dabei überprägt das Image Norwegens als „wildes Naturland“ die Wahrnehmung für verschiedene Problembereiche, die in Norwegen, wie auch in vielen anderen Ländern Europas, durchaus vorhanden sind. rnProblemfelder, wie Landschaftsausbeutung, Wildcamping, reduziertes Konsumverhalten und damit einhergehende rückläufige Besucherzahlen, können aber durch innovative Tourismuskonzepte und neue Reiseformen abgebaut werden. Hierbei sind Medien, wie Reiseführer, Internet und Reisemagazine, in die Pflicht zu nehmen.


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Thrust fault-related folds in carbonate rocks are characterized by deformation accommodated by different structures, such as joints, faults, pressure solution seams, and deformation bands. Defining the development of fracture systems related to the folding process is significant both for theoretical and practical purposes. Fracture systems are useful constrains in order to understand the kinematical evolution of the fold. Furthermore, understanding the relationships between folding and fracturing provides a noteworthy contribution for reconstructing the geodynamic and the structural evolution of the studied area. Moreover, as fold-related fractures influence fluid flow through rocks, fracture systems are relevant for energy production (geothermal studies, methane and CO2 , storage and hydrocarbon exploration), environmental and social issues (pollutant distribution, aquifer characterization). The PhD project shows results of a study carried out in a multilayer carbonate anticline characterized by different mechanical properties. The aim of this study is to understand the factors which influence the fracture formation and to define their temporal sequence during the folding process. The studied are is located in the Cingoli anticline (Northern Apennines), which is characterized by a pelagic multilayer characterized by sequences with different mechanical stratigraphies. A multi-scale analysis has been made in several outcrops located in different structural positions. This project shows that the conceptual sketches proposed in literature and the strain distribution models outline well the geometrical orientation of most of the set of fractures observed in the Cingoli anticline. On the other hand, the present work suggests the relevance of the mechanical stratigraphy in particular controlling the type of fractures formed (e.g. pressure solution seams, joints or shear fractures) and their subsequent evolution. Through a multi-scale analysis, and on the basis of the temporal relationship between fracture sets and their orientation respect layering, I also suggest a conceptual model for fracture systems formation.


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The quench characteristics of second generation (2 G) YBCO Coated Conductor (CC) tapes are of fundamental importance for the design and safe operation of superconducting cables and magnets based on this material. Their ability to transport high current densities at high temperature, up to 77 K, and at very high fields, over 20 T, together with the increasing knowledge in their manufacturing, which is reducing their cost, are pushing the use of this innovative material in numerous system applications, from high field magnets for research to motors and generators as well as for cables. The aim of this Ph. D. thesis is the experimental analysis and numerical simulations of quench in superconducting HTS tapes and coils. A measurements facility for the characterization of superconducting tapes and coils was designed, assembled and tested. The facility consist of a cryostat, a cryocooler, a vacuum system, resistive and superconducting current leads and signal feedthrough. Moreover, the data acquisition system and the software for critical current and quench measurements were developed. A 2D model was developed using the finite element code COMSOL Multiphysics R . The problem of modeling the high aspect ratio of the tape is tackled by multiplying the tape thickness by a constant factor, compensating the heat and electrical balance equations by introducing a material anisotropy. The model was then validated both with the results of a 1D quench model based on a non-linear electric circuit coupled to a thermal model of the tape, to literature measurements and to critical current and quench measurements made in the cryogenic facility. Finally the model was extended to the study of coils and windings with the definition of the tape and stack homogenized properties. The procedure allows the definition of a multi-scale hierarchical model, able to simulate the windings with different degrees of detail.


