855 resultados para Network of on-line learning


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Many, if not all, aspects of our everyday lives are related to computers and control. Microprocessors and wireless communications are involved in our lives. Embedded systems are an attracting field because they combine three key factors, small size, low power consumption and high computing capabilities. The aim of this thesis is to study how Linux communicates with the hardware, to answer the question if it is possible to use an operating system like Debian for embedded systems and finally, to build a Mechatronic real time application. In the thesis a presentation of Linux and the Xenomai real time patch is given, the bootloader and communication with the hardware is analyzed. BeagleBone the evaluation board is presented along with the application project consisted of a robot cart with a driver circuit, a line sensor reading a black line and two Xbee antennas. It makes use of Xenomai threads, the real time kernel. According to the obtained results, Linux is able to operate as a real time operating system. The issue of future research is the area of embedded Linux is also discussed.


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The purpose of this major research project was to develop a practical tool in the form of a handbook that could facilitate educators’ effective use of technology in primary and junior classrooms. The main goal was to explore the use of iPad devices and applications in the literacy classroom. The study audited available free applications against set criteria and selected only those that promoted 21st-century learning. The researcher used such applications to develop literacy lessons that aligned with curriculum expectations and promoted 21st-century skills and traditional skills alike. The study also created assessment models to evaluate the use of iPads in student work and explored the benefits and limitations of technology usage in student learning.


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Clipping from a Town Council meeting at which estimates of the costs of Railway Line no. 1 and Line no. 2 were submitted by the office of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway. The estimate was submitted by S.D. Woodruff and George Rykert, president. There is also a disclaimer in which Calvin Phelps claims to have resigned as director of the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway when he discovered that the company had no intention to adhere to the original plan for building and running the road, Aug. 1854.


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Letter of estimate sent to S.D. Woodruff for the total cost of construction and equipment of the extension of the line to Port Colborne [this is unsigned]. There is an envelope with this letter that suggests that it is from Mr. Shanly, Mar. 12, 1857.


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Report sent to the President and Director of the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway stating that the location of the line extension of the railway is completed. The distance from Thorold Station to Port Colborne is 20 miles. The estimate provides for construction of a permanent structure across the Chippewa and Welland River. Estimates for building a first class road, culverts and bridges will be of permanent and durable masonry. This includes estimates for various station buildings such as a warehouse in Port Colborne and a warehouse in Port Dalhousie. Surveys and plans are ready and will be registered this week. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff (2 copies) [one appears to be a rough copy] (The rough copy is 5 pages, handwritten and the other copy is 6 pages, handwritten), Apr. 8, 1857.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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The hyperfine structure and isotope shift of ^{221- 226}Ra and ^{212, 214}Ra have been measured in the ionic (Ra 11) transition 7s^2 S_{1/2} - 7p ^2 P_{3/2} (\lamda = 381.4 nm). The method of on-line collinear fast-beam laser spectroscopy has been applied using frequency-doubling of cw dye laser radiation in an external ring cavity. The magnetic hyperfine fields are compared with semi-empirical and ab initio calculations. The analysis of the quadrupole splitting by the same method yields the following, improved values of spectroscopic quadrupole moments: Q_s(^221 Ra)= 1.978(7)b, Q_s (^223 Ra)= 1.254(3)b and the reanalyzed values Q_s(^209 Ra) = 0.40(2)b, Q_s(^211 Ra) = 0.48(2)b, Q_s(^227 Ra)= 1.58(3)b, Q_s (^229 Ra) = 3.09(4)b with an additional scaling uncertainty of ±5%. Furthermore, the J-dependence of the isotope shift is analyzed in both Ra II transitions connecting the 7s^2 S_{1/2} ground state with the first excited doublet 7p^ P_{1/2} and 7p^ P_{3/2}.


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Diese Arbeit behandelt die Problemstellung der modellbasierten Fehlerdiagnose für Lipschitz-stetige nichtlineare Systeme mit Unsicherheiten. Es wird eine neue adaptive Fehlerdiagnosemethode vorgestellt. Erkenntnisse und Verfahren aus dem Bereich der Takagi-Sugeno (TS) Fuzzy-Modellbildung und des Beobachterentwurfs sowie der Sliding-Mode (SM) Theorie werden genutzt, um einen neuartigen robusten und nichtlinearen TS-SM-Beobachter zu entwickeln. Durch diese Zusammenführung lassen sich die jeweiligen Vorteile beider Ansätze miteinander kombinieren. Bedingungen zur Konvergenz des Beobachters werden als lineare Matrizenungleichungen (LMIs) abgeleitet. Diese Bedingungen garantieren zum einen die Stabilität und liefern zum anderen ein direktes Entwurfsverfahren für den Beobachter. Der Beobachterentwurf wird für die Fälle messbarer und nicht messbarer Prämissenvariablen angegeben. Durch die TS-Erweiterung des in dieser Arbeit verwendeten SM-Beobachters ist es möglich, den diskontinuierlichen Rückführterm mithilfe einer geeigneten kontinuierlichen Funktion zu approximieren und dieses Signal daraufhin zur Fehlerdiagnose auszuwerten. Dies liefert eine Methodik zur Aktor- und Sensorfehlerdiagnose nichtlinearer unsicherer Systeme. Gegenüber anderen Ansätzen erlaubt das Vorgehen eine quantitative Bestimmung und teilweise sogar exakte Rekonstruktion des Fehlersignalverlaufs. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht der Ansatz die Berechnung konstanter Fehlerschwellen direkt aus dem physikalischen Vorwissen über das betrachtete System. Durch eine Erweiterung um eine Betriebsphasenerkennung wird es möglich, die Schwellenwerte des Fehlerdiagnoseansatzes online an die aktuelle Betriebsphase anzupassen. Hierdurch ergibt sich in Betriebsphasen mit geringen Modellunsicherheiten eine deutlich erhöhte Fehlersensitivität. Zudem werden in Betriebsphasen mit großen Modellunsicherheiten Falschalarme vermieden. Die Kernidee besteht darin, die aktuelle Betriebsphase mittels eines Bayes-Klassikators in Echtzeit zu ermitteln und darüber die Fehlerschwellen an die a-priori de nierten Unsicherheiten der unterschiedlichen Betriebsphasen anzupassen. Die E ffektivität und Übertragbarkeit der vorgeschlagenen Ansätze werden einerseits am akademischen Beispiel des Pendelwagens und anderseits am Beispiel der Sensorfehlerdiagnose hydrostatisch angetriebener Radlader als praxisnahe Anwendung demonstriert.


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Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone el proceso de formaci??n y desarrollo de un grupo de trabajo formado por profesorado de las distintas etapas educativas. Lo realiza la Delegaci??n de Educaci??n de Granada. El objetivo principal es: fomentar una aut??ntica cultura preventiva mediante la promoci??n de la mejora de la educaci??n en dicha materia en todos los ??mbitos educativos.


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Esta gu??a ha contado con el apoyo del Programa S??crates de la Comisi??n Europea y es una traducci??n al ingl??s editada separadamente de la versi??n espa??ola


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n