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Durch geologische Prozesse freigesetzte sowie biogen und anthropogen emittierte Gase werden hauptsächlich von der untersten Atmosphärenschicht, der Troposphäre, aufgenommen und abgebaut. Durch in die Troposphä¬re einfallende solare Strahlung wird ein Abbau des Großteils der emittierten Spurengase durch reaktive Radikale initiiert. Der wichtigste Vertreter dieser reaktiven Radikale in der Troposphäre ist das Hydroxylradikal (OH-Radikal), welches im schnellen Gleichgewicht mit Hydroperoxyradikalen (HO2-Radikal) vorliegt, sodass die Summe aus OH- und HO2-Radikalen oft als HOx zusammengefasst wird. HOx-Radikale bilden tagsüber den Hauptteil der Oxidationskapazität der Troposphäre und sind somit verantwortlich für den oxidativen Abbau vieler, auch chemisch und photolytisch stabiler, Spurengase. Daher wird die Oxidationskapazität als Selbstreinigungskraft der Troposphäre verstanden. rnIm Rahmen meiner Arbeit wurde die wissenschaftliche Fragestellung auf die Oxidationskapazität der Troposphäre über Europa fokussiert. Die Höhen- und Breitenverteilung der OH- und HO2-Mischungsverhältnisse und ihre jahreszeitliche Variation wurde während der flugzeuggestützten HOOVER-Kampagnen (HOOVER 1 & 2) charakterisiert, wobei ein Fokus auf der oberen Troposphäre lag. Es wird gezeigt, welchen Einfluss die einfallende Strahlung, die Variation von HOx-Vorläufersubstanzen (wie z. B. Ozon) und die Variation von Substanzen, die das HOx-Gleichgewicht beeinflussen (z. B. Stickstoffmonoxid), auf das HOx-Budget haben. rnEs wird beispielhaft für den Höhenbereich zwischen 8 und 9.5 km gezeigt, dass die Oxidationskapazität in der oberen Troposphäre des Sommers im Ver¬gleich zu der des Herbstes aufgrund von einer verstärkten HO2-Zyklierung im Mittel deutlich erhöht ist (500 %). rnDurch konvektiven Transport werden im Sommer im Gegensatz zum Herbst regelmäßig Luftmassen aus der planetaren Grenzschicht in die obere Troposphäre eingemischt. Daher wurden der konvektive Luftmassentransport und der Einfluss der eingemischten Spurengase auf die Oxidationskapazität der oberen Troposphäre anhand eines konvektiven Elements über Südostdeutschland untersucht. Wie in dieser Arbeit berichtet wird, wurden in den Luftmassen der Ausströmregion mit bis zu 3.5 pmol/mol (Maximum 10 s-Mittelwert) sehr hohe OH-Mischungsverhältnisse gefunden, die aus der HO2-Konversion mit NO gebildet wurden. Das modellierte HOx-Budget zeigt, dass die HOx-Chemie - unter den beobachteten Bedingungen in der Ausströmregion - durch HOx-Zyklierungsreaktionen beherrscht wird. rnDie gemessenen OH-Mischungsverhältnisse in der Ausströmregion liegen etwa um einen Faktor fünf höher, als die während dieses Fluges in der konvektiv unbeeinflussten oberen Troposphäre gemessenen OH-Mischungsverhältnisse. Am Beispiel der NO2- und CH4-Lebensdauer wird ein schnellerer Abbau von Spurengasen aufgrund der erhöhten Oxidationskapazität nachgewiesen. Aus der NO2-Lebensdauer wird abgeschätzt, wie lange die Oxidationskapazität aufgrund des konvektiven Transports von NOx in den Luftmassen des Ausströmgebietes erhöht ist.rnDie während den Kampagnen durchgeführten Messungen wurden genutzt, um Modellberechnungen des vertikalen HOx-Budgets (über Südschweden) und des meridionalen HOx-Budgets zwischen Nordeuropa und Korsika durchzuführen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass das Modell die OH- und HO2-Mischungsverhältnisse im Allgemeinen gut reproduziert (Modell/Messung: OH im Sommer 94 %, HO2 im Sommer 93 % im Herbst 95 %), wohingegen die vergleichsweise kleinen OH-Mischungsverhältnisse im Herbst aufgrund von einer überschätzten H2O2 abhängigen OH-Produktion stark überschätzt wurden (Modell/Messung: 147 %). rnZur Charakterisierung der Oxidationskapazität innerhalb der planetaren Grenzschicht wurden die DOMINO-Kampagnen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde die Zusammensetzung unterschiedlicher Luftmassen untersucht, die aus verschiedenen Herkunftsorten zum Messort transportiert wurden und aufgrund ihres Ursprungs kaum prozessierte bis prozessierte anthropogen emittierte Spurengase enthielten. Zusätzlich enthielt ein Teil der Luftmassen biogen emittierte Spurengase. Komplementäre Messungen ermöglichen die Berechnung der totalen OH-Produktion und den Vergleich mit den bekannten OH-Quellen. Der Vergleich zeigt, dass offenbar wichtige OH-Produktionskanäle durch die gemessenen Spurengase oder die durchgeführten Berechnungen nicht abgebildet werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Stärke der unbekannten OH-Quellen, vor allem unter niedrigen NO-Bedingungen, groß ist und mit den Isopren-, RO2- und HO2-Mischungsverhältnissen korreliert.rn


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Il rachide è stato suddiviso in tre colonne da Denis: anteriore e centrale comprendono la metà anteriore del corpo vertebrale, la metà posteriore e l’inizio dei peduncoli, mentre la colonna posteriore comprende l’arco e i peduncoli stessi. In caso di resezione o lesione della colonna anteriore e media è indicata la ricostruzione. Diverse tecniche e materiali possono essere usati per ricostruire il corpo vertebrale. Innesti vascolarizzati, autograft, allograft sono stati usati, così come impianti sintetici di titanio o materiale plastico come il PEEK (Poly etere etere ketone). Tutti questi materiali hanno vantaggi e svantaggi in termini di proprietà intrinseche, resistenza meccanica, modulo di elasticità, possibilità di trasmissione malattie, capacità di fondersi con l’osso ospite o meno. Le soluzioni più usate sono le cage in titanio o carbonio, il PMMA ( Poli methil metacrilato), gli innesti ossei massivi. Si è effettuato uno studio di coorte retrospettivo paragonando due gruppi di pazienti oncologici spinali trattati da due chirurghi esperti in un centro di riferimento, con vertebrectomia e ricostruzione della colonna anteriore: un gruppo con cage in carbonio o titanio, l’altro gruppo con allograft massivo armato di innesto autoplastico o mesh in titanio. Si sono confrontati i risultati in termini di cifosi segmenterai evolutiva, fusione ossea e qualità di vita del paziente. Il gruppo delle cage in carbonio / titanio ha avuto risultati leggermente migliori dal punto di vista biomeccanico ma non statisticamente significativo, mentre dal punto di vista della qualità di vita i risultati sono stati migliori nel gruppo allograft. Non ci sono stati fallimenti meccanici della colonna anteriore in entrambi i gruppi, con un Fu tra 12 e 60 mesi. Si sono paragonati anche i costi delle due tecniche. In conclusione l’allogar è una tecnica sicura ed efficace, con proprietà meccaniche solide, soprattutto se armato con autograft o mesi in titanio.


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Organic electronics is an emerging field with a vast number of applications having high potential for commercial success. Although an enormous progress has been made in this research area, many organic electronic applications such as organic opto-electronic devices, organic field effect transistors and organic bioelectronic devices still require further optimization to fulfill the requirements for successful commercialization. The main bottle neck that hinders large scale production of these devices is their performances and stability. The performance of the organic devices largely depends on the charge transport processes occurring at the interfaces of various material that it is composed of. As a result, the key ingredient needed for a successful improvement in the performance and stability of organic electronic devices is an in-depth knowledge of the interfacial interactions and the charge transport phenomena taking place at different interfaces. The aim of this thesis is to address the role of the various interfaces between different material in determining the charge transport properties of organic devices. In this framework, I chose an Organic Field Effect Transistor (OFET) as a model system to carry out this study as it An OFET offers various interfaces that can be investigated as it is made up of stacked layers of various material. In order to probe the intrinsic properties that governs the charge transport, we have to be able to carry out thorough investigation of the interactions taking place down at the accumulation layer thickness. However, since organic materials are highly instable in ambient conditions, it becomes quite impossible to investigate the intrinsic properties of the material without the influence of extrinsic factors like air, moisture and light. For this reason, I have employed a technique called the in situ real-time electrical characterization technique which enables electrical characterization of the OFET during the growth of the semiconductor.


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SUMOylation is a highly dynamic and reversible posttranslational protein modification closely related to ubiquitination. SUMOylation regulates a vast array of different cellular functions, such as cell cycle, nuclear transport, DNA damage response, proliferation and transcriptional activation. Several groups have shown in in vitro studies how important SUMOylation is for early B cell development and survival as well as for later plasma cell differentiation. This thesis focuses on the deSUMOylation protease SENP1 and its in vivo effects on B cell development and differentiation. For this a conditional SENP1 knockout mouse model was crossed to the CD19-Cre mouse strain to generate a B cell specific SENP1 knockout mouse.rnIn our conditional SENP1ff CD19-Cre mouse model we observed normal numbers of all B cell subsets in the bone marrow. However in the spleen we observed an impairment of B cell survival, based on a 50% reduction of the follicular B cell compartment, whereas the marginal zone B cell compartment was unchanged. T cell numbers were comparable to control mice. rnFurther, impairments of B cell survival in SENP1ff CD19-Cre mice were analysed after in vivo blocking of IL7R signalling. The αIL7R treatment in mature mice blocked new B cell formation in the bone marrow and increased apoptosis rates could be observed in splenic SENP1 KO B cells. Additionally, a higher turnover rate of B cells was measured by in vivo BrdU incorporation.rnSince it is known that the majority of transcription factors that are important for the maintenance of the germinal centre reaction or for induction of plasma cell development are SUMOylated, the question arose, how defective deSUMOylation will manifest itself in these processes. The majority of in vitro cultured splenic B cells, stimulated to undergo class switch recombination and plasma cell differentiation underwent activation induced cell death. However, the surviving cells increasingly differentiated into IgM expressing plasma cells. Class switch recombination to IgG1 was reduced. These observations stood in line with observation made in in vivo sheep red blood cell immunization experiments, which showed increased amounts of germinal centres and germinal centre B cells, as well as increased amounts of plasma cells differentiation in combination with decreased class switch to IgG1.rnThese results lead to the conclusion that SENP1 KO B cells increasingly undergo apoptosis, however, B cells that survive SENP1 deficiency are more prone to undergo plasma cell differentiation. Further, the precursors of these plasma cells either are not as capable of undergoing class switch recombination or they do switch to IgG1 and succumb to activation induced cell death. One possible explanation for both scenarios could be a defective DNA damage response mechanisms during class switch recombination, caused by impaired deSUMOylation. rn


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The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the differences in the phraseological patterns used by Italian and English translators and interpreters through the intermodal corpus EPTIC_01_2011. First, the most important studies and theories about corpus linguistics and collocations are introduced. After defining the notion of “corpus”, the different types of corpora are categorised, giving particular attention to the intermodal one. Then the dissertation focuses on a description of collocations, as defined by the main linguistics scholars, and it describes some attempts to apply corpus linguistics to the study of collocations. Secondly, EPTIC_01_2011 is presented, with a description of its structure and of the text editing process carried out applying specific editing conventions and adding a set of metadata before each text. The analysis of collocation candidate bigrams (adjective+noun/noun+adjective) from a quantitative point of view, was conducted applying a methodology adapted from Durrant and Schmitt (2009). Qualitative analysis was also performed on a subsection of the data. The results of the study are presented through examples and graphs, giving particular attention to the interpretation of the data analysed from a qualitative perspective. Finally, results are summarised and categorised, and suggestions are made concerning the diverging choices made in translation and interpreting. The final section concentrates on further studies that could be carried out in the future, as well as on suggestions for corpus enlargement.


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OBJECTIVE: Myofibroblasts are responsible for contraction and scarring after cleft palate repair. This leads to growth disturbances in the upper jaw. We hypothesized that cells from the bone marrow are recruited to palatal wounds and differentiate into myofibroblasts. METHODS: We transplanted bone marrow from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic rats into lethally irradiated wild-type rats. After recovery, experimental wounds were made in the palatal mucoperiosteum, and harvested 2 weeks later. GFP-expressing cells were identified using immunostaining. Myofibroblasts, activated fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and myeloid cells were quantified with specific markers. RESULTS: After transplantation, 89 ± 8.9% of mononuclear cells in the blood expressed the GFP and about 50% of adherent cells in the bone marrow. Tissue obtained during initial wounding contained only minor numbers of GFP-positive cells, like adjacent control tissue. Following wound healing, 8.1 ± 5.1% of all cells in the wound area were positive, and 5.0 ± 4.0% of the myofibroblasts, which was significantly higher than in adjacent tissue. Similar percentages were found for activated fibroblasts and endothelial cells, but for myeloid cells it was considerably higher (22 ± 9%). CONCLUSIONS: Bone marrow-derived cells contribute to palatal wound healing, but are not the main source of myofibroblasts. In small wounds, the local precursor cells are probably sufficient to replenish the defect.


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Three-month anticoagulation is recommended to treat provoked or first distal deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), and indefinite-duration anticoagulation should be considered for patients with unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT. In the prospective Outpatient Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Switzerland (OTIS-DVT) Registry of 502 patients with acute objectively confirmed lower extremity DVT (59% provoked or first distal DVT; 41% unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT) from 53 private practices and 11 hospitals, we investigated the planned duration of anticoagulation at the time of treatment initiation. The decision to administer limited-duration anticoagulation therapy was made in 343 (68%) patients with a median duration of 107 (interquartile range 91-182) days for provoked or first distal DVT, and 182 (interquartile range 111-184) days for unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT. Among patients with provoked or first distal DVT, anticoagulation was recommended for < 3 months in 11%, 3 months in 63%, and for an indefinite period in 26%. Among patients with unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT, anticoagulation was recommended for < 6 months in 22%, 6-12 months in 38%, and for an indefinite period in 40%. Overall, there was more frequent planning of indefinite-duration therapy from hospital physicians as compared with private practice physicians (39% vs. 28%; p=0.019). Considerable inconsistency in planning the duration of anticoagulation therapy mandates an improvement in risk stratification of outpatients with acute DVT.